Dallas, Texas, USA, 12/01/2015 /SubmitPressRelease123/
In response to increased demand for legal help from entrepreneurs, Internet Lawyer Mike Young announced today that he will now be providing consultations on Saturdays. “These consultations are for both existing and prospective clients who need the flexibility of a weekend consultation because of their busy schedules,” he said. “It’s important to be able to help those who can’t set up an appointment for a weekday.”
When asked what’s covered during a consultation, Attorney Young replied, “About half of all appointments are solely for the purpose of obtaining legal advice about a company website or other ecommerce legal issues. In those cases, the entrepreneur follows the advice given during the consultation and no additional legal assistance is needed. Other consultations typically cover various legal issues ranging from the preparation of technology and ecommerce contracts to the purchase or sale of an online business. These transactional matters frequently involve additional professional legal help after the consultation.”
Young said the easiest way to take advantage of the new Saturday hours is to set up a telephone consultation with him using the Internet law firm’s online scheduling system on the firm’s website. “Just go to MikeYoungLaw.com and pick one of the available appointment times. I’ll call you for your consultation at that time. Of course, it’s on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that if the time slots are filled for a particular Saturday, you’ll want to check the next Saturday if you’re unable to do a consultation Monday through Friday.”
When asked about in-person consultations for business legal help, Young said, “Face-to-face appointments are rare but they are available upon request. Most entrepreneurs, whether they’re based in Dallas or Silicon Valley, want a telephone consultation because they’re more productive. However, in-person appointments can be arranged if you contact me through the firm’s website.”
Attorney Young noted that he only represents business owners in transactional matters. “I don’t do litigation. Frankly, life’s too short to spend years in court. My goal is to protect clients in a way that they don’t get involved in a lawsuit in the first place.”
To learn more about getting Internet legal help for your business, go to
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