
Since our major update of TripleClicks last Tuesday, there has been a significant amount of confusion regarding Member TConnect pages.  Following are some FAQs to alleviate the confusion.

Q: Why did you change the Member TConnect pages?
In order to accommodate numerous overall site improvements at TripleClicks.

Q: What happened to my name and picture?

Member TConnect pages must be anonymous now.  Your Member TConnect page is linked to from your username…which appears on Pricebenders auction bid logs, on various leaderboards, at Eager Zebra games, Member Listings, etc.  Usernames are so that you may play, bid, etc. with anonymity (many people will not participate without this protection).  Similarly, your identity is protected when you sell stuff (and use other types of listings we have coming using Member Listings).  If your TConnect page revealed who you actually are, all of this would be for naught of course.  Therefore, we can’t use your real name and picture on your Member TConnect page.  Note: If you don’t care if everyone knows who you really are, simply make your username your real name (you can make this change by submitting a ticket).

Q: Why a flag for the image?

It’s only temporary.  You will soon be able to create your own personalized avatar to go with your username.

Q: What happened to the list of ECAs I connect with?

It had to be temporarily removed.  This element will be returning shortly, however.

Q: What happened to the list of members I connect with?

Because connections between members served no real purpose, we’ve removed this element for now.  Down the road, when future features make connecting with members valuable, it will return.

Q: What happened to the “stuff I’m selling” tab?

More than 90% of members have no products listed.  So to eliminate this clutter and wasted space, we moved product listings to its own panel underneath your badges.  That is, if you have any Member Listings, they are now displayed in a new carousel banner beneath your badges.  If you aren’t listing any products, you won’t see this panel (as it would be empty).

Q: How can I edit my Member TConnect page?

You can do via the Member Center at https://www.tripleclicks.com/myaccount/.

Q; Where’s the text I used to have at the top of my Member TConnect page?

Due to massive abuse (spamming, cross solicitation, profanity, and other violations), we can no longer offer this.

Q: What about announcements I used to get from the ECAs I connected to?

It’s still there.  You just now click the button in the top right corner of your Member TConnect page to read these posts (and we are working on further enhancements of this element).

Q: All I have displaying on my Member TConnect page is a few badges I won for playing games.  What’s the point of this?

Your TConnect page is designed to show viewers what kind of TripleClicks member you are–with your badges playing a major role.  At the moment, we primarily only have badges for games live.  However, there are NUMEROUS badges on the way, which will provide viewers much, much more information about you, such as how long you’ve been a member, if you’re a W3 member, how many reviews you’ve done, the ECAs and TripleClicks artists you follow, how you are rated as a member by other members, and much more.

Q: I sure miss having my name, picture, and the text, as I used my Member TConnect page for prospecting for SFI.  Is there something else I can use in its place?

Yes, to fill this void, we will soon be introducing brand new prospecting pages, completely personalized for you.  They will feature your phone, name, all of your SFI badges, and much more.  You’ll also be able to add custom text so your page can have a personal message from you.  These new pages should be available in less than 30 days.

Q: I’m an ECA.  These new Member TConnect pages don’t work AT ALL for me to sell my products.  What am I supposed to do?

Remember, there are MEMBER TConnect pages and there are ECA TConnect pages.  We have not made any changes to your ECA TConnect page, which you use exclusively for selling your ECA products at TripleClicks.  So the answer is, just use your ECA TConnect page–as always.

Q: Is this it for the Member TConnect page?  Is there anything else coming?

Yes, there are a number of elements, some from the previous version and some brand new ones that will be appearing in the weeks to come.

Q: Why release this new, unfinished Member TConnect page now?  Why didn’t you wait until everything was ready?

Member TConnect pages are just a small component of the overall TripleClicks site of course.  Numerous major features (everything from payments, to security, to Support, and much more) have been stalled until the rewrite of TripleClicks could go live.  These major features are MUCH more important in the big picture than Member TConnect pages…and it was not possible for the rewrite to go live and keep the old Member TConnect pages.  Therefore, it was necessary to launch the new Member TConnect pages in a “phase 1″ state.  The good news is, the doors have now been opened wide for the introduction of dozens of powerful new additions and improvements at TripleClicks.  Meanwhile, Member TConnect pages will quickly be enhanced.  In short, sometimes you have to take a step backwards to advance forward.  This was the case with Member TConnect pages but, rest assured, this temporary step backwards is well, well worth the minor inconvenience.

Q: Why do things have to change so much?

Great things are built one step at a time.  We intend for TripleClicks to become a billion dollar e-commerce site…and we have a multi-year roadmap for how we will achieve this.  We realize that without seeing this roadmap it can be difficult to understand why we make certain decisions, but please have faith that each and every move we make  is a step towards something extraordinary–which you will come to see and that you will come to benefit from.

Log in at the SFI Affiliate Center, then head over to the FORUM–to the SFI NEWS DISCUSSIONS section–to discuss this announcement with your fellow SFI’ers.

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