Following is the most recent roundup of Wake Forest University School of Law’s faculty research, publications, presentations, honors and awards.
Carol Anderson
Named Founding Academic Fellow of the Pound Civil Justice Institute, a national legal “think tank” created by trial lawyers. This new Fellow category was created to help the Pound Foundation reach out to and collaborate with members of the academic community in the U.S. who have special expertise in areas of interest to the Institute.
Webinar for the National Institute for Trial Advocacy based on her book, “Inside Juror’s Minds: The Hierarchy of Juror Decision-Making.”
Filmed a series of short videos on various topics in trial advocacy to be widely distributed on the web, starting with WFU Law Alumni. (Forthcoming Spring 2014)
Wrote forward for the Japanese translation of “Inside Juror’s Minds: The Hierarchy of Juror Decision-Making.” (Forthcoming March 2014)
Johnathan Cardi
“A Framework for Understanding Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress, ” Conference on Attribution and Apportionment of Responsibility in Tort Cases, University of Sydney, Australia (December 2013)
“Duty as an Element in Title VII Claims?” Conference on Tort Conceptions in Employment Discrimination Law, Ohio State University (November 2013)
The Incoherence of the Common Law (with Albert Yoon). This article explores the dysfunction incoherence of common-law development and application
Remedies, Blackletter Law Series (with Russel Weaver)
“Modern Remedies: Cases, Practical Problems and Exercises” (with Russel L. Weaver, David E. Partlett & Michael B. Kelley) 4d ed. Thompson-West (2014)
“Duty as an Element in Title VII Claims?” Symposium issue of The Ohio State Law Review (Forthcoming 2014)
“The Liability of Public Authorities in the United States” (with Mike Green) The European Group on Tort Law
The Civil Jury: Am American Ir-Resolution, Le Droit Américain Contemporain. Regards Transatlantiques (Pascal Mbongo & Russell L. Weaver, eds., Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille (2013)
Jennifer Collins
Appointed Vice Provost of Wake Forest University (September 2013)
Appointed Dean of the Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law (December 2013)
Laura Graham
“Mastering the Labyrinth: Working Through the Maze of Multiple Acceptances.” Southern Association of Pre-Law Adviser Conference. Atlanta, Ga. (November 2013)
“Pre-Writing: Who, What, When and Why.” North Carolina-South Carolina Legal Writing Colloquium. University of South Carolina School of Law. (May 2013)
The Pre-Writing Handbook for Law Students: A Step-by-Step Guide (co-authored with Miriam E. Felsenburg) Carolina Academic Press (2013)
Writing That Works (bi-monthly column) North Carolina Lawyer (published by the North Carolina Bar Association): Citation Refresher, Part 2. (February 2014); A Citation Refresher: Back to the Basics (November 2013); and Dashes & Hyphens: Rules for the Discriminating Writer (May 2013).
Michael Green
“Daubert and Sufficiency” at “Perspectives on Mass Torts Litigation” at Widener School of Law (February 2013)
“Tort Law to the Rescue” at conference “Functional or Dysfunctional- the Law as a Cure? Risk and Liability in the Financial Markets.” University of Stockholm (August 2013)
Spoke on “A Comparative Assessment of Product Liability Laws,” at the inaugural meeting of the World Tort Society, Harbin, China, (September 2013)
Lectured on “Toxic Torts” at Sichuan University in Chengdu, China, and at Fujian Normal University in Fuzhou, China (September 2013)
Proportional Liability: Analytical and Comparative Perspectives (co-edited with Israel Gilead and Bernhard Koch) (2013).
Casual Uncertainty and Proportional Liability: Analytical and Comparative Report (with Israel Gilead and Bernhard Koch). Proportional Liability: Analytical and Comparative 1 (2013)
Products Liability: Cases and Materials (5th ed.) (With Richard Cupp, David Fischer, William C. Powers, Jr. and Joseph Sanders) (2013).
Who Is Responsible for Discovering and Warning about Adverse Effects of Generic Drugs? 310 JAMA 1023 (With Aaron S. Kesselheim & Jerry Avorn) (Sept. 11, 2013)
Casual Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in the U.S. Proportional Liability: Analytical and Comparative Perspectives 343 (Israel Gilead, Michael Green & Bernhard Koch eds.) (2013)
比例責任 (On Proportional Liability) 1 Ango-American L. Rev. 155 (with Yang Yinhong) (2013)
Participated as a founding member in organizing and planning the first meeting of the World Tort Law Society and elected to its four-person Executive Council (September 2013)
Participated in a meeting of the European Group on Tort Law in Girona, Spain, that began the planning of a book and conference about “The Borderline Between Tort and Contract” (Forthcoming)
Emily Hammond
Discussant, “New Voices in Administrative Law”, New York, NY, Jan. 3, 2014
“Stakeholder Engagement for Nuclear Power”, Seoul National University School of Law, South Korea ( Nov. 25, 2013)
“Risk Perception and the Smart Grid”, in International Smart Grid Symposium, Seoul National University School of Law, South Korea (Nov. 26, 2013)
“Extending Administrative Proxies for Judicial Review”, University of Washington School of Law Faculty Colloquium, Seattle, WA, (Oct. 17, 2013)
Moderator, ”Exploring Dysfunction in the Administrative State”, Southeastern Association of Law Schools 2013 Annual Conference, Palm Beach, FL. (Aug. 5, 2013)
Moderator, “What Are the Causes of Regulatory Failure?”, Center for Progressive Reform Annual Meeting, Bethesda, MD, (May 15, 2013)
Scholarly Articles
Chevron in Discretionary Space, Fordham L. Rev (Forthcoming 2014)
Administrative Proxies for Judicial Review: Building Legitimacy from the Inside-Out 37 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 201 (With David L. Markell) 2013
Books and Book Chapters
Environmental Protection: Law and Policy (Aspen, 7 ed.) (With Rob Glicksman, Dave Markell, Bill Buzbee, Daniel Mendelker, and Dan Bodanksy) Author of chapter Protecting the Water Resource) Forthcoming 2015
Civil Remedies, Global Climate Change and U.S Law (2d ed., Michael B. Gerrand & Jody Freeman, eds.) (With David B. Spence) Forthcoming 2014
Energy Sources for Electricity, Global Climate Change and U.S Law (2d ed., Michal B. Gerrard & Jody Freeman, eds.) (With David B. Spence) Forthcoming 2014
Energy, Economics and the Enviroment: Cases and Materials (Found Press, 4th ed.,) (With Joel Eisen, Jim rossi, David Spence, Jacqueline Lang Weaver and Hannah Wiseman) Author of chapter on Nuclear Energy; co-author of introductory chapter and chapter on externalities of fossil fuel generation. (Forthcoming 2014)
Shorter Works
Court-Agency Dialogue at the Boundaries of Reviewabiltiy, Geo. Wash. L. Rev. Arguendo. (Forthcoming Summer 2014)
Nuclear Power in the United States: An Overview, Energy Law. Moscow State; translated to Russian. (Forthcoming 2014)
TSCA Reform: Preserving State Tort and Regulatory Approaches, Center for Progressive Reform Issue Alert (with James Goodwin, Thomas O. McGarity, Sidney A. Shapiro, Wendy E. Wagner) 2013.
John Knox
“The Human Rights Basis for the Environmental Pillar of Sustainable Development,” Sixth Session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Sustainable Development, United Nations, New York. (December 12, 2013)
“Access Rights as Human Rights,” Meeting of the Negotiators of an Agreement on Environmental Access rights in Latin America and the Caribbean, Lima, Peru, (Oct. 31, 2013)
“The Role of Courts in the Response to Climate Change,” King’s College London, London, United Kingdom, (Oct. 25, 2013)
“Human Rights and the Environment: Carrying the Conversation Forward,” Asia-Europe Foundation Seminar on Human Rights and the Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark, (Oct. 21, 2013)
“The United Nations Mandate on Human Rights and the Environment,” Harvard Human Rights Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts, (Oct. 9, 2013)
“Climate Change Justice and Human Rights,” International Bar Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, (Oct. 9, 2013)
“Linking Human Rights and the Environment,” The Vienna Conference on Human Rights: 20 Years Later, Vienna, Austria, (June 27, 2013)
“Good Practices in a Rights-Based Approach to Environmental Protection,” Yale/UNITAR Workshop on Rights and Environmental Governance, New Haven, Connecticut, April 27, 2013
“Climate Ethics and Human Rights, ” Journal of Human Rights and the Environment (Forthcoming)
“Book Review of Green Governance,” American Journal of International Law (Forthcoming)
“Human Rights Principles and Climate Change, ” Cambridge Handbook of Climate Change Law (Forthcoming)
“Fixing the CEC Submissions Procedure,” Golden Gate Journal of Environmental Law
Harold A. Lloyd
Editorial Board Member of The Second Draft
Member of the N.C Bar Candidate Committee 18th Judicial District
Co-speaker with Chris Coughlin, Contract Seminar at Wake Forest University School of Medicine (Oct. 5, 2013)
Speaker at San Diego ICSC on Lease Use Provisions (Permissive, Restrictive & Exclusive) (XXXX)
“Crushing Animals and Crashing Funerals: The Semiotics of Free Expression,” First Amendment Law Review (Spring 2014)
“Publish or Perish? Handling the Unreasonable Publication Agreement,” 13 Wake Forest Journal of Business and Intellectual Property Law 127 (Spring 2013)
Eugene D. Mazo
Quoted by Emery Dalesio of the Associated Press, “North Carolina Lawmakers May Defend Law in Court,” Charlotte Observer (Aug. 19, 2013)
Quoted by Robert Lopez, “Lawsuits Over North Carolina Voting Law Head to Court,” Greensboro News & Record, (Oct. 31, 2013)
Presenter, “Group Diversity, Group Equality, and Group Democracy,” Half-Baked Ideas Discussion, Faculty Workshop, Wake Forest School of Law (September 2013)
Presenter, “What Do Constitutional Lawyers Do … For a Living?” Career Day Panel, Whitaker Elementary School, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (September 2013)
Presenter, “Are There Any Intellectual Justifications for Voter ID Laws?” Second Annual Local Government Works-in-Progress Conference, Chapman University School of Law, Orange, California (October 2013)
Moderator, “North Carolina’s Election Law Reforms,” Federalist Society, Hosted by the Piedmont Triad Lawyers Chapter and Wake Forest Chapter, Wake Forest University School of Law (November 2013)
Attendee, “The Right to Vote: From Reynolds v. Sims to Shelby County v. Holder and Beyond,” Section on Legislation and Law of the Political Process, American Association of Law Schools, New York, New York (January 2014)
Presenter, “The Appearance of Corruption and the Anti-Corruption Principle,” Symposium on the “Future of Campaign Finance Reform,” Duke University Law School, Durham, North Carolina (February 2014)
Presenter, “The Consequences of Constitutional Choices,” in Politics of Russia and Eastern Europe (Politics 232), Department of Politics and International Affairs, Wake Forest College (February 2014)
Panelist, “The Battle for Civil Rights, 1964-2014,” Perspectives on Black History Month, Annual Conference and Celebration, The International Civil Rights Center & Museum, Greensboro, North Carolina, Saturday (February 2014)
Presenter, “Do Voter ID Laws Suppress the Vote, or Do They Instead Have the Opposite Effect?” at the Conference on “Democracy in America: Participation and Social Justice,” Stetson University, DeLand, Florida (March 2014)
Presenter, “Toward a Theory of Constitution-Making,” Third Annual Conference, Younger Comparativists Committee, American Society of Comparative Law, Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon (April 2014)
Panel Moderator, “New York Times v. Sullivan at Fifty Years,” Annual Convention, Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS), Amelia Island Plantation, Florida (August 2014)
Organizer and Discussant, “The Evolution of Campaign Finance Reform: From Buckley v. Valeo to Citizens United to McCutcheon v. FEC,” Annual Convention, Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS), Amelia Island Plantation, Florida, (August 2014)
The Intellectual Justifications for Voter ID Laws (In progress)
The Rise and Demise of “One Person, One Vote” (In progress)
Toward a Theory of Constitution-Making (In progress)
“The Appearance and Disappearance of Corruption in American Campaign Finance Law,” DUKE JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW & PUBLIC POLICY (2014)
“Democracy on Life Support: Free Speech, Corporations, and the Constitution after Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission” (with Michael Kent Curtis)
“The Upstream Problem in Constitutionalism,” WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW (Forthcoming 2015).
“The Myth of the Disinterested American Voter” (Reviewing IIya Somin’s book, Democracy and Political Ignorance) (In progress)
Kate Mewhinney
Reopened the Elder Law Clinic at the law school. The clinic was previously located at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (August 2013)
Blake D. Morant
Elected as President-Elect for American Association of Law Schools (AALS) (January 2014)
Appointed to Federal Judicial Center Foundation Board by U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice (October 2013)
Named to Lawyers of Color’s Third Annual Power 100 List (December 2013)
Ranked among the 25 most influential people in legal education by The National Jurist. (January 2013)
NALP Conference, “Tomorrow’s Law Practice: A Forum on the Market, Demand and Opportunities for Lawyers,” with Thomas Sager (’76), Washington DC (Oct. 2, 1013)
Paper entitled, “Contractual Interpretation in the Commercial Context: The Case for Fairness for the Small Business Industry” at the Transatlantic Perspectives on Commercial Contract Law II Conference, Edinburgh Law School, Scotland. (August 2013)
Simone Rose
“Innovation, Disruptive Technologies and the Federal Circuit” 10th Annual Symposium on Emerging Intellectual Property Issues: The Federal Circuit and Patent Law, SMU School of Law (March 2013)
“Forces That Shape Trademark Law: Impact of state views concerning trademark dilution on federal courts” Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Conference (August 2013)
Discussant, “Innovation Models for Emerging Technologies” Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Conference (August 2013)
“Further Reflections on Extinguishing the Fountainhead of Knowledge: A call to Transition to “Innovation Policy” Narrative in Patent Law.” 66 SMU L. Rev 609; SMU Law Review (January 2014)
Kami Simmons
“The Future of the Fourth Amendment,” Symposium, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. (October 2013)
George Walker
Adviser, Law Student International Law Moot Court Team; practice round judge for other appellate moot court teams; assisted with moot argument for postconviction appeal in capital case, U.S Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
Observer (non- ULC expert), Uniform Laws Commission project for a proposed Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act; comments on project drafts
Member, International Law Association Law of the Sea Baselines Committee; comments on draft report
Member, International Law Association (American Branch), Executive Committee
Local Admirality Rules Committee, U.S District Court of the Eastern District of North Carolina
Chair of Panel, “Oceans Law and the Practitioner;” presented paper, “The Interface of Admirality Law and International Law, ” International Law Association (American Branch) annual meeting, New York City, (Oct. 25, 2013)
Guerre de Course in the Charter Era, Chapter 15 in Commerce Raiding: Historical Case Studies 1755-2009, (Bruce A. Elleman & S.C.M Payne eds., Navel War College Newport Papers No. 40, (2013)
Member, International Law Association Law of the Sea Baselines Committee, Interim Report, published in International Law Association biennial meeting proceedings
Ronald F. Wright
Interview for story about investigation of police chief, Asheville Citizen-Times (June 26, 2013)
Interview for story about self-defense in shooting, Greensboro News and Record (July 10, 2013)
Interview for story about prosecutor election, New York World (September 12, 2013)
Interview for podcast about criminal fees, Life of the Law (December 3, 2013)
“Beyond Prosecutor Elections,” Criminal Law and Procedure Conference at Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law (January 2014)
“Comparative Aspects of Defense Counsel and Fairness at Trial” presentation at University of Goettingen; Goettingen, Germany (December 2013)
“Mercenary Criminal Justice,” presentation at University of Alabama School of Law; Tuscaloosa, Alabama (October 2013)
“The Cure for Young Prosecutors’ Syndrome,” presentation at Law Society Association; Boston, Massachusetts (June 2013)
The Flipped Classroom for Criminal Procedure,” presentation at Law and Society Association; Boston, Massachusetts (June 2013)
“The Flipped Classroom for Criminal Procedure.” presentation at American Association of Law Schools, Criminal Justice Section Meeting; San Diego, California (June 2013)
2013 Supplement for Criminal Procedure- Cases, Statutes and Executive Materials (with Marc Miller) Aspen Publishers (2013)
The Wukersham Commission and Local Control of Criminal Prosecution, 96 Marquette L. Rev. 1199-1219 (2013)
Mercenary Criminal Justice, 2013 Univ. III. L. Rev. (with Wayne Logan)
“It’s the Reply, Not the Comment:” Observations about the Bierschbach and Bibas Proposal, 97 Minn. L. Rev 2272-2284 (2013)
“Criminal Defense Lawyer Moneyball: A Demonstration Project”, 70 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1221-1267 (with Ralph Peeples) 2013
Andrew Verstein
Quoted, “ICAP Libor settlement only scratches the surface” by Sital S. Patel, Marketwatch (Sept. 25, 2013)
Panelist, Global Justice Forum, Columbia Law School (Oct. 11, 2013)
Quoted, “Bigger than Libor? Forex Probe Hangs Over Banks” by Virginia Harrison, CNN Money (Nov. 20, 2013)
Panelist, International Conference on Contracts. St. Thomas University School of Law (February 2014)
Panelist, Global Justice Forum, Richman Center for Business, Law and Public Policy, Columbia Law School (October 2013)
Panelist, Virginia Law & Business Review Symposium on the JOBS Act, University of Virginia School of Law (April 2013)
Discussant, Weil, Gotshal and Manges LLP Roundtable, Yale Law School, (March 2013)
“Ex Tempore Contracting,” 55 William & Mary Law Review (Forthcoming 2014)
“Private Ordering, Harmonization and International Financial Regulation: The Case of Libor,” 54 Virginia Journal of International Law 9 (with Gabriel V. Rauterberg (2014)
“What is Libor and Why does it Matter?” Huffington Post (November 8, 2013)
“Untangling the Libor and Forex Scandals,” Huffington Post (November 18, 2013)
“Deterring Libor Manipulation and Improving Benchmarks, The Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog. (April 11, 2013)
Steven Virgil
Executive Director of Experiential Education at Wake Forest School of Law
Presented on Transactional Law Clinics at the AALS Clinical Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico (May 2013)
“Poverty Law: Cases and Materials with Sherri Clark” Carolina Academic Press (Forthcoming 2014)