
Word Branch Publishing offers perks worth thousands as incentives to donors.

Marble, NC, September 17, 2016 — Word Branch Publishing has a new idea. Why not let authors own and run their own publishing company? This is the master plan of Word Branch, which is converting the privately owned company to a writer-owned cooperative. This conversion will bring greater control to the writers and others involved as well as greater profits.

However, WBP needs help to make it a reality. On September 15, 2016, Word Branch will launch a fundraising drive to aid in the costs of conversion. In addition to legal fees, WBP needs to cover at least six months of overhead costs to give the co-op the best chance for success. The Indiegogo campaign will begin on September 15, 2016 and end October 30, and the organization will be offering perks to donors that range from free WBP books for five years and publishing services for writers to original artwork, signed copies of books, relaxation Skyping sessions and more. Some of the perks are limited, so in order to have the best choices, it is advised to donate as soon as possible.

Contribute now at https://igg.me/at/WBPUB. You can follow the progress of the fundraiser and conversion at http://www.wordbranch.com/wbp-changes.html or like Word Branch on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/WordBranchPublishing/.

The business model is unique in several ways. “In a sense, we are turning the process of the company upside down,” says founder and president of Word Branch Media LLC, Catherine Rayburn-Trobaugh. While WBP currently bears the burden of the publishing costs as well as printing, promotion and distribution, after the conversion to a co-op, the authors and others who are involved will essentially own and run the company contributing a myriad of talents and skills to grow the organization even more.

She goes on to say, “There is a real sense of excitement about the co-op. Everyone feels that we are on the verge of something very new—a real part of the evolving publishing industry.”

Rayburn-Trobaugh is emphatic though that, “WBP is not a vanity press. Manuscripts will go through a process of readings before they will be accepted, and a central board will create criteria for rigorous standards.”

Word Branch Publishing was founded nearly five years ago with the goal of giving publishing power back to the authors. With this conversion to a cooperative, the vision will be realized bringing the company full circle. However, the success of the cooperative hinges on the success of the fundraiser.

Word Branch is an independent publishing company located in the heart of Appalachia. WBP represents talented new and emerging authors who need a venue to make their voices heard. Word Branch Publishing offers a diverse selection of drama, science fiction, personal growth, young adult, indigenous titles and more. http://wordbranch.com

Media Contact
Company Name: Word Branch Publishing
Contact Person: Catherine Rayburn-Trobaugh
Email: catherine@wordbranch.com
Phone: 828 837 6135
Address:PO Box 41 Marble, NC 28905
Country: United States
Website: http://wordbranch.com

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