
A soon-to-be-published book will present the positive physical and psychological benefits of reconstructive plastic surgery by telling the stories of the patients and the doctors who changed their lives.

“Life Changers: Conversations with America’s Top Reconstructive Surgeons and Their Patients” is the centerpiece of a nationwide publishing and marketing campaign created by best-selling author and marketing strategist Ralph Brogden. “The purpose of this project is two-fold,” Brogden said. “First, I want to educate and inspire prospective patients considering reconstructive surgery. Second, I want to give cosmetic and reconstructive surgeons a new way to grow their practice by positioning them as the educator and advocate in their market.”

Brogden became interested in plastic surgery a few years ago when his daughter cut her eye in the swimming pool of a hotel where he was conducting a seminar. “The wound required 14 stiches in a very delicate area. It so happened that a plastic surgeon was in the emergency room that day, and he was able to stitch her up without leaving a scar,” Brogden said. “I was amazed and grateful for the skill and precision of his work.”

That experience stayed with Brogden when he began to do marketing and videography work for doctors. “I was directing a video shoot and the doctor wanted to go on camera and talk about his practice. Suddenly something occurred to me and I said no; let’s interview your patients instead,” Brogden recalls. “I began interviewing his patients – no prompting, no coaching, just ordinary people telling their stories – and they were all saying how the doctor changed their life. Their stories were way better than anything the doctor could have said about himself. That’s when the title for a book occurred to me: Life Changers. It’s not hyperbole. These doctors really are changing lives – but many of them are too humble to admit it.”

According to Brogden, there is a misconception that plastic surgeons only deal with Hollywood actresses, facelifts and tummy tucks. Brogden says that plastic surgery is often used to restore parts of the body damaged by accidents, birth defects, or cancer. There were over 10 million surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2008, as reported by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).

“Reconstructive surgery is an important part of a patient’s physical and psychological healing,” Brogden explained. “People seek plastic surgeons to repair birth defects, to correct painful or embarrassing blemishes, or to make them whole after a mastectomy, or a car accident. All the patients I’ve talked to tell me it’s as much about feeling good on the inside, restoring their positive self-image and improving their quality of life.”

“Life Changers” will feature ten reconstructive surgeons and include patient stories to inspire, encourage, and support new and prospective patients. “My vision for the book is something like ‘Chicken Soup for the Plastic Surgery Patient’s Soul,’ Brogden explained. “The message is: you’re not alone, help is here, and you’re going to look and feel like a brand new person.”

Doctors selected for inclusion in the book will also benefit from a robust nationally-syndicated media campaign, promotion on social media, and strategic marketing direction from Brogden to grow their practice. “I personally feel that these are the unsung heroes of the medical profession,” Brogden said. “We want to find them, tell their stories, and help them connect with more people who need their help.”

Brogden is currently conducting a nationwide search for reconstructive plastic surgeons to be featured in the book, which is strictly limited to ten slots. Patients can nominate their doctor for inclusion in the book by visiting www.LifeChangersBook.com for more information.

Media Contact
Company Name: LifeChangersBook.com
Contact Person: Ralph Brogden
Email: ralphbrogden@gmail.com
Phone: 585-905-6980
Country: United States
Website: http://LifeChangersBook.com

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