
Cigarette smoke is the bane of many allergy sufferers who come into contact with it. The resulting coughing, runny nose, sneezing and congestion is enough to make most who have asthma and allergies cringe at the first hint of smoke.

The first thing to remember is that although the symptoms are very similar to allergies, the reaction to cigarette smoke is not an allergenic one. Allergens are small particles that are made up of proteins that the body has mistaken for a dangerous intruder like a virus or other germ. Smoke contains tiny tar ash particles, but these are not the same as a true allergen because they are not protein-based. 

Instead, the smoke acts as an irritant, so taking allergy medications to alleviate symptoms will not work. However, a person who suffers from asthma or allergies is more prone to be affected by cigarette smoke and will display allergy-like symptoms after exposure. Children and the elderly also make up groups of those who experience allergy-like reactions to cigarette smoke. Individuals exposed to smoke on a daily basis are more likely to experience constant respiratory infections like sinusitis and bronchitis as well as the development of wheezing and asthma. For those with existing respiratory allergies, it doesn't take much smoke to cause this kind of damage.

It is nearly impossible to get away from cigarette smoke if you go to some venues like bars and concerts. Inside your own home, you can ask the smoker to put away the cigarette and use a whole house air purifier or upgrade your furniture to leather or vinyl coverings as smoke particles will linger in fabric upholstery. Allergybegone.com offers a variety of allergy products that will help you avoid this nuisance and stay healthy.  

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