
THE white Afrikaner, a generation of people the world scorns and who are being baptized as wretches by the global liberal fraternity. The Afrikaners became the skunks of the world, demonized and persecuted by the liberal  international world and the communist heathens alike. The Afrikaner’s doom was sealed the day the worst traitors in South African history, FW De Klerk and his National Party ilk  in 1994 handed these innocent people on a platter to the Black executioner for a mere few pieces of Judas silver. To the money deities, the NP leaders  bowed and the Afrikaner was sacrificed on the altar of the Zionist god as a peace offering and  a token of subordinate slavery to the corporate masters of destruction.

The repercussions for the White Afrikaner after the 1994 hand-over was swift and merciless. Immediately after the crowned  demi-god, Nelson Mandela, received his bloody crown from the Zionist masters, the gates of the netherworld were flung wide-open and demons from all walks of Hades came stampeding into the country, bringing with them nothing but death, destruction and impoverishment for the White Afrikaner.The flood was so severe that it caught the hapless Afrikaners totally off guard. Being attacked by minion demons such as Peter Mokaba that immediately started to scream ” Kill the farmer, Kill the Boer” from the podiums, and the dogs of hell were cast upon the White nation, but from the rear their OWN leaders such as Tienie Groenewald was dealing them a severe blow by supplying names of Afrikaner leaders to the devil himself. Their most trusted leaders and only hopes such as Constant Viljoen neglected them in their hour of despair and the government capitulated  like a bunch of slimy maggots before the feet of the black omen now taking control of the once prosperous country. Their one-time friends and families turned against them and turned traitors, spying and supplying the new oppressors with names and addresses of innocent White farmers after which one after the other were cast in prison on trumped-up charges. Devious Policemen concocted traps and false accusations to aid the demonic new regime in prosecuting as many White Afrikaans-speaking people as possible in the name of the “law”.  Witch hunts on White organizations followed in quick succession and the corrupt Media 24 tagged along, demonizing Afrikaner nationalists and activists as “White racists” and “White supremacists.” The floodgates of hell itself now were wide open. The White Afrikaner’s worst nightmare had just begun!

Peter Mokaba’s “Kill the farmer, Kill the Boer”, was a pre-planned genocide that had a horrible aftermath. As soon as the dark omen was elected into power “demo(n)cratically “, the sinister forces from the netherworld’s bottomless pit were activated against the Afrikaners. From the deepest dungeons of hell itself, law after law was manufactured to alienate, discriminate, oppress, persecute and impoverish the whole Afrikaner nation. One after the other dark communist demon emerged from the pits too, on a continuous basis, taunt and chastise the Afrikaner people, never letting up. From Mokaba to Mbeki, Zuma, Alec Irwin,  Rob Davis, Malema and many more Archfiends revealed themselves in the onslaught against the Afrikaners. White Afrikaners were hunted like animals, pushed into an arid vacuum of hopelessness as they could only  stare at how their pride, history, national anthem, flags, names, language and rights were trampled into the mud. BUT the worst was still to come. Peter Mokaba started something hideous that would exterminate thousands upon thousands of White Afrikaners AND Whites in a horrible aftermath, that could only be measured on a genocidal scale.

From the dungeons and dark corridors of the Omen’s liar, Lethuli-House, came the worst kind of human rights abuses ever imaginable against the White race. Thousands upon thousands of innocent Whites were brutally murdered on their farms in a well-orchestrated communist offensive, which included the participation and co-operation of not only the communist dregs alone, but also a national conspiracy between their state-parastatals such as the labor ministry, police force, security forces, the media and intelligence forces. From outside the borders of South Africa, alien forces such as Britain, American and unsavory Zimbabwean characters  joined the murderous onslaught against the White nation and thousands upon thousands of White skilled workers were pushed out of the job market into poverty to make space for much lesser skilled communist cadres. Spearheaded by hard-lined revengeful heathens such as Mbeki, Zuma and Malema, this led to most of the White people being disarmed, murdered like flies and more than 500 500 White people landed in concentration camps, locally known as “squatter camps“, with no aid, no basic services, no government assistance, donators or welfare assistance and no hope for the future. ALL this was due to racist discriminatory laws such as BEEE and AA. Hundreds upon thousands of small children were also left to rot in barren camps with no food . This is the reality of the predicament the Afrikaners still find themselves in today, 20 years later. Still, the denial and deceptive lies from the ANC dregs continue. A new onslaught has already been planned to, in future,  disown all the White farmers after the upcoming elections, a la Zimbabwe-style. The future of the Afrikaners and all Whites in South Africa, for that matter, looks bleak to say the most. With a faltering economy, criminals in control who revel in corruption and kleptocracy, a tumbling monetary system, credit rating downgrading and most of the State Departments being on the brink of collapse,  South Africa is heading for another Venezuela scenario. All while this is happening, the international world only opts to embrace the huge human rights abuses against Whites in South Africa as mere spectators.


Jacob Zuma (as expected), has rubbished claims by the FF Plus that affirmative action and black economic empowerment (BEE) are impoverishing White people. “Affirmative Action and BEE are constitutional imperatives designed in terms of section nine of the Constitution to correct the inequality and exclusion faced mainly by Black people, namely Africans, Coloreds, and Indians… which was caused by apartheid laws,” Zuma said on Wednesday in reply to questions in the National Assembly. Freedom Front Plus MP Anton Alberts claimed statistics showed that Blacks owned more property than Whites, and that “an equal number of Black and White people own shares on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange”.

Zuma disputed Alberts’s assertions. “It is an undisputable fact that White compatriots still control the South African economy and disproportionately own most of the prime land in the country,” he told MPs. Zuma quoted from the Census 2011 results, which indicated that Whites earned six times more than Blacks. “In relation to property ownership, the South African Property Sector Charter Council 2010 report, estimates that of the total R4.9 trillion market capitalization in the sector, R3 trillion falls within historically White residential areas, where the majority of these properties are still owned by White people.”

Zuma said the issue of poor Whites was not a new concept in South Africa.  “The only difference is that Government looks after all citizens equally, while in the past there were special programs and interventions to alleviate White poverty and reserve jobs for unskilled White citizens.” Alberts later told Zuma the research he quoted was “dubious”. “It basically just stated that they [whites] are okay, the census shows they’re okay. There are about a million of them living in shacks, representing about 20% of White people.” Alberts said BEE policies were also not benefiting other minorities like Coloreds.  “Your policies are creating new victims. Twenty to 50 years from now we will be standing here saying, we will have to rectify the mistakes of the past created by the ANC, by helping White people,” Alberts said.

Zuma then accused Alberts of denialism. “If you take into account the history of racial discrimination in this country, the reality is that the majority of Black people still suffer as they did many years ago,” Zuma said.  (Black people still suffering 20 years AFTER ANC rule, who’s fault is THAT?)  Zuma said he had visited a White squatter camp in Pretoria and had helped its residents with their problems. “There is no way you can say that in 20 years to come, you will stand here and be saying you are correcting the mess of the ANC. “We are actually trying to make all South Africans change the quality of their lives, including Whites.”(Link)



In the video below  you will see the damage and destruction that racist Blacks from a nearby township did to a White squatter camp and continue to torment the Whites. The Black township houses all have solar geyser water heating, probably supplied for free by the Government. The White squatter camp houses do not have solar heating, these poor Whites have a “donkey” system, a 44-gallon drum that is heated by fire and the residents get their hot water from this system.  It is unfair and  discriminatory. Electricity is a problem as all the Blackhouses have illegal connections and this creates a problem for the nearby White squatter camp. The trouble started when the “red ants” disconnected the illegal connections and they threatened the White squatter camp. The blacks walk around with guns and keep on creating problems for the Whites. Watch the video, it is informative and reflects the real situation in South Africa.  The real action starts about half way during the video.



Working-class White people, most of them Afrikaans-speakers, are going through an intense crisis in South Africa.  There are approximately  80 White squatter townships in the country where families live in poverty, with little food or running water. Seeking to undo years of so-called “racial inequality,“,  the ruling African National Congress (ANC) communist Government introduced laws that promoted employment for Blacks and aimed to give them a greater share of the economy. This, along with the global financial meltdown, has meant many White South Africans have fallen on hard times.

Shanty huts sit next to clapped-out cars, as children sprint along the dusty wasteland under the scorching sun. Beyond the flimsy shacks lie ditches and pools of filthy, stagnant water where mosquitoes breed.

These are the daily conditions endured by families in South Africa’s ‘White squatter camps’ where there is little food, running water and no electricity.

A woman sits outside her makeshift home in the squatter camp in Munsieville, a township in the Krugersdorp area in Gauteng Province

A growing number of Whites are living below the poverty line in South Africa – the temporary camp is home to around 300 people

Children run along the rocky, arid ground at the camp – they were born after the end of apartheid in 1994

Old cars sit next to the flimsy shelters and makeshift toilets in the camp where families are forced to survive on less than £30 a month

While the minority white South Africans still have jobs and enjoy relative wealth, the majority  number of poor whites has steadily increased in the past two decades. Seeking to undo years of” racial inequality” , when Whites were almost guaranteed employment and housing under White rule, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) regime introduced racist discriminatory laws that promoted employment for Blacks and aimed to give them a greater share of the economy and barred all Whites from any jobs in the private sector as well as state entities. Furthermore, all corporate donators were barred from giving any  donations to any White welfare organization, sanctuary or orphanage. The communist aim is to totally impoverish Whites, thus slowly choking them into oblivion.

White Afrikaner children suffer the most under these conditions and hundreds have already perished due to malnutrition and shortage of medicines. It is the British concentration camp system all over again.

A White Afrikaner man  sits in a wheelchair, surrounded by three goats, as he takes shelter under a tree from the boiling hot sun

A man and a woman stand outside the wooden shack inside the camp.  Those living there are often refused hospital treatment by the ANC regime matelots.

A family poses for the camera inside their makeshift shelter.  Houses are typically built with bare earth floors.  When flood occur the top soil is washed away, leaving decades-old waste being exposed.

More than 500,000 White South Africans are thought to live in poverty. The country’s population is about 50 million.  Those living in squalid conditions are forced to survive on around £28.99 a month.  The squatter camp in Munsieville, near Johannesburg, is one of 80 across South Africa. It is built on the site of an old dumping ground and is home to around 300 people, of which a quarter are children. There is no electricity, no running water apart from a couple of standpipes, no secure structures, and very little food. Houses are typically built with bare earth floors, but frequent floods wash away the topsoil and leave decades-old waste exposed.

Hospitals refuse residents care and those living at the camp are regularly rebuffed by potential employers at job interviews. Even Black squatters receive more grants and welfare assistance than White squatters.

Two children sit on a wooden fence, one being barefoot and walks across the scratchy, sharp earth without any protection

One of the temporary shelters that sits by a dusty track in the camp.  A bundle of clothing lies on the ground by the side of the hut

Henrik, 49, says his ‘life is over’ now that he lives at the camp. He said: ‘I’m 49-years-old and I’m too old to get a job. ‘I apply and as soon as they see my age, they say “sorry, you are too old.” ‘I do what I can to survive, collecting scrap metal or selling second-hand clothes, but that is barely enough. ‘Most kids here are happy. Some of them know the situation they are in. I don’t want to brag about my kids, but if I tell them there isn’t any money they accept it. It is hard, however, as I just want the best for them.’ Arie, 56, is another resident at the camp. She said: ‘If you go to the hospital and say you are from Munsieville, they won’t help you. ‘They make you wait until the morning breaks and then maybe you will get assistance. They are prejudiced against us. ‘Everyone stands together and tries to help each as much as they can. If you can help someone in any way, you try and do it. ‘That’s the best thing about living here, it makes it bearable. It’s like living with your family staying here.’

Leigh Du Preez, who works for the South African Family Relief Project (SAFRP) charity, said those at the camp have little chance of finding a job. He said: ‘As soon as they read your application and see you are from a White squatter camp, they turn you down. It’s very difficult to get a job if employers know you live in one.’ He also pointed out many of the people in the township are under 20 and should not be discriminated against for crimes that took place before they existed. Leigh said: ‘They were supposed to be born in a free and fair South Africa. Does this look fair?’ Johan, 56, also lives at the camp and said it is better than the previous one he was in. He said: ‘The last place I was at, the bloke who was in charge of it had a lot of rules. You had to do this and you had to do that. It wasn’t good.’

WHAT happened to Whites in South Africa is to be blamed on mainly Britain, America and European countries. BUT what happened in South Africa now is slowly happening in Europe and America as well. Instead of helping Whites in South Africa, Europe and America choose to look “the other way.“ Little do they realize that South Africa was only a test-bed for what was to come their way  as well. Shall one say“Karma is a bitch? ” Who knows,but Europe and AAmericasurely are now paying the price for stabbing South Africans in the back. Karma indeed!!

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