
Winter weather conditions are causing some deliveries of The News-Gazette to be delayed today, December 14th.

The newspaper is making its electronic edition available for free today. Go to: http://www.news-gazette.com/eedition and enter the username badweather and the password free. Your device will need the Adobe Flash player to be able to use the electronic edition.

Users with mobile devices can get the 10 most recent stories at m.news-gazette.com.

“We know there are going to be delays,” said News-Gazette Circulation Director Pete Jones. “We will do the best we can. The weather assures that many of our deliveries will be behind schedule.”

Jones said he is asking his carriers and drivers to be safe as they bring newspapers to homes and businesses across Central Illinois.

“We want our carries and drivers to be safe, and we are asking for everyone’s patience,” Jones said. “It is challenging to get to places under these conditions, and it is no different for the newspaper carriers. Deliveries will be made as soon as weather conditions permit.”

Anyone with questions can reach the newspaper’s Customer Care Center at 217-351-5252 or via-e-mail at ccc@news-gazette.com today until 10:00 a.m.

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