
 jeanine_Society:  As we are awaiting for today’s Chat to begin, here is some food for thought to chew on from Marshall from the last Chat:

“If the mind is like a wild animal, you cannot ride it. Yet it naturally seeks direction from Knowledge, and if not from Knowledge, then from the world at large.”

“Regarding us, the Angelic Assembly will say ‘if they listen, they will come.’”

“I admire those who put in the effort and who do not give up. Here persistence is more important than perfection.”

Lin_Boulder:  greetings to everyone!

Cole_Boulder:  good morning all

jeanine_Society:  Or rather “…food for your heart, food for your soul.”

Ellen_Society:  What a joy it is to see you all arriving for this important gathering!

Shane_New_zealand:  Good morning All

Joyanne_Canada:  Good Morning all

Hyeonam_Korea:  Hello everyone. Nasi Novare Coram

Raoul_Australia:  Hello everyone, glad we meet again!

jeanine_Society:  In looking at our failures in a new way: “Your failures and your disillusionment here hold great promise for you. Your disappointment in yourself and in others and in the great pleasures for which you have paid such a great price—this paves the way for this realization. And this realization will not simply be a fleeting moment. It will be something that will change the course of your life. And you will not understand what has happened to you or the nature and purpose of the change until you have traveled afar in the second stage of your journey.” – Building the Bridge to a New Life

Surina_Calif.:  Good Day, Everyone. I hope you are all well. Wonderful to be here! Nasi Novare Coram

Mike_LF_CAL:  Greetings everyone. It is good to see all your names…

Carol_Society:  A very warm welcome and gratitude to each of you, as you demonstrate your intention and commitment through your presence here again and again every Saturday. Awe-inspiring it truly is. May we take a moment now on this hour to be with what this humble and sacred gathering is really a part of and the result of — the Great Intention and the Greater Plan….

And, as always, a moment to be with our Messenger.

Martin_Australia:  Hello, WWC! Nasi Novare Coram

mellany uk:  Hi Martin!

Ramona_Romania:  Nasi Novare Coram!

Martin_Australia:  Hi, Mellany!

Stéphan_Qc.:  Hi everyone,

Kristina FL:  Hello everyone, Nasi Novare Coram

Shrimayi and Mona ,Rose ,Jos, Alexandra,Greg Dutch meeting:  Hello everyone!

Betty_UK:  Hello everyone

Richmond_UK:  Hello everyone

Hyeonam_Korea:  Hello Dutch meeting students!

Howard_Boulder:  Hi Everyone

MaryL_Boulder:  hello everyone

Joyanne_Canada:  Hello Dutch Meeting, wonderful to hear you are all gathered together..:-))


rayhobbs_Colorado:  Nasi Novare Coram

jeanine_Society:  Welcome Everyone to Month 1, Week 2 of the The Journey to a New Life Free School Session 2017.

Jim B. Upstate NY:  @ Carol for me it was when I was 4-5 years sober. My mind was clearer and the fog began to lift. And I began thinking and feeling that there had to be more to life than what I was experiencing. There was a deep feeling of wanting and needing to find something that would make sense to me and spoke truth. I experienced a few areas where this fit the bill for a time and then I would see contradictions in what I was looking at. When I found the NM and began to read it I knew I had found what I was looking for. It is not handed to you for your benefit, it takes work and discipline, honesty and self worth and love to begin to feel its power and its truth. This is what I value above all things…that it takes work and commitment. That my practice is my gift to God and in giving myself I receive the gift as well. NNC

Raoul_Australia:  @Dutch Meeting Students, Hello to all of you and nice to see you all together

Ginny_Dallas:  Hello everyone

Mathieu_France:  Hi

jeanine_Society:  We are very fortunate to have these Guidelines given to us in this session’s core revelation, Building the Bridge to a New Life, with its many invaluable directives on how to navigate our transition from the first stage of our lives to the second.

Ann_UK:  Hello to all.

Tamara:  I feel so blessed to know the presence that comes with the names I see as this sacred environment unfolds today.

77571:  Hello all, so looking forward to all your words and experiences today

jeanine_Society:  Today we will examine what the ‘turning point’ was like for each of us, our ‘awakening’. The core revelation refers to the time between the first stage of our lives and the second in many ways: ‘threshold’, ‘point’, ‘change’, ‘emergency’, ‘bridge’, ‘transition’…

Mike_LF_CAL:  Resonating with that Jim_B.

jeanine_Society:  “Transitions mean you cannot go back and you have not gone far enough to go fully forward, so you have to be on this bridge, going through this transition.” – Building the Bridge to a New Life

Mike_LF_CAL:  Yes, Tamara>

jeanine_Society:  Our first discussion question of the Chat: What need, situation or problem in your current or past life was a turning point that led you to seek a New Life?

JeffreyAdler_ATL:  Beautifully stated, JimB, and inspiring. Thank you

rayhobbs_Colorado:  @Carol: This inquiry cannot be momentary. It cannot merely arise at times of great disappointment, confusion or disillusionment because it is a very great inquiry. It is not something you can entertain for a week or a month and hope to really gain momentum and progress here. This requires a kind of shift within yourself as if an invisible switch has been thrown and all of a sudden another door has opened in your inner experience and you are entertaining things that before perhaps you only thought of intermittently or very infrequently, and now they become an abiding set of questions and concerns. There is a deeper Knowledge within you, a deeper Intelligence that is not the product of your being in the world, that is not a construction of social influences and patterns of thought and behavior. It is Intelligence that is in the world but not of the world, We call this Knowledge, because it is related to your experience of profound insight and awareness. (The Awakening)

MaryL_Boulder:  @JimB: “It is not handed to you for your benefit, it takes work and discipline, honesty and self worth and love to begin to feel its power and its truth.”Yes, JimB. It was that way from the beginning to even this day. I did not respond to the easy way which is what I felt the whole world was seeking. At first though the high bar was a struggle but now I see it was that that made me stronger having to overcome the resistance to this great gift from God.

Jim B. Upstate NY:  Yes Tamara! “You are as yet unaware of how your mind is joined with all other minds, but in time you will begin to experience this in the context of the world.”

Amina_Russia:  It all started for me a little over a year ago ( when I actually found the New Message) when nothing around me started to make sense. A strong feeling inside of me emerged that what I am doing in my life in general (job wise, relationship wise etc) is wrong, that I am not meant for the life I am leading. To tell the truth always had this feeling, but this time it really started to just bother me strongly.I stopped liking everything around me-my friends, people, my job, my city, the things and people I so liked and loved before. Externally nothing major happened, but internally I started to get depressed and first time started to feel my life had no meaning at all, and no purpose, that I am not useful for anything.Outside I seemed to everyone so happy, confident and successful. First time I thought of suicide. Now it’s all different for me.

Douglas_St.Paul:  It seems to be important to contemplate this moment, not just for today’s chat, but for when people ask me, and you “What happened that you should be interested in the ‘New Message from God’ thing?” (with sneer quotes around the New Message from God)

Mike_LF_CAL:  The two questions for me seem to go together. When I was laid off in 2009 and could not find work for 6 months and then the job I did find felt like I was working for a dictator who was just taking advantage of people during the low point of the economy. This had a deep impact on how I valued myself…to say the least… I amplified all of my shortcomings, my wife was threatening to kick me out, etc, .etc… in short every aspect of my life seemed in great dissary and I found myself starting to talk with God… a lot. The new life it ultimate lead me too was of course the discovery… the profound discovery, of the NMFG and like Jim_B, I knew I had found something I didn’t even know I was looking for. Now it seems I have come to another turning point once again.

Ramona_Romania:  How can this be possible? I tried to unite my mind with others..but I didn’t succeed it

Shrimay,Rose ,Mona, Mariska,Jos,Greg,Alexandra Dutch meeting:  Shrimayi :@ Jeanine Several times in my life I had points I did not want to live the way I did and want to live a life of service.One of the first and deeply felt moments,was when I was 19 and felt to seek my teacher in India.I know he must be there so far away in that mystic land.So I left every thing people and all I possesed at that moment.I was not going far,in Italy I met a man Padre Angelo a priest with a mission.And one of them was protecting me ,a long story,he send me back. He asked me to help him with his mission,I was afraid so much was asked of me and was very confused I said no. Meeting this man was a big mark on the Golden Thread. More of this moments occured in my life .And then after a horrible divorce,where I gathered all my strenght to learn from this difficult time in my life,there was the New Message .And I never forget that moment looking at the 2014 Messengers Vigil,were Marshall asked ,Who will walk with me? It was in…

Shrimay,Rose ,Mona, Mariska,Jos,Greg,Alexandra Dutch meeting:  … the middle of the night and from deep within me came the answer,Yes I will walk with you.

Jeanne_Boulder:  I had an awaking when my life fell apart. I had to make changes and asked myself where did I really want to be, could not go back so I was forced into looking for a new life. I realized that I was not happy with the old way. I was afraid of the unknown! Letting go was the hardest thing for me. Never realized how much of the baggage was holding me back from moving forward.

Kristina_Boulder:  @Amina, thank you for sharing.

Kristina_Boulder:  and welcome to the chat!

Rudy_Boulder:  Mike, thank you for your testimony.

Ann_UK:  My turning point has been in action for four years. It was the Steps to Knowledge, Taking me from a secluded, money searching person with no care for society to moving home, throwing many things away, learning the difference between need and want, stopping judging everything. (well almost but still slip up), working in the community helping the residents. I think my turning point is going to be a very long one and not something that happened in a week or a day. I don’t know where I am being led but i watch and wait and do what I can in the meantime.

Tamara:  @Amina…..your expression rings with depth and honesty, thank you. In my experience, when I have thoughts of suicide it is a clear indicator that I must cull something from my life….not myself, but some relationship with a person, place or thing.

rayhobbs_Colorado:  You are living with something like a living Presence within yourself that is not really the product of ideas. You will have ideas about it. You will try to understand it. You will try to look for evidence or commentary regarding it from other important people, and that is appropriate. But you are still dealing with something beyond the realm of the intellect—a deeper manifestation, a deeper sense of purpose, a deeper and greater set of forces. Here you must accept the mystery of your life and accept that you will feel a little out of control regarding it. You will feel a little insecure regarding it because it is something greater that you can only follow and learn from. Do not tax your mind trying to encompass this reality, for you will not be able to do so. As it grows in scope and experience for you, you will see that it will constantly transcend and overwhelm your ideas and assumptions. (The Awakening)

Amina_Russia:  Thank you @Kristina @Tamara for the comments,,,yes, was a bit intense for me.

Jim B. Upstate NY:  So many touching things said already! Thank you Mike for sharing and others. I feel in my experience that my experience in being a recovered alcoholic and addict is that pain and disappointment and consequences are a common denominator in AA and with the NM. Profound stuff!

Kristina_Boulder:  At work I deal with people who have depression and even suicidal thoughts. I wonder how many of them are experiencing inner crisis not mental illness?

Joyanne_Canada:  My first awakening happened during a 5 year, 6 surgery journey…I had tried suicide and the next day a book was given to me ..that showed me I had a greater mind.. Wow.. during the reading of the book I got an image of a escalator sidewalk with a great ray shining down on it..within I knew I had to be on that sidewalk…but I kept falling off, but a deeper part of me knew I needed to be in the middle. It wasn’t until I found the NM and listened to the Great Rays of Initiation that I recognized the experience and knew I found a way to get to the middle of that escalator sidewalk with all those other people…

Alison_Boulder:  @Carol it was all about what was pulling me forward, because I was excellent at adapting to an uncomfortable and dissonant life. That alone could not push me to where I am today. It was the opportunity to meet others who wanted to be guided by Knowledge, and moments of tear-jerking recognition that brought me here to this life. And when I say “meet”, I include early moments watching Patricia in a broadcast, this beacon speaking to me in indescribable ways.

JeffreyAdler_ATL:  Resonating here, Ann UK. “I think my turning point is going to be a very long one…” I was really struck by Reed’s comment last week about the shift that occurs, before there is movement. I feel like I am in that shift mode.

Selma_London:  Ginny, thank you for the suggestion last time: May I become a person of power, strength and integrity instead of someone who is mimicking the values of my culture. This is something to be owned, not quoted.

Selma_London:  Awakening for me is happening all the time – I do not really see a beginning or an end; there hasn’t been a single light-bulb moment in my life, and in fact I rarely have moments like that. It tends to be far more of a gradual process for me in general, with everything in my experience. So far there has been a pattern of lots of gradual realisations: a lifelong awakening.

Raoul_Australia:  For me it was a sort of a process that lasted many years, but at one point more and more signs were coming…like being in a job I hated and then all of a sudden to have the strength to set things up so that I would be losing my job – which happened punctually, and that was one turning point, then moving to Italy to Australia was another turning point, and here I found the peace to receive the New Message and recognise the Messenger.

61320:  @Amina thank you for sharing this story, and welcome!

Joyanne_Canada:  The day I found the NM I was once again contemplating suicide because I deeply felt there was something I must do ..yet I could not find it… I cried out and within 10 min..heaven gave me my answer.. The New Message and the first Revelation I listened to was the Initiation

Ann_UK:  You explained it for me as I didnt have the words Jeffrey. Thank you

Amina_Russia:  Thank you!

Inhee_Korea:  @Jeanne, thank you for sharing

Betty_UK:  @Jeanine first question: Situation: I was at the time not fully satisfied with my life, although I had everything going for me at the time, I was searching for something, at the time I didn’t realise what it was, looking back I have better understanding.

Around the same time my turning point was when I had an accident that could have been fatal, I then started questioning my life, the purpose of my life. Questions such as, what am I doing in this world?, There is more to life than my current life but what is it? I knew or had an inclination that the answer was more spiritual, so this is how I started my journey, and that’s when I started my journey to explore the meaning of my life.Need: The need was for the truth of my life, but also something else that has been reoccurring in my life, but didn’t recognise it at the time.

Problem: I wasn’t satisfied with my current life, I felt something important was missing.

LaRaeUK:  Very powerful testimony Joyanne and Alison….thank you.

Joyanne_Canada:  I agree with Jeffery and Ann.. we are on a journey of many awakenings, turning points, thresholds etc

Kristina FL:  Jeanine… looking back, my failed attempt on many level to make separation work was the turning point, i finally gave up, but beyond all the disappointment, I was seeking for the truth, the truth of my existence.

mellany uk:  My awakening was very abrupt. I wasn’t looking, wasn’t searching ……and wasn’t ready. I wish I could say that I’d felt that I had a greater purpose, or that I had any great interest in God … or aliens…but I didn’t. I had an Initiation experience and my life, and my perception of reality, was turned upside down. I guess it was just time, and I’d been messing around for too long and was needed now. I left a long-term relationship, great assisted by the Wisdom of Relationships and Higher Purpose. The focus of my life has radically shifted, in ways that I had not planned for myself, nor anticipated. It has given me resolute certainty that a Greater Power is moving my life.

jeanine_Society:  Thank you for sharing everone – I am hearing a common thread of failure and disappointment and disatisfaction in many of our lives – this was the way it was for me too…at that time, I was able to let go a lot of my expectations and clear the way for something that I could not see and had no gaurantees of – it didn’t start to make sense until after I had gone a ways further, looking back…

Jangsun_Korea:  @Shrimayi, thank you for sharing your testimony.

Patricia_DK:  @Jeanine, About five years ago I came to a point in my life where I was very disappointed with my relationships, with religion, and even with myself because I was falling short of my expectations. I was also so confused and uncertain about my direction in life, and all of this culminated into an inner crisis… And so I started to turn inwards, spent more and more time on my own contemplating things. My heart started to yearn for something more, something more real… I wanted to know the truth about this existence and why in the world we are here on this planet. And so I started to search and search, and months later I happened to come across the New Message online. All this time, I didn’t know nor understand what was happening within me. I didn’t know what I was looking for nor what it will lead to ultimately. I wasn’t consciously searching for a new life, but I guess that at a deeper level that was exactly what I was looking for.

Richmond_UK:  The situation I found in my past life was that I had been trying to find people, places and things that would give meaning (from a Separated point of view). This was a fruitless exercise which always seem to lead to disappointment, although it usually showed great promise at the beginning. I have always most deeply felt from a young age, there surely must be something I have come here to do. It was after I had seemed to exhaust all my personal efforts at finding this that I reached the turning point, this took nearly four decades, at which point I found a video of Marshall online.

Jansett_Boulder:  As I take all of these stories into my heart, I am struck by the wonder of Grace. I am reminded that “The Presence is with you every day. The fire of Knowledge is with you every day.” (STK #334) I give gratitude that the Unseen Teachers, our Spiritual Family, did not leave us…ever.

rayhobbs_Colorado:  It is as if you have turned 180 degrees and now everything feels different, and your relationship and position with everything is different. A deeper set of needs is emerging, and they require your attention and support. They require others who are capable of honoring this within yourself, without giving it definition or explanation.

Ann_UK:  I was witness to your awakening Mellany and it was a very powerful, beautiful and scary process. Something i do not think i will ever witness again. x

Mathieu_France:  To me, the major turning point that led me on this journey came more from a calling than from on a need. I just felt this calling of the New Message, it was stronger that everything else and I simply couldn’t ignore it. That is what began the process of extraction from my former life. Yet in hindsight, I can see that I am less dysfunctional than I used to be. Many tendencies have been weakened as I took this powerful and clear path towards Knowledge the New Message provides. I see in these tendencies all my attempts to survive in this environment, make things work and escape the pain of Separation. My true need was for Knowledge. Knowingly or unknowingly, I was seeking that behind all sorts of quests. I am still seeking it, over this bridge where things can still be very confused at times, but even in moments of confusion, I know there is no way back, as nothing from my past is holding the promise and the fulfillment that this way, no matter how difficult, is already giving to me.

Shane_New_Zealand:  My initial awakenning led to being sectioned under the mental health act, from this experience I learnt about discernment. A couple of years later in 2013 I had reached a point in life where I didnt want anything from life other than the opportunity to be able to contribute to the world, without recognition. I was sick of my ego and trying to fufill myself. It was at this point that the New Message came into my life and I was once again able to face the things that had started my awakenning..

LaRaeUK:  For me it came after living a utterly self indulgent existence and just realized that there was no meaning in this surface existence. I just couldn’t take the shallowness of it all anymore and went in search of depth and substance.

Kelvin_Boulder:  It occurred to me while reading the revelation, that I am still turning the corner, this feels more like a very tight spiral where I can only see so far. Requiring frequent re-assessment. Challenges and thresholds are still coming, adding more life skill and wisdom, though also consuming my energy. I find the revelation to have many more layers, it spoke to me several years ago and it speaks now…

jeanine_Society:  @Kristina_FL: Yes we all failed at making Separation work! Hallelujah!!

MaryL_Boulder:  “Mystery exists beyond the realm of the intellect… What created you and sent you into the world is not a human invention. What will reveal the greater life that you are destined to live and to fulfill is not a human invention. But it requires human participation, human wisdom, human ability, human trust and human discernment in order to manifest.” (from Building a bridge) When I realized that my mind had taken me as far as it could and my life felt it came to a dead end. From that realization I could see from hindsight that the mystery could finally emerge because I was finally so unsure of myself and could not live in pretense anymore.

Greg-Jos-Mariska-Alexa:  Jos: I have always been searching, there was no real turning point in my life

Carol_Society:  @Mellany: I too don’t remember intentionally or consciously “seeking” a new life. Yet at a certain point in my “perfect” life, a growing feeling began to emerge that something was missing, until it became almost intolerable… I went on retreat, meditated, read from the NM, and prayed for direction. The next morning, I began to pray again for direction, but my prayer was interrupted by that little voice inside, “Enough already… You have the answer, go get Steps off the shelf, turn to Step 1, and do it!” And I did…. It would be the 2nd time after a 2-year hiatus. Turning Point. A month later, something happened: It was as if someone had taken me by the shoulders, turned me 180 degrees, and then very gently but firmly pushed me onto the bridge… There I was, like a pre- toddler placed on its feet, quite uncertain about taking that first step, finding its balance, its stability, and then, very cautiously, taking that first step, hanging on to the guiding hand and loving support of…

Carol_Society:  … Steps to Knowledge, absolutely essential then, as it is now…still leading me across that bridge, bringing me ever closer to the life I was meant to live.

Douglas_St.Paul:  Oh, what happy failure! Oh what magnificent defeat!

Greg-Jos-Mariska-Alexa:  Alexanda @ Mathieu, same for me, I can completelt relate to tht experience

Joyanne_Canada:  that you Carol for sharing your experience

Cameron_Canada:  @Douglas

Ann_UK:  Feel that so much Carol_Society

Alison_Boulder:  @Carol thank you ! I still pray for things to shake up my perfect life.

LaRaeUK:  Well said Douglas!

Lingling_China:  For me, I always question about my life meaning since I was in middle school. I always questioned about religions and God. I have a desire to understand all these and the universe. Until I found Steps to knowledge and read the revelations about religions. I resonated so much from deep level. My life transition began from that.

LaRaeUK:  Beautiful Carol, just beautiful.

Ginny_Dallas:  I read Escaping Suffering from WVI last night. “You must recognize you are unhappy to recognize the need to do something about it in your life. How people recognize they are unhappy is either be becoming more unhappy and finally realizing they are unhappy or by having a profound experience of happiness and realizing the contrast.” Depression certainly can be an indicator of unhappiness.

Selma_London:  The Afterglow of the New God Experience: I know that not being adequately anchored can be dangerous, having had out of body experiences earlier on in life, before I worked later to come more fully into my body and be present in the world. At first this felt rather restrictive, and so when I read the NMG speaking about having to drag ones body around all day, l was amused. I probably came a bit too much into my body. Yet the body can be used as a temple.

“Your body needs to be keen. It needs to be an asset. If it is cared for, it is like a window and not a wall. You will be able to look through it, and it will not prevent you from receiving more directly the communication that you need to receive from God.”

From http://www.newmessage….ealth

Mike_LF_CAL:  Yes Jansett, thank you for stating that, “…gratitude that the Unseen Teachers, our Spiritual Family, did not leave us…ever”

rayhobbs_Colorado:  Now the deeper needs of the soul are competing with your personal desires, fears and obligations. And you will have to choose again and again, even every day perhaps, which direction you will go, what set of needs are more pressing and important. This struggle within yourself is very real, and it is particularly intense at certain turning points of your life because now you are going against your social conditioning. You are going against the expectations of others. Perhaps you will have to break some obligations and associations, and you will feel afraid and unsure. And perhaps you will wonder if you are going mad, …but you are not going mad. You are just responding to a greater calling. (The Awakening)

Raoul_Australia:  @Mathieu, same here, I would say more of a calling than a need…something calling me out

Alisa_Russia:  I feel my turning point was back in 1981 when I first came to Russia as a student. I felt such a strong pull to live my life here. It took me another nine years to accomplish that move. But I did it and have never looked back since. Now I feel I am living the life I always wanted and strove for.

Kelvin_Boulder:  @Carol, thank you.

René_Qc:  I found It/it found me at a point in my life when i felt very confused. It was a very sudden change to simply find out that this all made sense after all… but it took me a long time to be able to live with the teachings; i realised that i was not where i was meant to be and i felt stuck. I misinterpreted signs to validate my preferences and engaged with the wrong person. I really started going forward when i heard Marshall speak live, it shook me out of my dreaming and i started taking the difficult but necessary steps and finally understood the value of proper preparation that the NMFG provides.

Josef Austria:  Hello Everyone!

Michael E_ Boulder:  I had an awakening experience at a party in high school (of all places) when I was 15 years old. I definitely “hijacked” the realization for a long bit, but at the time, that night, I realized in my whole being something, and I knew that things were not as most people thought they were. Of course, there was a long process before this of starting to expand my mind, and after this as well, before I could receive a true teacher. In 2 years I began to engage a meditation teacher in my local community, in 3 years I discovered and began to study the New Message, and finally almost 4 years later (this Spring) I found a very clear discourse on awakening in a book by Adyashanti. Slowly the understanding of what had happened to me has begun to unfold.

rayhobbs_Colorado:  Here it is important not to look for consensus or agreement with other people, for if they are not feeling this deeper movement, they will not understand it. They will not agree to it. They will question you. They will cast doubt upon you. They will say, “What is the matter with you? You used to be such a fun person and now you are so serious.” And they will want you to do the things that you did with them before, or things they want you to do for their sake. They will not recognize and honor the deeper stirrings in your soul.

jeanine_Society:  For some of us, everything looked good on the outside, but something was certainly missing on the inside…so we move from being “an outer-directed person to being an inner-directed person”, a tremendous change: https://docs.google.co…mmx5a

Cole_Boulder:  For many years, beneath the surface, I felt something stirring within me, beneath the surface. But my outer life was in total disarray from the ages of 18-21. I feel like I had several turning points, a series of compromises regarding my relationships, behaviors, pursuits. And as I began STK my senior year of college, I kept on with my reckless lifestyle until I reached a tumultuous point where to keep going in two directions would have made me “snap.” Like a rubber band, I was propelled towards the New Life with incredible force and combustion. I am really still only at the outset, but I have come into the clear regarding what is most important. The relationships within this community are what have given me the confirmation to follow what I know.

38379:  In my 20s and early 30s I was done with God and my then life. I got divorced from a very unsatisfying marriage and thought I could build a new life for myself. That proved empty and major disappointment set it. I met a psychic who told me some things that ultimately set me on a spiritual path rather than a religious path. It took years of seeking to finally find Marshall. When I found the New Message, at first there was a lot of trepidation, wanting badly for it to be what I thought it was and afraid it would be one more disappointment. Turns out it was so much more than I could ever have imagined. I felt spiritually fed and really challenged at the same time. Thankfully I stayed with it through some very difficult challenges, and yet I have never looked back.

Lynn, CO:  For me there were several turning points: when my mother died when I was 4 1/2 yrs. old and accepted inward responsibility for myself; when I divorced a picture perfect life (and yes everyone thought I was not in my right mind); when I moved to the desert (my young adult children thought I abandoned them); and when I knew that I must begin to “prepare for contact” (which lead to the project Camelot interview with MVS), and now-still in Awe, I’m here, on the bridge within an unfolding mystery.

Alison_Boulder:  @Michael E, thanks for this new phrase “hijacking the realization.”

Rudy_Boulder:  In 2009, I was not searching, in fact, my ideal life was good, but i did have two things that I felt deeply missing in my life, but these were deep, not at the surface, were my purpose and destiny in life. I felt it, but nothing would inspired me to go forward, until the New Message arrived at my doorstep. I was hooked like a fish, thrown out of an environment that I knew. In the transition period of being hooked and out of my habitat, I kicked, I fought, I screamed, I cried, I argued, I was angry. I did not know any better. Little did I know that I had been hooked to be transferred from contaminated waters to a possible place of service, but in that transition period, I did not know that, it was so new, it was so bright, it was so unknown, so I fought to go back, but I could not go back, since the transition had begun. I stopped fighting and kicking and the transition continued and it continues now.

MVS_Society:  “The old life must fail you or you must fail it in order to have this new opportunity, this opening in your life, this new beginning.”

ONE BOOK: Building the Bridge to a New Life

Ann_UK:  Has anyone noticed the change in us over the years. I recall chats full of people scared, not understanding what was happening, I was one of them. Now there is so much more understanding of ourselves and even if we do not yet have answers and still have a long road ahead, we are a little more ‘seasoned’.

Alisa_Russia:  Finding the New Message has put everything in perspective for me. It has been like finding the missing piece of the puzzle. Now I understand why I had to do what I had to do and realize that it was Knowledge guiding me all the while. Now my life has become clear.

Joyanne_Canada:  @40163- Yes the old life failed me, that was my opening ..it had been failing me for many years..

jeanine_Society:  @40163 – thank you for that quote!

Patricia_DK:  @Lingling, I resonate with that

rayhobbs_Colorado:  Alone you can do nothing ….

It is like putting together the great puzzle of life.

You have a few of the pieces, but you do not have all of them.

And all of your pieces do not fit together ….

David_Rhan_D_KC:  I’m wowed reading everyone’s experiences here. Thank you.

Ellen_Society:  Rudy, thank you for this profound story of your journey, of THE journey!

Mathieu_France:  Hi Josef!

Jansett_Boulder:  Thank you, Marshall.

Sang_CA_Korea:  Hi all, I am late.

jeanine_Society:  @38379 Thank you for your sharing and your comment about what you realized about the New Message: “Turns out it was so much more than I could ever have imagined….”

Alisa_Russia:  @rayhobbs You are always right there with the appropriate quote!

Lin_Boulder:  For me, in 2008 and 2009, while I was in personal relationship struggling, AOH came to me, after second reading in 2009, first in 2008 when I ran away, I realized humanity is taken advantage and in danger, and I need to do something, which led me to STK right away.

Dominic_UK:  I Agree Ann

Jeanne_Boulder:  Thanks LYNN, CO for sharing

mellany uk:  @Ann_UK Yes…we’ve travelled a fair way since the day you were thinking of throwing me out of your house for mentioning the word “God” : )

David_Rhan_D_KC:  <span class="comet

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