Tyyne_Society: “Your task is to follow the emergence of Knowledge within yourself, to be true to that, to be the recipient, to pull yourself in, to take the time it takes for a great emergence to happen within you. And do not be impatient, for it will emerge in its own time. You do not yet realize the magnitude of what is happening or how great its possibilities for the future will be.” – Building the Bridge to a New Life
Jim B. Upstate NY: Good morning everyone! Thank you Tyyne for the quote! Oh…the gift in giving and receiving.
Will_Society: Good morning, everyone.
Don_Pa: Good morning to all gathered. It’s a beautiful day…
Greg_UK: Hello all. I am going to have to head off early to get to work so my apologies in advance.
Tyyne_Society: It’s a powerful quote, Jim. Something to really be with.
Surina_Calif.: Good Day to Everyone! it is a beautiful day here in sunny Calif. How wonderful to be here sharing and caring with the WWC of the NMG! It is an honor to be here! Nassi Novare Coram
Robert_Society: Hello everyone
Hardev_Australia: Greetings all and thank you Tyyne for the quote. “You do not yet realize the magnitude…..” I believe a small part of it can be felt.
Jim B. Upstate NY: It is Tyyne! Brings me to steps 148-My practice is my gift to God and Step 149-My practice is my gift to the world.
LaRaeUK: Thatq quote contains such power. Including the power and necessity for patience. Thank you Tyyne.
LaRaeUK: Indeed Surina!
Tyyne_Society: Hello everyone, here are the discussion questions for you to consider for today’s chat as we start to gather. They will be posted again later when we begin our discussion after we have a moment of stillness together on the hour.
1. How would a New Life for you and for others be connected to serving the greater needs of the world?
2. How do you feel you need to move in your life at this time to make “Building the bridge to a New Life” a reality for you?
The full study plan is found here: https://docs.google.co…/edit
justin-calif-!: hello, all- I’ll be on Venice Beach in 3 hours -giving out NM/Allies info if anyone is local-
Mike_LF_CAL: Hello everyone…You do not yet realize the magnitude of what is happening or how great its possibilities for the future will be.” Yes indeed, this phrase really makes me take pause…
Mike_LF_CAL: Face to Face advocacy, relent you are Justin.
Mike_LF_CAL: Face to Face advocacy, relentless you are Justin.
Shrimayi Netherlands: Hello everyone. Thank you Tynne my step today is I must be patient in order to proceed. step 3 CT
Tyyne_Society: Here are the quotes of the Messenger from our last chat… “When I see a person acting foolishly or in a negative way, I ask myself “is this person really known by anyone? Is this person truly loved and appreciated?” This is a practice of mine.”
“Knowledge is what directs you toward and keeps you engaged with the NMG. Your personal mind won’t do that for very long. It is evident that Knowledge is working on you daily. It is the invisible Light, the silent Force that moves us!”
“Do not think that Knowledge is all about having big realizations or visionary experiences. It is the constant Force that is preserving your life and moving your life slowly and constantly. In facing difficult decisions or real challenges in life, it can be more forceful, but day by day, it is working beneath the water line.”
“Everyone is suffering living in Separation. Without the awareness of Knowledge and following Knowledge, without a real ladder from Heaven, what else can they do but all the things that…
Tyyne_Society: … people do to compensate in some way?”
LaRaeUK: You are such a force for good Justin. Thank you for all you do in suuporting The New Message.
86828: #1 That is the Mystery #2 Retreat and Redesign the Bridge as this one is Failing. Pause to Ponder…
Youngkyo_Korea: Hi everyone
Cameron_Canada: Good Morning Everyone
Lin_Boulder: Welcome, Inhee, Youngkyo.
Bethne_UK: Hi Fellow students
Darlene_Society: Welcome everyone from everywhere.
Tyyne_Society: The hour has struck. Let us take time in stillness for an hourly practice – remembering the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers.
LaRaeUK: The first quote Tyyne was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment, for I was struggling and Marshall explained it perfectly. This took me from a state of grief to a state of understanding and compassion. Feel so grateful for this insight.
Inhee_Korea: Hi Lin.
Ilhun_Korea: Hello everyone.
Lucille -Maine: Good Day,each and every dear one here! Thank you for your faithful presence. It is strengthen for me and my participation on our journey together up the Mountain
Richmond_UK: Hi everyone
René_Ca: Hi
Tyyne_Society: Hello everyone and welcome to the last chat of The Journey to a New Life Free School Session. Everything gained from this session can now be taken into the months ahead as we consider living this new life in a new world.
59748: Hello everyone
Douglas_St.Paul: Greetings all
Jos_Netherlands: Hello everyone
Ginny_Dallas: Hello Everyone!
mellany UK: Hi everyone!
Michael&Christine_AZ: Morning all.
Virgie_near Seattle: Hello, everyone! It is good to be here.
Youngkyo_Korea: Good day Lin
Maureen_Boulder: Don’t forget to set your name those who are numbers.
MaryL_Boulder: hello everyone
Ginny_Columbus: Hello All
Ellen_Society: Welcome to everyone as we begin this sacred chat together. We feel your anticipation and we meet you there!
Martin_Australia: Hello All
Ellen_Society: TEST
Betty_UK: Hello everyone
Tyyne_Society: Let’s begin our discussion today with the first question – How would a New Life, for you and for others, be connected to serving the greater needs of the world?
René_Ca: I know i do not know.. ‘This new life, you do not know what it means yet. You do not know what it will look like yet because it is new. It is not your invention. It is not what you are accustomed to. And so you begin to turn this corner very slowly’
René_Ca: http://www.newmessage….-life*
Jansett_Boulder: My initial response to this question is that it seems to answer itself because a New Life inherently moves toward serving the greater needs of the world and it’s all about relationship. We need others to fulfill the greater needs of the world, and others need us. That said, the “how” may appear quite prosaic. The New God tells us that “the New God is the old God, unveiled and clarified, not clothed in ancient understandings or ancient mythologies.” Perhaps similarly with a New Life, like the Zen quote: “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” I spoke with fellow actor I’d known in college and we reminisced for a while. He surprised me with his reflection on my 16-to-19-year-old-self: “What I really remember about you is that you were always about saving the world…always.” Decades hence and I recognize that this is no longer the case. My desire to save the world was grandiose and fueled by idealism. The world was big and…
Jansett_Boulder: … remote and easy to judge that it needed saving–a kind of trying to make separation work so I could make some sense out of the absurdity I seemed to see everywhere. I’ve accepted a much smaller circle of influence these days–what shows up in my vicinity is that which I seek to serve (not save). There is no dearth of opportunity in this–be it a coworker, family member, animal or plant, someone begging on the street corner, a delivery person or a fellow passenger on the bus. Small acts of Knowledge-guided service seem to be the life I was meant to live for now and I have an unwavering trust that such is as a tiny pebble in the lake which ripples out in concentric circles of love and encouragement to the greater needs of the world and the Greater Plan for all worlds without end.
12740: Hello eveyone
Ginny_Dallas: Yes Jansett, my first thoughts…”It’s inherent.”
Shawn_ Moose Jaw: Well put Janset, thank you…resonating.
Cole_Boulder: Wow, Jansett – powerful and moving to read your comment, thank you. Gives me pause for self-reflection
Carolyn_CT: Yes, Jansette. The Ripple Effect. Is very powerful…
Eron_Boulder: @Jansett…Very inspiring and powerfully stated,
Rudy_Boulder: Thank you, Jansett.
Val_Westport: Our higher education brings us the mental clarity and the ground-of-being to see things as they are. We then can find real solutions; each of us becomes what is needed in our world, as we deal with the real, rather than the dreamworld of social conditioning.
LaRaeUK: In answer to the first question, a new life for me and for others would come in the form of advocacy for The New Message. For in sharing the awareness of Knowledge the inner lives of people are transformed. Service to The New Message and to our fellow man becomes our greatest joy. The change Knowledge brings about internally spreads, and people are set free. I can imagine no greater service to mankind than this gift Marshall has brought to the world.
Don_Pa: By choosing to embark on this path towards a New Life, I can serve this world by becoming a better vehicle for Knowledge to flow through me and reach others so that they too can become beacons of this New Life.
MaryS_Boulder: @Jansett, now “chop wood, carry water,” is less mysterious: “Relationships, work, health, spiritual development and Greater Community awareness … that is half the preparation. The other half of the preparation is in learning about the mental environment. This represents a more elevated level of training and preparation. For this, you must have a tremendous foundation. Your life must be in order, and you must be right with your own life.”
Jennie_Netherlands: I was thinking about Mozes Life
Hardev_Australia: Thank you Jansett, “My desire to save the world was grandiose and fueled by idealism.” Many, including me went through that phase and realization through the NMG.
LaRaeUK: Beautiful Jansett
mellany UK: Thank you, Jansett.
Frederick_UK: Hello everyone
Mike_LF_CAL: Thank you Jansett.
Richmond_UK: Hi Fred
Jim B. Upstate NY: Beautifully said Jansett! Thank you!
Ginny_Columbus: So beautiful, Jansett. I too recognize the small acts of service are becoming more pronounced as I recognize my “sphere of influence” and work to be present with people, things, events and circumstances as they are. Learning to find the opportunity within each challenge. To make decisions that resonate with Knowledge more often and with fewer errors. To be a demonstration by not avoiding those habits and pursuits that need attention and change. To put my head down to the grindstone and put forth the effort needed to change the things I can change and accept the things I cannot.
Tamara: All practices and pathways that lead an individual into connection with life will find service within the world. It is this simple.
Debbie-MI: Regarding the first question, the more I and others have a New Life, the more knowledge will be kept alive in the world. This will be especially necessary in the face of the Great Waves of Change and the Intervention.
nenette_istanbul: Greetings Everyone
Jim B. Upstate NY: The Presence and the Mystery are with me in the 1st question. One thought comes to mind which is very important for me to accept and act upon: I/we can do nothing alone.
Shrimayi Netherlands: In this question connected has my attention ,and the connection can only be Knowledge ,this deeper part of us that recognise knowledge in others.
Mike_LF_CAL: Addressing the first question, for myself and for others to be “connected” to serving the greater needs of the world, this could only occur through a direct connection with Knowledge, this seems fundamentally obvious to me after thinking on this question. That connection will take time to be established through our study of STK and GC spiritually and Relationships and higher purpose (just to name a few of the Revs that come to mind).
Inhee_Korea: Thank you Jansett and MaryS
Jansett_Boulder: @Tamara, yes, and thank you!
rayhobbs_Colorado: @Jansett ….what we have here is a little planet called the Earth that we supposedly live on, and this planet lives inside a solar system that has a Sun, and the Sun circulates around in a larger circle that is called a Galaxy, which has a central core, and that galaxy circulates around a larger sphere which is called a universe. So we have a universe, a galaxy, a solar system, a Sun and a planet, and then all of a sudden we have a Moon that goes around the Earth. In a sense we have wheels within wheels within wheels, which just goes back to basic astronomy. What the “ancients” saw was these “wheels within wheels”, and actually saw them as “concentric rings”. Around the Earth for example, they saw these as concentric rings, and concluded that the distance from the Earth to the Sun was a “concentric ring” and the distance from the Sun to the center of the galaxy was a concentric ring, and the distance from there to the center of the universe was a concentric ring, they saw things in…
rayhobbs_Colorado: … concentric rings. …. … .. .
Lucille -Maine: @Jansett: Thank you for the beautiful picture so inspiring: ” a tiny pebble in the lake which ripples out in concentric circles of love and encouragement to the greater needs of the world and the Greater Plan for all worlds without end.(11:09AM”
MaryL_Boulder: @MaryS: ‘you must be right with your own life”. In a state of confusion and separation how could I truly serve the world? All I would do is to project the anger, frustration and pain of my own suffering from what I see in the world to those I think I am helping. The New Message is such an unburdening. a freedom. and power that comes from a greater Source than myself. Knowledge. @LaRaeUK ‘…no greater service to mankind than this gift Marshall has brought to the world” This I recognize and serve what has served me.
MaryS_Boulder: @rayhobbs, exquisite put
MaryS_Boulder: ^exquisitely
Maureen_Boulder: All I know is that what we will be facing will be extremely challenging and being a clear channel for Knowledge will be critical. “My Source wishes to express itself through me.” I have found an old friend in deeply reading Greater Community Spirituality – so rich with wisdom from the universe. So many clues on how to become that open channel. ‘All I can do is practice.” And yes – chop wood, carry water and be very alert while doing so.
LaRaeUK: Resonating MaryL.
Mike_LF_CAL: Yes, “chop wood, carry water and be very alert while doing so.”
rayhobbs_Colorado: @ MaryS Boulder ….in our lives we have a disagreement or something and we bring in a lawyer, and that lawyer can look at that situation objectively and not react to it, and see things that we cannot. The further you are able to disassociate from it the lesser you are caught up in the paradox, the more you transcend the paradox and you perceive it as a metadox and not have it run you. When we shrink our realm of influence we are run by outer things, when we expand our intelligence we run inner things. That which we have transcended we are creator to and that which we have not transcended we are creature to. Those greater concentric spheres rules us, lesser concentric spheres we rule. The greater the intelligence the greater the concentric sphere we are interacting in or resonating in, or attuning to, or realms of influence we attune to, the greater the power we have at creation. … .. .
jeanine_Society: @Jansett – well put – I see a new bumper sticker emerging out of your comments: “Small acts of Knowledge”…
Virgie_near Seattle: MaryL: yes, thank you!
Darlene_Society: MaryL “Knowledge. @LaRaeUK ‘…no greater service to mankind than this gift Marshall has brought to the world” This I recognize and serve what has served me.” So accurate, so simple. Thank you.
Cameron_Canada: @Maureen – Yes practice, Be a true Student
MaryS_Boulder: @ray the GC view is less like static rings and more like lilypads, I am guessing
Douglas_St.Paul: Chop wood, carry water, sharpen the axe, run pipes to the house, demonstrate adaptability to myself and others.
LaRaeUK: Superb imagery @rayhobbs.
Tyyne_Society: This is really a big question to be with and to consider in light of what the NM is and what we need to do personally – clearing away the old to make way for the truth of our lives to begin to emerge. No small feet to clear away enough of the old to even begin to glimpse what serving the greater needs of the world might be. I know for me this service is directly tied to assisting the Messenger and those gathering in supporting him in this mission and bring this to the world. It has taken some serious “get downs” with myself to clear the way for this to occur. For me this is my service to the world. For others it may be doing something that benefits humanity in preserving our resources. It seems though that for those who know of this or who are called to this are meant to serve the world through the New Message in concert with the Messenger and the Greater Coordination. This coordination – this coming to Knowledge within ourselves – becoming aligned with the power of Knowledge and what…
Tyyne_Society: … Knowledge knows we are to do here. This is really something.
rayhobbs_Colorado: @MaryS Boulder … If you are working with a client of yours or a student that you are about to teach or discuss something with, whoever has the greater concentric sphere, whoever has the greater intelligence and whoever has the greater order and certainty rules. Whoever has the greatest certainty or whoever can stand back objectively and not get caught up in the emotions rules … .. .
MVS Society: Yes Jansett, saving the world is grandiose and beyond our individual reach. Yet the NMG emphasizes keeping Knowledge alive in the world. This is the ultimate goal, for without this, all is lost. Each of us has this core responsibility and we are given the power of Heaven to achieve it. Service to the world will naturally flow from this well of inspiration.
Jennie_Netherlands: How would a New Life, for you and for others, be connected to serving the greater needs of the world? I am doing the Steps because I feel called to prepare to serve the greater needs of the world. I can only imagine how it will look like serving with others who are connected through knowledge. I can imagine it will be so powerful!
Jim B. Upstate NY: When I worked with the homeless years ago i felt their pain and suffering and looked at their lives with compassion yet at times judgment. Now I can slowly look at people who are homeless and slowly look at them and myself with Knowledge. This perspective is so meaningful for me for I am looking with my heart more than I am looking with my eyes. in doing this I can come to accept the world as it is and people for what they are…not “who” they are. For in the world there is a deep connection we all are wired in to. This comes from God. When I look with my heart I am leaving a bit of myself/ourselves in the world in Knowledge. This for me is meaning in life.
Tamara: In being connected to life, awareness becomes natural, evolution creates, cycles build stability, opportunities arise, decay makes things fresh……living as a part of the great wheel of life builds the bridge to oneness. Here the great needs of the world are the opportunities to continue connecting to what is needed.
Cole_Boulder: Thinking back on history, certain individuals come to mind – but in learning about their lives, their stories, what stands out is certain key relationships they had which enabled them to give their gifts. A New Life in service seems intertwined with people, place and purpose – and doing the inner and the outer work that it takes to get there, to maintain and to contribute within this context. This excerpt from secret 114 comes to mind: “There are no higher individuals, but there are great relationships.”
rayhobbs_Colorado: @LaRaeUK …. If we are working with a client or student and we do not have a greater level of intelligence, consciousness, understanding and wisdom than they are then we cannot solve their “paradox”. We must be more a parental image to them in order for them to be changed or to learn from us. In other words, our client or student has a paradox and or a relatively perceived disorder; the universe sees that as order, therefore the comprehension of order transcends the disorder, but we must act as a “parent” to our client or student so that they can experience the order. Otherwise if they “rule” us the disorder rules us and you cannot let a paradox run the order, if the child rules the parent you will have chaos but if the parent rules the child you have order. …. .. .
Kristina_Boulder: As of right now, I cant see into my future that far. I’m currently preparing for this new life. The only thing I know is that in this stage my energy will have to be focused on Russian translations and advocacy, in whatever forms it will need to happen. As for beyond that, I can’t see anything, it’s like someone pulled a curtain and won’t let me see whats on the other side.
MaryS_Boulder: Tyyne, that is the essence, thank you. and for the way it echoes what I hear myself saying, in terms of the mission, the preliminary work of building the foundation IS the work if that is the work that is needed.
Jansett_Boulder: @Jim B., thank you so much. I have had a very similar experience and it is so true. The world calls out of us that which we came here to give it. This is keeping Knowledge alive in the world.
Dominic_UK: @Tyyne: I don’t really have a response for question 1 at this time. I’ll need to take some time to contemplate that. As for question 2, I feel that I need to continue to attend to some dierectives that Knowledge gave me not too long ago, which are still in my awareness. Very basic they were, but potentially quite protracted in their application. One concerned studying, which I admittedly had been neglecting for a while. Another was to do with a practical matter, that being learning more about growing food. Yet another was to do with getting in touch with someone that Knowledge had previously directed me to distance myself from. These to me feel like the next steps of my life at this time.
Howard_Lambert: Hi Everyone
Dominic_UK: Hi Howard, welcome
Ilhun_Korea: “keeping Knowledge alive in the world”. This makes me humble.
LaRaeUK: Indeed Jim B. When I look at others now, I see myself prior to discovering The New Message. I see the heartache and misery brought on by the personal mind. I see how they are in prison whether they are homeless or living in fine homes. Their internal struggle is the same and in need of compassion.
Carolyn_CT: Nast night I got upset with a certain world leader who is talking about stoking a nuclear arsenal. I lost my center in furious outrage, feeling like this was worse than the 1950s. So, to calm myself, I turned then to the video, What Just Happened?, and was calmed by the clear steady message that we must carry with us through these times of upheaval and instability in the world. This is to me how to connect. Through our spiritual true selves, through a steady unwavering practice, by enduring the difficulties in our lives, and
Kristina_Boulder: Hi Howard
Lucille -Maine: @MVS: Thank you for that critical reminder, Marshall: “the NMG emphasizes keeping Knowledge alive in the world. This is the ultimate goal, for without this, all is lost.”
Hardev_Australia: @Tyyne, 1. How would a New Life for you and for others be connected to serving the greater needs of the world?
By working closely with Marshall, Society and with students in preparation, and in bringing Knowledge and the NM into the world. I can see no greater need but increasing Knowledge in the world.
Carol_Society: This passage deeply struck me as a new level in understanding what it means to “keep Knowledge alive in the world”: “For to the extent that you are with Knowledge, conflict does not exist. An unconflicted life is the greatest contribution that can be given into the world, for this is a life that will spark the beginning of Knowledge in all, a spark that can carry itself into the future far beyond your individual life. It is this great spark that you are intended to give into the world, for then your giving will have no end and will serve your current generation and the generations to come.
“The blessings that you are now experiencing today in your world are the result of these reverberations which are passed from generation to generation as Knowledge is kept alive in the world. The opportunity for you to have Knowledge is born of the giving of those who have lived before, as your giving will provide the opportunity for freedom for those who will follow. This is your greater purpose…
Carol_Society: … in life: to keep Knowledge alive in the world.” Step 105 Review
Inhee_Korea: Thank you Marshall ” we are given the power of Heaven to achieve it” I will remember the power.
LaRaeUK: It will emerge when the time is right Kristina. And thank you for all your efforts!
Debbie-MI: @Kristina-Thanks for sharing your experience and perspective. It is very inspiring. There really is no way to know the future. All we can really do is just keep taking the next step.
Jansett_Boulder: @ Carol, thank you for this powerful reminder from Step 105. Beautiful!
Lin_Boulder: @Kristina, resonating! Same for me, the focus is to do the work. “You prepare for your greater work by the work that you are doing today—the work you do as a student, the work you do in your employment, the work you do to support your relationships and to learn from them, the work you do to maintain your health, the work you do in your spiritual development.” -The Pillar of Work
rayhobbs_Colorado: You must build the bridge from your mind to knowledge and that bridge is not built in a day or a week or a month. You are undertaking something very great here and it requires perseverance and a commitment. (Taking the Steps to Knowledge)
Jangsun_Korea: @Kristina_Boulder, I feel the same thing. Thank you.
Ellen_Society: When I look back at my old life (now 23 years ago), I thought I was free but I really wasn’t. Convincing myself that I was doing good work, I had mired myself in a complex set of commitments, and I was attempting to meet everyone’s needs. I took on a lot of responsibilities, and then felt deeply obligated. In hindsight, I clearly kept myself too busy to ponder the more important questions: Why am I really here? What did I come here to do?
THEN I ENCOUNTERED THE NEW MESSAGE. I never knew what freedom was FOR until then! My old life felt suddenly empty, void of a deeper meaning. I began Steps to Knowledge. I entered a period of great confusion at first. I had a lot of beliefs and assumptions to release.
When I felt called to move to a new life, it did require a long preparation and great courage to wrench myself away, but I gained far greater freedom. I was free to see more clearly, and to act. I was no longer hindered in what I knew I must do, so I could respond to a deeper need…
Carolyn_CT: practicing compassion. First towards our own selves, by not condemning for our mistakes, but allowing a learning to take place, and listening for the wisdom of our Inner Teachers, who are there, who have been through all we are going through, and who love us, and then this fortifies us to behave with compassion, even towards those who would harm us, wish us harm…
Ellen_Society: … within myself. That freedom was hard-won, yet opened me to the greatest commitment of all.
MaryS_Boulder: @Tamara once reflected something I’d long yearned for and given up hoping for–she might not recognize it here, but I recognized it as a better-regulated life. A life where I could establish some orderly rules for living. I have a set I’ve been working on, alongside the NM, for as long as I have been a NM student, and the long effort of at least aspiring in that direction, it does pay off, according to effort put in to it. Half of it seems to be to gain patience with self once you realize the regulation has to come from within.
Virpi_FI: Carol, thank you for the mental image of never-ending spark of K that travels trough time!
Alison_Boulder: Ah yes Carol, the “unconflicted life.” The freedom-is-no-choice life.
Debbie Plano: Carolyn CT – I too have had to return to What Just Happened? to pull myself back from being upset with a certain world leader. Gratitude for the Summers family for providing us with that video. It pulls me away from the suffering of separation and brings me back to the realization that I am here to serve the world as it is today.
Richmond_UK: @Ellen thank you for sharing that.
LaRaeUK: So true Carol. We are here because of the efforts of others. So must we serve future generations who will discover The New Message.
Gina_Boulder: I recognized a locus of intent for myself that needs to be and wants to be shifted as I move into a new life and greater participation in service. I found myself in a stance of need and fear in a situation that I ultimately desire to serve and feel intrinsically connected to. I saw I was using the situation to serve my own perceived needs and honestly, it made me feel a bit sick. Moving into a new life calls me to be this honest with myself- about where I’m coming from, finding my place within the coordination, not using situations to serve me. It has been said that our higher purpose is really not about us and I got a taste of how my mind still thinks it is!
Dominic_UK: There was also an occasion, in the last month or so, where I was directed to go somewhere, for what reason I’m still not sure, nor do I feel that I fulfilled what I needed to whilst I was there. Perhaps something more will come of that? Only time will tell.
Jim B. Upstate NY: My practice is my gift to God, to the world and to myself. And in the times to come my demonstration coming from Knowledge…will be my service. In what capacity I do not know yet. I must remain open. Yet in this openness during life I know I must respond to what the situation calls for. Not for what I think it needs from me. When Marshall said this it so rang true for me.
LaRaeUK: We are so grateful Ellen that you followed this calling.
Jansett_Boulder: @Ellen, the truth of your wisdom resounds in my heart. Thank you!
jeanine_Society: @Ellen – Your words ring familiar to me and I know this is a common plight of so many people out in the world who do not know about the New Message: “In hindsight, I clearly kept myself too busy to ponder the more important questions…”
rayhobbs_Colorado: Do not live by definitions. Live by experience and understanding. You do not need to define your purpose, and if you attempt to do so, always remember that it is only a temporary expedient. Do not give it great credibility. In this way, the world cannot anger you, for what can the world do to you but undermine your definition of yourself? If you are not living upon your definitions, the world cannot harm you, for it cannot touch the place of Knowledge that is within you. Only Knowledge can touch Knowledge. Only Knowledge in another can touch Knowledge within you. Only Knowledge within you can touch Knowledge in another. (Excerpt from Step 134)
Cole_Boulder: @Dominic – I have done and felt that too. Some questions remain unanswered.
Ellen_Society: We can continue this conversation or move on to the 2nd question: How do you feel you need to move in your life at this time to make “Building the bridge to a New Life” a reality for you?
Maureen_Boulder: “Accept the fact that your role will be small and specific. It will not be self-glorifying. In fact, it may lead away from all your plans for self-fulfillment. And yet, it contains a greater truth, a greater understanding and greater security in life that you will not find anywhere else.” GCS What is the World
Solange-USA: @Ellen: “I began Steps to Knowledge. I entered a period of great confusion at first. I had a lot of beliefs and assumptions to release.” Thank you Ellen for that encouragement. Good to know. Sometimes it feels crazy, but somehow I am always pulled back on the road to Knowledge.
Tamara: @MaryS I remember
JeffreyAdler_ATL: I am looking at my “obligations” and asking if they are serving me.
Cole_Boulder: @Ellen – I feel I must set more goals for myself in each area of my four pillars. It is hard to stay balanced if there is not forward movement.
Tyyne_Society: “The power and the presence of Knowledge is emerging within you. That is the most important thing. You are learning to become strong and inner directed within yourself. That is the most important thing. Maintain your duties. Provide for your children. But hold this as the most important thing. For ultimately your greatest relationship is with God. Your greatest responsibility is to the Knowledge that God has placed within you to respond to, to follow and to express. This is an unparalleled freedom, but it requires great inner strength and forbearance.” – Building the Bridge to a N