Unhealthy diet is one of the main culprits for coronary heart disease. Eating foods that are poor in nutrition prompts hypertension to damage supply routes and heart.
A major reason for hypertension is the consumption of large amounts of sodium especially as we age.
Table Salt
Excessive amounts of salt in your diet can cause circulation problems very easily. By consuming too much salt you also retain water from the organism and expose yourselves to heart, kidneys and brain problems.
Fast Food French Fries
An average serving of French fries contains 19 grams of fat and 270 mg of sodium.
The American Heart Association diary Circulation conducted a study has discovered that sugar is found in large amounts in soft drinks and other similar products. These drinks, based on the sugar content, create hypertension, since the sugar in them is strictly artificial.
Many studies have proven that alcohol can lower the blood supply levels. Another research conducted In South Korea found that liquor is the leading cause of hypertension and is the main cause of death among the wider population.
Red Meat
If you stick to a healthy diet, then you should reduce the intake of saturated fats or trans-fats to a minimum. Fatty foods cause damage to both the heart and the blood vessels. All fats, alongside with red meat and fast food should be avoided because they include hydrogenated oils.
Processed Meat
Many health problems for the heart arrive from meat products such as bologna, wieners, bacon, frankfurter and other pre-prepared meats. To avoid hypertension and keep your heart health on point, steer clear from processed meats and try consuming low-salt meat such as chicken, turkey bosom or incline hamburger.
Although they are low in calories, pickles are actually full of sodium. Just one medium-sized pickle has around 570 mg of sodium. This is 1/3 more of the allowed sodium dose for one day (2300 mg).
Food high in sugar not only contributes to weight gaining and obesity, but indirectly, through this, to high blood pressure. Extra weight is also bad because it puts additional tension on the heart and it slows down the blood flow.
Although they are delicious, they are full of calories. One doughnut contains 200 calories and 12 grams of fat.
Margarine has been used in the everyday cooking and eating regimes, but it is truly unhealthy. Margarine requires very high temperature to be prepared and it’s full of nickel, platinum and aluminum which can harm your health.
Canned Chicken Noodle Soup
Canned chicken, especially in soups, is among the most favorite and easiest things to eat. However, since it is canned it is full of sodium- the number one enemy to your heart. Just one serving of the soup contains 800mg of sodium.
Canned Biscuits
Canned biscuits are quite changed before becoming what we see in the stores. This means that they are full of processed substances and seasoned excessively.
Check the sodium content as well and have in mind that the daily recommended allowance of sodium is 2300 mg.
Ramen Noodles
A pack of Ramen noodles has 14 grams of fat and 1580 MG of sodium.
Accommodation Foods Like Frozen Pot Pies
One sweet pie contains around 1300-1400mg of sodium and around 35 g of fat. This is far beyond the allowed daily limit. So, steer clear of these seemingly healthy desserts for good.
According to the Grocery Manufacturers Association, all types of pizza contain large amounts of sodium, which is beyond harmful for the body. This is especially true for substitute meat and cheddar pizzas.
Substances That Help Lower Blood Pressure
Foods high in fiber can easily lower the elevated blood pressure. Natural products we recommend for reducing hypertension are, beans, peas, veggies, grain oats, rice, pasta, and breads. They are amazing for conducting great diet since they keep you full longer and are full of vitamins and minerals.
Natural Products and Veggies
If you consume genuine products, high in potassium, you will never experience hypertension problems. These foods lower the sodium levels and keep you healthy.
Foods that fall into this group are sweet potatoes (squashed or prepared), spinach, lima beans, bananas, oranges (and squeezed orange!), and tomatoes.
Herbs and Spices
Instead of adding salt in your dishes, you can add flavors and herbs to your most loved dinners. You could add basil to your serving of mixed greens, rosemary or thyme to your chicken bosom, sage to the soups or oregano to the meats.
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