

Award-winning science communicator and social media power user based in Washington, DC.


interviewing, science writing, social media, Twitter, Storify, YouTube,

public speaking, hosting, video production, iPhone videography,

non-linear video editing, blogging (WordPress and Blogger), HTML website



Carmen Drahl (@carmendrahl) | Twitter




Carmen Drahl – Google+


Carmen Drahl – YouTube


Carmen Drahl’s profile – Vine


Carmen Drahl, Introductory Remarks for Forensics on Vimeo


Phone: 202-872-4502

Fax: 202-872-8727 or -6381


Princeton University

Ph.D., Chemistry

2002 – 2007

Ph.D. with Erik J. SorensenShe was on a team that completed the first total synthesis of

abyssomicin C, a molecule found in small quantities in nature that

showed hints of promise as a potential antibiotic. I constructed

molecular probes from abyssomicin for proteomics studies of its

biological activity.

M.A. with George L. McLendon


toward developing a drug conjugate as a potential treatment for cancer. I

synthesized a photosensitizer dye-peptide conjugate for targeting the

cell death pathway called apoptosis.

At a reception before the Alumni Day luncheon, President Tilghman (third

from left) congratulated the winners of the University’s highest awards

for students: (from left) Pyne Prize winners Lester Mackey and Alisha

Holland; and Jacobus Fellowship recipients Sarah Pourciau, Egemen

Kolemen and Carmen Drahl. Unable to attend the event was Jacobus Fellowship winner William Slauter. (photo: Denise Applewhite

Drew University

B.A., Chemistry

1998 – 2002


summa cum laude with specialized honors in chemistry. Honors thesis

entitled “Structural, kinetic, and mechanistic studies: the protein

tyrosine phosphatases CD45 and PTP1B”

Activities and Societies: Phi Beta Kappa

Carmen Drahl, Class of 2002,


Science Journalist


January 2014 – Present Washington D.C. Metro Area


science journalist – I deliver clean products on time. Experience in

reporting on chemistry, food science, history of science, drug

development, science education.

Senior Editor, Chemical & Engineering News

American Chemical Society

August 2007 – December 2014 (7 years 5 months)Washington D.C. Metro Area

Reporting:Cover the science of chemistry for C&EN, the American Chemical

Society’s weekly magazine, circulation 160,000. Track new research

findings daily, particularly in forensic science, drug discovery,

organic chemistry, and food science.


Doubled circulation to C&EN’s YouTube channel in 2013. Scripted, narrated, edited footage.

Managed a core team of 4 and collaborated with other reporters to

produce 30 videos, some reproduced in The Atlantic, Scientific American,

Eater National, The Daily Mail.

Incepted, scripted, and co-hosted

“Speaking of Chemistry”, a monthly web show that summarizes top

chemistry news for the busy scientist.

Social Media:

Developed magazine-wide best practices for YouTube videos and Twitter. Ran staff workshops about Storify, Slashdot, and Reddit.

Hosting/Public Speaking:

Topics include communicating chemistry simply, transitioning from a

Ph.D. to careers in science communication. Moderated discussions on

chemophobia, social media usage in the chemical sciences. On-camera

co-host for web newscasts produced by ACS.



C&EN art and web teams, developed first-for-the-magazine features,

including a 90th anniversary commemorative timeline poster, a pullout

guide to top conference speakers, interactive quizzes and database


Carmen Drahl, senior editor of Chemical and Engineering News,

used her Ph.D. in chemistry as a springboard into the career she

envisioned for herself. Here she shares some advice that helped her make

the decision.

Carmen Drahl made the transition to a writing

career while earning a Ph.D. in chemistry at Princeton University. Born

and raised in New Jersey, she now lives in Washington, D.C., and reports

for Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN). At C&EN

she has written about how new medications get their names, explained

the science behind a controversial hair-straightening product, and

covered the scientific firestorm sparked by an alleged arsenic life

form. Her work has been featured on SiriusXM’s Doctor Radio, Radio New Zealand’s This Way Up, and elsewhere. Her coverage has also been recognized by MIT’s Knight Science Journalism Tracker.

(Open)1 honor or award

Scientific Cocktails: Award-winning video

Speaking of Chemistry: All About Tinsel

Carmen Drahl

Twitter Maven

World Central Kitchen

March 2013 – August 2014 (1 year 6 months)Washington D.C. Metro Area

she was the “voice of Twitter” for World Central Kitchen, the humanitarian

organization founded by renowned Chef José Andrés. Doubled followers to

Twitter account in 2013, developed Twitter strategy for projects and

events. Edited Annual Report, press releases and other communication

materials. Volunteered in person at outreach events.

Contributing Editor, AWIS Magazine

Association of Women in Science

December 2005 – August 2007 (1 year 9 months)


reported and wrote profiles of prominent women scientists in a range of

fields (molecular biology, physics, geoscience) for the Research

Advances column in AWIS Magazine.

Writer, various publications

Princeton University

April 2005 – May 2007 (2 years 2 months)


reported and wrote news for the Princeton University News Office’s

Research Notes, and wrote news and features for the Princeton University

Chemistry Department’s Industrial Affiliates Program Newsletter and

Chemistry Alumni Newsletter.

Honors & Awards

Eddie Digital Award- Best Video (B-to-B)

FOLIO Magazine

December 2014

Porter Ogden Jacobus Fellowship

Princeton University

February 2007

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

National Science Foundation


Volunteer Experience & Causes

Board Member

Princeton Alumni Weekly Magazine

October 2013

Advisory Committee

American Institute of Physics News and Media Services

October 2013

Member, Graduate Alumni Leadership Council

Princeton University

2009 – 2012 (3 years)



Continuing with the tradition from last two years, I will occasionally post interviews with some of the participants of the ScienceOnline2010 conference that was held in the Research Triangle Park, NC back in January. See all the interviews in this series here. You can check out previous years’ interviews as well: 2008 and 2009.Today, I asked Carmen Drahl, Associate Editor for Science/Technology/Education at Chemical & Engineering News (find her as @carmendrahl on Twitter) to answer a few questions.


to A Blog Around The Clock. Would you, please, tell my readers a little

bit more about yourself? Where are you coming from (both geographically

and philosophically)? What is your (scientific) background?

It’s a pleasure and a privilege to be interviewed, Bora.


conversations make me happy. School was fun for me (well, maybe not

grad school) and that’s evolved into a desire to always be learning

something new. I enjoy doing nothing as much as I enjoy doing things. On

Mondays, if I’m not too busy, I take hip-hop dance classes.

her hometown is Hackettstown, New Jersey. M&M’s are made there. I got a

bachelor’s in chemistry from Drew University and a Ph.D. in chemistry at

Princeton. Scientifically my expertise hovers somewhere around the

interface between organic chemistry and biochemistry. A short while

after defending my dissertation, I moved to Washington DC to write for Chemical & Engineering News, and that’s where I’ve been for almost three years now.

When and how did you first discover science blogs?


led me to science blogs. Seriously. In March 2006 I was still an

organic chemistry grad student. Everyone in my lab was buzzing about a

set of retractions in the Journal of the American Chemical Society

(disclosure: today I work for the American Chemical Society, which

publishes JACS). A rising young organic chemistry star retracted the

papers because work by one of his graduate students couldn’t be

reproduced. It was a big deal and became an even bigger deal as the

inevitable rumors (salacious and otherwise) surfaced. The blogosphere

had the details first. So that’s where Google pointed me and the other

members of my lab when we searched for more information. I learned about

the awesome (but sadly now defunct) blogs Tenderbutton and The Endless

Frontier, by Dylan Stiles and Paul Bracher, both chemistry grad students

like me. I also discovered the solid mix of chemistry and pharma at

Derek Lowe’s In the Pipeline, which is still the first blog I visit every day.

Tell us a little more about your career trajectory so far: interesting projects past and present?


the time I discovered science blogs I knew my career goals were

changing. I’d already been lucky enough to audit a science writing

course at Princeton taught by Mike Lemonick from TIME, and thought that

maybe science writing was a good choice for me. After reading chemistry

blogs for a while I realized “Hey, I can do this!” and started my own

blog, She Blinded Me with Science, in July 2006. It was the typical grad student blog, a mix of posts about papers I liked and life in the lab.

At C&E News I’ve contributed to its C&ENtral Science

blog, which premiered in spring 2008. I’ve experimented with a few

different kinds of posts- observations and on-the-street interviews when

I run into something chemistry-related in DC, in-depth posts from

meetings, and video demos of iPod apps. One of my favorite things to do

is toy with new audio/video/etc technology for the blog.

What is taking up the most of your time and passion these days? What are your goals?

In March I just started a new era in my web existence- I’m becoming a pharma blogger. I’m the science voice at The Haystack,

C&E News’s new pharma blog and one of seven new blogs the magazine

launched last month. My co-blogger is the talented Lisa Jarvis, who’s

written about the business side of pharma for ten years and who brings a

solid science background to the table as well. I kicked us off by

liveblogging/livetweeting a popular session at the American Chemical

Society’s meeting in San Francisco where drug companies reveal for the

first time the chemical structures of potential new drugs being tested

in clinical trials. The whole thing synced to FriendFeed as well. Folks

followed the talks from all three venues, which was great. I hope I can

continue doing that sort of thing in the future.


this August, I’m co-organizing a mini-symposium at the American

Chemical Society meeting in Boston about the chem/pharma blogosphere and

its impact on research and communication. I’m in the process of

inviting speakers right now. It’s my first time doing anything like this

and part of me is petrified that no one will show up. Tips on

organizing a conference session and how not to stress when doing so are


More broadly, I’d love to get more chemistry bloggers to

connect with the community that attends ScienceOnline. I don’t ever want

to become that old (or not-so-old) person who is clueless about

them-thar newfangled whosiwhatsits that the kids are using nowadays.

What aspect of science communication and/or particular use of the Web in science interests you the most?


few things come to mind, actually. I’d like to think that the web has

made grad school a helluva lot less isolating for science grad students.

You have the virtual journal clubs like Totally Synthetic, posts like SciCurious’s letter to a grad student, etc.


a journalist the web’s capacity to equalize fascinates me. I’m

extremely lucky to have a staff gig as a science writer without having

gone to journalism school or landed a media fellowhip and it’s weird to

think that my old blog might’ve helped my visibility. I didn’t know Ed

Yong’s story until Scio10 but I think he’s a highly talented example of

how the web can open doors.

The web’s equalizing power goes to

readers of science content as well as writers, of course. In the ideal

situation a reader can give a writer instant feedback and you can get a

real conversation going, something that was much harder with the

snail-paced system of letters to the editor and reader surveys. Not that

the conversation is always civil. Most of C&EN’s readers have a

decent amount of scientific training, but the debate that rages whenever

we run an editorial about climate change is as intense as any I’ve


In cases like that I don’t know that the web gives people a

good representation of what the consensus is. For folks who don’t have

scientific training, how do you ensure that people don’t just go to the

content that already confirms their pre-existing beliefs about autism or

global warming? John Timmer touched on this more eloquently in his interview with you,

and I agree with him that I don’t think we have an answer yet. Though

on a slightly different note, I will mention that I’ve been enjoying the

New York Times’s recent attempts to recapture the spontaneity of

flipping through the newspaper in online browsing, like the Times Skimmer for Google Chrome.

What are some of your favourite science blogs? Have you discovered any cool science blogs by the participants at the Conference?

In addition to the blogs I’ve already mentioned I enjoy Carbon-Based Curiosities, Wired Science, Chemistry Blog, and Terra Sigillata, to name a few of the 50 or so blogs on my feed reader.

I discovered scads of new blogs at Scio10 but I’ll focus on the one that’s become required reading for me these days: Obesity Panacea.

I’d covered obesity drug development for C&EN but I’d never met

Travis Saunders and Peter Janiszewski or heard of their blog until the


What was the best aspect of ScienceOnline2010 for

you? Is there anything that happened at this Conference – a session,

something someone said or did or wrote – that will change the way you

think about science communication, or something that you will take with

you to your job, blog-reading and blog-writing?

Dave Mungeris

my hero – his blogging 102 session was packed with practical tips that I

brought back to C&EN for incorporating into our blogs, such as the

use of the Disqus plugin for catching conversations on social networks,

getting smart about using stats and surveys, etc. Some of that’s already

happened, and some of the ideas are still in the works.

I came

for the nuts-and-bolts blogging tips but I stayed for the conversations,

especially the ones at the bar after the official program was done for

the night. And the icing on the cake was seeing folks I’d worked with

but never met, like Cameron Neylon and you, Bora, and catching up with

people I hadn’t seen in months, like Jean-Claude Bradley, Aaron Rowe,

Jennifer Ouellette and Nancy Shute.

It was so nice to meet you in person and thank you for the interview. I hope to see you again next January.

Fall 2006

Back row: Junjia Liu, Carmen Drahl, Joel Freundlich, Adam Charnley, Jess Frie, Doug McLeod, Jay Schneekloth

Front row: Qian Qin, Jimin Kim, Hao Xie, Jillian Spangler, Julia Clay, Rachel MacCoss, Annie Nalbandian, Erik Sorensen

Spring 2005

Back row: Erik Alexanian, Jason Rohde, Brian Goess, Christoph Zapf, Steve Miller, David Richard, Jamie McBean

Middle row: Glenn Sammis, Hao Xie, Eric Flamme, Rachel MacCoss, Amanda Menco, Sy-Yeu Chern, Amanda Chi, Ryan Foss

Front row: Jeff Celaje, Qihui Jin, Bob Moreau, Jeewoo Lim, Carmen Drahl, Jimin Kim, Annie Nalbandian, Erik Sorensen

Spring 2004

Back row: Jeewoo Lim, William Shipe, Eric Flamme, Steve Miller, Bryce Harrison, Christoph Zapf

Front row: Erik Sorensen, Jeff Celaje, Bob Moreau, Erik Alexanian, Carmen Drahl, Jason Rohde

Company: GlaxoSmithKline

Meant to treat: tumors with loss-of-function in the tumor suppressor

protein PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog)- 2nd most inactivated

tumor suppressor after p53- cancers where this is often the case include

prostate and endometrial

Mode of action: inhibitor of

phosphoinositide 3-kinase-beta (PI3K-beta). Several lines of evidence

suggest that proliferation in certain PTEN-deficient tumor cell lines is

driven primarily by PI3K-beta.

Medicinal chemistry tidbits: The GSK

team seemed boxed in because in 3 out of 4 animals used in preclinical

testing, promising drug candidates had high clearance. It turned out

that a carbonyl group that they thought was critical for interacting

with the back pocket of the PI3K-beta enzyme wasn’t so critical after

all. When they realized they could replace the carbonyl with a variety

of functional groups, GSK2636771 eventually emerged. GSK2636771B (shown)

is the tris salt of GSK2636771.

Status in the pipeline: Phase I clinical trials……….http://cenblog.org/the-haystack/2012/03/liveblogging-first-time-disclosures-from-acssandiego/


Posted By Carmen Drahl on Mar 24, 2012

Phone: 202-872-4502

Fax: 202-872-8727 or -6381

Company: GlaxoSmithKline

Meant to treat: tumors with loss-of-function in the tumor suppressor

protein PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog)- 2nd most inactivated

tumor suppressor after p53- cancers where this is often the case include

prostate and endometrial

Mode of action: inhibitor of

phosphoinositide 3-kinase-beta (PI3K-beta). Several lines of evidence

suggest that proliferation in certain PTEN-deficient tumor cell lines is

driven primarily by PI3K-beta.

Medicinal chemistry tidbits: The GSK

team seemed boxed in because in 3 out of 4 animals used in preclinical

testing, promising drug candidates had high clearance. It turned out

that a carbonyl group that they thought was critical for interacting

with the back pocket of the PI3K-beta enzyme wasn’t so critical after

all. When they realized they could replace the carbonyl with a variety

of functional groups, GSK2636771 eventually emerged. GSK2636771B (shown)

is the tris salt of GSK2636771.

Status in the pipeline: Phase I clinical trials……….http://cenblog.org/the-haystack/2012/03/liveblogging-first-time-disclosures-from-acssandiego/


Posted By Carmen Drahl on Mar 24, 2012

Phone: 202-872-4502

Fax: 202-872-8727 or -6381

Washington, D.C.



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Filed under: SPOTLIGHT Tagged: ACS, C&EN's, CARMEN DRAHL, CARMEN DRAHL Links Carmen Drahl, Princeton University, Twitter, USA, WASHINGTON

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