This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of rubbishing by tabloid newspapers.
– Lord Hill-Norton, Former Head of The Ministry of Defense – UK, 5 Star Admiral, during an interview for The Disclosure Project1
The Disclosure Project is widely regarded as one of the most credible events within the whole disclosure movement. [Dr. Steven Greer] is, if not the godfather, one of the godfathers.
– J.D. Seraphine, Producer of Sirius2
On 22 April 2013 an enigmatically titled documentary named Sirius premiered in Los Angeles, California – and there was nothing ordinary about it. Sirius brings to light a leading edge perspective on the issue of extraterrestrial disclosure and the web of secrecy that surrounds it. It’s a story based on the life work of Dr. Steven Greer, a man who left behind a successful career in medicine to walk a path that has already demonstrated significant results in raising the extraterrestrial subject above the crest of the tabloid wave.
Over the past 20-plus years, Dr. Greer’s name has become synonymous with the Disclosure movement, thanks in no small part to the dozens of testimonies from former military, government and intelligence witnesses he assembled for The Disclosure Project, “an effort that was designed to identify firsthand military and government witnesses to UFO events and projects, as well as other evidence to be used in a public disclosure.”3
The Disclosure Project – released in 2001 to the public as a 4-hour DVD of witness testimony and brought to the media via a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. – focused on perhaps the most immediately relevant aspect of the extraterrestrial discussion: the energy systems that propel the unidentifiable vehicles in our skies. The conclusion was reached that not only do these overunity and free energy systems exist, but we have them as well – tightly compartmentalised in the deep recesses of the US military’s black projects.
Fast forward eleven years to 2012 and Dr. Greer announces that he is beginning work on a documentary called Sirius. He appeals to the public to support funding the project. By July, Sirius raised its goal of $250,000, and by the time the movie premiered in April 2013, it had raised half a million dollars, making Sirius the most crowd-funded documentary yet.
“[Dr. Greer] is a lightning rod,” said Sirius director Amardeep Kaleka.4 Many believe Dr. Greer will succeed in spearheading free energy systems into mainstream consciousness, and Sirius is a big step forward towards turning that dream into a reality. Mr. Kaleka takes the viewer to the frontlines of the Disclosure Movement, and in doing so propels Dr. Greer into the next phase of what is surely to go down in history as a legendary journey.
Dr. Steven Greer
At the age of 8, Steven Greer had his first UFO encounter, an incident which spurred an early interest in the UFO field – an interest bolstered by his uncle, L. Macon Epps, who helped design the lunar module that landed on the moon in 1969. It was a relation ideally suited for the road Dr. Greer would later take.
At age 17, Dr. Greer had a near death experience, and the doors opened to a much broader perspective of existence. “I then became very interested in exploring higher states of consciousness,” Dr. Greer said.5 He began studying and practicing meditation. And at age 18, he had his second UFO encounter – this time, however, with an extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE).
During this second encounter, the entity touched him on the shoulder and he found himself aboard a craft, meditating in a state of what he describes as “cosmic consciousness” with a group of EBE’s. As the EBE’s and Dr. Greer learned to connect metaphysically with each other, in that state of cosmic consciousness, Dr. Greer was being taught what would later become known as the protocols for CE-5 – close encounters of the 5th kind, or human-initiated contact. This was 1973.6
Although Dr. Greer went on to earn a medical degree, raise a family and become a successful doctor, he continued to study consciousness and ET contact.
In 1990, Dr. Greer opened CSETI (Center for the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) in response to experiences that he said “are too strange to talk about casually, but which caused me to feel that it was time to do something to organise people around the world to view the UFO phenomenon in a new way.”7 Dr. Greer began putting his CE-5 protocols into action, using group meditation to invite our cosmic neighbours to make contact. In March 1991, Dr. Greer and a group of CSETI colleagues experienced their first CE-5.8 Since then, they have videotaped over 200 encounters9 and have been training a global network of CE-5 ambassadors to use Dr. Greer’s protocols to initiate contact.
The Disclosure Project
I do think the reason for secrecy… [has] much more to do with the economic order, and the fact that the technologies related to these extraterrestrial vehicles – as well as human breakthroughs unrelated to these extraterrestrial vehicles – have given us energy and propulsion systems within the black budget, compartmented, unacknowledged world which would have a significant beneficial effect for the world, but would have a deleterious short term effect for certain special interests. I believe these special interests would include the conventional energy part of our economy – the internal combustion engines, the fossil fuel plants, gas, oil, coal, and ionizing nuclear technology, technology related to nuclear power plants. We know that those technologies are already obsolete.
I want to emphasise here that this is not a theory. We have testimony from people who have worked on these projects, within these projects, that can establish the fact that we have fully operational technologies which would enable the world to have no need for these polluting forms of energy.
– Dr. Greer, from The Disclosure Project’s 4 hr. Witness Testimony10
From 1993 to 1997, Dr. Greer began assembling whistleblowers from military, intelligence and government circles – people like former astronaut Gordon Cooper; former FAA division chief John Callahan; Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, former Head of the British Ministry of Defence; Merle Shane McDow, US Navy Atlantic Command along with many others, including scientist Dr. Eugene Mallove, publisher of Infinite Energy magazine, who was found murdered in 2004 under suspicious circumstances.
Additionally, Dr. Carol Rosin, an aerospace executive and former Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries, gave testimony of private conversations she had with the father of rocket science, Dr. Wernher von Braun, who, in the 1970’s was Vice President for Engineering and Development at Fairchild. Dr. Rosin’s testimony seemed to give The Disclosure Project an impending urgency. According to Dr. Rosin, in Dr. Von Braun’s dying years he believed he had figured out the game, imploring that Dr. Rosin speak out to prevent the application of space-based weapons. First the enemy will be the communists, he told her, then it will be terrorists, then it will be an asteroid and finally it will be the extraterrestrials. And all of it, he told her, would be fake.11
By 2001, Dr. Greer had assembled over 120 hours of witness testimony from ex-military, intelligence and government whistleblowers. He distilled the testimony down to a four-hour DVD made available to the public and assembled his most noteworthy witnesses for a landmark presentation in front of the prestigious National Press Club, in Washington, D.C. in May 2001. On that day, the witnesses made it abundantly clear that a nefarious UFO cover-up exists, and the public was given a plausible, real-world explanation for an out-of-this world subject. The UFO cover-up is an energy cover-up.12
The goal of the Disclosure Project was an audience on Capitol Hill, and the level of acceptance Dr. Greer had brought to the UFO topic was unprecedented. By mid-2001, it seemed possible the momentum Dr. Greer was driving forward may have resulted in making Disclosure a reality.
But just after 11 September of that same year, people were understandably less inclined to put the UFO topic at the front of the agenda.
The Movie
What the people in power right now don’t want us to know is that free energy is available to everybody.
– Daniel Salter, US Air Force, Chief Master Sergeant – National Reconnaissance Office13
The 2001 Disclosure Project documentary did not force the secret government to confess to its involvement in a UFO cover-up nor unravel its hold over free energy technology. Nor did the ripples of Dr. Greer’s efforts seem to spread out into mainstream consciousness… at least not at first.
Like a midnight cult movie, the Disclosure Project has stood the test of time, organically, through a word-of-mouth, grassroots interest among a growing number of people. For the past decade or so, the Disclosure Project has taken on a life of its own, spreading at its own pace into a welcoming public awareness, while Dr. Greer has been busy training CE-5 ambassadors.
This time, Dr. Greer is demonstrating we don’t need our government agencies to make official statements heralding the era of Disclosure. Disclosure is already here. All it takes is a desire to make contact and the willingness to work on the spiritual nature of that cosmic connection.
Then, on 27 April 2012, Dr. Greer sent out an email with the subject line in all caps: MAJOR DISCLOSURE MESSAGE. He announced teaming up with Emmy award winning filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka “to make an historic new documentary on Disclosure, Contact and the suppression of New Energy.”14
Mr. Kaleka and producer J.D. Seraphine had recently been contracted to do a narrative feature relating to the topic of UFOs, ancient aliens and the current interest surrounding those topics. “Once you start cracking that research as a writer, it takes you down a deep, deep rabbit hole,” said Mr. Kaleka.15
Mr. Kaleka cold called Dr. Greer for permission to reference at the end of his movie as a place for people to go for more information. Dr. Greer must have immediately recognised the opportunity before suggesting they meet for dinner.
“When we were at dinner, he was telling us fantastical story after fantastical story,” Mr. Kaleka said. Eventually he asked Dr. Greer, “Have you ever thought about doing a documentary?”
Perhaps it’s no surprise that Dr. Greer’s reply was, “In fact, we want to do a documentary.”16
The Conspiracy
Once they found out they could really control gravity, in 1954, it all went black.
– Dr. Greer, Sirius17
At the outset of Sirius, Dr. Greer sits alone, deep in thought, waiting to take the stage to deliver a presentation while the ominously deep voice of narrator Thomas Jane explains the meaning of “dead man’s trigger.” Dr. Greer is one of those rare men with a dead man’s trigger, and those on whom he is shining the light must know this, because no one has put the free energy topic into the public discussion with as much success as Dr. Greer. That’s a dangerous job. And he’s still doing it.
“Dead man’s trigger is a safety valve,” Mr. Jane explains. “For reasons of security, a person prepares a recourse of such severe action that if harmed, they will release a cache of damaging evidence against those enemies.”18
In Sirius, Dr. Greer exposes the four primary members of the banking cartel – Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JPMorganChase and Citibank – as the controlling interests in the four largest oil companies – Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP. These four banks are among the controlling shareholders of the Federal Reserve,19 a private corporation20 that controls the currency economy of the United States, and arguably the world. With the value of the American dollar so closely tied to the price of oil,21 it’s clear who stands to lose the most when free energy becomes public.
Sirius takes the conversation well beyond whether or not ET exists. The documentary makes it clear that we’ve not only been working on free energy and anti-gravity technology since Tesla, but we’ve also had demonstrable success in this field since at least the 1950s. It seems new energy scientists have always had two roads from which to choose: Do their research under the auspices of the American military, or get bullied out of the game.
Yet there is one additional thread weaved into this exopolitical tapestry – the Atacama Humanoid.
The Atacama Humanoid
A six-inch fossilised skeleton known as the Atacama humanoid might be the least relevant subplot in Sirius, but it’s certainly the most sensational. At the very least, the Atacama humanoid is an anomalous example from humanity’s fossil record that suggests perhaps we haven’t yet figured out the entire story.
The Atacama humanoid was first discovered in 2003 in the remote Atacama desert region of Chile. Dr. Greer found out about it in 200922and, apparently, has had his eye on it ever since.
“Dr. Greer was aware of the specimen,” Mr. Seraphine said in an online interview. “He had once visited the facility that has it, taken some photos, he’d shown it to us and said, ‘If we can raise enough money, at some point down the line I’d love to get some samples and do this’.
“We also ended up getting in contact with the geneticist from Stanford, Dr. Garry Nolan, through the crowdsourcing process, who, once he found out about it, said he’d love to step up and do the scientific analysis and research.”23
Dr. Garry Nolan (Rachford and Carlota A. Harris Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University School of Medicine) headed the team investigating the Atacama specimen. The genetic results, though incomplete, could not account for the abnormalities of the humanoid. Dr. Ralph Lachman, also of Stanford University, is one of the leading experts in the world on skeletal dysplasia and abnormalities. He also studied the skeleton and concluded that the “humanoid’s appearance is NOT the result of any known deformity, genetic defect, skeletal dysplasia or any other known human abnormality.”24
According to Dr. Lachman, the little humanoid lived to between six to eight years old and Dr. Nolan confirmed that the specimen is not a non-human primate, yet nothing in its genes or biology suggests it is a deformed human.
After the Movie
Following the release of the movie, the story of the Atacama humanoid hit some major news outlets, like NBC.25 And one week later on 29 April, the well-timed Citizen Hearing on Disclosure began. For the hearing, the main ballroom of the National Press Club was configured to resemble a Senate hearing room and for five days, dozens of experts and whistleblowers testified in front of a committee of eight former politicians and professionals hoping to “accomplish what the US Congress has failed to do for forty-five years – seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.”26
Perhaps the most important result of Sirius will be the new energy research facility that the creators of this movie hope to fund with the movie’s revenue – once the movie itself is out of the red.27
“Over, above and beyond, anything that is made in terms of what’s black goes to a new energy facility that we talk about in the film. According to Dr. Greer, who’s going to run it, it’s going to be an open source building that has cameras on it 24-hours a day. It allows researchers and inventors to come in and do their work without feeling like anyone’s going to suppress them.”28
Let’s hope the documentary is a huge success and Dr. Greer gets a research facility. It could become a game changer. Perhaps that game of knocking on politicians’ doors in hopes of getting a peek at what they’ve gotten hidden in their top-secret filing cabinets is over. Or, as Dr. Greer says in Sirius, “It isn’t about overthrowing the Pentagon. It’s about leaving them behind.”29
To learn more about Dr. Steven Greer’s work visit To download or purchase the DVD of the film Sirius, go to
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1. 4 hr. Witness Testimony, DVD (2001; Crozet, VA: The Disclosure Project, 2006)
2. TheLip.TV, “UFO’s and Free Energy with SIRIUS Documentary Makers,” YouTube video, 12 May 2013,
3. Steven M. Greer, M.D., “Project Background,” The Disclosure Project, April 2001,
4. TheLip.TV, “UFO’s and Free Energy with SIRIUS Documentary Makers”
5. CE5 Initiative, “Steven Greer Explains Origin of CE-5 Protocols,” YouTube video, 3 March 2013,
6. Ibid.
7. Keith Thompson, “If We Call Them, Will They Come?” Yoga Journal (July/August 1995), 72
8. Thompson, “If We Call Them, Will They Come?”, 73
9. Sirius, directed by Amardeep Kaleka (2013: Neverending Light Productions)
10. 4 hr. Witness Testimony
11. Ibid.
12. 2001 National Press Club Event, DVD (2001; Crozet, VA: The Disclosure Project, 2007)
13. 4 hr. Witness Testimony
14. Steven M. Greer, M.D., “MAJOR DISCLOSURE MESSAGE from Dr. Steven Greer,” The Disclosure Project, 27 April 2012. Email, 16 May 2013.
15. Open Minds Magazine, “Interview with Sirius UFO film director, Amardeep Kaleka,” OpenMinds.TV, 2 May 2013,
16. TheLip.TV, “UFO’s and Free Energy with SIRIUS Documentary Makers”
17. Sirius
18. Ibid.
19. “Top 50 holding companies Summary Page,” Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, 31 May 2013,
20. Bill Still, “Still Report # 81 Philly Fed Intro,” 5 May 2013,
21. Petrodollar, Wikipedia, 2013,
22. Steven M. Greer, M.D., “Stanford University Research: Atacama Humanoid Still A Mystery,” Sirius Disclosure, 22 April 2013,
23. TheLip.TV, “UFO’s and Free Energy with SIRIUS Documentary Makers”
24. Greer, “Stanford University Research: Atacama Humanoid Still A Mystery”
25. Jeanna Bryner, “Teensy alien-looking skeleton from Chile poses a medical mystery,” Science on NBC News, 30 April 2013,
26. “About the CHD,” Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, 2013,
27. TheLip.TV, “UFO’s and Free Energy with SIRIUS Documentary Makers”
28. Ibid.
29. Sirius
MARC STAR is a researcher, writer, photographer and musician living in Los Angeles, California. Woken up to the global cabal sometime after 9/11, Mr. Star dove head first down the rabbit hole in an effort to ferret out the Truth. He shares this journey on his blog,
The above article appeared in New Dawn No. 139 (July-August 2013).
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