
GameCentral readers vote for their favourite games of the last year, but will Mario Kart beat Forza, and how many remasters will be in the top 20?

At the end of January we always ask readers to write in with a list of their top three games of the previous year, and the chart below is the result. Hundreds of you wrote in, with many also providing the explanations for their choices you see here.

In the end Mario Kart 8 got more than four times the number of votes of its nearest rival, and although the readers chart did end up similar to our own there were some notable exceptions. Alien Isolation was especially well liked, while Driveclub and Assassin’s Creed Unity, neither of which we liked at all, sneaked into the bottom of the top 20. Although the biggest surprise for us was the relative lack of votes for Dark Souls II and Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Readers’ Top 20 – 2014

1 Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)

2 Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)

3 Titanfall (360/XO/PC)

4 Forza Horizon 2 (360/XO)

5 Alien Isolation (360/PS3/XO/PS4/PC)

6 Wolfenstein: The New Order (360/PS3/XO/PS4/PC)

7 South Park: The Stick Of Truth (360/PS3/PC)

8 Middle-Earth: Shadows Of Mordor (360/PS3/XO/PS4/PC)

9 Far Cry 4 (360/PS3/XO/PS4/PC)

10 Destiny (360/PS3/XO/PS4/PC)

11 Dark Souls II (360/PS3/PC)

12 Super Smash Bros. For Wii U (Wii U)

13 Dragon Age: Inquisition (360/PS3/XO/PS4/PC)

14 Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (PSV)

15 Driveclub (PS4)

16 Sunset Overdrive (XO)

17 Assassin’s Creed Unity (XO/PS4/PC)

18 Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U)

19 Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare (360/PS3/XO/PS4/PC)

20 TxK (PSV)

The Order

Its a tough one for me, I know what my top thre games are but I’m struggling to decide in which order… it really is difficult. Third place goes to Wolfenstein: The New Order, a game I knew nothing about until I read your review. I wasn’t convinced at first but once the game gets going it’s brilliant, I love being able to use stealth as an option and the story makes killing the enemies very satisfying. It’s like an interactive Tarantino film and it’s awesome.

Second place goes to Mario Kart 8, a game I knew was going to be good but it was even better than my already high expectations! For me there is no better multiplayer game, the single-player is meaty and challenging, the excellent DLC is just the icing on a very delicious cake!

First place goes to Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, a game I knew about but had no interest in. I had unfairly decided it was just an Assassin’s Creed clone. However, when the reviews started coming I took notice, upon reading your review I bought it! It’s fantastic, the combat feels even more visceral than the Arkham games, it does Assassin’s Creed better than the original and the Nemesis system is genuinely new and fresh.

I hope, like the Arkham games, it gets a sequel with a bigger budget, bigger world, more non-player characterss, and more role-playing elements!

All this and DLC too

1) Mario Kart 8, for sheer replayability, a free online service and for completely out-stomping literally every other DLC you choose to mention. A short and sweat explanation but one hard to argue against.

2) Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. It’s cute, it’s charming, it’s bloody damn well clever that’s what it is. This cutesey puzzler may look patronising at first glance but don’t let that fool you. There are levels on this baby that even Stephen Hawking would struggle to conjure up (actually I don’t know if that’s even true but you get the gist).

While playing this I couldn’t help but get the impression that the designers of this game where young, budding, eager to please enthusiasts and if this is the sort of thing they’re willing put out to the general public then I’m certainly looking forward to the future.

3) Final Fantasy Theatrhythm: Curtain Call. It may be more of the same from Square Enix as far as the 3DS is concerned but anyone who had any sort of love affair with the Final Fantasy series is probably quickly going to get attached to this. Final Fantasy’s score is some of the best in the business. Square Enix made two games based on their musical brilliance and do you know what? Rightly so.
freeway 77

Licensed to thrill

Though 2014 was an underwhelming year for me, as I only own PlayStation 3 and 4, there were still some gems.

In no particular order:

1. South Park: The Stick Of Truth. This game to me is like a blueprint on how to make a game from a licensed property. It was written from the ground up by Trey Parker and Matt Stone and given to a talented studio, and it shows. With boat loads of fan service and nods to old episodes, and a remarkable resemblance to the show, South Park was one of the most memorable games of 2014 for me. A sequel on next gen with a lot more south park to explore (mall closed? seriously?) and any immersion breaking slowdown removed, the South Park licence could be something truly great.

2. Alien Isolation. I loved this game for similar reasons to South Park and Creative Assembly really nailed the aesthetic of the original movie. Although I do agree with GC’s criticism of the length and pacing, as the game outstays it’s welcome towards the end, getting chased around by a hyper AI killing machine was a brilliant experience. The Alien franchise has always been hit or miss when it comes to games, but this is one of the best.

3. Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes. I’ve never warmed to the Metal Gear Solid franchise, its overuse of lengthy cut scenes to service a dumb story, the misogynistic frat boy humour and cheesy voice acting meant it has always fell short of my expectations. But Ground Zeroes seems a little more focused in presentation. What really set this game apart though was the more open-ended style of gameplay and while playing I was reminded of Deus Ex and Far Cry 3, two of my favourite games of last gen. It really is a glorified demo though and the main story mission only took one hour and change to finish, but the quality of gameplay I witnessed has me salivating for The Phantom Pain.

I can’t wait to see GC’s top 20 for next year, It’s going to be a bloodbath!

Last year’s games

My top three games of 2014 was a little difficult to do as I don’t always get games as soon as they’re released, so I had to double check the dates on everything I played. It turned out that in 2014 I mostly played games not from 2014. Most of my time was spent with Nintendo, as I’ve not felt the need to get a PlayStation 4 or Xbone and haven’t touched my Xbox 360 since January.

Super Mario 3D World dominated the first few months of the year for me, but it came out in 2013. Likewise Pokémon X. I spent a lot of the later half of the year replaying old games like Fire Emblem 7, Metroid Prime and Zelda: A Link To The Past, as well as experiencing Castlevania IV and Super Metroid for the first time on the Wii U Virtual Console. Anyway, of games that were actually from 2014.

1) Mario Kart 8. There’s little left to be said about this game. It’s almost flawless. The only real bad element is the battle mode, but I’ve never really cared for that anyway. An absolute joy to play, both offline and online, with some great extra features in MKTV.

2) Super Smash Bros. For Wii U. I probably had higher hopes for this than I did Mario Kart and while it certainly wasn’t a disappointment, it didn’t quite impress me as much. There’s a lot here to like – a huge roster, loads of game modes, a massive soundtrack selection, the GameCube controller adaptor – but the amiibo functions are a bit underwhelming, online was so laggy that I’ve not touched it since November and I found some of the larger stages (like Paluenta’s Temple) to be too big for their own good. I suspect I’d be looking more favourably on it if I’d had more opportunity for local multiplayer sessions, admittedly.

3) Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition. A very funny and stylish love letter to Metroidvania games. I absolutely loved the visuals in this game. The combat was interesting, but despite the variety of moves, ended up being a bit of button basher for me.
Martin Smith

E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk

Smashing fun

For me the best games of 2014 are Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros for 3DS/Wii U. Mario Kart is excellent in single-player and multiplayer online and offline. The customisation and anti-gravity sections are well implemented and Nintendo haven’t gone over the top with the amount of anti-gravity sections. For the most part the tracks are also excellent and are a good variety and the DLC is excellent value at £11 (if you buy both packs together.)

Super Smash Bros For 3DS is excellent quality, especially in single-player (still collecting custom moves for all the characters.) Multiplayer is also good, the only problem being online play which, for most of the time, is good but some matches are nearly unplayable with lag (one two minute match took nearly three minutes.)

Super Smash Bros on Wii U is also excellent. The link-up between Wii U and 3DS is a brilliant feature, especially if you’ve customised a character/Mii. The majority of the single-player modes are good, although Smash Tour is a disappointment compared to Smash Run on 3DS. Multiplayer is excellent and online play is an improvement on Brawl and the 3DS version (I’ve only been disconnected about three times on Wii U since playing online, which is roughly about four hours compared to 3DS where I’ve been disconnected about four times in two hours.)
The Conkster17 (PSN ID)/Tommygun17 (NN ID)

A nice cup of shooter

My top three games of 2014 (in order):

1: Titanfall. Not everyone’s cup of tea apparently. OK the story mode, if you can call it that, was an afterthought but I found it to be easily the best online shooter of the year. It maybe could have done with extra development time before launch as some were disappointed with the game modes. However, I found it had very smooth gameplay and a really exciting feel despite its derivative universe.

2: Mario Kart 8. Obvious one really. Great gameplay, beautiful graphics and a lovely fun-filled feel to the game. It also had the usual coat of Nintendo polish. Maybe a bit too cutesy for me but impossible not to like.

3: Wolfenstein: The New Order. I really enjoyed the characters, gameplay and style of this game. This was a big surprise as I suspected it might be one of those launch window games that were cashing in on an old name. It’s not up there with Half-life, but it’s actually quite an emotional and thoughtful game.

Honourable mentions to Forza Horizon 2 (although I could live without the cool kids in it). Dragon Age: Inquisition seems great but I’ve not yet put enough time into it. Same with Super Time Force.

I don’t play as many games as some of you out there so I didn’t find 2014 to be as spare as others did.

Still, here’s to a better 2015.

Polished experience

1. Mario Kart 8 – an amazing game, with such polish and sheen it glows. The track design is also great, with a great variety. The different handling of the karts, with some great customisation options, means that mastering all the tracks using the different karts and racers will take an age. Also, it has the best value DLC.

2. Super Smash Bros. For Wii U – I’m completely new to this franchise,  so I didn’t know what to expect. Its just so much fun to play, with so much variety and customisation that I’ll be still discovering new stuff in a year from now. It’s also got that amazing polish and sheen that Mario Kart has. My only criticism of this game is the lack of explanation of the game, it does a really poor job of explaining things.

3. Destiny – for all its faults I really like this game, despite being unable to pinpoint exactly why and it having glaring faults. But it’s compulsive, and has that one-more-go factor. I haven’t bought the DLC or sank a ridiculous amount of time into it (around 40 hours), so maybe that’s why I still play it, not having overdosed on it. Jumping on the Sparrow is still cool and I’m intrigued to see how this game develops.

There have been some great other games too, Iike Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker and Pokémon X/Y,  but the above three I’ve really enjoyed.
Al3xdelarge (gamertag)/Plissken (NNID)

Happy purchase

Here are my top three games of last year with a bit of background for you:

1. Mario Kart 8 – I don’t think I was prepared for just how well this game reviewed. As a big Nintendo fan and Mario Kart player since the original I just had to get it. Coupled with a great heads up from the GC community I got the Wii U Mario Kart 8 bundle for just £199. The game is amazing. Mrs Empty and I and our kids have sunk so much time into playing it together. You can really enjoy it together. All this and the best value DLC ever as well

2. TxK – pure arcade bliss. Pumping sound, simple gameplay to pick up but tough to master, with a quirky British sense of humour. One of the best games on the PS Vita. Yes, yes, yes, yes…

3. Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney – brilliant crossover which livened up the stale Layton series and also brought something new to Phoenix’s trials with the multiple witnesses

Honourable mention: The Banner Saga – Mass Effect vs. Vikings vs. Fighting Fantasy gamebooks.
half_empty80 (PSN ID)

Hard choices

I’ve been looking forward to this Hot Topic for weeks but now it comes time to do it I’m finding it more difficult than I thought.

My no. 3 game of 2014 is Dragon Age: Inquisition on PlayStation 4. This is a strange one because I really didn’t like it at first, it seemed overly complicated and fiddly. But as I’ve progressed through the story the game has really opened up for me and I appreciate the depth and scale of the game much more.

I’ve logged 26 hours but I’ve barely scratched the surface in terms of the main story and side quests.

The visuals are stunning and I’ve not had any issues with major bugs or glitches, which again is something i really appreciate especially considering the problems Skyrim had on PlayStation 3.

My no. 2 game of 2014 is Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker on Wii U (seeing as its been allowed). This was a toss up between Captain Toad and Alien isolation but I’ve gone for this because its the game I’m going back to again and again as a palate cleanser between long sessions of Dragon Age.

The visuals are lovely and the level design is pure Nintendo, it’s very clever and it has the ‘just one more go’ factor, there’s not much more I can say about it except that I’m not growing tired of it.

Unlike Alien isolation which has started to feel like a chore, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a joy to play.

My no. 1 game of 2014 is a no-brainer. it’s Mario Kart 8 on Wii U. Being a graphics tart I have to start with how stunning it is to look at, it’s just so lovely in HD and the gameplay speaks for itself. I’ve been obsessed with Mario Kart 8 for the last four or five months, it was the first game I ever played online, and I haven’t looked back since.

What surprises me every time I play is that I can hold my own, I very rarely come last and every now and again I’ll come first against higher ranked and more experienced players, the adrenaline rush is stupendous. I also still enjoy playing the single-player trying to beat my times or getting perfect on all the 150cc cups, something I still haven’t been able to do but I’m not getting tired of it.

The only other games I played for this much time are games like Skyrim Legendary Edition, Red Dead Redemption, and GTA V which says a lot for Mario Kart 8 as these are some of my favourite games ever.

Honourable mention to Alien isolation, didn’t quite make the list but I’ve played it a lot until I started to get frustrated with it. The atmosphere is amazing, it’s genuinely frightening trying to avoid the alien and I like a good survival horror. But it hasn’t grabbed hold of me the same way my top three have.

Never apologise

My top three games of 2014 in reverse order are:

3. South Park: The Stick Of Truth. Wolfenstein came a close fourth but South Park being an actual funny video game and a sweary spiritual successor to Paper Mario just pipped it. It reminded me of GoldenEye. Obsidian like Rare stayed true to the source material but not at the expensive of making a great video game.

2.Bayonetta 2. While Bayonetta 2 was more of the same. When the same is fighting a dragon while surfing on a cathedral door both outside and inside of a typhoon then I can live with that. I don’t know how much influence Nintendo had over the development but the Nintendo magic formula of accessibility, depth and empowerment is equal only to the very best of the big N. Also, no more QTE instant deaths that result in a stone rating.

1. Mario Kart 8. Mario Kart 8 is the reason why I brought a Wii U. They are small part of a great game but the graphics for me are tremendous. I appreciate where people are coming from when they talk of the great graphics of Driveclub or Kevin Spacey’s face but for me the sum of Mario Kart’s parts outweigh them. Recently I have been playing the 100cc cups again trying to get three stars in each.

At the lower speed I am really appreciating the trackside detail from a Pianta waving to the yachts with character-inspired sails bobbing up and down in Toad Harbour. Value for money DLC and a brilliant but so unfair online component complete a perfect package. Although there should be an option to say ‘sorry’ in the lobby.
ThePowerFeeling (PSN ID)/Koozebane (NN ID)

Return performance

This is a tough choice for me as there have been so many games I have sunk time into over 2014. Destiny being the biggest culprit, but this is not in my top 3. For me the best games have been ones that I can go back and replay after months away and I still enjoy. So with out further a do here we go.

1st place: Forza Horizon 2. I love this game as it’s easy to pick up and play a quick race or just drive exploring the open world with the amazing views. I also love it does not force you to play in supercars if you don’t want to and you can choose what you want. I have not jumped onto the DLC yet but no doubt I will at some point as I love rally games and this seems like a good compromise for this gen so far. The multiplayer is also fun, challenging friends Driveatars to try and beat there times.

2nd place: This was a bit harder then first. I went for Titanfall. I loved this game when it came out and got to gen 8. Then I got sidetracked with other games at the time so left it but would always return to give play some more and this for me adds again to the replayability which is what I look for. Also the tech and matchmaking is fantastic, even now I can still get into a game straight away. Having bots makes up for the low player, count normally around 1,500-2,000 players when I’m online helps a lot and this make you feel elite kind of.

3rd place. Last but by no means least, Hearthstone. I got this when it first came out and really enjoyed just playing it not on the ranked side but just enjoying it for what it was. As a ‘free to play’ game I think it is very well designed. You get rewarded for doing daily challenges and can use this to buy card packs. I must confess I have bought a few, no more than £20, which I don’t think is that bad since March. Also with it coming to Android tablet means I can play while out and about if I want to.

There are plenty of over games I would consider – Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Sunset Overdrive – but these three mentioned I have constantly played and gone back to.
ilovmyselfalot (gamertag)

Top four

Sunset Overdrive – Just incredibly entertaining to play. No heavy, hard0hitting story to bog you down, okay the comedy wasn’t always on point but it didn’t matter because it wasn’t taking itself seriously. Gameplay was a bit simplistic, however I think if it was any more complex it would be a struggle to keep on top of destroying the mutants. A throw back for me, to a time when it was just enjoyable to lose a few hours on a game.

The Wolf Among Us – I was a massive fan of The Walking Dead Season 1. Season 2 was good, but The Wolf Among us was excellent.

Titanfall – I am not a massive multiplayer fan and haven’t been since Call Of Duty 4, but this got my multiplayer juices going again. I really enjoyed it and I think it got overlooked because it came out earlier in the year, if it was released in the October/November window it would have been on my radar for game of the year. People were saying they lost interest in it, but they added new modes and maps and although I am not playing it regularly, we still have the odd game here and there. The fact that it is £10 including the season pass this week is a real bargain for anyone with Xbox Gold membership.

EA Sports UFC – Biased a bit here as I am a big fan of MMA, but they are still releasing new free content packs as I type this. Good work.
thejoeyapps (Twitter)

Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

Restricted choice

My list is surprisingly narrow this year as I have made a conscious effort to buy fewer games on release and wait for reviews and price drops. And when the best games were mostly remakes or on the Wii U or 3DS, neither of which I own, that makes choosing a top three just that much harder. So my first choice goes to Titanfall, the most fun multiplayer shooter I’ve ever played, albeit one that lasted less than two weeks in the disc tray before everyone moved on to other things.

Next up, Civilization: Beyond Earth. Barely qualifies as not an expansion or remake but just different enough from the franchise to have its own learning curve. Lastly Defense Grid 2. I’m a sucker for Tower defence games, and this was more of the same, in a good way. Although I did mute all the inane voice chatter from the ‘characters’ after one level. In all it was not a classic year, but I had fun nonetheless.
Stellarflux (gamertag)

Two plus one

Looking back at the previous year there are some clear classics and, yes, it’s all down to good old Ninty to prove that gameplay is king.

So my top two in no particular order is:

Bayonetta 2

As many of us ensure a prolonged period of austerity, middle age creeping up on us, debt, stress and pay freezes, Bayonetta 2 reminded us all as to why gaming is such a great hobby. It’s self-assuredly brash, confident, and crazy enough to feel fresh and new amidst yet more games involving aiming a gun at something. It demands several replays, exists in its own microcosm of joy and can transport us away from the worries everyday life. Bayonetta is the reason I purchased a Wii U back in 2013 (and yes I did actually select that option when registering my Star Points). In a year  when the industry held back the next gen with remakes and remasters Bayonetta renewed faith in Japanese game design and gameplay.

Mario Kart 8

Nintendo’s reluctance to fully embrace online play has created an odd benefit: Facebook communities and groups all sharing a collective love of one of the finest games ever created. If Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a 10/10 then surely Mario Kart 8 deserves the highest scores too. Excellent DLC, amiibo support, and tournament play make this a timeless classic that innovates while celebrating its heritage in equal measure.  Now Nintendo get round to improving Battle Mode!

And a distant runner up: Destiny

This in in here mostly due to the extreme amount of fun I have had with friends completing Strikes and sharing tips and exploits. Not quite what everyone was expecting but Bungie are masters at first person shooters and when Destiny clicks it’s a brilliant social time sink. Not perfect and it’s inclusion shows the gap in quality between Nintendo’s offerings in 2015 and what the other consoles were offering.
Bristolpete (PSN ID/NN ID)

Long answer

I got an Xbox One in August last year after being really impressed with Microsoft’s E3 presentation, and more importantly the exclusive games coming to the Xbox One.  I was not disappointed as I got all three of their big exclusives: Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, and Halo: The Master Chief Collection at launch and loved them all. Halo’s multiplayer problems didn’t really affect my enjoyment as I bought it to play the four campaigns and am very impressed with the updated graphics.  However I decided not to vote for it as it is a compilation of updated older games. Here is my top three games of 2014 for the reader’s chart.

3. Assassin’s Creed Unity. This might not be a popular choice given the broken state it launched in on PlayStation 4 and PC but it was practically flawless on the Xbox One even before the massive 6.5GB patch. The graphics are truly stunning, Ubisoft’s recreation of 18th century Paris is nothing short of breathtaking and the amount of characters bustling about and their realistic behaviour makes it a very immersive and believable world. The 18th century architecture and interiors of the buildings look absolutely gorgeous and I was amazed that most buildings can be entered and explored. The story might not win any awards but I really enjoyed it. Arno is a very likeable hero to play as and the supporting cast and villains do a very good job. My favourite character is La Touche, The King Of Beggars who is expertly portrayed and a really awful antagonist to love to hate.

The big main assassinations are the star of the show though and its here I most enjoyed. The freedom in paths to take to reach your mark is vast and varied and requires a lot more thought in how to go about it. I liked how your abilities are limited to begin with and you must level up Arno to perform some of the fancier moves from previous entries, giving you a sense of progression which makes sense since Arno is learning to become an assassin rather than the previous games where the hero seems to be an instant expert – just add hooded robes and hidden dagger. There is seemingly endless side missions to do which are a lot more enjoyable and less repetitive than the previous games and I really liked the murder mysteries and Nostradamus enigmas especially out of the side missions.

2. Sunset Overdrive. I thoroughly enjoyed all of my 30+ hours in Sunset City and laughed practically the whole way through and it is definitely the best new IP of the year in my opinion and a return to Insomniac Games at their very best which is nice to see since they haven’t been firing on all cylinders in recent times. The boss battles are awesome and some of the most imaginative I’ve played in a game or at least in more recent times. The script had many laugh out loud moments and is packed with nods and references that range from a guffaw to raising a knowing smile while your non-gaming on-lookers have a confused look on their face.

The controls take a good while to get use to but once you do, and especially when you unlock the air dash move early on, it is a blast and racking up huge score multipliers while grinding, jumping and blasting OD and the other enemies in the game is a lot of fun and highly addictive. The guns are all awesome save for a couple of generic pistols and shotguns, but most of the weapons are as crazy and fun as the rest of the game and are a lot of fun to try out different guns and traps. Above all where it succeeds with aplomb is its happy to just be a fun game. It’s not pushing any boundaries or innovating in any real way. It’s just pure arcade addictive fun and a bright, colourful, dumb roller coaster ride from start to finish.

And finally my 2014 Game Of The Year is… Forza Horizon 2. In fact forget that. Forza Horizon 2 is quite simply the best racing game I’ve ever played. I was a huge fan of the Project Gotham Racing series on Xbox and Xbox 360, and Metropolis Street Racing as it was originally called on Sega Dreamcast. Playground Games has a lot of original Bizarre Creations devs working with them now and it shines through in Forza Horizon 2 with the handling model and physics being identical to the magic of Bizarre Creations’ racers and it is sublime a perfect blend of realism and arcadey handling that for me had never been bettered in a racing game.

The graphics in Forza Horizon 2 are spectacular and the open world of Southern France and Northern Italy is stunning, massive and a joy to drive around in. The cities and countryside are gorgeous, the cars look beautiful and are intricately detailed. The weather effects are amazing as the rain is pouring down rain drops sliding down you windscreen and side windows and puddles forming on the road which makes it realistically more slippery and harder to drive then as the sun comes out the water evaporates realistically and the car dries off looks very technically impressive.

Above all though the gameplay is spot on. Races whether against the AI using the Drivatar system, which mimics behaviours of real players perfectly making for close and challenging racing, or against real people online which is where I’ve spent the majority of my 240+ hours with the game racing online with my mates and the rest of the world. It is an absolute blast and the most fun I’ve ever had in a racing game. Racing online with my mates is what I play most so they offer me the most longevity and I can see me playing Forza Horizon 2 for a long long time to come, especially if they keep expanding on it with amazing expansions like the recent Storm Island pack. This is why it is my absolute favourite game of 2014.
Big Angry Dad82 (gamertag)

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