
The morning Inbox wonders why people get upset about review scores for games they haven’t played, as one reader considers VR multiplayer.

To join in with the discussions yourself email gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk

Please note: We’re currently running very low on Reader’s Feature articles for this weekend and beyond, so if you’ve ever wanted to write one but never got around to it now would be a great time. They can be on any game-related subject you want, although do try and avoid topics that have been covered recently if you can.


Stay focused

I have no interest in Titanfall personally, because I’m not a big fan of multiplayer first person shooters but I don’t understand why people are complaining about it not having a single-player story. Just like not all games have to have multiplayer in them and would be better if the devs didn’t waste time shoehorning multiplayer into them. Titanfall is a multiplayer game and that’s what it’s been marketed as and I’m sure it’s all the better game for it because it focuses on creating a great multiplayer shooter.

Think how much better and feature packed Battlefield 4 could have been if it didn’t have a single-player story. I’m sure no one would miss it, not to mention it probably would’ve worked properly at launch. I for one, as a Battlefield fan, want the next Battlefield to be purely multiplayer like Titanfall and DICE to focus all their time into making the best multiplayer experience possible.


Tacked on single-player

I agree with Matt Smith on games becoming more online multiplayer-focused or even online multiplayer-only, e.g. Titanfall. I’m not saying scrap online multiplayer completely but to add a single-player mode to the game as well.  On average in a week I spend about 15 hours doing single-player and about four hours doing online/split-screen.

Although I read a variety of reviews and therefore know if a game is mainly multiplayer-focused someone who doesn’t read game reviews might buy a game because it appeals to them without reading the back and not realising it might be online only.
The Conkster (gamertag)/TommyGun17 (NN ID)


You haven’t played it

I always get a sense of trepidation before I read or watch a review for a console exclusive or beloved franchise because I know that no matter the nature of the review there will always be people that feel the need to attack the reviewer, and people with opinions that don’t mirror their own. The most ludicrous aspect of this is that most people who feel the need to lambaste reviews haven’t actually played the game they are defending to the end.

Fortunately we are spared the very worst on GameCentral, but you still get the typical influx for exclusives. It really can get quite comical to observe people say the most scathing of things just because of someone’s opinion, and it isn’t limited to yourselves.

There are few nasty people on the GameCentral Inbox pages that will attack anyone with a negative opinion of particular games, whenever I send in a letter conveying my dislike for Resident Evil 6 they will accuse myself and others of jumping on the bandwagon and demand that we comprehensively explain our grievances with the game.

On a lighter note, I was playing Super Street Fighter IV on my 3DS online with my opponent comprehensively beating me and couldn’t help but wish I was actually good at fighting games. I enjoy playing fighting games, in particular Marvels Vs. Capcom 3, but I just can’t get to grips with the genre.

I am, however, adept at the Call of Duties and Mario Kart 7 (God, I hate blue shells) but taking the time to earnestly learn the intricacies of the genre seems very daunting. I’m sure there’s a Hot Topic in there somewhere.
iLike Fat Ladys (gamertag)

GC: We like that idea, we’ll use it this week.


E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk


Man in the mirror

RE: Gill C and Dark Souls II character vanity. Yep, I share that anguish, Gill. I spent three quarters of an hour at the start creating a character to look as close to Bruce Lee as I could (although I just couldn’t seem to get the nose quite right. It has an unintended touch of the Kidmans about it).

I decided to take my gallant creation to the sandy area of the tutorial to exhibit my dominance to those big monsters down there, and er, well, I’ve since spent the following 15 hours hollow and my initially fine-looking character now looks like old Albert Steptoe with a skin colour indicating he’s either got a nasty case of the Norovirus or perhaps a nice dose of radiation poisoning.

I’m saving my human effigies until I absolutely need them, so poor Brucie Bonus will have to stay hollow and grotesque, with a helm resembling a galvanised bucket on his head, a while longer. I’ll make sure he’s human again for the Mirror Boss fight though, because if he caught a glimpse of himself looking like this, I’m concerned his self-esteem would plummet.


Cosplay dreams

Whilst playing Final Fantasy IX on my PS Vita yesterday I was enjoying the contrast of outfits the inhabitants of Lindblum had on. As a child I often fancied Barrett’s gun arm (and physique) from Final Fantasy VII and Leon’s hair from Resident Evil 2.

Another outfit (and hairstyle) I loved as a child was Paul Phoenix’s fiery leather get up in the Tekken games. Therefore, my possible Got Topic is; if you could own/wear one outfit/item of clothing from a game what would it be? What do you think GC?
AckworthOwl (PSN ID)

GC: We like Professor Layton’s hat.


Rockstar on a budget

Thank you to F. Martin for pointing out the Rockstar games sale the PlayStation Store are having. That could well have been over looked by myself! There are some awesome games on sale there and Like F. Martin, I will be purchasing The Warriors.. Only question is, do I get it for my PlayStation 3 or as I have just recently picked up my PSP (still on the fence in regards to a Vita), should I pick it up for the PSP for £3.19?

I really enjoyed Bully, I think I was only 14 when it came out and back then, I had hours and hours of fun with it. GC are completely right in saying it had it’s flaws but in general I thought it was great fun. I’m considering purchasing Manhunt 2 for the PSP as well but I never had a chance to play it upon release. Does GC or GCers know if it matches up to the first one and if it is worth a go?
PedroChops (PSN ID)

Currently Playing: Tomb Raider (digital edition), Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons, and WWE ‘13

GC: Manhunt 2 is fairly different from the first and overall not nearly as good. But if it’s on sale and you like the premise you may as well give it a go.


Toe in the water

It will be interesting to see a Shenmue III Kickstarter campaign. There are clearly a number of people that would love this game. However, I struggle to ascertain if there is a very vocal few or a real community pining after the final segment of the trilogy.  (I am inclined to believe it is a vocal few.)

Given the old one stick control on the Dreamcast a 3DS port of the first two seems like another fairly easy way to gauge current interest in the series. (Although the lack of any other Dreamcast ports on the 3DS might suggest it is not an easy port to do. Skies Of Arcadia 3D anyone?)


Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here


Elephant in the headset

I found the letter about South Park: The Stick Of Truth and the random battles interesting. Like the contributor who wrote in I like the game, although the censored bits were intrusive. I’m not sure how I feel about the random turn-based battles though. I find them satisfyingly awesome one minute (especially Captain Chaos) and teeth-grindingly frustrating the next (the ‘women’s clinic’ big boss) but I think they suit The Stick Of Truth very well.

I know it got a good review from GC but the censorship put a bit of a damper on it for me, I have to say how surprised I am to find myself enjoying it so much. On the subject of South Park did anyone else enjoy the cross dressing bit for the girls? Sparkles and sunshine indeed.

Regarding VR headsets, this seems a bit strange to me that its finally happening at a point in time where the industry is starting to move away from single-player titles as I always think of VR as being a single-player experience. I don’t really see how online multiplayer can benefit from VR unless were talking about Tron-like hubs where gamers meet to compete. Now that I actually think about it that sounds rather spiffy.

But I think there are a couple of elephants in the room here. I think the cost will put a lot of people off, then there’s how well the headsets work – have R&D managed to minimise motion sickness? And you can’t get away from the fact that you’ll look a complete tool sat in the living room with one of those things on your head. I see this being another Kinect, a good idea that just wont work the way we’d like it too.

GC: South Park doesn’t have random battles? And we don’t understand why you think multiplayer wouldn’t benefit from VR headsets but single-player would? Cost, motion sickness, and what you look like while you have one on are all very valid concerns though.


Inbox also-rans

Picked up Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom and it’s one of the best platform puzzlers I’ve played in a long time. The shadow puppet themed cut scenes are also a nice touch.
Edtwozeronine (gamertag/PSN ID)

Has there been any more news/info lately on Fantasia: Music Evolved from Harmonix or Disney? Is it still going to be released (in 2014)?
TheSpectre_N8 (PSN ID)

GC: Only in so much as Disney recently insisted it hasn’t been cancelled, following their recent job cuts.


This week’s Hot Topic

The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was inspired by reader iLike Fat Ladys (gamertag), who asks what video game are you best at?

How good are you at it compared to other people and if it’s a multiplayer game how confident are you that you’ll always come out near the top of the heap when playing? If it’s a single-player game what difficultly level do you play it at and is there anything specific you do to show off within the game? What game, or type of game, are you worst at and does it annoy you that you’re no good or is it more because of a lack of interest?

Do you generally regard yourself as a skilled gamer or are you merely average or below average? If you’re very good do you handicap yourself when playing friends and family – and do you tell them? If you’re not so good does it bother you, and does it limit the types of games you play?

E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk


The small print
New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word 4Player viewer features at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

If you need quick access to the GameCentral channel page please use: www.metro.co.uk/games

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