Two of the most controversial Final Fantasy titles get a HD makeover, but are they good enough games to warrant the effort?
The news that Bravely Default has outsold Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII in the US has been greeted with wide applause by many Final Fantasy fans, who see it is a game far more in keeping with the legacy of the series than the recent mainline games. But if many long term fans are unsatisfied with the current direction of Final Fantasy at what point do they consider it jumped the shark? That’s not something on which there is wide agreement, but Final Fantasy X is certainly one contender.
Before we continue we should emphasise that as far as HD remakes go this is exemplary. In terms of the amount of effort that’s gone in, both technically and in terms of the rest of the package, this is as perfect an update of the two games as you can imagine. And if that’s all you wanted to know then you can keep your pre-order where it is and be assured that Square Enix has produced the perfect indulgence for people that loved the games the first time round.
For those that weren’t playing Japanese role-players back in 2001 this was the first mainline Final Fantasy on the PlayStation 2, and so the first ever to feature solely polygonal graphics – instead of the mixture of 3D characters walking around pre-rendered backdrops from the previous few entries. It was also the first to feature voice-acting for all dialogue, but more on that later.
For those wondering why Square Enix would choose to remake Final Fantasy X when the more universally praised VII is still left in its original form, the 3D visuals are the answer. Even just re-rendering the original backdrops for VII, VIII, an IX at a higher resolution would take an enormous amount of time and effort. And then you’ve got to upgrade the 3D models to match, at which point you might as well just do a full-bloodied remake, and not just an HD update. And as Square Enix has always implied that’s a project that’s never likely to be profitable, despite Final Fantasy VII’s mythical status.
All of which means those three PS one era games are probably likely never to be updated. And since Square Enix has remade the earlier, simpler games multiple times before Final Fantasy X just happens to be next in line.
As the first game of a new generation Final Fantasy X was a clear and purposeful break from earlier formulas, much as Final Fantasy XIII was for the outgoing gen. In fact there are many points of comparison between the two, with Final Fantasy X having a greater emphasis on cinematic cut scenes than ever before, as well as much more linear progression – despite pretences to the contrary.
But the important thing is that these pretences are convincing, and many fans gave the changes a pass because the combat system, although no longer Active Time Battle, was still turn-based and extremely tactical in nature. In fact for many the ‘Conditional Turn-Based Battle’ (CTB) system is the best in the series, with the ability to swap characters in and out of action without penalty ensuring everyone gets their chance to shine and you have the freedom to think more strategically.
Each character has their own specialties, such as being strong against aerial or machine-based enemies, while the Sphere Grid upgrade system allows you to fine tune their abilities with a satisfying degree of intricacy.
The balancing act between old and new influences is not entirely successful though and the preference for tedious mini-games instead of traditional side quests certainly seems as big a mistake now as it did then. Although opinion remains divided on whether future sport Blitzball is a welcome diversion and a fully-fledged game in its own right, or the most unbearable indulgence in a series of unwanted interruptions.
In gameplay terms though Final Fantasy X is a success, the positives greatly outweighing the negatives – and even the failures born at least of a desire to do something different. Where the game struggles much more desperately is in its storyline and characters. The plot is, as ever, nonsensical but unlike XIII at least fairly straightforward. The two main characters though, Tidus and Yunus, are rendered almost unbearable by their terrible voice-acting.
There aren’t enough adjectives in the world to describe just how bad the voice-acting is, but its most serious failing is to make everything the leads say seem even more melodramatic than it already would given the script. It also transforms the romance into a wince-inducing comedy, with the infamous ‘laughing scene’ being rightly regarded as one of the worst cut scenes in all gaming.
The voice-acting did get better in subsequent games but oddly the melodramatic tone has remained consistent in Final Fantasy ever since. Not for one second does anyone sound or act like a real human being; and while in the earlier games you filled in the gaps with your imagination when everything is spoken out loud the full inanity of the script is driven home, which no possibility for alternative interpretation.
Despite its honest attempts to move the franchise, and genre, forward you can see in Final Fantasy X the germination of all the problems which Final Fantasy XIII has brought to a head. Not least of which is the new obsession with direct sequels. Previously new numbered entries had no story connection with one another but Final Fantasy X-2, released just two years later, picked up straight after the events of Final Fantasy X.
But where Final Fantasy X is still well liked by many fans there are far fewer that will stick up for X-2. It suffers all the same problems of its predecessor and yet has a strange, semi-comedic tone that completely undermines the ambiguous ending of the first game. Its focus on the female characters is just as sexist as you’d expect (it’s yet another game where female lead equals constantly changing her clothing) but the early experiments with a less linear, mission-based structure is interesting and has had a clear influence on later games in the series.
X-2 always seemed like an unnecessary sequel but its inclusion here is welcome nevertheless, if for the sake of completeness if nothing else. And given the surprisingly modest asking price this is a very worthwhile package for even passing fans of the series. The work that’s gone into upgrading the graphics is impressively substantial, with completely new character models for the principles, as well retouched backgrounds, textures, and a new lighting system.
We played the game on the PS Vita and there are even a few touchscreen options added on, along with a new and improved menu system. These remasters are based on the International versions of the games, and so they have the more complex Sphere Grid and the Final Mission content (a sort of roguelike extra dungeon). Despite what the name implies this is the first time they’ve been available in the West.
Because of the script and voice-acting we’d hesitate before recommending the game to new fans but then as now Final Fantasy X is a much more satisfying update of the franchise’s formula than any of the PlayStation 3 era games. Hopefully the even better Final Fantasy XII will get an update next and Square Enix can just pretend the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy never happen.
In Short: A superb remake of two flawed but still interesting entries in the Final Fantasy canon – and certainly far better games than any of the last three.
Pros: One of the best battle systems in the whole franchise, married to one of the more engaging storylines and an interesting mix of modern and retro influences. Excellent remastering effort.
Cons: The script in both games is poor and the voice-acting absolutely atrocious. Irritating mini-games. Final Fantasy X-2 is pure fluff, despite a few interesting ideas.
Score: 7/10
Formats: PS Vita (reviewed) and PlayStation 3
Price: £29.99
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Virtuos/Square Enix
Release Date: 21st March 2014
Age Rating: 12
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