
GameCentral readers name the next gen launch games they’re most looking forwards to, from Killzone: Shadow Fall to Ryse.

With the Xbox One out next week and the PlayStation 4 the week after the latest Hot Topic focuses on the first wave of games being released for both new consoles. Which ones do you find the most interesting and what do you think of each launch line-up – and how do you think they compare to the launch of previous consoles?

The response was not ecstatic and although many admitted to looking forwards to the new consoles few expected any of the exclusives to be especially memorable. In fact cross-generational games Lego Marvel and Battlefield 4 seemed to be the most eagerly awaited, rather than anything from Sony or Microsoft.


Animal attraction

Regarding the Xbox One, I will be pre-ordering Zoo Tycoon, and downloading Crimson Dragon and Killer Instinct on day one. My console comes with FIFA 14. Luckily I have a PlayStation 4 Mega Pack on order so that’s Killzone ordered too.

Other than that, that’s about it. Zoo Tycoon interests me the most because of my liking of Theme Park and Kinectimals. Previews have been positive, so I am really looking forward to this one.
Dark Anima X (gamertag/PSN ID/Nintendo ID)


Early lead

This conversation is really about exclusives, which means it’s Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack for the PlayStation 4 versus Forza Motorsport 5, Dead Rising 3, and Ryse: Son Of Rome for Xbox One. I have to say, as someone who is going buy a PlayStation 4 solely because it’s cheaper, that the Xbox One seems to have a more varied and interesting line-up of exclusives at launch.

Extend that time frame to the ever-nebulous ‘launch window’, and titles like Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, and D4 only strengthen the case for Microsoft’s box. Sony’s InFamous: Second Son, Deep Down, Driveclub, and The Order: 1886 all look promising, but I have to admit that the Xbox One’s exclusives seem to be more interesting and varied overall, touching upon more genres and gameplay styles.

Reflecting on my decision to choose the PlayStation 4, I have to admit to myself that I’m mainly doing so because of the lower price and to stick it to Microsoft for their anti-consumer policies. Even though they have since reversed all of those ill-conceived policies, I’m afraid it’s too little, too late for this frugal, petty, resentful gamer. I look forward to my lap glowing blue for the next five to eight years.
David from San Francisco


Time to wait

I’m not bothered about any of the launch games of either machine. I’ll be quite happy to wait for the first price drop, which I reckon will come quite fast for the Xbox One. Maybe the journalists aren’t mentioning the DRM fiasco much these days. But the sort of clued-up people who buy consoles on release will still have it fresh in their mind.

I’ve got quite a few of this generation games still to play, and I’ll also be doing up my PC for all the Kickstarter games I bought. I’m really looking forward to Elite: Dangerous.


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Building up to it

I’m not really looking forward to any games on the next gen consoles (not that I’ll be getting either console for a good while anyway).

The Xbox One has a better selection but the only one which interests me is Crimson Dragon. Never really enjoyed Dead Rising games despite giving them both a good go. Don’t do simulation racers so not bothered about Forza Motorsport 5. Ryse looks very pretty and good fun but can’t imagine it being a system seller.

On the PlayStation 4 only Killzone looks interesting to me but that’s more because I’ve never played one but always liked the idea of a slower-paced first person shooter.

To be honest the game that I’d most want a next gen machine for would be Lego Marvel Super Heroes. Me and my son spent countless hours on Lego Batman 2 so will definitely be getting Marvel for the Xbox 360. But one of the problems I’ve always had with Lego games is that they seem to push the graphics too far. Lego Batman 2 had some amazingly detailed graphics but also had the odd spot of slowdown.

I think the games would suit slightly simpler textures, etc. and be much more fun at a consistent 60 frames per second. I recently booted up the first Lego Batman which has simpler visuals but looks amazing because everything runs a lot smoother.

So the main reason I’d buy an Xbox One or PlayStation 4 would be to see a Lego game running to its full potential.

That’s pretty sad really, but I’m just not that excited by any games on the horizon really, next gen or not. After finishing GTA I’ll probably replay XCOM as I only ever got one play-through and then get the two Super Mario Galaxy games as I’ve still never got round to playing them.

PS: I’ve always found it odd that they never made a Lego game where everything was made out of Lego. Correct me if I’m wrong but surely being relatively simple geometric shapes with no detailed texture they would be less graphically intensive than real buildings etc.

GC: A game were everything was made out of virtual Lego bricks would be vastly more graphically intensive than ordinary backgrounds, which is why they don’t do it. The Lego Movie game is the first to attempt to build the whole world out of bricks.


Why wait?

I’m really looking forward to finally getting hands on with my shiny PlayStation 4 at launch. I was going to wait a few months until there were more games available for it, but if everyone does that Sony will probably go bust, leaving the ‘dark side’ to win the console war, and we can’t have that can we? Every PlayStation 4 sold is a poke in the eye with a sharp stick to Microsoft’s anti-gamer policies, so it’s essential that we gamers purchase lots of PlayStation 4s at launch.

As for the games, my console comes with the new Killzone game included, I will be upgrading my beloved Battlefield 4 for £10, and I have Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Call Of Duty: Ghosts on pre-order. I think that they should keep me busy until some more decent games arrive.

The games I’m looking forward to in the near future are The Elder Scrolls Online and Thief. I’m not still sure about buying the former because it involves a subscription, but I did love Oblivion and Skyrim, and the original Thief 1 and 2 on PC remain two of my favourite games of all time.

Buying into a new console generation at launch is always expensive though, one other item I consider to be an essential purchase is a new stereo headset, because mono headsets don’t cut it in my opinion. If any of my fellow GCers would like to join in the fun on PlayStation 4 add me!
Crazy-Crusha (PSN ID)


Short answer

Nothing. Good day to you.


Next gen Battlefield

The next gen game I’m most excited for by a clear mile, is Battlefield 4. This seems to be the one that has most benefited from next gen technology, from the launch titles anyway. I think this is the game where I’m really going to notice the generational leap the most initially. Don’t get me wrong, I really want to play the game in general and love Battlefield, it’s one of the few games where I actually enjoy the multiplayer, and i can’t wait to play it at its 1080p at 60fps with 64-player glory on the PlayStation 4.

The frame rate alone should make the game feel better to play, and I’m sure I will notice this difference compared to the other Battlefield console titles I’ve played. I’m looking forward to giving Commander Mode a go too, I like the concept of that, and hopefully will give the players more cohesion in their goals and work together more effectively.

Of course, people may just ignore the commander, but I hope that most utilise this mode for what it offers and work with the commander. I’m one of those people that places as much importance on the campaign than the multiplayer, so I am a bit disappointed to hear one reviewer say that he completed that in four hours?! Very disappointed. I’ve heard it has some great moments though, and hope it has replayibility. Just wish these companies started to make these campaigns longer though, because a lot like that aspect of these games.

My second launch game I want is Need For Speed: Rivals. The idea sounds sublime. You drive around as a cop or racer, you can play your own game, but can enter anyone else’s race as a cop for example if one passes you, and chase racers down as they’re racing. It sounds very much like the game I was hoping the Hot Pursuit reboot was going to be but wasn’t.

Graphically, I suspect it will be the usual Need For Speed next gen crossover game, in that it will be the same game as the current gen version, with slightly crispier visuals. I know you dislike the series GC, but Killzone: Shadow Fall looks interesting. I like the concept of the Owl.
Spartas Edge

GC: We don’t dislike Need For Speed, the Criterion games have been very good. We do hate Battlefield 4′s single-player though. If only it had been shorter…


Non-exclusively yours

The next generation launch game I was most looking forward to was Watch Dogs, now that has been delayed I am hoping Assassin’s Creed IV can fill the gap. I have become a little tired of the Assassin’s Creed games and have skipped the last two games but I am hoping that the pirate theme will be enough.

I also have the Killzone package ordered but that was more for the extra controller and camera than the game itself. I am expecting it to be competent but nothing special.

The fourth game I ordered was Destiny which is obviously a little way off too. So only two games at launch then plus the PlayStation Plus download games which I am actually looking forward to quite a bit.

Based on the reviews I have read the Lego Marvel Super Heroes game is actually the best launch title for me. So I might pick that up too. I am hoping GTA V will be announced as cross generation soon as I am yet to purchase it.

In general I think the overall quality of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 launch titles are actually very good but all the best games are cross generation ones. Sadly the exclusives are rather disappointing with nothing remotely close to Super Mario 64 or Halo: Combat Evolved.


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Spoilt for choice

I’d say both console launch line-ups appear above average and, multiformat discrepancies aside, Xbox One undoubtedly edges it for exclusives. As a comparison, it’s an improvement over the Xbox 360 launch line-up, but lacks the killer app of the original Xbox. Dead Rising 3 is the pick of the bunch for me, and I’m now inclined to think Ryse will be above average after reading some positive previews. Technically it certainly looks the standout title, perhaps on either format, and not the QTE fest many of us feared. I’d anticipate more than a few references to Gladiator – ‘at my signal, unleash hell’ – nailed on surely?

I’ve opted for the PlayStation 4 mega bundle, and I’m cautiously optimistic for Killzone: Shadow Fall. I don’t think the single-player will be vastly different from previous games, but a pleasing colour palette, more expansive environments, and robust multiplayer has me encouraged. And the dazzling visuals of course. I’m also looking forward to Call Of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4 with 63 other players.

I’m left scratching my head when I read complaints over there not being a plethora of games available at launch – how many games do these people expect to buy?! I’ve settled on three which is more than enough to keep me occupied. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag is also on my Christmas wanted list.

The game I’m most curious about is Knack. Already inexplicably written off by most gamers because the visuals didn’t impress over low-res videos over the Internet – up close in 1080p is a different matter altogether according to previews. It’s the one game in the PlayStation 4 line-up that offers something a bit different. It could go either way, so I will be paying close attention to the reviews, which may promote Knack in my pecking order.

In addition I’ve recently discovered I will be able to download the PlayStation 4 version of Flower for free (I owned it on PlayStation 3). The upgrades purportedly look absolutely stunning, so that’s a welcome bonus I didn’t anticipate. The downloadable indie titles bolster the launch line-up considerably, with Resogun in particular looking like a must have.

You have to temper your expectations with every launch. Whilst I expect a next gen sheen to the games, I’m not naive enough to anticipate next gen gameplay. That said, I feel it will be the user interfaces of both consoles which will offer the true next gen experience. Sony have talked about the immediacy of gaming on PlayStation 4, and being able to take control of a friend’s game; whilst Microsoft has been showcasing their multimedia features and how easy it is to flick between content on-the-fly. Those are the features gamers will be applauding initially.

If you’re buying both consoles, then you really are spoilt for choice.


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