Everywhere I go there is intricate infrastructure for institutions, practically nothing is available to support individuals. There are parking meters every ten feet, but no benches and no water fountains. There is amazing architecture for amazingly designed franchise fast food restaurants, but the food still lacks substantive nutrition, is made from genetically modified ingredient designed to enhance yield to better institutionalize performance.
The same is true for the rest of society, the rest of the world. Individuals prefer institutionalization over individuation. People prefer to be under the wing of institutions rather than spread their own wings and take flight on their own. This was not always the case, and will not remain the case I’ll safely predict, for everything is in constant flux, and there is a fantastic transition taking place right now. There are so many indigos and righteous rebels out there that there will be change inevitably, the most dramatic of which will be individuation over institutionalization.
All institutions lean toward empowering other institutions and the institutionalized individuals under their wing. All institutionalized individuals perform as the institution they are under and do not perform individuation, individual development. To put it simply, if you are not training, you’re being trained. So if you are acting on behalf of the institution more often than acting on behalf of individual self you lose yourself and become institutionalized. The Hopi People of Arizona eloquently described this predicament when they encountered institutionalized individuals for the first time. They called the institutionalized Europeans ‘two hearted’ and noticed that they had a second heart to fill that could not be quenched. The second institutional and empty heart required constant fulfillment, an empty cold heart that ate up everything.
Today because of “twoheartedness“ we live in a sea of pollution from corruption, a monolithic culture of separation, where we yield to institutions as if they had the divine right of kings. It is tremendously difficult to step away from the mediation of institutions and the control of institutions, but it is possible. In order to be an individual, choose practices which promote individuation and self development instead of concentrating on development of institutions. Practice meditation, tai chi chuan, yoga, do breath work. Practice your art, practice stepping out of line so that you don’t end up supporting the status quo of institutions over individuals. Practice being open to everyone around you: Authentically.
Practice being authentic by practicing the personal alchemy of perspective. This alchemy can only be done by individuals and only works with individuals, for individuals. Practice seeing the gold in people. See others as their authentic golden self, in their truth. There is still lead in the world, but when I focus on seeing the gold in people, the gold is extracted. I swear people come running up to me to show be how golden they are. Being an indigo, a righteous rebel, there are certain things that strikes me as leaden, despite the variations demonstrated, basically it’s when people are being inauthentic to themselves and others. When someone might be dense and not in light, this personal alchemy can transform leaden thought into golden. When I see people in their golden authenticity it tends to be extracted from them. Be and see authenticity to experience golden authenticity. Remember that AU is gold on the chart of the elements, and authentic.
“It is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a higher standard of living than any have ever known. It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary. War is obsolete. It is a matter of converting the high technology from weaponry to livingry.” – Buckminster Fuller
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