10/22: Canada’s 9/11
Harper’s “deep state” false flag war on Canada
History and recent events indicate that the “attack on Parliament” of October 22, 2014, was a false flag covert operation—an inside job—to make us afraid.
Following our trauma after the 9/11 attacks on our neighbours, Canadians now fear
home-grown terrorists in our own neighbourhoods. Public support has risen for legislation equivalent to the U.S. Patriot Act, and for Harper’s illegal wars in Iraq and Syria. Canada is again in full co-operation with Western powers destabilizing the region for its oil, establishing the ‘New World Order’. By October 19th many of us may be looking for a strong father figure to save us from enemies at home and abroad.
Watch for escalation of Harper’s war on Canada as the election nears.
Bill C-51, Canada’s Patriot Act, authored by the Conservatives, passed in the House of Commons with the support of the Liberals, except two members; independents abstained. The NDP and the Green Party voted NO. The Senate Committee reviewing Bill C-51 approved it, advocating a review after five years while also recommending the government take “additional steps in the fight against terrorism”. The same edition of The Globe and Mail (May 29, 2015) reports that our government is the “prime contractor” for Canada’s largest ever arms sale: $15 billion to Saudi Arabia for light armoured vehicles, against our policy of not dealing with regimes perpetrating human rights violations. The Department of Foreign Affairs refused “to reveal sensitive or competitive commercial aspects” of the contract with General Dynamics.
These recent escalations of militarism against our democratic rights follow the many outrages Stephen Harper committed since elected, and since ‘his team’ fraudulently seized majority. A look at the “deep state” sheds light on the global dynamics in which we are now enmeshed.
The CIA helped get Harper elected, according to a recently publicized Wikileaks document.
“Author, poet, academic and former Canadian diplomat Prof. Peter Dale Scott recently disclosed a Wikileaks cable indicating that the International Republican Institute (IRI), an offshoot of the CIA, and a subsidiary of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) helped install Stephen Harper as Canada’s Prime Minister. This was the coup.
Point 12 of the cable explains, “In addition to the campaign schools, IRI will be bringing in consultants who specialize in party renovation to discuss case studies of political parties in Germany, Spain and Canada which successfully carried out the process”.
“Canada’s Quiet Coup: How a CIA Offshoot Helped Install Stephen
Harper as Canada’s Prime Minister”, Mark Taliano, Global Research.ca.
With the help of the CIA, Canada’s traditional Conservative Party was ‘renovated’ into the totalitarian neo-conservative regime we now suffer; through which we finance and participate in the Western powers’ illegal invasions to engineer a ‘New World Order’ of permanent war and global corporate domination.
Professor Scott, retired from teaching at the University of California, Berkeley, is a Canadian and former Canadian diplomat. He writes on the “Deep State”: the network of powerful institutions behind our elected officials that control the public state. His book, The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on U.S Democracy, unveils these realities. Such institutions are architects of “structural deep events” that affect the history of the country, followed by increased powers for the deep state; we don’t know the truth until much later. 9/11 is one deep event; the ‘attack on Parliament’ is another.
Since taking secret powers in 1948 the CIA has engaged in bloody ‘covert operations’ around the world to replace elected leaders with totalitarian puppets. The election of George W. Bush was one. Did the CIA help with the ‘Robo-calls’? Were their opinion-building operatives working on Harper’s ‘team’? Tom Flanagan, the University of Alberta professor who mentored Harper during his rise through the Reform and then the Conservative parties, was hired from the Pentagon.
Professor Scott points out that “the Tories were not famous for sophistication, and suddenly Harper has a sophisticated campaign”.
Radio 4all interview: http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-ottawa-shootings-and-the-isil- continuity-of-government-and-architecture-of-the-deep-state-peter-dale-scott/5411937
The prize in Canada is unprecedented: not only the tar sands but unrestricted exploitation of every remaining resource, including resource-rich un-ceded Aboriginal homelands. Professor Anthony James Hall, in Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge, points out that “Flanagan and Harper took charge of the Canadian version of the Regan Revolution aimed at transforming the welfare state into the stock market state”. “Canada’s Quiet Coup”, as above.
October-November, 2014
The tragedies of October 20-22 show all the indicators of a classic false flag operation. Manufacturing an outside enemy to distract citizens from domestic crises has been a tactic of repressive governments throughout history.
Opposition to Harper’s dictatorship, his attacks on our democratic institutions and lawful dissent, spreads like wildfire. Resistance to his plans to make Canada the fossil energy powerhouse for the world, eliminate every environmental protection, exacerbate climate change, privatize every public resource and infrastructure, and militarize our country, builds from coast to coast. Facing an election in October he limits voter rights, gerrymanders riding boundaries, muzzles our scientists, escalates spying on citizens, and deploys riot police to peaceful resistance. Domestic revolt is brewing. Without a serious threat from outside, his dictatorship is in trouble.
Canadians were traumatized by 9/11; the murder of two soldiers and two ‘terrorists’ revived that fear and brought it home. The timeline shows, step by step, the seamless integration of illegal war, the murder of the four victims, and the exploitation of public emotion to further Harper’s devastating, illegal, agenda.
October 3: Harper announces in Parliament that Canada is joining America’s illegal bombing of Syria. He adopts their claim of fighting terrorists that threaten the entire world, which they successfully used in Afghanistan, Iraq, their many recent wars, and in illegal drone attacks.
Conservative MPs vote yes to the bombing. The NDP, Liberal, and Green Parties vote NO. But complicit media headlines say only “MP’s vote to join bombing of Syria”, with no mention of the overwhelming opposition. Province newspaper, October 4/14; CBC News online
This illegal declaration of war raises more outrage among citizens and elected representatives alike. How can Harper turn this tsunami of revolt before we end his reign?
October 7: NDP leader, Thomas Mulcair, quotes an Israeli newspaper reporting that 6000 fighters joined ISIL since American bombing began. This assessment agrees with people around the world—including FBI Director, James Comey—who point out that bombing will only increase resistance and lead to more war.
October 20: Warrant officer Patrice Vincent is run down in St.-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, by Martin Couture-Rouleau, a 25-year old who neighbours claim changed in the year after he converted to Islam. Martin’s Facebook friend in Saudi Arabia said, “So he was really mad that Canada actually supported American bombing in Syria and Iraq so I think that was his main motive in killing that Canadian soldier”. CBC News online, October 21/14
October 22: Corporal Nathan Cirillo is shot to death while standing ceremonial honour guard at the Canadian War Memorial in Ottawa by Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, who ran into the Center Block, past the NDP and the PM’s offices to the Commons Chamber, pursued by shooting police.
Harper’s speech in the House, measured and reassuring, advises us to “take a break”: a kind father reassuring fearful children. He calls for unity in adversity, hugs Liberal and NDP leaders, who agree all parties must stand together, and affirm that Canadians will not resort to hatred. But like George Bush after the towers fell, Harper can’t hide his triumphal, smug, secret smile, which telegraphs, ‘I fooled them all’. He wastes no time exploiting the fear ‘his team’ has generated.
October 23: Harper announces expanded powers to “survey, detain and arrest” citizens. Professor Scott quotes Harper’s speech that day: “The work that is already underway will be expedited”. The Conservatives were already building a billion-dollar complex for a new agency, Communications Security Establishment Canada, ‘twinned with’ the U.S. National Security Agency; they were increasing the powers of CSIS (Canadian Security and Intelligence Service). They had already raised RCMP funding in the 2013 budget.
November 2: Canada begins bombing Syria. The cover story for illegal attacks, fighting Islamic extremists who pose a threat to the entire world, obscures their interests in the region’s oil wealth. The U.S. used the same misdirection—in that case, non-existent ‘weapons of mass destruction’—to justify their attack on Iraq. Linda McQuaig documents the repeated lies in her shocking and enlightening book It’s the Crude, Dude: War, Big Oil, and the Fight for the Planet.
The bombing of Syria and Iraq led many expatriates to return to take their country back from occupation and continuing devastation. Harper also calls them terrorists.
November 11: Remembrance Day. The timing of the ‘attacks’ three weeks earlier generates maximum sympathy and outrage. To sorrow and grief over our losses in all wars Harper adds revenge. As peace activists who wear the white poppy point out, Remembrance Day is also a celebration of war. In 2014 war was celebrated like never before. Harper exploits the death of Corporal Cerillo to maximum effect with full military funeral and honours. He turns his visit with Cerillo’s family and conversation with his young son into a photo op. On the same day he establishes Patrol Base Nathan Cerillo in Iraq and Camp Patrice Vincent in Kuwait. Professor Hall points out that they have branded the Ottawa war memorial for the Conservative Party.
How much does Harper value the lives of soldiers? Hundreds of young men died in Afghanistan; many committed suicide. More will die in these illegal wars. Given the abuse Harper metes out to veterans and their families—also widely condemned—still more young people who sacrificed their well being will find life unbearable. Television ads in advance of November 11 extolling ‘the ultimate sacrifice’ of veterans exposed Harper’s hypocrisy; but in the trauma of these events it seems to have escaped notice.
Questions arise
The complete videos of the ‘terrorist attack’ have not been released. Martin Couture-Rouleau and Michael Zehaf-Bibeau were killed outright, not captured, arrested and put on trial; we will never hear their stories. All the perpetrators of the subsequent ‘terrorist’ actions in Paris and Sydney, Australia were likewise killed outright.
How did this masked, rifle-carrying man get past security guards? In his radio interview Professor Scott points out that Zehaf-Bibeau wasn’t on RCMP watch lists of radicalized Muslims but they knew everything about him, yet didn’t detain him. He is amazed at the lockdown of the entire city for one man, continued even after he had been killed. How is it that the police chasing him fired hundreds of rounds before the Sergeant at Arms finally killed him? This would not be the first time that the RCMP participated in false flag operations.
During the FLQ (Front de Liberation du Quebec) ‘October crisis’ of 1970 and Pierre Trudeau’s declaration of the War Measures Act, the RCMP engaged in countless ‘dirty tricks’, from barn burning to illegal detention. In May, 1971 David Lewis, NDP leader, accused the government of “having deceived Canadians into supporting the War Measures Act in the first place.”
Many breaches of the law were revealed at the Keable Inquiry (1977) into illegal RCMP activities, which Solicitor General Francis Fox tried more than once to shut down. In 1978 Fox “admitted that Donald Cobb, Chief Superintendent of the RCMP, had issued a fake FLQ communiqué urging violence to secure the independence of Quebec.” Police testified that they instigated so many events that “in effect, we were the FLQ”. In 1981 seventeen members of the RCMP were charged with a total of 44 offences.
Claude Belanger, Dept. Of History, Marianopolis College, rev. August 23, 2000
False Flag in Victoria, BC
Canada Day, 2014: An RCMP ‘sting’ operation plants the idea of local disaffected people converting to Islam and religious terrorism. The trial of John Nuttall and Amanda Korody revealed that 240 officers were involved to entrap two heroin addicts into placing pressure cooker bombs at the BC Legislature. RCMP posed as extremist Muslims, plied the poverty-stricken pair with money, trips, gifts and quality hotel rooms. Police videotaped them every step of the way, including the placing of the ‘bombs’, which were not effective devices. The judge criticized police for ending the video with a simulated explosion.
Vancouver Sun, May 27, 2015; Globe and Mail, May 28
John and Amada were convicted of conspiracy and sentenced to four years; but it’s not over. Their lawyers have applied for documents on police and CSIS involvement.
The sense of being above the law is a problem among police the world over. Violence happens when authority is armed with deadly weapons—accelerating as police are militarized. The RCMP has been the subject of many inquiries for beatings, shootings, taserings, and other deaths, in custody and in our communities. News reports shock us with police violence during demonstrations. Our society’s racism and sexism can find uncontrolled expression, by local police as well as federal. But as with the CIA’s Safari Club, it appears that a covert subculture, out of control, is pushing war.
This is not to malign the thousands of officers who respect community, who administer the law with sensitivity and often with good humour; they are greatly valued by the people they serve.
‘Misguided’…victims of MK Ultra
Martin Couture-Rouleau and Michael Zehaf-Bibeau may have been ‘deranged’, as the spin has it. Since they were shot dead, we’ll never know their story. That too makes it likely they were contemporary victims of MK Ultra.
Until they were exposed in the late 70’s, the CIA financed experiments in mind and behaviour control – for twenty years – at eighty North American institutions, including the Allan Memorial Institute at McGill University in Montreal. Unstable individuals as well as people with ordinary problems were subjected, without their consent, to LSD and other drugs, chemicals, electroshock (30 to 40 times normal power) hypnosis, and verbal and sexual abuse, to erase normal behaviour patterns and establish others. These experiments produced the torture methods the CIA uses and teaches around the world. They also produced potential assassins.
Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Fromme, one of the two women of the Manson family who attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford in 1975, was reported in the Berkeley Barb to be a local troubled person who had disappeared for a time before the assassination attempt. Sirhan Sirhan’s attorney said he was under hypnosis when he assassinated John Kennedy. The Jonestown massacre in Guyana in 1978 was thought to be an MK Ultra experiment after the program officially ‘ended’. Congressman Leo Ryan, a critic of the CIA, was shot to death shortly before the massacre after visiting Jonestown to investigate ‘irregularities’.
“Victor Marchetti, author and 14-year CIA veteran, stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducted disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MK Ultra was abandoned a cover story.”
Wikipedia, MK Ultra
‘Embedded’ media
In the video footage of the ‘attack on Parliament’ a camera lens may be seen peeking from behind a pillar, suggesting the media were already in place, positioned ahead of the ‘terrorist’ and the pursuing, shooting, police.
A recent false flag operation to manipulate elections is reported by a UN Observer Mission in Georgia, which determined that “inconsistencies merited further investigation, particularly the suggestion that the filming of the attack seemed anticipatory”.
The 2008 Kurcha incident: Two minibuses carrying voters from Abkhazia on their way to vote in parliamentary elections in Georgia were attacked with small arms and grenades. Following a year of unrest and huge demonstrations, Georgian President Saakashvili had moved elections forward. The attack dominated the news on Election Day; the President (a U.S. supporter) was filmed at the bedside of the victims, blaming the Russians or Abkhazians. Wikipedia, False Flag
Professor Scott observed that a complicit media might have helped Harper’s election, along with the RCMP, by inflating the case against the Liberals and Ralph Goodale (radio 4all interview).
Bought Journalists: How Politicians, Secret Services and High Finance Control the Mass Media, is a recent book revealing the extensive, worldwide CIA death grip on media today.
“Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of Germany’s largest newspapers, said in an interview that he accepted news stories written and given to him by the CIA and published them under his own name. Ulfkotte said the aim of much of the deception was to drive nations toward war….“I’m ashamed I was part of it. Unfortunately I cannot reverse this.”…. Dr. Ulfkotte says the corruption of journalists and major news outlets by the CIA is routine, accepted, and widespread in the western media, and that journalists who do not comply either cannot get jobs at any news organization, or find their careers cut short.” http://www.globalresearch.ca/editor-of-major-german- newspaper-says-he-planted-stories-for-the-cia/5429324
In Canada: the posthumous memoirs of Roger Auque, Au service de la Republique, reveal that this well-known journalist who worked for major French magazines also worked for the French Canadian Radio-Canada. He admitted: “I was paid by the Israeli secret services to lead operations in Syria, using reporting as a cover….Contrary to Ulfkotte, who’s filled with remorse, the French reporter was “not at all ashamed of this revelation””.
Financing the Islamic Sunni Caliphate of Iraq and the Levant
Scott Rickard, a former U.S. intelligence linguist, points out that “a destabilized Iraq and Syria benefit the American, British and Israeli imperialist control of the region…This was further underlined earlier Monday when Kurdish security forces announced that they had found “Israel-packed foodstuff and equipment” in ISIL terrorist hideouts in Mosul and Kirkuk.”
Rickard agrees that Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the Western countries are promoting and financing ISIL. “I think what’s important to frame out here is these are allies that have been working together for over 100 years. The groups that are supporting the ISIL and other terrorists conducting and inflicting chaos on not only Syria but also other countries around the world, these are organizations that have worked in concert. “
Press TV interview, June 22, 2014,
Robert Fisk, an English journalist based in Beirut writing for the British paper, The Independent, wrote (June 12, 2014) that Saudi Arabia financed ISIL. America and Britain will tell us “to regard the new armed “caliphate” as a “terror nation”…The “terror” bit will be provided by the arms we send to all sides.” On June 23 he added a statement that Saudi Arabia has asked that he clarify the government’s official position: they condemn and have criminalized affiliation and private funding or support for ISIL.
www.independent.co.uk/voices/iraq-crisis-sunni-caliphate- has-been-bankrolled-by-Saudi Arabia-9533396.htr
In his testimony at the International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001 in Toronto Professor Peter Dale Scott detailed how the CIA and spy organizations of the U.K., Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other countries work in liaison, beyond the control of their governments, initiating covert operations. He points out that all of America’s significant wars have been preceded by structural deep events. Trafficking in heroin has financed all these secret wars.
The outrages committed by ISIL can be viewed on YouTube. With all the videos removed from that social medium for various objections, why are the beheadings and shootings available for anyone to see, including young people and children? The CIA can’t massacre people in western democratic nations; they can’t have blood running in the streets, can’t clog rivers with bodies, as they have done in South America, Africa and Indonesia. Naomi Klein details these outrages in her book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Compliant governments bomb civilizations for corporate profit from destruction and reconstruction. They terrorize our citizens by proxy, through compliant media, Internet news and social media. Klein also documents how, when “the shock wears off”, people reclaim their democratic rights.
Covert Operations and Deep Events
The events of October and November 2014 may appear to be the cover story that Harper and his allies spin for us. In the context of history, the whole picture comes into focus.
John Stockwell, “the highest-ranking CIA official ever to leave the agency and go public”, reveals the truth behind CIA cover stories:
“…we lied. To just about everybody involved. …one third of my staff was propagandists, who were working, in every way they could, to create this picture of Cubans raping Angolans, Cubans and Soviets introducing arms into the conflict, Cubans and Russians trying to take over the world.
Our ambassador to the United Nations, Patrick Moynihan, he read continuous statements of our position to the Security Council, the general assembly, and the press conferences, saying the Russians and Cubans were responsible for the conflict, and that we were staying out, and that we deplored the militarization of the conflict.
And every statement we made was false….This CIA director bill Colby – the same one that dumped our people in Vietnam – he gave 36 briefings of the Congress, the oversight committees, about what we were doing in Angola. And he lied. At 36 formal briefings. And such lies are perjury, and it’s a felony to lie to the Congress.” ….
“We’re talking about 10 to 20 thousand covert actions [the CIA has performed since 1961]. What I found was that lots and lots of people have been killed in these things…. Some of them are very, very bloody….
You have to be asking yourself, why are we destabilizing 50 corners of the troubled world? Why are we about to go to war in Nicaragua, the Central American war? It is the function, I suggest, of the CIA, with its 50 de-stabilization programs going around the world today, to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize the American people to hate, so we will let the establishment spend any amount of money on arms….
“The Secret Wars of the CIA, part I, a lecture given in 1987: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Stockwell/StockwellCIA87_1.html
Professor Scott on “The Falsified War on Terror: How the US Has Protected Some of Its Enemies”:
“I conclude that the pseudo-war has been fought for other motives than the official one of fighting terrorism – indeed few informed observers would contest the obvious and often-voiced observation, from U.S. intelligence analysts among others, that U.S. wars overseas (as opposed to intelligence and police actions) have radically increased the dangers of terrorism, not reduced them.7 Among the hidden motives, two stand out. One is the intention to establish a permanent U.S. military presence in the oil- and gas-rich regions of Central Asia. Another is to justify a permanent domestic apparatus, in part to contain the threat of opposition to militarist policies, opposition either by direct action or by the publication (as in this essay) of suppressed truths.8”
The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 40, No. 2, October 7, 2013
“Western wars have killed four million Muslims since 1990
Landmark research proves that the US-led ‘war on terror’ has killed as many as 2 million people, but this is a fraction of Western responsibility for deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last two decades….
Last month, the Washington DC-based Physicians for Social Responsibility (PRS) released a landmark study concluding that the death toll from 10 years of the “War on Terror” since the 9/11 attacks is at least 1.3 million, and could be as high as 2 million.
The 97-page report by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning doctors’ group is the first to tally up the total number of civilian casualties from US-led counter-terrorism interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.”
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, April 11, 2015:
Under Harper Canada once again joins, and now escalates, the ‘New World Order’ holocaust. Fuelling ancient religious dysfunctions and competitions, the forces of greed and power condition us to fear (this time) Islam. Again they use religion as a cover story for genocide.
What Can We Do
While Professor Scott is not pessimistic about ‘putting the genie back in the bottle’ in Canada, they may have to do that first in the U.S. “which will be harder”. He is concerned about the harmonization of military and security forces of Canada and the U.S. The 2008 Civil Assistance Act, signed not by our governments but by the U.S. Northern Command (established in 2002) and the 2006 Canada Command, allows bilateral military assistance in case of emergency on request by either country. “All Canadians should be on guard against American incursion on our sovereignty.” Global Research, radio 4all, as above.
Scott Rickard’s advice:
To say what can we do? I’m assuming you’re talking to people of this world because certainly our governments will not do anything. Our governments are architected and actually built and work as a compliant passenger with these military infrastructures and intelligence communities that are really directed and trained dogs that will hunt the stick until they come home with it. I’m referring to American military men, American intelligence, British intelligence, all of these individuals are very proud of what they do. They want to win. It’s a competition to them. You have a trained force in these countries…that has been basically sent to hunt.
As they’re hunting, the only thing that could really stop them are the people that control those hunters. The people in the countries where they have the opportunities to rise up and basically recognize these facts, that their countries have been out of control for decades, that’s the only way that they’re ever going to stop it.
“ISIL militants well-funded for years”
“Will Harper’s war sway Canadian voters?”
This is the title of Professor Anthony J. Hall’s article exposing Harper’s election strategy. Media avoided the “substantial political issue, namely the very existence of Canadian military bases in the Middle East”. He enjoyed a photo op at Camp Vincent with Defence Minister Kenney and Chief of the Defence Staff General Lawson.
“The core propaganda venue in the prime minister’s arsenal of psychological warfare is a tax-payer-funded promotional website called 24/seven (www.stephenharper.ca/24seven). The three-minute video, entitled Canada Stands Strong and Free, is by far the most radical war propaganda film made in Canada since 1945….The voiceover soundtrack has Harper referring to the Islamic “jihadists” whose “terrorist organizations” hope to bring “their savagery to our shores”….Harper essentially vows not to deviate from his mission to defeat in the battlefield or at the ballot box those who would “despoil our home and native land””. This is ironic—evil—given our government’s ongoing genocide of Aboriginal Nations. Common Ground magazine, June 2015
The Banality of Evil
This title of Hannah Arendt’s book on the Eichmann trial and the Nazi regime is relevant again. It’s clear that the purveyors of destruction are limited by their inhumanity to a lack of creativity: to a short list of strategies which they repeat decade after decade. The system selects for personalities like Harper (Prof. Scott). The New World Order is the Same Old World Order, accelerating with resource depletion and the population bomb detonating on an overheated planet. As with the genetically engineered Ebola virus, the toxic ‘war on cancer’, and today’s overt financial terrorism —IMF, World Bank, now ‘bail-ins’ (http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-confiscation-of-bank-savings-to-save-the-banks/5329411); in our crowded world every mode of war is ‘lucrative population control’.
What’s new are high-tech weapons unleashing devastation of unprecedented magnitude and toxicity. These are clearly explained and documented by Dr. Rosalie Bertell in her brilliant book, Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War (Black Rose Books, 2001). Space-based ‘Star Wars’ weapons interact with an astonishing array of Earth-based weapons systems. We get the full-surround explosive in/security of electromagnetic battlefields. Two of the most demonic:
Ionospheric heaters, such as the HAARP in Alaska, penetrate into the ionosphere; tap that limitless electrical energy to manipulate Earth systems causing storms, earthquakes, tidal waves, and volcanic eruptions. Such ‘natural disaster’ geomagnetic warfare kills hundreds of thousands of people at once; it has been described as ‘a kinder, gentler warfare’.
Depleted uranium weapons: a global Armageddon already well advanced. DU bullets, bombs, and missiles spread radioactive, microscopic, ceramic particles as undetectable aerosol, irradiating people—and wildlife—internally; they persist in the environment in perpetuity. Today they are also fired from drones. This nuclear waste is the primary cause of the Gulf War syndrome suffered by veterans and civilian victims alike. The U.S. first used Depleted Uranium (DU) weapons on a vast scale in the Gulf War.
Dr. Bertell describes the reality.
“Operation Desert Storm Systematic carpet bombing of Iraq began on 16 January 1991 at 6:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (2:30 am in Baghdad)—right on time for the U.S. prime-time news….There were more than 110,000 air sorties (a rate of nearly two per minute over a period of six weeks), and more than 88,000 tons of explosives were dropped. The destruction is said to have been equivalent to seven times the force of the Hiroshima bomb. After the war, United Nations investigators described civilian damage as ‘near Apocalyptic”…. Operation Desert Sabre The tank war began on 24 February, directly following the heavy carpet bombing of Iraqi positions and the most massive helicopter assault since Viet Nam….Apache ‘tank killing’ helicopters directly preceded ground attacks from both east and west….The Iraqi arsenal consisted mostly of Soviet tanks designed 20 years ago…. a NATO Bradley tank…had a hardened depleted uranium shell to protect it….According to a first-hand report, 30,000 bomb-stunned and starving Iraqis surrendered in the first two days. Many of the conscripts were as young as 11, 12 and 13 years old, and they had had just six weeks of military training before being sent to war. ” (pp.32-35)
After that horror, Iraqis suffered America’s second illegal invasion in 2003: another ‘carpet bombing’ of Baghdad and other towns and cities. No official body count of civilian victims; some U.S. patriots enthused that ‘we’re bombing them back into the Stone Age’.
The Gobalization of Mass Murder
Sister Bertell details the politics and failed diplomacy leading to the bombing of Kosovo: “Seventy-Nine Days of Horror”. Some of the worst devastation was wrought by NATO’s use of depleted uranium (DU) bombs and missiles”.
Canadian DU is used in all these illegal wars. Our government excuses this on the grounds of ‘fungibility’: Dr. Gordon Edwards:
“When “informed” that depleted uranium, the stuff left over from the enrichment of uranium [from U235 to U238] for use as fuel in nuclear reactors, is being used by the US military for weapons, the Government of Canada sanctimoniously intones that it is the “principle of fungibility” at work — the uranium atoms are all blended together, some from Canada, some from Australia, some from South Africa, some from the USA — and the “stuff” that is used for weapons is deemed to be American stuff and therefore OK…. depleted uranium, left over from the enrichment process, has been used for military purposes for decades — not just to make DU munitions, as it is used now, but to make the plutonium for nuclear warheads in special “military production reactors”, and to amplify the explosive power of H-bombs by using DU as a tertiary nuclear explosive.”
Dr. Gordon Edwards, “Depleted Uranium Use in Nuclear Weapons” Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility: http://www.ccnr.org.
Humanitarian intervention: These two wars test the new justification for forcing western capitalism on non-complying countries and seizing resources. As a member of NATO and the UN, and as a supplier of DU, Canada is complicit in these horrendous crimes against humanity.
All these weapons violate the UN convention on Environmental Modification (ENMOD) signed in 1977 after the Vietnam war, prohibiting “military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting and severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury…”. They violate the UN Human Rights Tribunal resolution of 1996-7 “which included depleted uranium weapons among ‘weapons of mass and indiscriminate destruction’ incompatible with international humanitarian or human rights law” (Bertell, p.22).
Dr. Bertell documents the environmental and humanitarian devastation. She illuminates the politics that allow and perpetrate “military addiction”, serving the single focus on economic gain at the expense of human needs. Military research and use of ‘novel weapons’ waste every diminishing resource: economy, ecology, and our most valuable resource: the human spirit.
Worldwide Arrest Warrants Officially Out For Bush & Obama!
The International Criminal Tribunal at The Hague ruled that commanders are responsible for war crimes committed by their subordinates. Washington has been pressuring the Court to overturn sentences for other countries’ commanders, Judge Frederik Harhoff revealed. He said the White House was getting ‘extremely nervous about its own crimes’. Top war crime prosecutor Professor Francis Boyle, who brought President Milosevic to the Court in 2001, has filed for Bush and Obama’s arrest. He says they have killed at least 1.5 million Iraqis and 5000 American soldiers. The Malaysian high court convicted Bush and his subordinates in absentia for torture and war crimes. Premier Makathir Mohamed said, “These are basically murderers, and they kill on a large scale.” The lawyers for Bush and Obama have advised them against traveling outside the country.
Let’s indict Harper, now, before the election, for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
We can still vote
In this pre-election skirmish the Conservatives capitalize on fear while the Liberal and New Democratic Parties promote traditional values of economy, jobs and family in their ads.
Playing the fear card won George Bush re-election. In her book, Wake-Up Call: The Political Education of a 9/11 Widow (pp.237, 239) Kirsten Breitweiser points out that “…terrorism was still an issue the campaign did not want to take on directly. National security was ceded to Bush, which to me that seemed like a fatal mistake. [John Kerry’s staff] wanted to win on traditional Democratic issues like jobs and the economy. But [Karl] Rove made it a race that played on people’s fears about terrorism and national security. Tad Devine, a leading Kerry strategist, said, “We lost the election because of 9/11 and terrorism.”
Today in Canada the campaign proper has just begun; opposition parties can avoid repeating that history. The day after Harper announced our participation in the bombing of Syria Thomas Mulcair reported the obvious reality recognized by leaders around the world: that bombing increases resistance and leads to more war. The promoters of “a New American Century” and their allies in terror, Canada included, openly push permanent war. The simple common-sense reality that war leads to more war can counteract deep-state terrorism. Mass murder—in violation of International Law—calls out for vengeance; makes us less, not more, secure.
We can still speak out. Prof. Scott reminds us that we do still live in a democracy, or we couldn’t be meeting and talking about all this. We can work, with the people in our communities and the millions around the world, many who risk their lives. Many more have given their lives, to move humanity from war to peace. Our privilege brings a heavy burden of responsibility for geoengineered climate change, pollution, and mass murder. Likewise, it confers capacity for change.
Hildegard Bechler hbechler@resist.ca
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