
WordPress provides responsive design templates for website design and development.

Integrated WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a freely available eCommerce plug-in that enables shop facilities on the WordPress website. WooCommerce’s functionality enables you to have extensions and beautiful themes that help designers create and customize WordPress websites and portals. Keeping it updated is a priority.

Parallax Layer Slider

The designer can customize and configure a favorite parallax effect slider. It’s highly customizable and has the stunning admin user interface. It  helps designers customize and configure it. Features include: touch screen navigation, responsive design, Layered Elements, Perpetuum Move, continuous move for Layers, rotary motion For Layers, Two styles/Skins, animated text, YouTube Vimeo Support, links to each slide, circle timer, and multiple instances.

Full Blog and Portfolio

Not every blogger or site owner is code-literate or design savvy, but everyone deserves to get a responsive design for their site. Many companies are dealing with responsive web designs for their corporate agency, creative studio or for a personal portfolio.

Intuitive WordPress Templates include the following:

Masonry News


jQuery Slider

Easy Navigation

Contact Form

Responsive Layout

Filterable Portfolio

Google Maps With Custom Zoom

Galleries with Masonry Layout

Fast online request through popup

Images used in preview properly licensed from www.photodune.net

JavaScript in Responsive WordPress Designs include the following:



jQuery Masonry

HTML5 Shiv




jquery easing

jquery event drag


WordPress Responsive Menu

WordPress is an extremely widespread, flexible, easy to use, and open-source blogging and CMS system. You can also manage your site anywhere and it’s search engine friendly. You can have multiple users. There’s a huge choice of themes and a huge amount of functionality due to a wide range of plugins. You’ll find that it’s also safe, secure, and fantastic for blogging.

Mobility Responsive Designs

More and more devices are coming into the market that make the mobile internet accessibility to many. The need is growing for more stunningly designed and coded WordPress themes that work well across all of these devices. What are we waiting for?

Depends heavily on Your Preparation

What are your plans for designing?

How you are going to incorporate it?

What should you want to achieve with your WordPress theme?

What is important a responsive WordPress theme than for a static-width theme according to you?

What should be your layout, template, tools, and scripts?

From mobile browsers to netbooks (Netbooks are a category of small, lightweight, legacy-free, and inexpensive laptop computers) and tablets, users are visiting your sites from an increasing array of devices and browsers. Are your designs ready?

With these considerations, you can create a list of useful elements for your website, portal, or blog.

Theme Concept Creation

Plan your theme according to your requirements, which may various upon the different screen sizes.

Some of the important things that you should note before sketching:

Your goal should always be to create a responsive design that adapts smoothly to a wide diversity of screen sizes.

When sketching, be aware that the layout widths you choose are only rough reference points to represent the common screen sizes of today’s smartphones, tablets and desktop computers.

To explore CSS techniques and design principles, make sure you include fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries.

You can deliver a quality experience to your users no matter how large (or small) their display

While working on your concept sketches, you must also think about which layout options to offer in the theme (such as the header and sidebar options or multiple widget areas) and how they will adapt to different screen sizes as well.

Below is a picture of an optional sidebar element in a responsive layout:

Decent concept saves the precious time

Doing the job well the first time always pays off. Thorough information about the project enables them to make the design more responsive to fit the different sizes of screen.

Challenges to be considered in specific theme

It is a challenging task to customize the WordPress theme because it’s not easy to manage the flexible content and their GUI. Specifically, we have the following issues:

navigation menu

layout options

widget areas

A. WordPress’ Navigation Menu

Previously, web design relied on the old-fashioned drop down menus to give the user a frustrating multi-level navigation. It was frustrating because it depended on mouse hovering and it didn’t work always work well on touch devices. WordPress themes have changed a lot due to the effect of responsive design implementation. This has changed the way the site looks and feels from both the developer’s perspective and the customer’s perspective.

B. Responsive Layout Options

WordPress is providing many responsible layouts that need customization. The layout comprises of left or right sidebar, header widget, and footer elements. If you need a left sidebar option, then consider that the content of this sidebar would appear above the main content area on mobile devices.

In most cases, this wouldn’t be the best solution because mobile users need to read the most important content (may be an article or blog, or any content rich material) first without having to scroll down a sidebar. Things must be determined on the basis of priority and functionality.

C. Flexible Widget Areas

The challenges are many. Flexible widget areas are the need of the hour. Are designers providing the designs that suit all kinds of widgets? A user can put any size of content which can deteriorate the design. A predefined design is needed that not only fits the contents, but also with any number of widgets.

Flexible Designs: It’s cool

In Photoshop, you can design the entire website pixel by pixel as you’re working on responsive designs for your client. You must see the effects of your time consuming designs; otherwise it would result in it being too static. This might affect your sales.

Work with the reference points and prepare the design process in such a way that it should be used to figure out the general look and feel of the theme. You have to take care of the coding structure, testing and its GUI implementation. Showing your design in the three layout versions (smartphone, tablet and desktop) in general is a good starting point. Taking screenshots from a smartphone, tablet or desktop can be used as a reference point for development.


Responsive web design is still described as a trend in this techno-savvy world. Some might quietly hope that the trend will pass sooner or later. It is so much more than a trend, it’s a new mindset. Change your current mindset and begin building websites that are responsive and fit in all screens.


Article source: http://www.searchenginejournal.com/wordpress-responsive-design-layout-that-fits-all-screens/64949/

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