
The Expert Success Summit 2013 | Daniel Wagner And Expert Success
Event on 2013-09-13 12:00:00

“Attention Coaches, Consultants And Professional Service Providers…"This Is An Important PERSONAL Message For Your Urgent Attention From Daniel Wagner

Dear Friend,

On a beautiful late spring afternoon, 15 years ago, two young men graduated from the same university. They were very much alike, these two young men. Both had been bright, successful students, both were likeable and both – as young graduates should be – were filled with ambitious dreams for the future.

By chance, these men recently met each other back in their small provincial hometown for the first time since their college days together. They were still very much alike in many ways. Both were happily married. Both had two children. And both, as it turned out, had gone to work for the same large blue-chip corporation after their graduation.But there was a difference

One of the men was a still a loyal ‘foot-soldier’ for this company, yet was frustrated with having to work forever harder and harder only to receive a seemingly smaller and smaller salary in return.

The other, disillusioned with the reality of corporate life, had started his own business just over 3 years ago, was generating more than double the income he received in his corporate job, and could choose to do whatever he wanted each day, because he longer needed to fear the endless rumours of downsizing, restructuring or redundancies.Have you ever wondered what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives?

It certainly isn’t always some ‘natural’ intelligence, talent or dedication. It also isn’t because that one person wants success while the other doesn’t.The difference lies in what each person knows and how he or she makes use of that knowledge.And that’s why I’m writing to you today with a very special opportunity, and an invitation…

You see until just a few short years ago I too was that disillusioned corporate employee. I was totally frustrated because at the start of every year I knew exactly how much I was going to earn (and no more), while the cost of living was only going up and up and up…

In 2006 I made the most uncomfortable decision of my life. I decided to invest in attending a seminar about how to build a real, cash-generating, life-liberating business of my own.The seminar was not cheap and cost thousands of dollars. I had to fly to America and stay in expensive hotels, which cost thousands more…

Yet when I returned back from that seminar with something more valuable than a mere few thousand pounds.

I had an idea that I could create my own business and change my life. I had belief that I could do it and was able to clearly visualize this future success in my mind. Most importantly of all, I had the knowledge about EXACTLY HOW I was going to get there.

From that day on I’ve been in charge of my own destiny. Since the day I made that decision I’ve made over £1.7m for my own personal businesses, as well as helped my top clients, partners and friends generate a conservative £23.2m in the last 4 years alone.Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no Rockefeller-style millionaire living on a yacht forever travelling the world ‘on holiday’…Nor am I one of the many more who’s ‘dream lifestyle’ only exists in their sales videos and marketing materials…

But what I DO have is control over my life, optionsfor how I spend my time and with whom I choose to do so. Once you’ve experienced this freedom, there’sNO going back to being a corporate wage-slave ever again…

Now since I can directly attribute my success as a business owner to the valuable knowledge and contacts I’ve made from attending live seminars, I’ve very recently made myself a big bold PROMISE…

Every year I’m going to hold a special live event where I personally, along with the ‘cream’ of the most successful experts I know, will share our very best knowledge and experience about how to build a successful ‘Expert’ business even in TODAY’s challenging economy.And I call this event…
‘The Expert Success Summit’

While knowledge is fundamental to success, it has to be the RIGHT type; both accurate, 100% up-to-date as well as reflecting the very latest ‘what’s working now’ trends in the fast-moving marketing and business world (especially online).

That’s why for this year’s Expert Success Summit 2013 I’ve assembled an exclusive, hand-picked collection of some of the smartest, most successful guest ‘Expert’ speakers in their field. Their combined knowledge will without doubt give you a critical, almost unfair advantage over everyone else in your market.These Expert Speakers include…

Steven Essa aka ‘The Webinar King’ – “How To Make ,000 In Just 90 Minutes With Webinars”

All the way from Australia, Steve is known as ‘The Webinar King’ as for years he’s been hailed as theWorld’s #1 Expert and mentor on the subject. Steven’s personally taught thousands of people how to craft compelling webinar presentations that sell all kinds of products and services, including and especially at high-ticket prices.

I’ve personally worked with Steven on a Joint Venture and when it comes to webinars, he’s the real deal. Just one 90-minute webinar project alone generated over ,000 in revenue.

Not only does Steven know everything there is to know about using creative webinar strategies to grow your business quickly, he’s also a highly popular and engaging stage speaker, and has been voted #1 speaker for the last FOUR years at one of the world’s leading Internet Marketing events.

Kevin Bermingham – ‘How To Become A Published Author In 90 Days Or Less’

Over twenty years Kevin has planned and managed multi-million pound projects. He’s already authored two books and founded a publishing business that’s published 22 books in the last 12 months alone.Kevin was instrumental in getting my latest book ‘Expert Success Stories’ (a mammoth project with over 29 contributors) created and published in record time.

After having had four books published personally, I understand that becoming a published author is one of the most important things you will ever do to boost your marketing and immediately become a recognized Expert. I also know the hard work, effort and frankly, pain that’s necessary to get the job done when you’re ‘flying blind’ the first time.

‘Expert Success Stories’ would never have been published without following Kevin’s book-writing and publishing system. What’s more, its thanks to Kevin that the book has the luxury look and feel worthy of a professional publication by a highend publishing house.

I’m delighted therefore that at the Expert Success Summit, Kevin has agreed to share in public for the first time ever his simple, proven system that’s guaranteed to get your first book from your head into your hands within 90 days or less.

David Holland – ‘The 7 Stages Of The Perfect Customer Lifecycle And The Magic Of Marketing Automation’

David is one of leading UK Certified Consultants for Infusionsoft – the market-leading tool for small business marketing automation. He runs the UK’s largest Infusionsoft training centre and has trained many of our Infusionsoft-using Academy Mastermind members with rave reviews.

In our business Infusionsoft is like having an additional fulltime member of staff, but at a tiny fraction of the cost. We use it to automatically take payments including bespoke payment plans on higher-ticket items, create multi-step, multi-media campaigns for lead generation and sales as well as controlling access to our multiple-level members-only website. In short, our business couldn’t function without it.

At the Expert Success Summit David will share the 7 Steps of the Perfect Customer Lifecyclewhich all small businesses share, regardless of whether you use Infusionsoft or not.

He’ll also be sharing his unique framework and insider tips for how to leverage marketing automation to generate more leads and make more sales for your business.

James Watson – ‘The ‘High-Paid Advisor’ Model For Coaches, Consultants and Business Service Professionals’

In the last 4 years of our business partnership, James has been instrumental in generating and fulfilling over £1.3m of product sales, private coaching and business consultancy. A 12-year corporate sales and marketing veteran, James transitioned into running multiple award-winning businesses of his own. He now runs our fast-growing Diamond-Level Weekly Coaching Program and has personally helped hundreds of businesses with his unique range of marketing insights and knowledge.

At the Expert Success Summit, James will be revealing the most important presentation he’s ever made. With the ever-increasing amount of overwhelm and confusion restricting the growth of small business owners, its time to put the record straight once and for all.

If you’re a coach, consultant or business service professional and are not yet being consistently and handsomely paid for your advice, then you’re literally competing down in the ‘swamp’ with the rest of the world, competing for scraps and blindly fighting over ‘Z-grade’ customers who’ll shop you on price in an instant AND complain endlessly should you ever make the terrible mistake of accepting them as a client.

As a ‘High-Paid Advisor’ you will FINALLY start to generate significant, life-changing wealth, feel more fulfilled and finally recession-proof your business from financial chaos and technological meltdowns.

James’s presentation will reveal the exact ‘framework for success’ you need to escape the ‘brown zone’ (and boy, does it smell down there) and finally become a business owner that generates mid 6-to-7 figures plus per year, year after year.

Daniel Wagner – ‘Public Speaking For Profit – How To Make £5,000 Every Time You Speak’

The ability to speak and sell successfully in front of a live audience will be one of the most valuable skills you’ll ever develop for your Expert business. Not only have I spent years and spent tens of thousands of pounds training with the very best in the industry, from Tony Robbins to Harv Eker and Christopher Howard, but I’ve walked the walk not just practiced the theory.

In fact, my total earnings from public speaking opportunities are conservatively in excess of £1m directly and at least 2/3 times that indirectly through backend sales revenue.

In this presentation for the first time ever I’ll be sharing the most important lessons I’ve ever learned about how to sell products and services from stage.

If you have any interest in speaking to audiences ranging from small workshops and networking meetings through to the biggest of stages, then this is a presentation you cannot afford to miss. In fact the knowledge from this session alone will likely help you generate 10 to 25 times your investment in attending.

Daniel Wagner – ‘The Expert Success Coaching and Consulting Licence Program’

Many of you have been asking for this from as far back as last year’s Expert Success Summit in September 2012, and this year it’s finally arrived.

Once again, for the first time ever at this year’s Summit we’ll be launching our brand-new Expert Success Coach licencing opportunity. As our expanding membership shows, more and more people are benefitting from the principles of Expert Success.

To enable this growth to continue, we’re now about to start the search for the first generation of certified ‘Expert Success Coaches and Consultants’ who share our vision and also want to help more people become ‘highly-paid experts who do what they love’.

So, if you’re interested in leveraging the (now international) Expert Success brand, our fast-growing membership base as well as our proprietary coaching and consulting methodologies with your own clients (either 1:1 or in groups), then this session is definitely for you.

In fact, it could be the opportunity that kick-starts your coaching and consulting career, or that simply takes your current business to a whole new level.

But these Six Expert Presentations are 
only just the beginning…

Following the success at last year’s Summit, this year’s event will also include the pinnacle of achievement for every Academy member…The 2013 Expert Success Academy Awards

The real Expert Success stories are those of the many ordinary businesses turned extraordinary after implementing the principles of the Expert Success Formula.

These are real businesses getting real results,from the barber who doubled his turnover and tripled his profits to the accountantturned tax and property consultant selling his high-fee services to a more affluent and recession-proof clientele.

And this year once again, we’re going to share the ‘cream of the crop’ from these business case studies and celebrate their real-world success stories as part of the 2013 Expert Success Academy Awards Ceremony.

Don’t forget, at the Summit you’ll be casting your vote and deciding who’ll be crowned the winners for 2013!

Now all the above guest Expert presentations AND Awards will take place over Days 2 and 3 of the 2013 Expert Success Summit on Saturday and Sunday.

For Day 1 on Friday, we’ve planned something very special that has NEVER been done before in the history of the Expert Success Academy…Plus on Day 1 – A Special Never-Done-Before ‘Academy Friday’!

This year on Day 1 of the Expert Success Summit we’re going to do something that we’ve never done before…

We’re bringing the power and energy of the monthly Platinum and Diamond meetings directly to the Summit weekend itself!

That means the normal September Platinum meeting will be taking place during the Friday afternoon at the Summit, with the morning reserved exclusively for the regular Diamond Members-only ‘Mini- Mastermind’ meeting.

What better way to kick-start the 2013 Expert Success Summit than with a one-off, never done before ‘Platinum and Diamond Friday Meeting’?

Now if you’re not currently a Platinum member or higher, here’s the GREAT NEWS…

While the morning meeting is a private, closed-door meeting exclusively for Diamond Members or higher, the afternoon Platinum meeting will for the first time be officially open to all Summit attendees, regardless of membership level!

That means if you’re currently a Gold member or guest delegate at the Summit, then you’ll be able to sample the atmosphere and experience of a real Platinum meeting LIVE for yourself!

If you’ve never attended a Platinum day before each meeting starts at 1pm, finishes at 6pm and consists of three distinct parts.Expert Success Academy Platinum Meeting Part 1

Part One between 1-3pm is when I share more personal updates, philosophies and reflections, as well as a special keynote presentation on either one of the core elements of the Expert Success Formula, or else lead a 90-day business planning review with the group.

September’s meeting is time for one of our regular 90-day planning reviews. This is perfect timing for Expert Success Summit delegates as it means that attending session one ALONE will make the whole weekend worthwhile.

This is because one of the main reasons why businesses fail is that people spend FAR TOO MUCH time ‘in the business’ doing the dayto- day chores instead of clarifying their strategy and planning their next 90 days worth of focused activities.

During this session I will be training you through a selection of hand-picked interactive activities that will walk you through this entire process in simple steps. At the end of the session you will have a personalized plan of action for exactly what you need to focus on to get the results you want for your business.Expert Success Academy Platinum Meeting Part 2

Part Two between 3-4pm is for networking and refreshments. Many of the members of the Academy are either currently working together or planning to in the near future.

During this hour you’ll have the chance to meet with many of your greatest clients, professional service providers and Joint Venture partners, as well as have the chance to catch up in person with James, myself and the whole Expert Success Team.Expert Success Academy Platinum Meeting Part 3

Part Three between 4-6pm features an advanced presentation for James on an essential business-building topic each month. In recent months James has presented on a range of subjects including: advanced email copywriting, the 6 secrets of a 6-figure online launch, 4 steps to advertising that rocks, how to craft a powerful value proposition, 5 steps to leverage LinkedIn for your business, 12 steps to sales letters that sell, and much more.

Often James’ presentations feature in-depth analysis of exactly how we run our business and especially our sales and marketing campaigns. As in part one however, these sessions typically include an interactive exercise that you can implement in your business immediately.

To sum up, the Platinum meeting is a ‘weekend seminar’ packed into just one afternoon, and as such will make an absolutely perfect introductory Day for the Expert Success Summit 2013.Here’s What People Are Saying On Facebook About The Expert Success Academy And The Monthly Platinum Meetings

10 Reasons Why You Absolutely MUST Attend 
The Expert Success Summit 2013

The Expert Success Summit is the #1 business and networking event for the ‘Expert Industry’ in the UK. It’s THE place to be seen and do business. You will meet many of your future clients, vendors and lucrative Joint Venture partners at this do-not-miss event.

My presentation ‘How To Make £5,000 Every Time You Speak’ will feature brand-new, essential, never-been-taught-before knowledge for everyone who wants to discover the fastest way to build an Expert business of any size; even more so if you want to build a substantial multi-six figure per year business of your own. I’ll share every secret I’ve learned from selling over £1m+ of products directly from stage in the last 6 years alone.

Steven Essa’s presentation ‘How To Make ,000 In Just 90 Minutes With Webinars’ is the perfect complement to my ‘How to Make £5,000 Every Time You Speak’ training on public speaking. The BEST alternative to speaking from stage if you want to build a significant business in a hurry is to master the art of selling via webinars. More than any other person I know, Steven has mastered this art to perfection. He’ll share the EXACT blueprint he used to generate ,000 in sales from just one 90m presentation with me, as well as how he’s helped thousands of other individuals do the same. This is also an absolutely essential, mandatory session that you cannot afford to miss at any cost.

Kevin’s presentation ‘How To Become A Published Author In 90 Days Or Less’ will be one of the most important sessions of the weekend if you seriously want to move up the Expert Success Matrix from generalist to specialist and then publiclyrecognized Expert. If I could only do one activity only to boost my expert positioning then becoming a published author would be that choice. That’s the reason why I’ve now published FOUR books personally in just the last few years. If only I’d had access to Kevin’s knowledge and expertize earlier then I would have saved a huge amount of time, money, sweat and tears! Don’t make my mistake. Instead, make sure you pay very close attention to Kevin’s detailed presentation.

James’ presentation ‘The ‘High-Paid Advisor’ Model For Coaches, Consultants and Business Service Professionals’ includes brandnew, never-shared-before knowledge that gets right to the heart of HOW anyone (from scratch) can build a significant, low-tomid six-figure per year and above business as a coach, consultant or professional services provider. If you’re currently stuck in the trap of only selling low or mid price products and services then this presentation will reveal vital, essential knowledge you cannot afford to miss. If, on the other hand you do have high-price products in your product staircase but have not yet been able to sell them consistently and profitably, then attending this presentation is also an absolutely mandatory requirement.

If you like to learn through studying practical, real-world examples of businesses that are experiencing new and neverbefore- achieved levels of success then you absolutely MUST not miss the Expert Success Academy Awards 2013. The competitors for our hotly contested annual ‘Academy Awards’ all represent businesses that have achieved remarkable growth during the last 12 months. Many of last year’s delegates were not only inspired by the amazing success stories, but that they also learnt hugely valuable, actionable detail on the practical steps each business took to achieve their success.

If you’ve never attended a Platinum Academy meeting then this year’s ‘Academy Friday’ on Day 1 of the 2013 Summit will be an eye-opening experience you need to attend at all costs. The reality of life as a small business owner is that it can be a lonely, frustrating and at times disheartening journey. That’s precisely why Platinum Academy members take the time out of their businesses each month to come together and meet for an entire afternoon. Comments from attendees on Facebook after each meeting couldn’t be clearer, people feel inspired, renewed and regenerated, fresh to begin the next month with more energy, motivation and knowledge to continue growing their business and meeting their goals. For the first time ever nonmembers will be allowed into the ‘inner sanctum’ of the Academy during the Summit weekend – whatever you do make sure you too can be there to experience it for yourself!

Of course, if you’re already a Platinum, Diamond or Mastermind member then you already qualify to attend on ‘Academy Friday’. So, staying for the Expert presentations and Awards on Friday and Saturday is an absolute no-brainer decision!

If you’re not currently in business for yourself, or are questioning whether you’re in the RIGHT business for you, then its critical you attend the Expert Success Summit 2013. Not only will you benefit from the in-depth real world case studies of business successes as presented during the ‘Academy Awards’, you’ll also have the chance to get absolute clarity on your current business direction or fledgling idea. My whole team and I will be at the event for the entire weekend, so there will be ample opportunity for you to get 1:1 advice from me PERSONALLY.

Finally if your personal financial situation is not where it needs to be right now then quite frankly you NEED to do whatever it takes in order to attend the Expert Success Summit 2013. One of the most critical principles of success is that of ‘association’. In effect this means that there is a direct relation between your current income and those of the 5-10 people you associate with most often. At the Summit you’ll meet people who are already generating multiple 6-figure incomes for their coaching, consulting or professional services businesses. Just by changing your peer group and starting to hangout with other successful individuals, your own personal situation WILL change as well. The ‘law of association’ is as much reality as the law of gravity. The only question you need to ask yourself is, are you currently spending TOO much time with people in the low-income and low-success bracket, or are you instead associating with successful, go-getting entrepreneurs who are rapidly rising through up the ladder of business and personal success? If the answer is #1 rather than #2, then you MUST book your seat at the 2013 Summit immediately!

Here Are Just SOME Of The People Who’ve Already Secured Their Place At The Expert Success Summit 2013Jeremy Ball

at Novotel Heathrow

Cherry Lane

West Drayton, United Kingdom

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