
My first Colt government model 45, I had customized by "Kings Guns" in Glendale, Ca. way back when. I loved that gun! It only had one flaw...The receiver's bluing had a nice scratch in it from me not realising the slide lock pin would scratch it. My inexperience...

This two piece tool set is made from the side of a plastic milk jug, with scissors, a ticket punch..(see pictures) and using my gun as a template. With so many different gun "grips" out there, you will have to use your gun as well, but just disassembled to the point where the slide lock pin is removed. Cut a flat panel of plastic from the milk jug, then begin tracing the edges out, being careful to keep the plastic finished edge as close as possible to the grip, slide and tight to the bottom of the slide pin hole's notch, while still remaining flat. take your time, the material you are using is plentiful, and free!

As for the Mag release button, that's where the ticket punch comes in. Simply punch out the center of the traced out button head, then nibble out the rest, until the hole is big enough to go over the button.

The second tool piece, is just a square piece of plastic, used as a shim between the detent ball and the slide stop pin. After alignment of the barrel locking lug, lay the first shaped tool on top of the receiver. the second square tool goes on it's side next to the detent ball. just insert the pin, and push down. the plastic shims will just pull out with no trouble, and you are scratch free!! study the pictures and see if you like it ok??I hope this is a good contribution to the collective whole! :coffeebuzz:


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cheap 1911 scratch protector 001.jpg (88.3 KB)

cheap 1911 scratch protector 002.jpg (94.5 KB)

cheap 1911 scratch protector 003.jpg (83.1 KB)

cheap 1911 scratch protector 004.jpg (83.9 KB)

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