
Alert November 2012 - Special Report

By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on November 2nd,

On Friday morning
October 26, 2012 a voice said to me “The Ark of the Covenant has been
activated”. I thought about that for a while and tried to figure out what that
meant. I thought to myself, does this have anything to do with the storm Sandy
that was heading for the East Coast? Then the words from Revelation came to me
and what it says is: “The seventh angel blew his trumpet and there were loud
voices from heaven, which said. “The kingdom of the world has become the
kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever”.

“And the
twenty-four elders, who were seated on their throne before God, fell on their
faces and worshiped God, saying: We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty,
because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign. The nations
were angry, (war in the Middle East and all the people who are just plain
angry) and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead and for
rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who honor your
name, both small and great – and for destroying those who destroy the earth”.

“Then God’s
temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the Ark of the
Covenant. And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an
earthquake, (7.7 quake Queen Charlotte Island, B.C. – so far) and a great
storm.”  There were actually two great storms, one on the east coast and
the other in China.  Our bodies are also called our temple. Could this
mean we are being opened to a higher frequency?  Revelation chapter 11
verse 15

Then Revelation
goes on to say: “When the Red Dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth,
he pursued the woman, which is New York and the Statue of Liberty. Then from
his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and
sweep her away with the torrent. But the earth helped the woman by swallowing
the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth”. The Red Dragon is a
Dreamspell glyph and rules birth. I would say the water just broke and the
birth is fast approaching, which comes with several contractions.

Revelation says
It is time to reward the servants (those with love in their heart) and for
destroying those who destroy the earth. Isn’t New York the financial capital of
the world? Isn’t that where the main control center, like Wall Street and the
main banks are located? What impact will this event have on our financial
system? What impact will it have on our election? What impact will the next
storm have that is on its way to the east coast right now?

The 20 chapter of
Revelation talks about the fall of the dark side, or the people who choose to
try to control everyone. Control will not work anymore, it is obsolete. We are
in the age of manifesting from the heart. We are fast approaching the New
Heaven and the New Earth which is on a higher frequency.

There have been
several events that have transpired this past month.  Columbus Day saw the
last of the Reptilian controllers, and the Veil went down. Mona www.sacredreconnections.com
called me Sunday night October 28 and asked to channel for me. The Pleiadians
are the ones who gave us the following information.

There was a belt
of negative energy that surrounded the earth for a long time, which was called
the Veil. All of our negative thoughts got caught in that belt because the
powers that be would not let those thoughts go out into the Universe. Do you
realize the impact of this event? I believe that part of the reason for those
two large storms were our negative thoughts coming back to us to be cleansed
and transformed into light. Keep your thoughts positive because we don’t want
to build another negative belt around the earth. If a negative thought comes
into your mind call on the violet flame to transform it into the light.

When the Veil
went down the dimensions one through four started to implode on each other and
out of this will come oneness or unity consciousness, which will be a
manifestation of the higher frequency earth. I believe the Veil came down and
the Ark of the Covenant was activated on October 26th. The Veil has always been
very thin at the time of Halloween and this is when the material and spirit
world come together.  There is a black hole on seven degrees Scorpio. At
this past full moon our sun was on seven degrees Scorpio. A black hole makes
for a very intense full moon and energy from another dimension can come into
our reality at that time.

Between nine and
ten degrees Taurus is the degree of Atlantis. Wasn’t the east coast part of
Atlantis, or where the survivors went after the downfall of that civilization?
Because this full moon was just two degrees away from the degree of Atlantis
this shows me that the end of the Atlantis culture has now occurred and it is
time for a new civilization based on love.

I’m not saying
there will not be any more earth changes because that will continue until the
earth finishes her cleansing. The higher frequency earth is almost here and as
soon as the time-lines completely split those living on the new time-line will
have an amazing experience. We are also going through a magnetic shift and will
soon reach zero point and that is when everything changes.

There are two
major eclipses coming up in November. The first one is a total eclipse of our
sun on November 13, 2012 at 2:08 PM PST. This is a thirteenth year completion
of the eclipse that happened on August 11, 1999. At that time there was a four
pointed cross in the heavens with the Sun on 18 degrees Leo, which is the
degree of Christ Consciousness. We had to go through many challenges to be able
to manifest Christ Consciousness. Are you now ready to manifest that love?

The November 13th
eclipse is lined up with the sign of Asclepius, and is over Australia and the
South Pacific. Asclepius is the 13th sign of the zodiac. It is the only sign
that has a wind that blows to earth from that area of the heavens. The number
13 represents feminine energy which is soft and gentle. This sign is ruled by
the planet that is, and has been, next to our sun for quite a while and is
causing lots of earth changes. The Dreamspell glyph for this eclipse is the Red
Moon which purifies universal water and our emotions.

There is a lunar
eclipse on November 28th at 6:46 AM PST. This eclipse will be visible over most
of North America, along with Europe and Africa. This will be a very intense
eclipse. The ascendant is on 26 degrees Scorpio which is right over the Pacific
Northwest and the north node is on 25 Scorpio. This full moon will also be on a
black hole which will make it a very intense moon. Lilith will be on the degree
of the Pyramid and the Sphinx.

On my Dreamspell
calendar the glyph for this eclipse is the Yellow Seed ruled by Jupiter. The
sun is opposing Jupiter at the time of this eclipse or a couple of days later.
The sun is 7 degrees Sagittarius and Jupiter is 11 degrees Gemini. This aspect
always brings large events which could happen on any part of the west coast or
Mexico. Mars and Pluto are exactly conjunct between 8-9 degrees Capricorn which
will again trigger the eclipse degree that happened way back on July 1, 2011 on
9 degrees Cancer. This eclipse was over the east coast, the Caribbean, and
South America.

We move into the
sixth sun on December 21, 2012. The sixth sun represents the sign of Virgo, the
Goddess, which is ruled by Lilith our dark moon. The only time you have been
able to see this moon is when it is in front of our sun. The rest of the time
it is invisible. Maybe we will start seeing this moon as our frequency
continues to get higher and higher. Maybe instead of there being two suns in
our sky there will be two moons in honor of the Goddess who is finally coming
back to life.   So Be It!

Please send lots
of love and light to the people who are going through so much tribulation. I
have much compassion for them. I am sending them lots of love.

*****Mahala Gayle*****


Peace, Love and Joy,


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