
Taxpayers Were Forced To Pay $1.4 Billion On Obama’s Family
Last Year!

Posted on
27, 2012
by Volubrjotr


Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion dollars on everything from staffing, housing,
flying and entertaining President Obama and
his family last year, according
to the author of a new book on taxpayer-funded presidential perks.

In comparison, British
taxpayers spent just $57.8 million on the royal family.

Author Robert Keith Gray
writes in “Presidential Perks Gone Royal”
that Obama isn’t the only president to have taken advantage of the expensive
trappings of his office. But the amount of money spent on the first family, he
argues, has risen tremendously under the Obama administration and needs to be
reined in.

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Gray told The Daily Caller that the
$1.4 billion spent on the Obama family
last year is the “total cost of the presidency,” factoring the cost of the
“biggest staff in history at the highest wages ever,” a 50 percent increase in
the numbers of appointed czars and an Air Force One “running with
the frequency of a scheduled air line.”

Republican Paul Ryan: Ryan Raised Taxes While Obama
Already Cut Education Assistance By $100 Billion, Cut Food Stamps By $2.2
Billion, & Health Care By +$6.6 Billion.

“The most concerning thing, I think,
is the use of taxpayer funds to actually abet his
re-election,” Gray, who worked in the Eisenhower administration and for other
Republican presidents, said in an interview with TheDC on Wednesday.

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“The press has been so slow in
picking up on this extraordinary increase in the president’s expenses,” Gray
told TheDC. (RELATED: Five shocking
truths about Michelle Obama)

1. Michelle thinks voting is a good
idea. This is a novel admission that we haven’t heard from candidates or their
wives, ever.
2. Sometimes she
lets Bo sleep in her bed when Barack is out of town. It’s not what you think:
Bo is the name of the first family’s Portuguese water dog.
3. Michelle didn’t
just skip a science class here and there — she skipped the entire second grade.
4. The
self-proclaimed health freak with the healthy eating “Let’s Move” campaign admitted that she once
ate a fried Twinkie in Iowa. The hypocrisy is astounding.
5. Michelle didn’t
make any mention of loving her husband, but she did admit that she “loves”

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‘Impact Nature of Food in Grocery Stores’

Specifically, Gray said taxpayer dollars are subsidizing
Obama’s re-election effort when he uses Air Force One to jet across the country
The Daily Caller

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