


Waking Up From The Illusion

"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
but when he can harness the power of love,
then for the second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire."
~ Teihard de Chardin

Is this quote's reference to the power of love referring to the '2nd Coming'?  Is there a spiritual fire surging on Earth at this time? Can one 'harness' pure intention as one harnesses the winds?  Would you agree that this is how one harnesses the power of love?

The other day, I sent you a compendium of articles and videos at: 'Fact Checking'. The purpose is to challenge the grand illusion being perpetrated in the political debates on TV, and stuffing our mailboxes with political attack ads.

It's been said that the reason people 'awaken' is because they finally stop agreeing to things that insult their soul.

That's the 'good news' of 'Fact Checking'.  There are plenty of things there to arouse any moral indignation you may have left, which is the spirt that matters if you are to feed that spark of 'cosmic fire' once understood as 'good conscience'.

"Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience." ~ George Washington, The Rules of Civility, 1748

Personally, I believe that 'spark' has created wild-fires in our global village this last year, surging with the Arab Spring, and now burning fiercely in the hearts and minds of soul-insulted people worldwide.

A conflagration of freedom's fire is ordained for this time. Gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, feelings and acts of global humanity.  Everybody will soon be subjugated to Divine Fire, that will purify and prepare us in regard to a 'New Time' beyond time as we have known it.

This awakening process is rapidly going mainstream with a superior degree of consciousness -- a collective 'up-wising' and uprising that one understands as 'Ascension' or a new 'Common Sense' of 'Unity Conscience'.

Consider what that means... in good conscience .

It's called FREEDOM ...  and FREEDOM's 'twin flame' which is OPPORTUNITY.

People are 'sparking' with that flame as never before, and the winds of Aquarius are fanning the flames of freedom and opportunity in good conscience worldwide.

Most people are sick of politics without Constitutional principle, the first principle being that. "Conscience is the most sacred of all property" ~ Chief Architect of the Constitution, James Madison.

THE WHOLE WORLD is watching America right now. The celestial fire in Liberty's torch is surging to light the way, but now it's a global phenomena. In good conscience , it is the CHOICE of every soul on Earth... for their 'election' to be made sure.

That elective CHOICE dwarfs all other political considerations in the November elections. Remember that. People worldwide want the same freedom from tyranny and austerity that the American people want. And that pure intention resonates with the power of lovethat is surging throughout the November elections and peaking at Winter Solstice December 21st.

The 'elect' are those who elect or otherwise choose this Higher Power that naturally comes with the Holy Spirit of Love -in-action.  That's actually a vibrational frequency -- as in frequently -- that is fast becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy... going 'critical mass' or otherwise mainstream.

THE WHOLE WORLD is watching and waiting with great anticipation and expectation that something BIG is about to happen. But it's not what you might think... and it could be far better than anything you may have hoped for.

The brilliant pioneer of spiritual psychology, Carl Jung, once said, "The present world situation is calculated as never before to arouse expectation of a redeeming supernatural event."  Jung may have been ahead of his time, but he was known to have uncanny 'future memory', grasping universal 'supernatural' concepts important to the future of humanity.

Jung's prescience seems to have found it's time. This is it folks. The grand finale.  Eight weeks of acceleration to ' O-Point Reboot'.

Those human 'sparks' that are burning bright and are wide awake NOW -- moment-to-moment -- know in their heart-of-hearts that WE CREATE OUR REALITY. It ain't rocket science:)  It's quantum science.  It's not philosophy, it's the natural order of the universe.   Or as Albert the Einstein said quite simply:

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

Yes, man can harness the physical winds. He can also harness the spiritual winds of Aquarius that are surging at this amazing time.  That's a frequency of intuitive knowing that is always 'Fact Checking' political 'BS' with the quiet small voice of conscience .

The Aquarian Dispensation is ordained to represent the whole, holistic and otherwise holy spirit ‘frequency’ of freedom in love... a love of freedom that understands and appreciates that the higher the concept of divine cosmic love, the greater the results for freedom.

To the extent that pure intention sets the direction for the perfection of a love frequency -- as in frequently -- to THAT extent is the Holy Spirit of Love -in-action the natural result.

That’s when: “... for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire."
This is the IGNITION of the Aquarian Dispensation with Divine Fire.

More Light is purging the negativity in humanity's collective consciousness

Less Darkness means less "SIN " (Stuck In N egativity).
LOVE Wins... Believe It Or Not,

~ Christopher
PS: Every cell in your body resonates with whatever your mind and spirit says. Negativity brings down the immune system.  In good conscience , bless your immune system.  Support it in good spirit, support it with superior nutrition, and in the process, you support these writings:) ~ C.


"We must give up the life we planned in order to
have the life that is waiting for us." ~ Joseph Campbell

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