I agree completely. This is
perhaps the most serious case of treason in the history of the nation. It
cannot get any traction because of the lack of an independent media. I don’t
know where it goes. I am sending out stuff very day to anybody who will post
I am reading “Witness”
by Whittaker Chambers – it is amazing to read. This is the book that
transformed Ronald Reagan from a liberal Democrat to a Conservative Republican.
We are going through a
situation almost identical to what happened in the 30s and 40s.
This is one of many memorable
quotes from that book:
“It is certain that
between the years 1930 and 1948, a group of almost unknown men and women,
Communists or close fellow travelers, or their dupes, working in the United
States Government, or in some singular unofficial relationship to it, or
working in the press, affected the future of every American now alive, and
indirectly the fate of every man now going into uniform. Their names, with half
a dozen exceptions, still mean little or nothing to the mass of Americans.
But their activities, if
only in promoting the triumph of Communism in China, have decisively
changed the history of Asia, of the United States, and therefore of the world. If mankind is about to suffer one of its decisive
transformations, if it about to close its 2000-year-old experience of Christian
civilization, and enter upon another and wholly new and diametrically
different, then that group may claim a part in history such as it is seldom
given to any men to play, particularly so few an such obscure men.”
This is the same point made
by Chang Jung in her masterpiece “Mao: The Untold Story” – it was the
leftists in the United States government who insured Mao’s success in
establishing Communist tyranny in China. They also financed the Russian
revolution many years earlier, and blocked efforts to stop the expansion of
Communism in Europe by the treasonous involvement of American Communists,
including Alger Hiss and Robert Service, in the Potsdam and Yalta conferences
that resulted in the Iron Curtain.
And Alger Hiss was the
author of the United Nations charter. The evil that is being fostered under
the aegis of the United Nations is just now becoming fully manifested.
I believe we are still being
affected by the conditions and processes that were put in place in America by
the Communists 70 years ago. Those people, or their successors, are still
there. They have never been rooted out. McCarthy was vilified and shut down.
The job that was not completed by the HUAC needs to be finished or we will
never have freedom and peace.
I believe the Democratic
Party is a Communist front and should be outlawed. There should be no political
parties, as George Washington strongly recommended. There is virtually no
solution to any problem offered by the Democratic Party that is consistent with
the Constitution. By its very nature, the Democratic Party is hostile to the
Constitution, and should be dissolved for that reason alone.
I also believe that militant
Islam, in the form of the Muslim Brotherhood, in all its various guises, is
equally dangerous and seditious. I have recently read new evidence that all the
mosques built in the U.S. were built directly or indirectly by individuals with
Muslim Brotherhood connections. The Muslims in American are a massive Fifth
Column, stealthily proceeding with their agenda of taking over the U.S. Once
they succeed, conversion to Islam will not be optional. Christians, Jews,
Baha’is, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, and non-believers will all eventually
be massacred.
Anybody who can’t see this is
not paying attention. The linkages between the Communists and the Muslim
Brotherhood are such that in some sense they are indistinguishable, as least as
far as their mutual commitment to the destruction of the American system of
constitutional government.
I don’t know how we get these
spineless Republicans to face these truths, but I firmly believe that unless we
undertake a major effort to expose these traitors and expunge them from
government, our nation will not be able to survive as a constitutional
Subject: Re: Pickering's Red Flags - Forget an impartial Benghazi
investigation by the Obama administration
This is a million times worse than Watergate. Seems like the American people
need to start demonstrating every weekend. It's hard to believe Obama is
skating (so far). If this was a republican president I think he may have
resigned by now. Incredible.
What do you think will happen on this issue? We need to go after Obama
regardless as to the election outcome. The man belongs in prison for a myriad
of felonies and crimes against America.
Sent: Fri, November 2, 2012 10:04:34 AM
Subject: Pickering's Red Flags - Forget an impartial Benghazi
investigation by the Obama administration
Red Flags
Forget an impartial Benghazi
investigation by the Obama administration
“So many red flags pop up
around Pickering that his selection becomes another Benghazi-gate scandal in
Diana West
Nov 02, 2012
As we arrive at Election Day, some of the most crucial questions left
unanswered about Benghazi are, in fact, the simplest. They are not “fog of
war” questions. They are not questions rendered unanswerable by “conflicting
They are questions that probe clear actions taking place not on the
roof of a safe house under mortar fire, but inside the fortress-like, orderly
and well-lit White House.
Who turned down requests for military relief for Americans under rocket
and mortar fire?
Who decided to suppress the fact that no protest preceded this attack on
the U.S. consulate in Libya that claimed four American lives?
Who ordered senior Obama administration officials to lie to the American
people for two weeks by blaming a YouTube video for a “spontaneous” outbreak of
violence that was, in fact, a coordinated terrorist assault?
President Obama declared he made his priorities about Benghazi clear “the
minute I found out what was happening.” He said: “Number one, make sure that we
are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to.” If he issued an
unexecuted order to this effect, there was a grievous breakdown in the chain of
command that must be exposed. If, on the other hand, Barack Obama is lying,
that must be exposed, too. It’s not a hard fact to find out.
But is Thomas Pickering, Obama’s choice to lead the Benghazi
investigation, the proper person to search for it? On first glance, Pickering,
a retired top diplomat and State Department official, sets off
conflict-of-interest alarms for heading an investigation that must focus
closely on the State Department. On closer inspection, however, so many red
flags pop up around Pickering that his selection becomes another Benghazi-gate
scandal in itself.
Pickering is one of those Washington insiders whose public record is less a
matter of what he’s done than what he’s been: U.S. ambassador to Russia,
Israel, El Salvador, Jordan, India, Nigeria and the United Nations. What such
postings may obscure, however, is that the man is a foreign policy
establishment leftist. It’s not just that Pickering serves as chairman of the
board of trustees of the International Crisis Group, a George Soros group that,
for example, advocated engagement with the Shariah-supremacist Muslim
Brotherhood in Egypt. Pickering has personally explored opening relations with
Hamas; pushed peace talks with the Taliban; argued for getting rid of, or removing
to the U.S., all tactical nuclear weapons in Europe (and moving Russia’s to
east of the Urals); and promoted bilateral talks with Iran without
preconditions. And speaking of Iran, Pickering sits on the boards of two
pro-Tehran groups, the American Iranian Council and the National Iranian
American Council. The Iranian connections are additionally disturbing since one
Benghazi scenario to be explored is whether Iran was involved, possibly in
retribution for U.S. support of anti-Assad forces (including jihadists) in
Pickering’s politics place him squarely inside the Obama foreign policy
mainstream, but that’s not the proper point from which to investigate an Obama
foreign policy fiasco. Indeed, Pickering has expressed support for Obama’s
Libya policy, “where,” as he put it in March, “we play a major role behind the
scenes and … incorporate many other people in the activities we did in Libya.”
Explaining the Libyan “experimentation” in “consultative leadership” that
minimizes the U.S. military role, Pickering sounds as if he also endorsed the
disastrous policy of relying on local jihadist militias for U.S. security.
On a panel titled “The Muslim Experience in America” at Washington’s
National Cathedral, Pickering recently advocated “dialogue with the Iranians
… informed by an effort to develop religious understanding and perhaps
harmony,” while also bridging the “gulf” with Islam in America more generally.
He also made an ominous call for “strong efforts … to deal with opinion leaders
who harbor (anti-Islam) prejudices, who espouse them and spread them.” Then he
took a question on how returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans might
“complicate efforts to promote the acceptance of Muslims in America.” His
answer, in a nutshell, was that it wouldn’t. He noted that soldiers “understand
that as loyal Americans that kind of prejudice is not to be expressed.”
This drew a fervent rebuttal from co-panelist James J. Zogby of the Arab
American Institute, who argued that “the racism [of soldiers] was really
intense”; further, that it resulted from manuals and classes now expunged from
Pentagon and Justice training. (“The FBI training program is shameful,” he
added, referring to Islamic educational materials and trainers “purged” earlier
this year.)
“There’s a direct correlation between the president of the United States and
Islamophobia,” Zogby said, adding: “This hatred toward Muslims is largely
concentrated with middle-class, middle-aged white people. And men. And it
overlaps almost identically with the Tea Party.”
Racism, hatred and the Tea Party: Zogby put this whole concoction down not
to jihad, not to the Islamic movement to spread Shariah (Islamic law), but
solely to economic hard times. “And in the midst of all of that,” he continued,
“this group of white, middle-aged, middle-class men looked around and saw a
young African-American, educated at Harvard, with the middle name Hussein, get
elected president of the United States. It fueled this phenomenon. It opened
the door for the wedge issue to operate.”
Noting polls reflecting persistent doubts about the president’s birth
certificate and other documents, Zogby concluded: “So there’s an overlay
between the racism and the Islamophobia, and I think that we have to understand
it and address it. And realize that there is this dangerous cancer that has
affected the electorate. And is being used as a wedge issue.”
Pickering’s response? “Let me just go further. Jim, I agree with what you
say about both domestic politics and the wedge issue. And the effect on the
attitude toward the president. I’m deeply concerned. I don’t agree with you
that the veterans are a problem. I agree with you we had a huge problem with
the armed forces, and you’re right: It is the enemy.”
Those “racist” armed forces are “the enemy”? That’s a U.S. diplomat
talking? Perhaps this most undiplomatic expression
of institutional animus toward the military represents the mindset that helped
lead us to Benghazi.
Could someone who agrees that jihad is a poisonous figment of envious Tea
Partiers and not an age-old institution of Islam possibly find out what’s at
the bottom of Benghazi? Of course not. And who doesn’t think that’s
why Barack Obama picked him?