
The Rockefeller File

by Gary Allen
Published 1976

Table of Contents

1 - The
Multi-Billion Dollar Myth

2 - The Saintly

3 - The Family That
Preys Together

4 - Profit x
Philanthropy = Power (The Power of Foundations)

5 - Yes, Virginia,
There Is An Establishment

6 - The Rockefeller

7 - Surrender By

8 - Surrender By

9 - Building The Big Red Machine

10 - The People

11 - The Great Energy Swindle

12 - The Eternal Power Behind The Throne

13 - Was Nixon Watergated?

Introduction (1975 ) written by Lawrence P. McDonald, Member of

Dear Reader:

The super rich in America enjoy power and prerogatives un-imaginable to most of
us. Who can conceive of owning a private empire that includes 100 homes, 2,500
servants, untold thousands of luxuries, and untold millions of dollars? America
has a royal family of finance that has known such riches for generations. It
is, of course, the Rockefellers. But if the Rockefellers were content with
their wealth, if their riches had satisfied their desires, this book would not
have been written. And I would not be urging you to read it. Money alone is not
enough to quench the thirst and lusts of the super-rich. Instead, many of them
use their vast wealth, and the influence such riches give them, to achieve even
more power. Power of a magnitude never dreamed of by the tyrants and despots of
earlier ages. Power on a world wide scale. Power over people, not just

The Rockefeller File is not fiction. It is a
compact, powerful and frightening presentation of what may be the most
important story of our lifetime, the drive of the Rockefellers and their allies
to create a one world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism
under the same tent, all under their control. For more than one hundred years,
since the days when John D. Rockefeller Sr. used every devious strategy he
could devise to create a gigantic oil monopoly, enough books have been written
about the Rockefellers to fill a library. I have read many of them. And to my
knowledge, not one has dared reveal the most vital part of the Rockefeller
story: that the Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years,
been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political
control of first America, and then the rest of the world.

Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do.

I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in
planning, and incredibly   evil in intent. You will find the truth-often
surprising, sometimes unpleasant, always vital-in the pages that follow. Gary
Allen has done a masterful job of combining the hundreds of scattered facts and
hidden clues of the Rockefeller puzzle until one unmistakable pattern emerges.
The picture that is revealed when The Rockefeller File is finally opened may
shock you. In this book, you will learn why the Rockefellers follow the
policies they do, what their goals are, where they intend to take America ... and
why it is essential they be stopped. I urge you to read The
Rockefeller File and to encourage your friends to do the same.

November 1975


Member of Congress

Chapter One

The Multi-Billion Dollar Myth

``If you're thinking of colossal economic
power, it doesn't exist. We have investments, but not control.''

-Nelson Rockefeller

At his Vice Presidential confirmation
hearings, Nelson A. Rockefeller was as solemn and serious as
P. T. Barnum swearing his freak show denizens were the real Mc Coy when he told
the assembled solons:

"I hope that the myth or
misconception about the extent of the family's control over the economy of this
country will be totally brought out and exposed and dissipated ...There is not
this network of control which is popularly conceived."

The Senators could not have been more polite.
Nobody guffawed. The transcript does not indicate that they even tittered.
After all, fools seldom get elected to the Senate these days. Nelson and David,
as leaders of the Rockefeller Clan, are the nation's undisputed economic kings.
No politician with enough savvy to be elected dog catcher laughs at a king.
Guessing the magnitude of the Rockefeller financial empire has been a favorite
indoor sport since the turn of the century. In a front-page story on September
29, 1916, the New York Times reported that family patriarch
John D. Rockefeller's oil holdings alone were worth $500
million, and that he was America's first billionaire. Eight hours
after the story appeared his oil shares had increased in value
by a tidy $8 million. Not a bad return for a single day's
labor, even for a Rockefeller.

The Brothers Rockefeller, inheritors of a
colossal fortune, are using their massive wealth, power, and prestige to create
what they call the "New World Order." Seen at right (from left to
right) are David, Chairman of the Board of both the Council on
Foreign Relations and the Chase Manhattan Bank; Winthrop
[deceased 1973]; John D. III [deceased 1978] an advocate of
people control; Nelson [deceased 1979], the
"political" Rockefeller; and Laurance [deceased
2004]. After years of planning and campaigning, a brilliant coup d'etat has
finally installed Nelson in the White House, without the risk of an election.
About this period, however, the picture of the family's growing financial might
becomes more murky. The Rockefellers began hiding their wealth from the public
and the tax collector -in trusts and foundations. As reported in the Washington
Post: For two generations, the great fortune passed down by John D. has been
fractionated and made more complex by increasing layers of trusts and closely
held companies, where no public reports are required, none volunteered, and all
inquiries politely rebuffed.

The Rockefellers invented a scheme, used by the super rich today, whereby the
more money you appear to give away, the richer and more powerful you become.
Through the help of captive politicians, guided by some bright boys in the
family law offices, legislation was written and passed which would protect the
Rockefellers and other elite super-rich from the repressive taxation they have
foisted on everyone else. The key to this system is giving up ownership but
retaining control. For example, most people don't believe they really own
something unless they retain title to it in their own name. The Rockefellers
know this is a big mistake. Often it is better to have your assets owned by a
trust or a foundation-which you control-than to have them in your own name.

For example, when Judge Kenesaw Mountain
Landis ordered Standard Oil broken up back in 1911, sly old John D. simply
created some new foundations and gave his stock to them. The net effect was the
same as if you took your wallet out of your right-hand pocket and put it in the
left. In this case, however, Rockefeller not only managed to avoid income
taxes, but also escaped the probate, estate and inheritance taxes which have
ravaged the wealth of those not in the know.

So three generations of Rockefellers have
been - giving away millions of dollars - giving much of it to themselves. For
example, if a Rockefeller gives a million dollars worth of stock in the Titanic
Oil Corporation to the Dogood Foundation, which the family controls, he is not
really out one million bucks. All he has done is transfer title of the
securities to an alter ego. Of course, the foundation may then give away some
of the money, or, more likely, donate some of the stock's future earnings to
some allegedly worthwhile cause. But, as the few investigations by Congress
into this devious field have shown, in the case of the Rockefellers such
bequests somehow end up increasing the Rockefeller financial or political

The upshot is that, through the past six decades, the public has had no way
'even to estimate Rockefeller wealth, let alone accurately measure the family's
power and influence. But we can make some logical extrapolations from the few
facts that are available. We know that through the magic of compound interest
(as they say down at your friendly savings and loan branch), one dollar
invested at the modest rate of five % per annum will double in thirteen years.
This means that if the Rockefellers were earning only five % per year (a return
they would find laughable), that modest $1 billion fortune in 1916 would have
grown to over billion today.

The late Stewart Alsop, a reporter who had excellent sources
in the Eastern Liberal Establishment (a euphemism for the financial, political,
academic and media Mafia controlled by the Rockefellers), used to scoff at the
usually "accepted " Fortune magazine estimate of the family's fortune
at between $1 and $2 billion.

"It would not be at all surprising
" Alsop concluded in his book: Nixon and Rockefeller (published
in 1960), "if all the Rockefeller family assets, all the Rockefeller
controlled money, as well as the Rockefeller owned money came to something like
10 billion dollars." If Alsop is correct, the Rockefeller holdings would
now be a rather comfortable nest egg of some $25 billion.

In view of the fact that the past fifteen years have produced much economic
growth (as well, as much inflation), it could well be that $25 billion is a
reasonable, even a conservative figure.

Of course the family has never admitted being
worth even a sizable fraction of this amount. When originally queried by the
Senate Committee, good old' Nelson estimated his personal fortune at a paltry $33
million. After some very mild prodding by the Committee, this modest
estimate was increased by 660 %.

The Vice Presidential hopeful eventually admitted to being worth a more
respectable $218 million-a sum, incidentally, that is greater
than the  combined wealth of all 37 Presidents in this country's

So great was public suspicion of the
Rockefeller wealth that the family's financial adviser, J. Richardson
Dilworth, was invited to testify before the House judiciary Committee.
Dilworth became the Rockefeller family's key money manipulator in 1958. Prior
to joining the Rockefellers he had been a partner in Kuhn, Loeb &
Co., perhaps the most politically powerful international banking firm
in the world. Kuhn, Loeb was, and still may be, a satellite of the immensely
rich and powerful Rothschild family of Europe. Historically, the Kuhn, Loeb
name has been synonymous with financial success and political intrigue, dating
back to participation through senior partner Jacob Schiff in bankrolling the
Bolshevik revolution in Russia.* (see None Dare Call It Conspiracy)

In the past, the Rockefellers have both
competed with and cooperated with the Rothschilds. Dilworth's leaving Kuhn,
Loeb & Co. to take control of the Rockefeller family purse strings was
considered significant by students of the international financial and political
machinations of the super-rich.

Dilworth maintains an office designated as Rockefeller Family and Associates,
occupying three entire floors at 30 Rockefeller Plaza. Rockefeller Family and
Associates is not a legal entity or corporation; it is simply a name to describe
the organization which coordinates and manages the investments of the 84
descendants of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

With the well-oiled assurance of a successful
mortician the urbane, sophisticated Dilworth laid to rest the committee's
concern over the family's financial muscle. He used five charts, crammed with
statistics, to dispel the notion that the family exercises inordinate power
over the nation's economy. Rocky's critics found it difficult to dispute
Dilworth's bewildering collection of figures; at times they could hardly keep
up with them. The whole performance was as confusing as an Eisenhower press
conference, and probably as deliberate.

As one observer commented: ....

"the talk of convertible stocks,
coupons and fiduciary obligations and the fact the vast holdings of The
Rockefeller Foundation and other family-collected funds were not included in
Dilworth's presentation left most members little more enlightened than they had

According to Dilworth, the 84 living
Rockefellers are worth a mere $1,033,988,000. (Presumably he rounded off the
figures to the nearest thousand dollars.) The bulk of the assets disclosed by
Dilworth were held in two trusts, one established by John D. Jr. in 1934 for
his children and one set up in 1952 for his grandchildren.

But according to many sources, the Rockefellers have as many as 200 trusts and
foundations, and it is possible they have hundreds, even thousands more. Why
bother with so many? For one very simple reason: So that assets can be moved,
merged, and manipulated so smoothly and so quickly that the public-and just as
important, the tax experts from the Treasury Department-have no way of knowing
just how much money is where.

Suppose you had three buckets, one empty, two filled with water. Is there any
way you could pour water from one bucket to another so quickly an observer
could not tell how much water you had?

But suppose, instead, you had five thousand
buckets. And a hundred persons to help pour. And you were allowed to keep all
but a few buckets and a few pourers hidden behind a high wall. Would your
chances be better to keep your -liquid assets - secret? So it is with the
Rockefellers. All trusts are not equal. Only a handful of attorneys in the
country know how to establish the type of trusts the Rockefellers have. These
specialized trusts are most emphatically not the sort your friendly local
solicitor can create for you. They not only can eliminate probate, cut
inheritance taxes, and reduce income taxes; unlike corporations, they can achieve
almost total privacy. Theoretically, trustees can, within the privacy of their
directors' meetings, create more and more trusts ad infinitum With a little
effort, taxes disappear. With more effort, even the value of the holdings can
be completely hidden.

This explains why the Rockefellers use so
many trusts. The fact is that we really don't know how many trusts the family
has established. It may be thousands, or tens of thousands. Remember Nelson's
explanation for the embarrassing fact that he did not pay any income tax in
1970-his trust fund managers had done a lot of shifting of investments in 1969.
You can bet they moved their assets to accomplish this!

In testifying before the Judiciary Committee, Dilworth did not discuss the
family's holdings by individuals, but presented them as a single package.
Dilworth said he had received "unanimous permission" from the
Rockefeller family to make public the total figures of their holdings.
"This in itself

has been a unique experience, since it runs so completely against the grain of
what we in the office consider to be one of our major responsibilities- the
preservation of the separate identity and highly personal treatment of each
account," he said. "Like other Americans, they value highly their right

personal privacy."

More importantly, the privacy within the
trusts can conceal whatever assets the Rockefellers decided not to make public.
If the family had chosen to open up the minutes of its trustees' meetings to
Congressional investigators, we might have some idea of the true financial
status of the family. No such suggestion was even whispered. We really have
only the Rockefellers' word for the amount of wealth they control, and they
obviously have a vested interest in minimizing its size.

How about assets hidden in foreign countries?
Are there Swiss bank accounts? Rocky says no, but he could be telling the
literal truth, yet have foreign accounts held by trusts or other nominees, or
securities"in street name (that is, in the name of a brokerage firm such
as Merrill Lynch). Or assets can be held in a custodial account of a bank, such
as (for example) Chase Manhattan.

All that we know for sure is the first time Rocky was asked about his wealth he
swore it was a paltry $33 million; later he admitted the figure was six
(6) times higher. A slight miscalculation which anyone might make.

We are supposed to swallow the propaganda
that the Rockefellers are merely middle-class millionaires, not even in the,
same financial ball park as Howard Hughes or those Texas wheeler-dealers.
But,"Hideout Howard" and the Dallas money crowd are relative
Johnny-Come-Latelys to the world of high finance. The Rockefellers have been
refining oil for over a century and running banks for 75 -years. Although it
cannot be proven because the evidence is hidden, few sophisticates swallow
Dilworth's $1 billion figure-which does not even include any personal
residential property, jewelry or other personal belongings; nor does it include
Nelson's art collection, which he has valued (conservatively, we must assume)
at $35 million.

Nor are the Rockefeller homesteads your basic tract bungalows. The main homes
of the clan are located at Pocantico Hills in New York. Established 45 years
ago by old John D., the land alone was worth $50 million in 1930. Their value
today defies estimate. When opened to the press for the first time in 1959, at
the time of the marriage of Nelson's son Steven, the estate, with its 70 miles
of private roads, was said to be 4,180 acres in size. Earlier reports claimed 7,500
acres. In 1929 there were 75 buildings occupied by the Rockefellers and their
attendants; over 100 families lived on the estate. One addition has been a $4.5
million underground archives to store family records. One wag has described the
palatial Pocantico Hills as the kind of place God would have built if he had
had the money.

No expense was spared by the family to remove
minor blemishes on their pastoral paradise.

The senior Rockefeller gave the New York
Central Railroad $700,000 to move its tracks, and $1.5 million to a small
college to shove off.

Among the other chateaux owned by Nelson is
the enormous Monte Sacro Ranch in Venezuela, his coffee plantation in Ecuador
(the one where Juan Valdez waits for the perfect day to pick the beans), his
several farms in Brazil, his 32-room Fifth Avenue duplex in New York City, the
mansion in

Washington, D. C., the little hideaway at Seal Harbor, Maine, etc., etc., etc.*

In addition, at last count the Rockefellers
owned seven huge ranches. Earlier this year 1975, Nelson bought 18,000 empty
Texas acres for -outdoor recreation.

It is doubtful if any of the Rockefeller
women will ever have to spend the night at the YWCA. The four of them have
about 100 residences to choose from, including John D. III's spacious Beekman
Place apartment in Manhattan, Laurance's sumptuous resorts in Hawaii and Puerto
Rico, Nelson's Venezuela Finca, (large enough to swallow the entire city of New
York), and David's Caribbean home.

Needless to say, it takes an army of
underlings to operate these elegant pads. There are 500 full-time domestics,
gardeners, guards and chauffeurs at Pocantico Hills alone, 45 at the family's
Seal Harbor, Maine, retreat, and 15 in Nelson's Fifth Avenue apartment. All
told, it has been estimated the Rockefeller women have at their beck and call
about 2,500 servants.

Because the Rockefellers are forever on the
wing-in their private jet fleets-each residence is permanently staffed, and
nightly the sheets are turned down. One never knows when the boss might pop in.

Of the corporate holdings described by
Dilworth, the largest, of course, is Exxon, the new name for Standard Oil of
New Jersey, one of the companies formed when John D. Rockefeller, Sr. was
ordered to de-monopolize the Standard Oil Company. The stock directly owned by
the family (not counting that held by such family controlled entities as banks
and foundations ) amounts to $156,7 millions. Number two on Dilworth's list is
Rockefeller mere $98 million. Anyone who accepts this estimate of the Center's
worth is probably negotiating to swap his life time savings for sole
proprietorship in the Brooklyn Bridge. The Los Angeles Times observed on
September 30, 1974 :

* The Congressional hearings revealed
that two houses in Washington "ostensibly owned by a Rockefeller
attorney" actually belong to Nelson.

Nobody but the stockholders (the four
surviving Rockefeller brothers-Nelson, John D.III, David and Laurance - their
sister, Abby, and the heirs of their brother Winthrop, who died in 1973, and a
handful of Wall Street bankers) know its true value, but the educated guess of
New York's real estate crowd is that Rockefeller Center, land and buildings, is
worth $1 billion.

Next in line in the family portfolio is
$85-million worth of stock in Standard of California, followed by $72.6 million
worth of IBM. Companies in which the family holds $10 million or more in stock
include Chase Manhattan Bank, Mobil Oil Corp., Eastman Kodak, General Electric,
Texas Instruments, and Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing. Altogether the
Rockefellers own a significant portion of some 50 major American companies.

So extensive are the family's holdings in securities that the Dilworth
operation spreads over three entire floors at Rockefeller Center, and requires
154 full-time employees to manage the security portfolios. Working under
Dilworth's supervision are fifteen top financial experts, who also double and
triple in brass by serving on the boards of directors of nearly 100
corporations with combined assets of some $70 billion.

When testifying before the judiciary Committee, Dilworth's main objective was
to fortify Nelson's statement that his family's reputed financial power was a -
myth - concocted by evildoers. "If you're thinking of colossal
economic power, it doesn't exist. We have investments, but not control,"
claimed Rocky.

"It should be stressed that both the
family members and their investment advisers are totally uninterested in
controlling anything," parroted Dilworth. "The family members are
simply investors. The aim and hope of the advisers is over time to achieve a
reasonable total return for our clients."   So seriously was the
whole performance taken that not even a wink could be, detected in the hearing
room, much less a discreet nudge under the table.

Dilworth maintained that members of the family do not coordinate their
investments. Their sharply differing views on investments, social and
environmental policies, Dilworth claimed, have prevented them from ever voting
their stock in unison."There is no grand design or overall pattern,"

Rockefeller hireling assured the committee. Dilworth went on to say that the
last time the family interfered in the management of a company was in

1928 when John D. Sr. and Jr. forced Standard Oil Company (Indiana) to remove a
chief executive.

Such intervention now, purred Dilworth, is "totally foreign to this
family. In the 17 years I've been on this job, I've never seen this family try
to push people around."

The Wall Street Journal sprang to the defense
of the family on September 25, 1974:

... "while Mr. Rockefeller is a bit
modest about his economic clout, it is true that there are no individuals left
in this society who are wealthy enough to alone substantially influence
economic events. The wealth accumulated by John D. and the other tycoons of his
era is diffused through a vast economy, controlled by foundations, trusts and
the managers of large broadly based corporations. Power is diffused along with

In April 1958, when it was reported that J.
Richardson Dilworth, the man with the most snobbish sounding name since Junius
Pierpont Morgan or Jackie Gleason's immortal Reginald van Gleason, was
appointed to his present position, the New York Times explained that the
organization "manages and supervises" the Rockefeller family
investments. The phrase "manages and supervises" suggests a
coordinated effort at directing family finances. If the Rockefellers were not
interested in maximizing their economic leverage, it would seem logical that
each would pursue his own interests separately and retain his or her own
battery of experts.

Dilworth makes it sound as if the family has
widely divergent views on social, economic and political questions. Yet we have
not been able to find a single significant occasion when the four sons and
daughter of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. differed.*

And is it not curious that no member of the Judiciary Committee chose to grill
Mr. Dilworth about the alleged disagreements which prevent the family from
acting in financial unison? The New Yorker of January 16, 1965,tells us that
the brothers and sister Abby "get together two or three times a year to
discuss matters of interest to all of them."The purpose of the conferences
is to "collide and coalesce," as one of their senior advisers described

Charles B. Smith, a top Dilworth, lieutenant, was a bit more forthright than
his boss: "Our goal, like everybody else's, is to make wads and wads of
money for the Rockefeller family." The Rockefeller family likes money.
But, once you have achieved the ultimate of opulence in your standard of living

(and the Rockefellers reached that plateau decades ago), making money for its
own sake becomes a fairly academic exercise.

Most people relax after they have reached the point of economic comfort and
security. But, for some individuals, the ultimate ego trip has been the pursuit
of power. In bygone days the rare individual with a manic desire for power
seized a throne, or led conquering armies. Now that is all passé. Today, more
worlds are conquered in board rooms than on battle fields. And, as we shall
see, what happens on battle fields is often the result of decisions made in
board rooms.

All of us can name plenty of tyrants and
despots from the past. Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler,
Stalin - these men brought misery and death to millions of people in the course
of realizing their own perverted ambitions. But because the overwhelming
majority of people do not possess such a psychotic thirst for power, they find
it all but impossible to recognize its presence in others.

* One subject on which the family is unanimous is furthering Nelson's political
ambitions; the Rockefellers have contributed a staggering $25 million to
various campaigns promoting Nelson for the Presidency.

Most Americans just want to provide decent lives and comfortable futures for
themselves and their families. They are willing to work hard to achieve the
necessities of life and even many luxuries. But they could no more conceive of
scheming, -plotting and conniving to become economic commissars or kings than
they would be interested in abandoning civilization for life as headhunters
along the Amazon.

It is Mr. Average American and his family,
however, who pay the price for the megalomania of the empire builders.
Especially since our domestic would-be tyrants learned long ago that a
political economic conspiracy can become far more powerful than a criminal
one-and is far, far safer for the participants.

Whether or not such megalomania is carried by genes we do not know. What can be
shown is that it has existed for at least three generations in the Rockefeller
family. Despite the protests of the Rockefellers and their hirelings that they
are totally uninterested in controlling anything, a survey of the evidence will
reveal an all-consuming passion for control over everything and everybody.

The House of Rockefeller is not just a
wealthy and successful family. Instead, it is an Empire. No other family has
deliberately sought control over so many institutions which affect every facet
of American life. Whether it is government, business, energy, banking, the
media, religion or education, at the apex of the power structure you will find
Rockefeller money and Rockefeller front men and agents. Such total
persuasiveness, influencing every important aspect of American life, cannot be

Gary Allen

Chapter 2: The Saintly

Dedication: to : Floyd Paxton - Freedom never had a truer champion - I never
had a better friend. (Gary Allen )

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