
     Niccolo' Machiavelli; (1469-1527):
"God is not willing to do everything, and thus to take away our free will
and that share of glory which belongs to us."

God gives us free will so we can develop
that noble character that God would love to see in us. We follow God and we are
accepted into the eternal family of God. We reject God and we have no right to
become part of the eternal family of God. I have known several people who died
and then came back alive. Also, I have heard the testimony of many others who
died and then when medicine had written them off as officially dead, then came
back alive and talked of the eternal life after this. All recognized that they
needed Jesus as their Savior so they could live with God for all eternity. Some
saw Paradise and a few testified of seeing Hell until saved by being brought back
to life on this earth. Those brought back from Hell quickly repented of their
sins, accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and then led ardent lives as
dedicated Christians after that. They heard the message of eternal damnation
loud and clear and had no desire to ever return to Hell which was horrid beyond
human imagination. Even a Pastor Dan of Nigeria (died on Nov. 30th, 2001) was
dead for three days in the morgue and then brought back to life at a Reinhard
Bonnke Crusade in Nigeria. He was caught live on TV cameras as he returned to
life at the crusade because his wife refused his death and took him by
ambulance to the crusade as she wanted him resurrected from the dead. He was
electrified after seeing both Paradise and Hell. When he did not want to return
to earth, he was told he would be going to Hell because he had refused to
forgive his wife who had asked his forgiveness. With that shocking warning, he
agreed to return to life on earth after being dead in the morgue. He was now on
fire for Jesus all the way and brought the message back to earth he was told to
tell the Christians. The main message was that Jesus was returning soon to
earth and the Christians were not ready for His return. Separately, the wealth
of the wicked was stored up for the righteous and would soon be transferred to
them, but just before the return of Jesus to earth.

The prophecy of Pastor Dan intrigued me
because once my Omni Law is passed in America, I can recover hopefully much or
most of the many trillions of dollars that were swindled from the American
people by the secret power elite using corrupt elements in both political
parties in Wash., D.C. which acted as their front to mass swindle the American
people in the name of government. If the figures of various professional
financial sources are at all accurate, then maybe the American people have been
swindled by tricks they don't understand of maybe as much as one thousand times
one trillion dollars. American produced more wealth than any nation before in
history and most of it has disappeared somewhere while the American economy
hangs now in the balance of potential national collapse if the national debt,
etc., the mess created by corrupt Wash., D.C. politicians, is not cleaned up.
Only the passage of my proposed Omni Law is going to clean up the financial
mess in Wash., D.C. I was a financial consultant many years ago and for
recovery of stolen or swindled funds like this, the usual finder's fee is
something like 15% of all recovered funds. This will be my fee and used to
finance the rebirth of sound industry and agriculture in America and the world,
jobs for all needing jobs, financing charitable and Christian projects, etc.
for America and the world. We have a large recovery of swindled funds and sound
economics dictates that we pay off the national debt to maintain good national
credit, state debts if covered by these funds, and then the rest goes divided
equally among all legal American citizens 18 years old and older, but not
illegal immigrants. This will go to the rightful heirs to these swindled funds,
but not to outsiders who do not have legal rights to these funds.

The Archbishop Wichmann of Magdeburg,
Germany in 1150 A.D. set up a local system of money which practiced what Jesus
taught about money in the New Testament. Also, local merchants set up merchant
guilds which practiced what Jesus taught how business should be run and local
workers set up labor guilds which practiced what Jesus taught how labor should
work on their jobs, etc. This system of money which were special thin metallic
coins practicing the teaching of Jesus on money and the two versions of
Christian guilds grew with strength across Europe. Everywhere the economies
boomed where this Jesus taught economic system was used! When it hit France,
between 1170 t0 1270 A.D., the people became so prosperous with this, everyone
became rich who lived under this! The former peasants called serfs now retired
at the age of 45 to 55 and lived off of their investments in real estate and
business! They dressed with the same quality clothes as the nobility. They ate
apparently better courses of meals than modern Americans! Towns rapidly spread
across France! Almost all crime now disappeared from society! Wars stopped as
no one would work for the low wages now of a soldier! The people of France in
gratitude to God for this "golden age" of mankind where nearly all
the problems of human society were solved wanted to thank God for this colossal
prosperity! In 100 short years, they fast built 80 Gothic cathedrals and 500
cathedral grade Gothic churches. This was out of their prosperity without
needing taxes, debt., etc. to pay for these 580 giant Gothic cathedrals and
churches in this time period.

Now America decided to build one
cathedral by the old expensive Gothic method and then declared when done that
America was not rich enough to ever build another cathedral by the old Gothic
method. This was the Washington National Cathedral built from 1907 to 1990! You
have to read the Bible in public schools or you will never know how to recreate
this colossal French prosperity in modern American society! By the way, the men
only worked 6 hours a day 4 days a week! The wives stayed home to raise the
kids! The people owned their own homes. And France as a nation under this had
100 national holidays annually on top of taking off for worship on Sundays. So
they had 4 days of work a week, two days of colorful festivals every week, and
one day Sunday to worship the God who had blessed them with a nearly Paradise
level society to live in on earth through Jesus Money And Jesus Economics
towards business and labor in society.

The early bankers called goldsmiths
overthrew this Bible Money and Bible Economics because the people, businesses,
and governments became too prosperous with it and no longer needed serious
loans from the early bankers! And isn't Washington, D.C. really smart today
outlawing the Bible and Christian history from your public schools? How else
can they keep Americans poor, unemployed, and suffering if not keeping you
under corrupt atheistic and Satanically controlled money and economics imposed
by the secret Satanists who are really running Wash., D.C. And they have told
you how stupid you would be to believe in what the Bible taught about how you
should live in America! Trust the atheists in Wash., D.C and don't vote for
Christian leaders who might bring all this Bible created national economic
prosperity to you the American people! Don't you appreciate now why Washington,
D.C. outlaws the Bible and Christian history from your public education and
censors all this knowledge from you so they can keep you poor and in constant
national economic trouble with crisis after crisis?

By the way, Wash., D.C. lied like fury
to you to outlaw the Bible and prayer from your public schools. In the name of
Thomas Jefferson, they misrepresented what he said and outlawed prayer and the
Bible from your public schools. When President, Thomas Jefferson set up a model
school system in Wash., D.C. pushing that the Christian Bible and Watts
Christian Hymnal be the two required school textbooks to be used in all public
schools of America. But quiet please! You are not supposed to know that and be indoctrinated
instead of educated in your public schools! Quiet again please! A national
economic study around 1987 concluded that it cost American labor an estimated
one trillion dollars a year in lost wages to have outlawed the Bible and prayer
from your public schools. And cost American business an estimated one trillion
dollars or more in lost annual sales to have outlawed the Bible and prayer from
your public schools. The war of Wash., D.C. to outlaw God from America has cost
you a vast fortune in lower wages and poverty with the collapse of national
morals as Wash., D.C. planned! And business has lost a vast fortune in national
sales and higher profits with the collapse of national morals as engineered by
Wash., D.C. which does not like God and wants America totally legally divorced
from God forever!

Jordan S. Rubin wrote the book "The
Maker's Diet" showing brilliant answers to health as taught in the Bible
and maybe not taught in the medical schools today! By the way, colleges and
universities were started by Christianity which pioneered higher education in
the Western World and then copied by the rest of the world. Sir Isaac Newton
called the Father of Modern Science spent half of his time studying Bible
prophecies and looking for a hidden Bible Code he believed would be there. He
was a strong, ardent Christian scholar as well as a highly brilliant scientific
brain! He taught the world how to be brilliant, modern scientists! But the
atheists and Satanists tell you how dumb we Christians are and hicks of the
world in brains! What Sir Issac Newton believed about a hidden Bible Code in
the Bible was finally proven right in 1994 when the prominent mathematical
publication Statistical Science was forced by claims of three mathematicians
from Israel as to the discovery of a real Bible Code on prophecy in the Bible.
This magazine tried to disprove it and came up with the results that the three
Jewish mathematicians were right. In the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament
in "Equidistant Letter Sequences" in Hebrew were spelled out the
names, cities of birth or else death of 66 prominent Jewish leaders from the
ninth through the 19th Century A.D. And gave the dates of birth or else death
of 66 leading Jews of recent history. But the finding of the cities of birth of
these 66 Jewish leaders being listed in Bible Code was found after this article
was published. This defied mathematical odds of apparently over 3 billion to
one against this being by random chance in the Book of Genesis of the Bible.
Later, this same startling system of prophecy by math code in the Old Testament
was found to list Hitler, America, and almost every major historical event for
the last 2,000 years. The Quran of Islam, other religious books, War and Peace,
and many other books were tested, but none of them apparently had this
prophetic math code in them correctly predicting the future of mankind. The
Book of Genesis was written around 3,500 years ago and shows that God really
wrote the Bible of the Christians and Jews. Math is the universal language of
science and God used this math system to show that He and not man wrote the
Bible we have today!

I did a preliminary check by Bible Code
into the name of Obama of America. That name is listed as apparently a would-be
Antichrist. I stuck my neck out and checked my name out the same way. Listed as
the name of a champion of God. Tested this in New Testament in Greek and the
code plainly said that Jesus backs me. In the age of the cowardly churches,
Jesus wants someone who is not afraid and will firmly stand up for Jesus. I
want much more thorough testing by code methods before I say I accept this, but
it sounds like I won the gold ring with Jesus. Code indicates that Jesus is
tired of the cowards afraid to stand up for Jesus in this corrupt age. If some
Bible scholars are serious and want to see what I found, I will share with them
what the code said. I will ask them to not release publicly what they see as it
tells how Christianity wins one last round and then the Antichrist is allowed
to rally the haters of God on earth after the number of God mentioned several
times in the Bible is fulfilled. I saw this teaching in early Christian
writings about the importance of the number God planned and then the Antichrist
is allowed to finish bringing mankind into the final judgment on earth. God
separates the good from the evil by His plan, not that of man! The Bible backed
up what early Christianity taught, but not our churches today. As St. Jerome
commented around 400 A.D., "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of

Christianity likely has at least 60,000
or far more in heavily documented Miracles of God from the first days of
Christianity up to 2012 A.D. But all religious sides will feel a little
uncomfortable that the evidence I found shows that God has found good
Christians in the Roman Catholic Church, Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox
Church, Protestant Churches, and frankly some quite independent Christian
churches. I think the following policy statement of Jesus Christ in the New Testament
shows what is going on. "And John answered and said, Master, we saw one
casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not
with us. (For example, not same denomination!) And Jesus said unto him, Forbid
him not: for he that is not against us is for us." - Luke 9:49, 50. But
Jesus also prayed that His Christians be a united church! Having been born with
a hardcore Protestant father and a Catholic convert mother, I understand all
sides well. A lot of pride in all sides and no one wants to admit that the
other  person might have some good Christian points they raised also. It
requires a lot of Wisdom of Solomon to teach each side to respect the other
side more. And all sides need to seriously return to the first historically
recorded Apostolic Christianity as heavily documented in the first writings of
the recognized Church Fathers for maybe up to around 400 A.D. The Apostle Paul
wrote to allow differences of religious opinions when not challenging the few
main teaching doctrines of first Christianity. But no church practices today
what the Apostle Paul wrote in the New Testament to show how to maintain unity
in Christianity while not sacrificing the mainline foundations of historically
recorded first Apostolic Christianity. Jesus taught "A kingdom divided
against itself cannot stand." Yet the Christians so deeply divided have
opened the floodgate for the enemies of Christianity to wipe out Christianity
if the Christians don't start supporting some strong, sound Christian leaders
and have some basis for Christian unity so we close this floodgate of evil in
timely fashion heading towards Christianity otherwise.

In 1990, I prayed for a Lane Brewer of
the Seneca Police Force, Seneca, SC. He had been crushed in a car accident and
the local newspaper was told that he would not live beyond that day. If somehow
he did, he would be paralyzed for life. My wife organized a prayer group of
women to pray for him that he would not die that day. I received a revelation
to heart that Jesus would give me his life if I asked for it. I came out with
an unplanned prayer that since Jesus was returning soon to earth, I asked Jesus
to give him his life and heal him of his massive injuries. I then announced to
my wife that he would live and would be healed of all his injuries. Lane Brewer
to the shock of the local hospital left shortly afterwards with all his
injuries healed. The Chief Surgeon Dr. Nimmons who knew him well mumbled to him
as he left from the emergency ward, "I don't understand this." As I
am a scientist and engineer in basic thinking, I wondered why Jesus used me for
this incredible Miracle of God Jesus did, not me! Later the answer came to me
that Wash., D.C. is so evil in the eyes of God, God was saying by this Miracle
of God that God would burn with anger at Wash., D.C. if they later tried to lie
about me or try their many ways of smearing those who stand for good and truth
in America. In this context, I will say the following.

I have a heavy background in military
intelligence having been raised eleven calendar years in military academies
which started this whole descent into military intelligence. I seemed to have a
natural talent for it and many times scored spectacular results in it. What has
been identified as a C.I.A. front national website has been trying every
cunning trick they could think of to try and block me from rallying the
American people to restore Christian values to national power in America and
restore legal integrity to highly corrupt Wash., D.C. They thought they had an
angle because I agreed to give a helping hand to a Bishop Wade Garner who went
through a very clever legal frame up operation of apparently C.I.A., Army
Intelligence, and the U.S. Justice Dept. He was going to back answers to the
energy crisis of America and had to be stopped. First, a C.I.A. operation stole
$25,000 from him to take away his working capital. I was a witness how they
stole this from him. Second, he was scheduled to receive $1.2 million from a
deal I had with trucking sources as he had helped back a little what I had set
up with the trucking connections. An Army Sergeant who had worked for Army
Intelligence but now working for a high official connected with the U.S.
Justice Dept., as part of an apparent C.I.A. plan, savagely beat him nearly to
death. Several of us were witnesses to seeing this Bishop Wade Garner after his
body was bloody and his clothes soaked with his own blood. Later, he was
charged with leaving the scene of an accident after his car was reported hit
hard this other car and mass smashed it in. Another person went to where the
police were keeping his car impounded and photographed it. There were no dents
in it, no scratch marks, etc. which means no accident had ever occurred! This
was all just a federal legal frameup as he was targeted to be destroyed. Later,
he was to receive maybe up to $500,000 backing from one city, but the
businessman involved apparently diverted the intended money to himself and
worked with the U.S. Justice Dept. for a planned legal frame up after the Army
Sergeant with gun at the head of this Garner with two witnesses present said he
would blow his brains out if he didn't get some money fast. Garner was set up
with extreme charges against him as this wild conspiracy unfolded against him.
He was not allowed to enter the plea of innocence how they arranged this. He
was not allowed to have an attorney of his own choice. He was not allowed to
have any witnesses nor any legal defense given on his behalf. He was not
allowed to appeal this highly Kangaroo Court federal operation.

This C.I.A. front website blew its cover
well by how it acted and tried to smear me because I let this Garner have use
of a postal box for a ministry of his briefly until he got his own permanent
post box or whatever for mail deliveries. It had never been publicized but
before his legal troubles, he used to gather young men from poor neighborhoods
and had several Christian speakers teach them about Christianity and why they
should believe in God.

Now I can be tough when required. I
happen to be good at law. I defeated in state court a Jewish lawyer who had
never lost in any state court until he faced me. He lost for the first time in
his career. I have engineered other legal upsets at times. If C.I.A. had no
regard for American law, this situation with this Wade Garner could be like a
worm hanging from a fishhook to catch a sucker fish. They tried to smear me
because I was willing to try and help him regain control over his life ruined
by our gangster element in Wash., D.C. They made a terrible legal mistake by
trying to use this to block me from getting my proposed Omni Law passed for
America. They violated enough criminal laws to put away for maybe 50,000 years
in prison every federal person involved with this apparent C.I.A. website run
by a person who calls himself a knight.

Bivens vs. Six Unknown Agents decided by
U.S. Supreme Court and a long list of other court decisions all state I have
the legal right to now sue this knight and all other federal personnel with him
for $100 billion in damages. Also, my legal statement of before that I could
engineer a lawsuit for $100 Trillion in Damages was not a bluff. Knight and all
his associates can all be added to such a lawsuit if I decide to file it for
each of them to owe $100 Trillion In Damages. It has to deal with the
Abolistionists in Congress in 1865 had a plan how to bankrupt the Southern
States as they stated it for 100 years. They carried out their plan which
violates the Genocide Treaty signed by President Ronald Reagan into law. The
American version of the Genocide Treaty was turned into the Proxmire Act under
Pres. Ronald Reagan. I can now legally sue under the Genocide Treaty knight and
all associated with him in government for each $100 trillion in damages as I
have the legal authority for the Southern States to do this under international
law. Now I know that this website would logically have been carrying out the
express will of Obama in the White House to interfere with the political
process during the national election of 2012. But they were to do it without
getting caught! They got caught and now if the Omni Law is not passed by
Congress and soon if I decide, I can go up the ranks of the federal government
suing everyone in line up to Obama and each facing criminal charges under the
Genocide Treaty not only for 50 states whose people were threatened with
extinction (means legally murder) by knight, all associates in Wash., D.C. by
dirty trick operations to try and block me from reestablishing my father's Vatican
endorsed food process university tests in America said all Americans will cease
to exist as a race if this is not added to their diet in time and meaning this
age, not in the distant future. Also, France, Germany, and many other nations
including Russia and China can all legally charge under the Genocide Treaty
that Wash., D.C. was trying to kill off their entire national races by genocide
conspiracy when knight and other federal fools with him tried their dirty
tricks to block me from passing the Omni Law in America so I could reestablish
my father's Vatican endorsed food process Pope Pius XII endorsed as potentially
the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could
potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the
world. The Vatican did not know of the university tests which separately
predicted the end of the entire human race on earth if this is not soon added
to the diets of all nations on earth.  This is Genocide Conspiracy biggest
vesion in human history and knight and company will expose all leaders in
Wash., D.C. to UN Arrest warrants from all member nations of the UN unless they
make their legal peace with me before I file the legal charges and address the
General Assembly of the UN for the arrest of all leaders in Wash., D.C.
blocking the reestablishment of this Vatican endorsed food process. It fulfills
the promise of God in Exodus 23:25 of the food that will save the health and
lives of the human race on earth. This is big time and lethal for Wash., D.C.
to mess with.

As a sidenote, I noticed that they
wanted to smear and destroy Nesara News because they did not like this blog
posting reports from many honest national sources reporting on corruption in
Wash., D.C. When federal settlement time comes, I intend to see that Nesara
News, American Free Press, and the Sovereign Newspaper of New York all get at
least $1 million from me for practicing freedom of the press when the national
survival was at stake. I believe that patriots should be rewarded for helping
to save the nation.

As a sidenote, thanks to the
naive knight, etc., I don't need to win with the Nov. 6 election now to get my
Omni Law passed. He established the legal grounds so now my $100 billion and
$100 trillion lawsuits will be airtight under both national and international
law. I wanted an incident where I could so totally destroy the traitors in
government that no one in any federal agency would ever again have the guts to
try and conspire against the rights of the American people ever again. Knight
and company gave me the legal ammo I needed and I documented all their moves in
case they tried to destroy the records which will hang them in 50 states, many
federal courts, and courts in all member nations of the UN. Of course, once
tried abroad, they can rule death sentences for them which they will probably
want to do since these federal lunatics would gladly have killed off all the
people of France, Germany, Great Britain, rest of Europe, Canada, Mexico,
Brazil, Russia, China, Union of South Africa, Japan, Australia, and the list
goes on and on under authority of the Genocide Treaty.

So I don't file now all over the
world, Wash., D.C. is going to have to pass the Omni Law and likely fast! There
will be a large land grant I will require for my Camelot Project, I will
require now $100 billion out-of-court settlement, and special legal status for
the Camelot Project. For those naive how American politics works, of course I
had to endorse Mitt Romney for President. He is going to want a good working
relationship with me as no one in Wash., D.C. is going to want me for an enemy!
But I am going to give him credit unless he gives me evidence to the contrary.
I think he has too much Mormon to him and really if he can break loose of
the power elite, he will want to do what is right for America. I met Ezra Taft
Benson, Secretary of Agriculture, a Mormon, who had out of integrity endorsed
my father and like Howard Hughes, I think that Mormons can be trusted to be
honest. I am no Mormon, but I have had friends who were and I am not their

Folks, this report shows a power shift
where Christianity is going to emerge powerfully in America again. Those
wanting to join my bandwagon, financial support still welcome. Send to NIFI at
NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. and the $100 million gift I want to
spread between the first $10 million in support sent to me still stands. But
due to knight, etc., I don't need now for Nov. 6 to make or break my drive for
the Omni Law. I play to win! To the knight, etc. on the chessboard, I now
declare checkmate! I win! You lose! Look up the Omni Law in the searchbox at
the top of Nesara News. Also, put in Erasmus of America there to read many
other reports I sent in and were posted with Nesara News. People wanting to be
on my email list for future reports, send to fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com
and say "Add to List!" When we are on God's side, then God is on our

Yours for God and Country,
Erasmus of America (pen name. Soon will go public with regular name. When I
show reason for pen name, all will understand and approve!)

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