Hello All:
Here is cobra's Interview by Galactic Free press.
God Bless Love to all
The Galactic Free Press Interviews Cobra~ Mission at Hand Unity~
By FatherMotherGod...
- Posted on 17 October 2012
Cobra answers
questions about the Window of Opportunity, Ascension, Decloaking, 2012 and it's
meaning and most of all: We Shall Unite As One Now.
Thanks for listening.
Love, the Galactic Free
Press and the Earth Allies.
Transcript of the
Interview Below
MG: We're so honored to have this conversation with you.
Cobra: Thank you.
MG: We thank you for coming and spending these moments with
For us, Andrea and I
have never done the interview part before so this
is a first for us. What
we've done over the past couple of days is
pulled together some
questions from all of our readers, and from
ourselves as well, that
we felt would be the best in service at the moment.
Cobra: Ok.
MG: And I'm sure you know what we represent, right Cobra?
Cobra: Yes.
MG: We really feel that you're on the same page with us as
Cobra: Yeah, yeah, of course.
MG: And we want you to know that we'll support you in any
we can as far as the
Galactic Free Press and our non-profit
organization. So please
feel comfortable at any time to connect
with us. We feel and we
know that we are being the examples of truth and
unity and unconditional
love, which is a new paradigm.
Cobra: Ok, very good. Thank you.
MG: And we love you unconditionally.
Andrea: Yes.
Cobra: That's good to hear.
MG: Ok, so, one of the first questions we had was, everyone
kind of curious about
your own awakening experience.
Cobra: Actually it's not easy to speak about because I was
always aware
of certain things. I was
always aware that [(I was coming)?] from
a planet and that I was
on a very important mission. I was not
completely aware of what
that mission would be, but after I had
my contact experience
with the Pleiadians.
MG: Was there any certain experiences, did you experience
synchronostic events?
Cobra: Yeah, I had many of those so-called spiritual
experiences, but I
would say the main
experience for me was the physical contact
with the Pleiadian race
because that is something that you
cannot forget.
MG: Exactly.
Cobra: You can forget mentally, but the body remembers. And
some level you remember,
you cannot forget completely. You
cannot adjust any longer
to this [check audio] that's going on in this
3 dimensional world. You
cannot completely adjust the
matrix, it's not
possible. You always...as it was presented
in the Matrix movie, you
are not part of the equation, you
created a problem for
the makers of the Matrix. There's a certain
awareness that goes
beyond space and time, which cannot be
MG: Ok, so you're saying that, maybe I'm misunderstanding
you right
now, but what I heard
and what I understood is that it's
impossible to function
at 5D frequencies in a 3d?
Cobra: Well, it's a total different frequency when you have
a taste of
this 5th dimensional
life, it is not that easy to adjust to normal
life. So you need
certain, I would say you have to process to
adjust cuz they're very
different frequencies and to reunite them,
it takes time.
MG: Well I know a part of your path was in the Resistance
Movement, in the
underground, with the inner Earth.
Cobra: Yeah…I'm losing your voice. I cannot hear well.
MG: Andrea?
Andrea: Yes, I can hear you from this end. I guess the
question was about
the Resistance Movement,
right, can you hear me Cobra?
Cobra: I cannot hear well, I just hear a few words.
Andrea: Oh, it's not working very good.
MG: We were asking you, about you have experience with the
Resistance Movement
Cobra: Yes, that's right. I also had experience with the
Movement and that
experience gave me understanding all the
technologies [check
audio] to this planet and about many extraterrestrial
connections that are
about to happen soon. And also when I had
this experience and I
was in contact with a code-name Michael.
His real name is not
Michael but his code name was and actually
he was talking about a
plan for The Event. He was talking about
an early version of the
plan at that time. I knew about it and
was expecting it. At
about 10 years old, I received intel that
it was supposed to
happen in April 2012, and obviously it did not
happen in 2012, but the
original plan was started before that time.
MG: Ok, so do you still feel The Event will happen this
Cobra: I would not give any time guesses at this point, for
reasons. One of the
reasons is that we are at a very critical
moment, when/many things
can happen, and I would not want
to [jeopardize?] The
Events by discussing a certain timeframe.
I would say now that we
are slowly approaching the second
window of opportunity
which starts on October 21st and ends on
December 21st and is a
very good time to make it.
Whether we make it or
not, it is up to us. It was a group decision,
a group free will that
everybody [check audio], but it's make or break.
MG: We have 3 days a week where we gather with beings who
awakening and actually
we're putting [check audio] everyone of us is
participating fully in
the new paradigm. So together we have
from about 50 to 100
people that are joining us each time for
these. And we're also
coinciding them with your meditations on
the [check audio].
Cobra: Ok.
MG: So we really feel that this group energy is assisting a
lot to
really push forward this
second window of opportunity into
Cobra: I didn't hear the last sentence.
MG: We're assisting the energy in manifestation the second
Cobra: Yes, ok.
MG: What we were sharing with you was that over the past 6-8
months, we developed a
core group of beings who are helping
in this energy and we
gather 3 times a week or more sometimes
and there is anywhere
from 40 to over 100 people. And we're all
coming together in the
unity consciousness to assist the energy
movement for the
manifestations for this second window.
Cobra: Ok, very good.
MG: So there is definitely movement, energetically-wise.
Cobra: Yes.
Cobra: So what we are trying to reach is critical mass of
beings making that
decision on October 21st would be great.
MG: Yes.
Cobra: Around the planet. Thank you for that. So it's a very
good thing.
MG: Exactly.
And your conferences that are coming out, you're beginning
conferences, is it next
Cobra: Yeah, but the first one is actually coming in about
in a week and
a half in Torino in
Italy and then we have more the next month
in the United States
MG: Ok. (HOONK!) We got a train. (HOONK!) We happen to live
a train, Cobra.
Cobra: Ok, very good.
Actually, I would encourage everyone to participate in those
conferences. I will
release intel. Certain things I can't say
because I have to
explain things in deeper context and it's not
possible to explain
things in such depth in a blog. Also those
conferences will be
strong energetic events that will assist in the
transformation of
And some of those conferences are in certain vortex points
and some of them will
happen on very special dates. So all
this in a combination in
the effort to also assist in this window
of opportunity, that's
the reason I put those dates in that
MG: Ok.
Andrea: Would you like to share something about that?
Cobra: Would you be more specific?
Andrea: You said that in the conference you will go more in
depth in
about some information
and I was wondering if you would like
to talk about it a
little bit now to help people understand what
you're going to talk
about in your conferences.
Cobra: Well the first thing I can talk about in more detail
is the plan.
The plan is a
multi-dimensional thing and it's not easy to
describe the plan and
all the cause and effect, lineages inside of
the plan in a short text
inside of a blog. So I have to take more
time and I will dedicate
some time inside conferences to explain
more about plan. So
people will begin to understand who or why
all those delays and why
it's impossible to produce a date and all
those things. And people
will actually begin to feel and be able
to guess a little bit
more precisely, not predict, but have a certain
feeling about what the
future will bring.
While in the sequence of events, which one comes first and
which one comes second,
what conditions needed to be met for
certain things to happen
because there are conditions. There
are conditions for The
Event, there are conditions for the first
contact, there are
conditions for the mass distribution of free
energy, there are
conditions for new financial system and if
people are not able to
by themselves to watch for those signs,
they will be able to
make their own they will be able to expand
their own understanding
of how and why things happen.
But this is one the
things I will be expanding during the
Andrea: Ok, thank you.
MG: Brilliant
Cobra: Did you hear my answer?
MG: Yes we did.
Andrea: Yes.
Cobra: Ok.
MG: I'll have to go back and forth.
Andrea: About what you just said, we had a question asking
what kind
of activities do we do
to further bring about, at an individual and
local level, hastening
and facilitiating harmony for all. So what
actually can everybody
do as you understand it to bring all this
about into
Cobra: Ok, actually it's very simple. Each individual was
born in this
life with a certain
purpose. An individual that was incarnated
here has a specific set
of talents and those talents are here for
a purpose to be
manifested and each individual if you follow
that inner guidance and
expand and train those talents you'll
know what to do. Because
it's not the same with everybody.
Somebody's a writer,
somebody's a singer, somebody is a
militiaman, somebody's a
computer scientist, whatever is your
own calling this is the
part that you do in the plan.
And then I would say the forces of light connect people in a
network that gets more
and more effective as more and more
people join with their
talents. So actually I would say you, the
work that you have,
nobody else can do instead of you. And
the more and more people
join in this process with their full
efficiency, the faster
things will happen and more [check audio]
will happen.
MG: You know it's very interesting, Cobra, what you shared,
we do,
that's already in the
making, it's been in the process, we have
a sister network, called
Earth Star Network, who's gathering
everybody's talents, all
of what they feel, how they can contribute
to the greater good of
the all. And we're putting everybody
together in a database,
and then connecting people with their
different talents and
their coming up with projects to assist.
Cobra: This is a very good thing, this is exactly what the
idea is,
so to make it more
physical, what you are doing is an excellent thing.
This is a model that
could be copied and other groups could be
doing the same thing
around the world. So this can be a global
thing, so this is a very
good idea. Maybe you can write something
about it quickly in a
blog so that other people can do the same thing.
MG: A brilliant idea.
Andrea: How do you see the new 5d and how do you see the
next 3d that
will serve those not
Cobra: Ok, actually the whole planet is going into
there's not going to be
a 3rd dimensional planet in the old sense.
And those human beings
at a certain point, those human beings
who are not aligned with
the new frequency will go to other
planets, but I think
it's too early to think about that at this point.
MG: That's right, absolutely correct.
This is a little tougher question, because we've noticed
throughout some
information and messages that there's I
guess the best word
would be "disharmony" amongst Benjamin
Fulford, Drake, and you.
They have mentioned you as well, is
there any reason, do you
know what the animosity is or?
Cobra: Benjamin Fulford, I don't hear about him anything so
I don't
know about that.
MG: Well, Drake specifically has mentioned that about you.
Cobra: Yes, I know, I know. You see in situations like…there
was a
certain disinformation
article about me posted by a former white
hat and as most people
know this person does not belong to the
light. It was about I
would say late August when I made some
connections, actually at
that point I become quite dangerous for
the cabal and they
decided to shut me down. So what they did
was a disinformation
campaign that most likely organized by the
CIA and it put some, I
would say, trolls on certain blogs posting
disinformation about me.
And this whole thing went on and on
throughout the whole
September and more and more people
joined that.It was a
coordinated attack in order to shut me down
so I would stop doing
what I do. Of course I didn't stop doing
what I do, I just
learned certain things and apparently Drake believed some
of the misinfo that he
got about me, which is a surprise in itself
because at first he had
very good intel and he did very good
things be he got
disconnected in the timeframe between May-
June this year, so he
does not have really good sources of intel
right now, he's still
doing a good thing, but the information he
gets some of it is not
exactly correct. So what he's saying about
me is simply as a result
of the intel he got from those
disinformation agents
from somewhere. I have nothing against
Drake, I have nothing
against Fulford, both of them are good
people doing good
things, but I do not agree with the attitude
that some people have
towards me because I have done nothing
wrong. I am working for
the light, working for the liberation of
this planet.
I am not posting disinfo, I am doing something that is
the light forces. I am
not saying that everyone needs to agree
with what I say, but I'm
saying there should be a certain level of
respect among the
community that is working toward the
liberation of the
planet. And a certain level of support,
otherwise, this whole
process is not going to be as easy as it
should be. And this lack
of support among the, I would say,
surface lightforces is
one of the reasons for the delays of our
MG: Cobra we completely agree with you on that. We've been
with our own from that
end, so we completely understand.
Andrea: Yes.
Cobra: Yes, I would say all those people who are really
dedicated to the
light have been
experiencing attacks one way or the other the
last few months. Because
there was also, what is happening,
we've increased our
connectivity, which was a result, or shall we
say connected with
Uranus-Pluto square, it was their last chance
to do as much damage as
possible. And this period is now over,
so actually they did
some damage, but they could not destroy the
liberation movement.
They have just weakened the [check audio]. Now
we are emerging stronger
than ever and this only served us to
learn some lessons to
understand certain things more and rise
even stronger and more
MG: I completely agree with you. It only helps, whatever
they do,
what we've seen over
these years, and we've been at it 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week for
six years now, is that the more they
attempt to , it just
helps the light even that much further
Cobra: Yeah… because learned a lesson, and understands more
has more wisdom, and more
knowledge of the situation and
with each attack the
dark forces reveal themselves more. Their
ideology and their
intentions. With each attack they get weaker
and weaker and we get
stronger and stronger up to the point of
MG: Absolutely agree with you
Cobra: Ok.
MG: There's another question, in one of your updates
recently you
stated that first
contact will take place in 2013 and then we have
a whole other group of
beings say that it's going to occur in
December or before, so
what is your feeling?
Cobra: Ok as I said before, there's a certain sequence of
events that
needs to happen first
and then and only then the first contact
will happen so #1 the
first contact cannot happen before The
Event and as I
understand it, the first contact is an official diplomatic
acknowledgement between the Earth population and
extraterrestrial races.
And this cannot happen
as long as the cabal is in power. Because they will
[check audio].So first
The Event needs to happen, there needs to be
a certain timeframe of
non-negative races utilizing the new society
before the first contact
can officially happen. Simply the learning curve
of humanity is not that
fast. You cannot have The Event and then The First
Contact in the next
week. Too much of a shock for humanity.
Humanity first needs to learn a little bit about themselves.
After The Event they need to be educated, certain things
to happen and then
humanity's ready for The First Contact. So
it will definitely not
happen this year. This might disappoint
somebody but you need to
understand that every human being
needs some time to
integrate all the changes and most people
are not ready for so
many shocks in so short period of time. Even
too much of a good thing
in a short time is too much.
When The Event happens, people will have time to integrate
understand more and then
in a quite reasonable timeframe they
will be ready. And
before the first contact, there will be certain
select individuals that
will be contacted. This will not be official
public contact. And
those individuals that were contacted by the
extraterrestrial races, will be able to bring evidence to
humanity, will be able
to bring teachings and technology and
understanding that those
races have. And this will assist in
preparing humanity for
first contact.
MG: We do know that the galactic alignment is December 21st
everything lines up and
what we've shared in our updates is that
the galactic alignment
is where everybody is moving into the
present moment of NOW
Cobra: Ok, I have to explain certain things about galactic
because there are many
statements inside the lightworkers
community about the
galactic alignment which are not true.
Actually galactic
alignment is a process that began in 1975 and
will end in 2025. It's a
50 year process and the culmination of
that process already
happened. And Dec 21st, 2012 is one of
the, I would say, one of
the key dates, one of the markers, it is
not the only step in the
process, so we cannot expect everything
magically transforming
on that day because it will not.
It will simply be one
big step toward final liberation, which is a
process. So this is what
my understanding is and this is the intel
I got from the
Pleiadians and other forces of light.
MG: We're definitely on board with you that it's a process.
Cobra:Yes. But ok, let's wait and see and we will all
MG: There's also real interesting information coming out
about these
upcoming Eclipses. We
have a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse in
Cobra: Yes.
MG: And some of our crop circles have indicated that we very
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