
John, This isn't all of it, but there is plenty more also
pdf files to really set Holder and Obama in jail for a  very long time
since March of 2009.. Check this out. Gets very interesting.. Set up since day

Terrorist Successes Made Possible by DOJ Protecting

FBI Supervisor Involved in Series of Murders

Brief Introduction of How 4,000 People Died—

Blowback From Protecting FBI Supervisor Involved in Murders
Biggest Scandal Yet—Smoldering
Below the Surface

This page provides
factual information and evidence that explains the specific criminal acts by high-level FBI-DOJ personnel that withheld information on
planned terrorist attacks which enabled to occur a series of major terrorist
attacks upon major U.S. targets that killed nearly 4,000 people. The
information being provided is divided into the following order:


of the specific acts that resulted in a series of successful terrorist
attacks despite advance notice from al Qaeda's primary bomber.


additional ripple effects that escalated into two wars. Thousands of
continuing American deaths and over a million dead Iraqis and Afghanis were
"butterfly" or ripple effects from the misconduct revealed and
documented at this site.


of letters and faxes sent to key people in government reporting the
charges, and who had a moral and legal responsibility to promptly obtain
further information from the sender of the communications.


Absolute cover-ups, despite the gravity of the issues. This 100 percent non-response
strongly suggests that the issues are too politically explosive to reveal to
the American public, and/or to keep their own complicity in the catastrophic
events from being recognized by the public. Also, the criminal offenses
resulting from their cover-ups that meet the criteria of obstruction of justice.


"butterfly effect," or ripple effects from seemingly far remote
corrupt acts, and cover-ups of the corrupt acts, that will be inflicting
enormous harm upon the American people, and the United States, for decades to
come. All of which enabled to occur by the corrupt conduct stated here. Sadly,
these endless series of tragedies could have been avoided if any one in the
chain of accomplices had shown some degree of honesty and courage−traits sadly lacking in much of the United States, where the term
"heroes" is routinely used for the most un-heroic conduct.

Mafia Mole in Key Al Qaeda Cell

sequence of events started with a New York City Mafia soldier acting as a mole
inside one of the most important al Qaeda cells. This one was headed by the
infamous Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind behind the 1993 bombing of the World
Trade Center and the mastermind behind the planned bombings of 11 U.S.
airliners departing Far East locations. No other penetration of a major al
Qaeda cell had ever occurred with the information provided in a series of
reports to FBI agents.

Mafia mole, Gregory Scarpa Jr., obtained the confidence of Ramzi Yousef, and
over a period of several months, obtained directly from Yousef information on
various al Qaeda tactics−including plans
for terrorist attacks on major U.S. targets.

Among the
confidential information on operations by al Qaeda that was given to Scarpa in
confidence included the following:

of fabricating bomb material that would be difficult to detect.

planned downing of a U.S. airliner departing a New York City location.

planned bombings of U.S. Embassies in Africa.


planned hijackings of U.S. airliners.

was in a prison cell in New York City, located between Ramzi Yousef and another
al Qaeda operative. To obtain Yousef's confidence, Scarpa told Yousef that his
Mafia group was also interested in doing harm to the United States. Yousef then
started passing notes for the other al Qaeda operative via Scarpa, at which
point Scarpa took pictures of the notes with a camera provided by FBI agents
and then passed the note to Yousef's associate.

Mafia Corporation for Relaying al Qaeda Messages

So confident were local FBI agents in
the New York City offices of the obvious value being obtained from the key al
Qaeda cell that they formed a fictitious Mafia company in New York City so that
Yousef could make local calls to other al Qaeda members through that fictitious
Mafia company. Frequent phone calls were then made by Ramzi Yousef to al Qaeda
members in the New York City area, to Oklahoma, and to the Middle East.

FBI-DOJ Personnel "Deep-Sixed"

The Advance Notice of Terrorist Attacks

Despite the enormous value of the
information inadvertently provided by Yousef, despite the enormous consequences
if the information was not immediately provided to other government departments
so actions could be taken to minimize the success of the terrorist attacks,
high-level FBI-DOJ personnel "deep-sixed" the data; keeping it

The reason for withholding the
information was to prevent Scarpa from being recognized as creditable.
Scarpa was scheduled to testify in several murder trials about the series of
murders that his Mafia capo father, known as The Killing Machine, committed
with a key FBI supervisor in the New York City FBI offices. If Scarpa had been
recognized as providing information about al Qaeda planned terrorist attacks
that the entire U.S. government had been unable to obtain, and obviously, creditable
and loyal to the United States, his testimony about the murders perpetrated by
the FBI supervisor with Scarpa/s father would have high credibility.

That would expose the series of murders
by a key FBI supervisor and the years of cover-ups of such crimes by high
FBI-DOJ personnel who knew of the relationship. In addition, other criminal
activities that were part of the culture of those people long in control of the U.S. Department of
Justice would be exposed.

Deadly Consequences of the

The consequences of the catastrophic
consequences that would result from the cover-up was obviously known to key
people in the FBI-DOJ hierarchy−and documented in a series of lawsuits filed by
former federal agent Rodney Stich and in the books
documenting the relationship.

In a cavalier manner, high-level FBI-DOJ
personnel willingly acted to sacrifice the victims from the forewarned
terrorist attacks. This culture is not difficult to understand if the history
of such contempt was recognized as exposed by the heroic efforts of many
former government agents.

There is a long history of similar
consequences from cover-ups, and these are especially detailed in the books
related to this site written by a former
federal agent and his long list of insider

See list of letters sent to members of Congress on the matter of 4,000 deaths
related to high FBI-DOJ personnel self-serving cover-up of advance notice of
the planned terrorist attacks. See also comparison
of blame for the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Consequences of "Deep-Sixing"

Information on the Forewarned Terrorist Attacks

The series of forewarned terrorist
attacks then followed, in the following sequence:

Flight 800, departing a New York City airport was downed, shortly thereafter.

U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed with heavy loss
of life.

of U.S. airliners occur on September 11, 2001.

Advance Notice of Bombings of

U.S. Embassies in Africa

personnel were given advance
notice of the bombing of two U.S.
embassies in Africa by a mole inside the al Qaeda cell headed by Ramzi
Yousef. One was in Kenya and another in Tanzania.

Evidence of Terrorism on American Airlines Flight 587

the tactics used with the downing of TWA Flight 800, government personnel shifted
the blame for the downing of
American Airlines Flight 587 from a terrorist act to a
structural failure of the rudder assembly. The blame was on slight turbulence
that may have existed. That excuse was recognized as fabrication by any pilot
with years of experience with extreme turbulence. Also, by knowledge of
aircraft that due to combat or other severe encounter lost their rudder
assembly and were flyable.

Pan American Flight 103 Over Lockerbie
FBI Corrupt
Culture Bred Subsequent Terrorist Successes

by FBI-DOJ personnel related to downing
of Pan American Flight 103 over Lockerbie, that covered up for actual
bombers for political reasons, planted evidence that was purchased, and paid
for sworn testimony, a culture that existed and made possible subsequent
terrorist successes and deaths. That was the first of a later series of
terrorist attacks, and the corrupt acts by FBI personnel, including:

Placement of evidence miles from
the crash scene, months after the disasters, that had been bought from a
witness paid

to give perjured testimony.

Bribing some witnesses to give
perjured testimony;

Threatening other witnesses to
withhold testimony revealing the FBI agents' misconduct;

Protecting the actual terrorists
responsible for the bombing, for political reasons;

Falsely charging a Libyan for the

Suddenly releasing the Libyan on
condition that he drops the appeal that was to be heard in November 2009, that
included the sworn testimony and other evidence of one of the biggest frauds
ever to cover up for a major terrorist attack;

The usual withholding of this
evidence from the American people by U.S. media and politicians.

The CIA drug smuggling scheme
using Pan Am aircraft that facilitated the bomb placement. See Drugging
America book.

Terrorist Attack on Northwest Airline Flight 253

December 25, 2009, an amateur terrorist ignited what was to be a massive
explosion on Northwest
Airlines flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit. A bomb fabrication error
caused the explosive device to misfire. Until there are major changes in the
foreign policy of the United States, and the inherent corruption in government
and the culture of cover-ups, and public unwillingness to read serious
material, these conditions will continue. Showing the usual ignorance of
politically-sensitive placement of unqualified people in key positions,
Chairwoman Janet Napolitano stated after the event, and after every indication
of a terrorist was ignored, "The system worked."

Terrorist Successes Are Only One Area of  Harm

From Culture of Corruption Rampant in United States

multiple areas of corruption, the harm to individual
Americans, harm to the United States, the overall
harm, continues to occur from the many areas of corruption,
and the public's lack of knowledge due to endemic cover-ups and failure to
engage in serious reading. The recent housing and financial debacles, that for
many will destroy their qualify of life forever, were other tentacles of the
basic culture of corruption spreading throughout the United States.

list of over a dozen not-for-profit books detail and document the half century
of corruption, cover-ups, and harm, which will continue until enough people
care enough to spend the time to understand these matters and then exert
sufficient courage and outrage to address the matters. Government and other
insiders provide information for these books.

Self-Inflicted Problem of Terrorist Attacks

terrorists themselves have repeatedly stated, it is the policies of the United
States in the Middle East that have created the greatest escalation of people
wanting to kill Americans. It wasn't always like this. International airline
captain Rodney
Stich encountered friendly people throughout the Middle East during the
1950s as he flew plane loads of Muslim pilgrims to the holy cities of Mecca
(Jeddah) and Medina. This hatred was generated by such meddling in their
affairs as:


the overthrow of the elected leader of Iran on August 19, 1953, Iran's Prime
Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, and replacing him with Mohammad Reza Shah, in a
covert scheme known as Operation Ajax. (Stich was in Iran the morning the revolution


and approving its invasion  and occupation of Arab territory, and the
thousands of deaths inflicted upon the people of the occupied country.


and bringing about the deaths of an estimated one million Iraqis, on the basis
of serial lying by President George W. Bush, his shills in Congress, those
people that supported the deadly invasion.


because one segment of al Qaeda was residing in the remote mountainous areas of
the nation and killing thousands of Afghans, some by carpet bombing,
Ironically, many people
in the United States had a greater role in enabling the success of the 9/11

Woman Jumping to Her Death on

Direct cause: hijackers: Indirect
cause: U.S. Enablers

Details about the FBI-DOJ cover-ups and the contacts
between the al Qaeda operative and Gregory Scarpa Jr. can be found in the book,
Crimes of the FBI-DOJ, and the Mafia, available in print and e-book
formats from amazon.com (and in Kimble) and other sources. The decades of
preventable airline disasters and their enablers are described and documented
in the book, Unfriendly Skies: 20th & 21st Centuries.

Additional Collateral

The Butterfly Effect

In addition to the death toll in the
forewarned terrorist attacks, there were continuing ripple effects--made
possible by the corrupt cover-ups of high-level FBI-DOJ personnel. There were many
other enablers who made the terrorist attacks against the United States
possible. But that information is at other pages associated with this site.

Extending the prior corruption was that
of President George Bush and the shills in his cabinet and in Congress that
authorized the start of two wars on a series of blatant lies that required a pathetically
uninformed American public to carry out.

War Against Afghanistan

The first ripple effect was the carpet
bombing of Afghanistan by high-flying U.S. military aircraft that killed
thousands of people who had nothing whatsoever to do with the terrorist
attacks. President George Bush and his shills on his staff and in Congress
authorized the killing of Afghan citizens on the basis that the Afghan
government would not expel the al Qaeda members residing in remote mountainous

the same time, key people in government were protecting the corrupt actions of
a large group of key people in the U.S. government that had far greater complicity
in the 9/11 attack than anyone except the actual terrorists.

That war with Afghanistan has gone on
longer than World War II, and the end is nowhere in sight. It is a no-win
quagmire that will result in huge financial costs to the United States and
great loss of American lives and that of the Afghan people.

Sample of related files:

9/11 Index,

9/11 Enablers.


War Against Iraq

George Bush and his shills ordered the start of a war against Iraq on the basis
of serial lying, reflecting the general culture of corruption that has existed
of key people in the government of the United States for many years. Iraq was a
country that had absolutely nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
On the contrary, Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein, was a block to any terrorist
activities in his country. (These matters are detailed in the book, Iraq,
Lies, Cover-Ups, and Consequences, by Rodney Stich.)

Anyone with a serious interest in
the matter could have found irrefutable evidence showing the repeated
statements supporting the start of a war against Iraq. Included in the lies−which some of his Republican shills continued to
claim years after the invasion of Iraq, are the following:

had weapons of mass destruction, known to be false.

had stockpiles of chemical weapons, known to be false.

had facilities to build a nuclear bomb, ignoring the fact that such an
undertaking would require years, hundreds of professionals, and
occupying buildings that would be easily seen from outer space.

was obtaining crude earth material from Niger to build a nuclear bomb
(that would require years and a nuclear building complex that would
cover a large area of Iraq, unable to be secreted.

had military aircraft that could deliver the weapons of mass
destruction to the United States. The only flyable aircraft could
hardly make it from one border to the next.

purchased aluminum tubes for building nuclear weapons, known to be
false, and if it were true, would be one minor step in complex
activities taking years to accomplish.

Other Factors That Barred Attacking Iraq

Iraq, nor any other country, with only a few
weapons, would dare to attack the United States with its thousands of
nuclear weapons that would totally wipe off the earth any country that
dared to attack it.

supporting the invasion of Iraq to
remove its dictator and install the form of government existing in the
United States had to be pathetically ignorant of the realities that a
democracy as exists in the United States was highly improbable in a
country consisting of fierce tribal and ethnic ties. The brutal civil
war that followed the removal of Saddam Hussein, in which neighbors
were killing neighbors, including decapitation, proved what anyone
other than a dreamer  would have known.

starting wars started with Afghanistan and Iraq would destabilize the
entire Middle East and result in thousands of people willing to die so
as to kill Americans.

And further, that documented corruption by
key people in the United States had more to do with the success of the
9/11 terrorists than either the Afghan government and people, or
Saddam Hussein and the million-plus people that were killed after the
United States invaded the country.

Prior Related DOJ Misconduct

1993 World Trade Center Bombing

activities in high-level government positions do not occur in a vacuum. In
1993, terrorists headed by Ramzi Yousef bombed the World Trade Center. Their
operation was partly funded by drug sales. Shortly prior to the bombing, FBI
and Justice Department prosecutors filed sham charges against the head of a
multi-drug task force operating in the New York-New Jersey area: Joseph
Occhipinti. Occhipinti was breaking up numerous drug activities, including
those that used bodegas for sale. The ethic groups put pressure on New York
City politicians and they in turn obtained the help of federal prosecutors to
stop Occhipinti and his group.

sham tactic used was to charge Occhipinti, the head of the multi-agency drug
task force, with violating the civil rights of bodega operators by not first
obtaining their permission to conduct an investigation. With the help of politicians
and people engaging in drugs, federal prosecutors obtained a guilty verdict and
sent Occhipinti to federal prison. That is the way it is done with other
government insiders who threaten the system. By sending Occhipinti to prison,
it greatly halted the investigations, which included the drug activities of the
al Qaeda cell headed by Ramzi Yousef. So, ,the FBI-DOJ cover-up some years
later was just standard practice for the culture of those in control of the
U.S. Department of Justice. The Occhipinti story is detailed in the book, Drugging
America. (Available in print and e-book format from amazon.com and other

information, and much more, continues to be withheld from the American people.
Possibly for fear of the consequences, and to cover their own direct or
indirect complicity.

Years of DOJ Obstruction of

Justice and Related Tragedies

federal agent Rodney Stich had for years attempted to report the hardcore corruption
that he and his group of other government
agents had discovered during their official and professional duties. This
page is devoted to the corruption of people in the U.S. Department of Justice,
and the following are a few of the 1000-plus pages at this site that provides evidence:

Corruption of people in control of the U.S. Department of

Charging former federal agent
Rodney Stich with criminal contempt of court for having filed federal actions
seeking to report the criminal
activities that he first discovered in the government's aviation
safety offices related to a series of fraud-related airline
disasters, and then what he subsequently learned, partly from the many
other government agents and insiders that contacted him over the years.

The series of felonies associated with the obstruction of justice
actions, and felonies arising from the retaliation, perpetrated by people
in the U.S. Department of Justice that arose from the multiple actions taken
against the former federal agent.

Their repeated roles as enablers
of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and other harm against the United States.

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