Reader Lancifer: Obama and Precious Metals!!
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 24-Apr-2013 19:16:05
TY Lance.. Sorry it took so long to post this.
I was trying to find an alternative PDF link, online.. Found one!!!
It is a very long read but it is well worth
the time.Quite the synopsis of silver manipulation past and present. Cheers!
Plant and Flourish
In the good old days, after George Washington
and the boys won the war to free us from the bank of England's predatory and
impoverishing practices, they set up a "revolutionary" economic
system. The government created and issued all the public currency, spending
it into circulation to purchase what the government needed, then after the
currency circulated through society to fuel commerce, was taxed back to the
government to balance the books.
PDF read:
Interview with Charles Savoie on TPTB of
Silver Manipulation
November 11th, 2011 • Related • Filed Under
Originally appeared as
In the relatively short number of years in
which I have been researching and writing about the silver market, I have
benefited greatly from the work (and the wisdom) of a number of “pioneers” to
the precious metals sector. With respect to silver in particular, the two
people who have done the most to educate me, and shape my views on the silver
market are Ted Butler and Charles Savoie. Thus it is with great pleasure that
I present this written interview with Charles Savoie.
Charles is a private researcher/historian who
has invested a considerable amount of time and effort in compiling a vast
body of research which he has titled “The Silver Stealers”. His chronology
originally dealt primarily with events taking place in the 19th and
early-20th century. However, he has since updated and expanded upon that
initial chronology to include further events (and the individuals behind
those events) right up to the present day. He links a relatively small but
extremely powerful group of individuals (and often their descendants)
together through two common “threads”: their propensity for actions which
were extremely detrimental to the silver market and/or the holders of silver;
and their membership in a little-known organization which they have called
“The Pilgrims”.
1) What was it which first drew your attention
to this particular era and the events which were taking place at that time?
Was it your interest in the silver market, or is it your studies of this
period which led you to become so bullish toward the silver market?
I did a multi-part series called “Britain
Against Silver,” tallying over 324,000 words, which ran at Silver Investor
site, beginning in August 2007. I researched England’s activities globally
against silver, using as reference resources The Times, London; the New York
Times; Commercial & Financial Chronicle; Mining Congress Journal; China
Weekly Review and many others.
I’ve been bullish toward the silver market
since spring 1965, when as a boy of almost 11 years age I saw the first
horrific debased cupronickel coins at a local laundromat. These coins were
commingled with the traditional 90% silver coins. I implored my elder sibling
who had charge of the excursion to secure as many silver coins as possible
but was over-ruled.
I realized a major shift was taking place
towards a cheapened currency medium, and that sensible persons would
immediately hoard as many silver coins as they could afford.
2) What motivated you to undertake “The Silver
Apart from precious metals research, I knew
something of The Pilgrims organization beginning with reading “Richard Nixon,
The Man Behind The Mask,” 1971, by Gary Allen, Western Islands Publishers,
Boston. On page 223 Allen was speaking of one of Nixon’s mentors and
financial angels, Elmer Holmes Bobst of Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Company
and stated—“Bobst is listed as a member of the highly secret Pilgrim Society,
which is even closer to the inner circle of the conspiracy than the CFR.”
That one statement started a fire in my
thoughts that never stopped. I had to find out all accessible details of this
organization which I possibly could. I spent hundreds of multi-hour sessions
reading lengthy Who’s Who volumes, this was way before digital version
existed. I compiled lists of members. I eventually realized that only 7 to
12% of members listed in Who’s Who volumes, identified themselves as members;
knowing it would have no meaning to casual readers.
3) As succinctly as possible, who are “The
It’s a two branch organization, the London
branch founded in 1902, the New York City branch in 1903. It constituted the
organization dreamed about by South African diamond operator Cecil Rhodes in
his vision of “a secret society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world.”
The organization is sponsored by the British
Crown and drew into itself heirs of fortunes from the centuries old worldwide
British Empire and the prominent North American “robber barons” of the 19th
century—Rockefellers; Mellons; DuPonts; Astors; Vanderbilts and many others.
Both branches feature roughly 700 unidentified persons each—diplomats, ambassadors,
admirals, generals, chairmen of mega-banks and large corporations, corporate
and banking directors, trustees of major universities, foundations, research
institutions and organizations of every description—and high U.S. and U.K.
government officials, and some highly placed Canadians.
Members of the organization constitute the
leadership of better known globalist groups. Big “rich lists” put out by
Fortune and Forbes are very likely misdirections, with persons who should be
on those lists not there, and others intentionally ranked far down, with a
bare fraction of their wealth visible.
4) Does this organization have any explicit
theme or objective?
They speak about “promoting Anglo-American
good fellowship” which itself can be accomplished totally outside the halls
of state, yet they also speak of “the special relationship” between the U.S.
and the U.K. Inescapably my conclusion early on was and has not changed, that
they exist to re-take North America for the Crown; to use the United Nations
as a base for World Government, under the Crown.
I have no speculation as to whether the
Rothschilds tell the Crown what to do, or vice versa; the President and
Secretary of State are always “honorary” members, and our ambassador to
Britain; yet not one known textbook on government or political science
mentions this fact!
5) How do individuals gain entry into the
My deduction is by hereditary and marriage
situations and men who can influence events at a high level are invited—key
Ambassadors, generals, admirals, high government officials, Wall Street
attorneys, corporation chairmen, megabank execs, managers of “think-tanks,”
and large non-managerial shareholders.
6) Why is it that so few people have heard of
this group (in comparison to other quasi “secret societies”), and what
evidence do you have to document its existence?
There can only be one conclusion. They stand
“atop the pyramid” to use mystical parlance. They form the management of many
other globalist groups. Their secrecy cannot be compromised due to a list
leaking out; but several have leaked, and this facilitates penetration of the
wall of silence. Montana Congressman Jacob Thorkelson in the Congressional
Record, August 19, 1940, referred to an address by Joseph H. Choate,
Vanderbilt family operative, one of the founders of The Pilgrims, as saying
that those members who would many years later celebrate the start of the
second century of The Pilgrims in 2003—
“…will have cause to bless their fathers that
they founded this Society and kept the world on the right track.”
Documentation of their existence is profuse
enough; read The Silver Stealers. Enter on Google images “Pilgrims Society”
or click on
Those with hundreds of hours of free time may care to start reviewing dozens
of old Who’s Who volumes. However, I have already done this and concentrated
the data.
7) Could you provide the motive or incentive
which would explain the antipathy which the Pilgrims have had towards silver?
If an organization were conceived to
“gradually absorb the wealth of the world” and existed to effect “the seizure
of the wealth necessary” (American Review of Reviews, May 1902, especially
pages 556-559) it follows they would have to destabilize historic money
systems based on silver and gold, and supplant sound money with bogus
currencies based on debt.
Silver represents monetary wealth outside
their immediate control; they prefer investors to get into scams such as
Iraqi dinars, or anything else unsound, in order to impoverish them. Poor
folks are easier to control than those of means. Few economics texts even
mention silver currency; they are content to have the public view silver
merely as jewelry—preferably purchased from either of the two jewelry
concerns currently members of the Silver Users Association!
8) What would you consider to be the first
“major” initiative which the Pilgrims undertook in order to control or simply
damage the silver market?
Based on their founding year of 1902, the
following—in British India, it would be the continuation of the closure of
the mints to free coinage of silver rupees; in America, it would be the Panic
of 1907, managed mainly by the Morgan interests to scare the public as a
tactic to lobby for a central bank, which we hadn’t had since 1836!
Ancestors of members, and some of those who
were charter members, were very active against silver well before 1902, in
the U.S. and the British influence over China and their control over India.
9) Many people, including myself (until
recently) believe what we have read in our history books: that “The Great
Depression” was caused by the crash of the U.S. stock market in 1929.
However, your own research has produced a much different cause-and-effect account
of this economic episode. Could you briefly summarize those events?
Interests in Britain have worked for centuries
to move the world towards a synthetic currency system. There is no better way
to exploit nations than with debt based fiat “money.” On August 4, 1926, the
Report of the Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance was submitted
to Lord Irwin, British Viceroy of India.
The report urged demonetization of silver and
featured other perverse recommendations. Viceroy Irwin then ordered the melting
of Indian silver rupees to the extent of hundreds of millions of ounces.
After conversion to bullion, the metal was dumped on world markets in
terrific quantities. [emphasis mine]
The artificial oversupply caused the price of
silver to start skidding. It reached an all time historical low of 24.5 cents
per ounce by February 1931, down drastically from $1.34 in 1919. The
purchasing power of India, China and the entire Far East failed, resulting in
U.S., English and European industries idling many millions of employees. That
was the sole cause of the Great Depression!
The Crown (or the Rothschilds) was forcing the
world off silver money systems. This in turn led to the second World War, an
event which had been planned for over a generation. The War yielded outcomes
in keeping with the wishes of the elite. The purpose of the market crash in
October 1929 was to shear back the wealth of the non-aligned rich.
The elite had advance warning as to Federal
Reserve policies which intentionally caused the October ’29 crash. But it did
not cause mass unemployment. The loss of exports to the Far East was the
cause. They couldn’t pay because England depressed the value of their silver
10) Many people are aware that the U.S. government
essentially “confiscated” the gold of its citizens in 1933. Very few people
know that in 1934 the U.S. government then proceeded to engage in silver
confiscation as well. Could you identify that legislative act by the U.S.
government for our readers, and a quick description of the pretext for this
The Silver Purchase Act of June 1934 helped
provide Roosevelt with a “basis” for nationalizing silver, which he did with
Executive Order 6814 on August 9, 1934, pursuant to which frightened Americans
surrendered some 113,031,000 ounces to the Treasury Department.
The Act specified that the nation should seek
to hold silver as part of its monetary base to the extent of up to one third
of the value of the gold. Of course, such superb monetary Presidents as
Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren and John Tyler would have never signed such
an act, nor issued such an order, because they had unmatched comprehension of
the fact that to serve as money, precious metals must be entirely free to
circulate among the populace. Jackson stated his wish to completely abolish
paper “money.”
After paying 50.01 cents per ounce to
intimidated citizens, the world price moved up 40%! The Silver Purchase Act
also had the effect of derailing China off its centuries old silver system as
of November 3, 1935. Even after that capitulation, the Treasury Department
sucked 565,855,000 silver ounces out of China (Commercial & Financial
Chronicle, March 23, 1940, page 1859). These and other attacks on silver led
to the second World War and the falling of China to Communism.
11) Would you care to speculate as to why this
episode has essentially been erased from our history books?
In the 1870’s, Standard Oil Company was
supplying editorials to over 300 newspapers to sway public opinion. The elite
knew many generations past they could not maintain control without control
over information.
That’s why Senator Jay Rockefeller wants the
President to have emergency powers to shut down the Internet. There are an
excessive number of non-censored sites in their view. The Money Power bought
up publishing houses, newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, or in
many cases founded them. It funded scholarships, fellowships, professorial
positions, and economics departments at hundreds of universities. Information
unfavorable to their operations has been blacked out from day one.
12) Are you concerned about the possibility of
silver confiscation today, and in what form do you hold silver personally?
Absolutely I’m concerned; that’s why I created
“The Silver Stealers” documentary; also in June 2009 I released at Silver
Investor, “Precious Metals Confiscation—Facts And Prospects,” a 312 page
presentation straight from the pages of the Commercial & Financial
Chronicle, the New York Times and various other public record sources.
These items could receive much wider
distribution if certain groups purporting to be out for our best interests
would care to do so; they have not. The same elements back of Franklin
Roosevelt still today hold the White House in a tight grip, and sabers are
rattling more loudly against Iran. During wartime the President has vast
emergency powers. All they have to say is “we have no silver stockpile,
hoarders can’t be allowed to hold the nation hostage in wartime crisis” and
the Executive Order is signed dispossessing us of our best means of
protection against currency inflation the same interests use to make us poor!
I own mining shares in a top tier company and
several juniors plus hard stuff—100 ounce bars being the largest; 50’s, 10’s,
5’s, 2 ounce, one ounce, half ounce, and 90% coins. I acquired no numismatic
coins except semi-scarce dates in nice condition when I could get them for
the same rate as the commonest strikes. I recognize the flexibility of
holding silver in the smallest units—dimes. My emphasis is on silver over
gold as the price ratio is so wrong against silver.