June 17, 2016
New Advanced Medical Technology:
The Keshe Foundation is seeking doctors of all kinds, world-wide, willing to learn about new medical health units and incorporate them into their practice. A new and ongoing weekly workshop is available for doctors to attend, online, at no cost.
Also, for a very limited time, the foundation is re-opening the acceptance of general public volunteers with health problems to participate in conjunction with the doctors in this workshop to be processed by these medical health units which process their health problem(s) resulting in the possible reduction or removal of of the health problem from the body, by the body, itself. All cases will be considered equally, including terminal, difficult, and rare cases. More information below.
For the Doctors
The Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute ( now has a new private weekly workshop available for doctors, world-wide. Doctors of any practice and specialty are encouraged to apply, including: naturopathic doctors, general practitioners, cardiologists, pulmonologists, neurosurgeons, veterinarians (both large and small animal), chiropractors, pediatricians, psychiatrists, oncologists, obstetricians, podiatrists, orthopedists, dentists, ophthalmologists and doctors of any other specialty. The goal of this workshop is to teach existing doctors about medical applications of the new, Keshe Foundation (KF) developed, health units that are available now, only for doctors. These units use medical applications of the advanced plasma technology taught at the Spaceship Institute of which this plasma technology can be applied to all areas of human and animal health. The workshop covers teaching the science behind the health units along with learning the functionality and the operation of the health units, and learning how to adjust the units to know how to process different health problems of patients. All of this, and more, is covered in the workshops. This way, the doctors know how to properly operate and adjust these health units for optimal operation for each specific patient's case. This workshop is also a forum to share any knowledge gained from this process. Collaboration is encouraged between the KF Innovation team, the KF staff, and the other doctors in the group about how the various health units were used or can be used to help patients and also share the progress details of each patient's case in a private and secure on-line environment.
In this, currently ongoing, weekly workshop, there is a panel consisting of the KF Innovation Team and existing knowledgeable KF staff, students, and doctors who built and/or are already using the health units. Each doctor participating in the class can bring their cases, and optionally their patients, to be heard. The case will then be discussed amongst everyone and solutions and procedures will be provided. If the participating doctor does not have a health unit, one will be provided and, if necessary, properly configured, for a specific patient's case. There is no cost for attending the class nor is there a cost for any health units that may be constructed and shipped to the doctor. Tuition to the workshop is entirely free to all attending doctors and free units provided to the doctors to be used in their practice. This assures that everyone participating can get access to the technology, without restrictions.
The KF Innovation Team and other teams of the Keshe Foundation will make these units and send them to the doctors of the class, or the doctor can construct one themselves, or have a knowledgeable KF team or student(s) of the foundation construct one, with help from the KF Innovation Team and from publicly available blueprints. All medical knowledge shared will be cataloged and made available in a database that any doctor of the workshop can access and research to help their patients. As more cases get processed, this database of medical knowledge will grow. Then, in due time, this knowledge will be made available to all doctors, hospitals, and medical establishments, world-wide. The first step, though, is to build a stable base-network of doctors around the world, who support the foundation, who support this technology, and who are actively using this technology in their practice to help their patients.
The class is broadcast live over the internet through a secure, private channel, from the KFSSI in Italy, every Wednesday, at 2 pm to 5 pm CET. (This is Central European Time which is GMT +1, or 8 am to 11 am Eastern US time. For the time calculation in your country, see Doctors will need to install special collaboration software on their computers to participate and they will need a good and stable internet connection with at least a microphone but preferably a web-cam. Every weekly live meeting will be recorded and later made available through a private, protected portal only accessible by the doctors, who have been vetted and accepted into this training. Doctors, who join now in progress workshop, can teach themselves or catch up via watching these past recordings.
The format of the class is in English. You may bring a translator, if you or your patient cannot speak English. If you can't participate in the live broadcasts, for what ever reason, you can watch them later at your convenience through the private portal. The knowledge gained from each patient's case and the type of dis-ease that was processed will be anonymized and only the data and findings cataloged for future reference and research. This information is being compiled now into a handbook that will be released in the near future.
There has been much medical knowledge shared by Mr. Keshe and by those innovators, who have already researched and built various health units. Many conditions have already been processed and shared. A very brief list of the conditions processed thus-far are: (but not limited to)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Brain tumors
Parkinson's disease
Cancer (many types)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Multiple sclerosis
Relief of pain and Inflammation
and many more.
Without using any pharmaceutical drugs, other chemicals, or even surgery to try correct health issues, these health units operate within a completely different modality of Plasma Science. (not at all related to the current branch of plasma physics). The basic premise is that every physical ailment or medical condition in the body is the manifested result of an imbalanced emotional state. To correct and process these conditions of imbalance in the body (our dis-eases), the health units only use varying applications of the plasma technology taught at the institute in ways that generate a safe, healthy environment of plasma energy fields. These fields create the condition in which the body can use this plasma energy to self-correct its emotional state first and then physical imbalances, second. This is done while the body is standing or sitting in or nearby these plasma fields generated by the health units. In this way the body can then easily re-gain the plasma energy it needs to achieve a naturally balanced emotional and physical state. In short, because of these plasma fields, the dis-ease is simply processed out of the body by the body, itself. In this way beneficial results typically happen relatively quickly in a few hours, days or weeks, depending on the condition of the dis-ease and imbalances in the body.
Any doctor in the world who wants to participate, can do so by sending an email to doctors@spaceshipinstitute.orgstating they would like to participate in this medical knowledge sharing workshop. Please state your contact information, briefly explaining your medical background and list in detail some of your\ patient's cases of whom you want to help. If you need to bring a translator for you or for your patients into the worksho, also state that in your email. You will be contacted with further instructions and details on the application process. As precautions, all doctors who apply (including any translators needed) will be required to sign the World Peace Treaty of the Keshe Foundation and go through an extensive vetting process that, in part, will require doctors to provide proof of their education and ability to practice medicine, and pass an extensive security background check before they are allowed into the class.
For people with health problems:
If you have a serious health condition, and would like to make yourself available as a volunteer patient to be helped by one of these health units, the Keshe Foundation has opened up access for a limited time the opportunity for you to apply to do so, but first, get your doctor on board so that they can help you, because this increases your chances of being helped by this technology.
If you are not a doctor but know one, please pass this article on to them so they are informed and can decide, if they want to participate in the workshop and incorporate this technology into their practice. The more the better, because that means there are more doctors who can then help people. So, if you want to be a volunteer patient and want to get helped quicker, get your doctor, who is currently seeing you, into this workshop so they can learn a new way to help you. Again, simply share this article with them. Here is how the process works.
If you want to apply to have your health case considered, send an email to: and explain in detail your condition, symptoms, appropriate health history, any medications you are taking and etc. The more information you provide about your medical situation, the better. You will get a response from the team handling these emails with an application you need to fill out to properly submit your case. Be prepared to back up your case with any existing medical tests, x-rays (if applicable) and records. Your case would then be presented to the doctors of this workshop so that your situation can be reviewed and analyzed. This way all the participating doctors can see the details of your condition to understand how to best help you. At this point one of the doctors must decide to take your case. ONLY then will you get an email response directly from the doctor confirming that they took your case. You will then communicate directly with this doctor and workout the details of how you travel to meet them, so they can help you. And if your personal doctor is in the workshop, the better the chance your case will be helped, but only once they are knowledgeable on this new technology.
I repeat again. You may email in your case ONCE, and follow through with any responding email from the staff, if any, but the only confirmation of medical help you will get will be ONLY from a doctor, who has chosen your case. The email or other contact will come directly from one of the doctors in the workshop, who took your case. Please be patient for a response and don't email your case several times in a row demanding that you get help. This will only impede the process and make things more difficult for the already overworked staff of the KFSSI. There may not be a confirmation of a doctor taking your case for a while, and maybe none at all, if the doctors are overloaded, so again, please be patient.
Again, if you would like to be helped even faster, ask your doctor to enroll in the workshop so he/she can learn this new technology, so they then wil be able to better help you in new ways. This email address will only be open for a limited time to take new cases, so hurry and apply.
In the meantime, other options do exist for you to help yourself. The Keshe Foundation has several products available that are commercially manufactured that you can buy right now. One of them is the "Pain Pen", another one is the "Pain Pad", and another is the GANS participation program. The pain pens and pads are simple products that produce smaller plasma fields than the health units but the premise is the same where the application of these fields can help to quickly relieve pain in various parts of the body through, the correct application. (both products come with instructions.) The GANS participation program is another volunteer program available for you to test. There are three products available in this program, liquid gels capsules you take internally, a lotion in pearl-drop capsules, and eye drops. These products are a liquid form of plasma, but generate similar plasma fields as the health units to help the body heal itself. This is a volunteer testing program you enroll in to test the efficacy of these new liquid products on any health problem you may have, and then report back the results to the foundation. The KF is collecting this data to further expand its growing medical database. These GANS products can be used for any health problem and have the ability to target skin and eye problems. Mr. Keshe, himself, personally used the GANS eye drops and has totally reversed his Macular Degenration, a supposedly incurable eye disease, within two weeks. He now has better than 20/20 vision and can see normally. These GANS products have also been shown to very effectively remove radiation and all viruses from the body, and were laboratory tested by TEPCO in Japan and found to do this. They were used on Fukushima radiation contaminated TEPCO workers. The workers are all free of radiation and resulting illnesses and living healthy lives.
All of these products above can be bought from the Keshe Foundation's new online store. Please visit: for more information. There are also other products there in the store, including books and power generating units for your home or car that can supply electricity to your home to reduce your monthly electrical bill and increase the gas mileage of your vehicle. See the KF store for more details.
Also, knowledge about these health units, pain pens, pain pads, liquid gans production and other various health products in learning how they work, how to build them and so much more, has all been covered in past public workshops of the foundation over the last 2+ years. These recorded workshops are all available to the public on their YouTube page at: If you feel inspired to build a pain pen, cup of life, a mag grav power unit, or make GANS products or a health unit, all the information is there, online, open to the public, but it is an ocean of information to sift through.
So far, as of June 17th, 2016, there are118 Knowledge Seeker Workshops, 47 Health Teaching Workshops and 18 International Knowledge Seeker Workshops publicly available that are each 2 to 5+ hours long. There are also 22 children's teaching workshops and a growing amount of various other workshops in several languages,other than English. The English workshops represent well over 700 hours of public teachings about ALL the technologies of the foundation. These include the science and background theory from nano-coating materials to making GaNS to plasma field technology, to assembly of pain pens, health units, feeding units, shelter units and lots of information about spaceships and how to build them, navigate with them, and much more. This ocean of information is available at your finger tips at no cost all on YouTube. Organized play lists are here: If you are new to this technology, I would suggest to start at the beginning of the children's (kids) workshops listed there.
As we all know, there are millions upon millions of people suffering around the world with countless health conditions. Not all can be helped immediately at this time, but you can start by helping yourself by learning this publicly available technology. This is the beginning of a great and radical change in our health, happiness, medical establishments, and life on this planet, as this advanced technology will quickly bloom into beautiful and new opportunities for everyone. As the saying goes, changing your state of health, changes your life, and this one aspect of this technology shows how it can be done.
I believe that the availability of this advanced technology in the form of health units and other devices and inventions will not only transform our current medical establishments in how they practice medicine into something new and great, but also, expand our current medical knowledge into that which can literally transform our bodies and souls into fantastic peaceful beings.
Become a KFSSI Student
If you are interested in learning even more about this technology, you can apply to become a student of the foundation. The Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute is accepting ongoing applications to attend it's on-line private teachings. Tuition is only a donation of 100 euros per calendar year and you can renew each January for the following year like a subscription. That is practically nothing because most colleges charge tens of thousands of dollars per year, and the information you will be learning is super advanced, way beyond what any PhD Professor may know, but yet, easy enough to understand, an 8 year old can learn it. Classes are held, live, Monday through Friday with two classes a day, 10 classes a week, including the public teachings Tuesday and Thursday. Access to classes are through private, secure collaboration software of which the student can use on their computer, tablet or smart phone to participate. All classes are recorded on a private server, and you have access to all of them through your student account. You even have access to all past classes taught since they started in May of 2015.
To learn more and apply, visit: and/or for more information. Like the doctors above, you will be vetted and will need to pass a security background check.
MOZHAN Program
Do you want to become one of the first humans in deep space by the end of 2016? Keshe Foundation has open, for a very limited time yet, their MOZHAN program. This is the Magnetically Originated Joint Habitation And Nutrition Program (MOJHAN) system. Passengers of this system will be known as "MOZHAN", (Man Originated Zone Habitation And Nutrition passengers.) This program is an intense and sequestered 3 month long training program open to all peoples of the planet earth, including everyone from government space program officials to the general public. Training will start in October 2016.
You will learn every aspect of the plasma spaceship technology including:
Plasma fields and applications
Plasma feeding systems
Plasma health systems
Plasma navigation systems
Plasma flight systems and reactors
Plasma shielding systems
Matter material generation from plasma fields
and more...
At the end of the program,completed spaceships built by the attendees will be demonstrated. Attendees will also become ambassadors/teachers to people in their respective countries to then teach/share this technology with others.
There is a substantial upfront tuition required to attend this program, plus you will have to travel to a yet undisclosed country in which the training will be held you will need funds to support your self there with room and board and other expenses for the 3 month duration.
If you want to be one of the first humans in space, and are willing and able to go through this intense learning program and then share the technology with others, then you can still apply for a very limited time. Applications have been open for several weeks now and will be closed soon after the June 17th, 2016 date of this writing. Visit for more information. To apply click the "apply" link in the middle of the page. A video explaining more about MOZHAN is also at:
A new Universal Council
The Keshe Foundation is forming a new world council to represent the humans on this planet.
The United Nations has completely failed in its intent to equally represent the people of this planet. Just to name a few of it's problems, te UN has turned iinto an elite membership club where division, greed, jealousy, misrepresentation, arguments and sanctions with back-door deals have become the norm of its operations.
The ethos of the Keshe Foundation is "One Planet, One Nation, One Race". We are all humans, and when you look from space at Earth, you don't see any boarders of countries. We are all humans living here and the single essential difference between all of us is our languages. Thus, the best way to equally represent the wide variety of the human race is by language, and only language, not by countries, regions, religions, monetary status, or anything else.
Therefore, a new Universal Council is being formed to represent the languages of the peoples of this planet. There will be one main representative on this council for each language of the planet with a possibility of many supporters of each language under them. Each language is equal to the other and has equal representation, no matter the quantity of population speaking it. There is a great need now of genuinely sincere, heart-driven people, who wish to dedicate their life in complete servitude, to serve their peoples of their languages, helping to restore peace amongst them by the implementation of all the advanced technologies of the Keshe Foundation. The Keshe Foundation brings solutions to many of the world's problems including, health, energy, environment, agriculture, transportation, materials and more.
There is a gathering September 9th and 10th 2016 in Rome, Italy to fully assemble this Universal Council. If you feel guided to be a part of this grand movement to help restore peace to this planet, you can get a ticket to come to this event. There is a very limited time window to do this, and it will close soon after this writing, so hurry today to get your ticket:
A video explaining more about this conference in Rome is here:
There will be at least 144 languages on this council, and there is a need for many people (languages) to come and represent their languages. Please come, if you feel this is your life's pathway. Several languages are filled already from the initial conference in Dubai in April 2016, but, you can still come and apply to be a supporter of your language, as much help will be needed to bring world peace.
For more information about the Universal Council, please visit:
There are literally millions of people around the world supporting the Keshe Foundation and the technologies it brings. All technology is open source and all blueprints are publicly available on the blueprint site below. Anyone can use these blueprints to easily and quickly make items to help their family and friends and to supplement power to their home or car.
Italy has been the first and main country supporting the Keshe Foundation and its technologies. The Italian government, military, banks and the education system fully support the foundation and the technology. Thus, the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute, (the world's first spaceship institute) was founded in Italy several years ago and is the teaching headquarters for all of the current on-line classes. Recently, the largest bank in Italy, which has over 6,000 branches, is now financing the foundation's MagGrav power unit for the home. Any Italian living in Italy can now apply and get a power unit for around 25 Euros a month for 3 years. This provides a solution that will produce free energy for Italian homes and reduce the homeowner's monthly electric bill by 40%-80%, depending on the usage. Further more, because of the wide acceptance and close collaboration with the Italian government and education officials, Italy will now be teaching the Keshe plasma technology in several of their schools/colleges starting in the fall of 2016. Several other European countries are following suit with similar developments as Italy.
China is following suit to Italy, quickly. They are one of the latest countries supporting the Keshe Foundation, and they are doing it in a major way. Thousands of people have been learning the technology over the last months and years and are creating a new generation of Plasma Scientists, driving forward innovation and applications. Major manufacturing companies are tooling up to make enormous amounts of products for the Chinese people. Millions upon millions of dollars are being poured into the development and rapid manufacturing of this technology of various health products explained above and into "Oasis" units, that will provide shielding protection, food energy, emotional balance and more to those that have them in times of emergency and upset, possibly caused by earth changes.
Below is a very short list of countries who already are supporting the Keshe Foundation and the technology, developing it, educating their people, manufacturing products and more:
USA (people only, not the government yet)
(This list is by no means, complete.)
In conclusion, there is so much happening with the Keshe Foundation that it is mind boggling. Soon you will hear of it in the news as the media blackout won't be able to cover it up because of it's sheer size and exponential growth.
Are you praying for a solution to your health problems? Are you waiting for something to come along and free you from needing fossil fuels? The solution is here, now, and it's too big for the elite to cover-up or stop. Plasma technology is here for each one of us to grasp and integrate into our life to free us from our perceived shackles.
Do the work, research, learn, construct, teach. The information in this article is enough to jump-start anyone who is willing to bring this fantastic technology to change their life and the lives of others.
This article is not an official written announcement by the foundation but rather a summary of information in my own words that was presented in the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute's Tuesday and Thursday public teachings from May and June, 2016.
Article by Flint M.
Student of the KFSSI
Other Keshe Foundation websites for more resources:
Keshe Foundation main site:
Spaceship Institute main site:
Spaceship Institute Education site:
Customer Support Site:
Public Blueprint Site:
Product Testimonials Site:
MOZHAN site (first humans in space complete training program):
New Webshop: