FROM Anna von Reitz: To All—
Truth and Republic, World News, Governance, History - His Story (Truth)
Dec. 19, 2015
I am doing this with a skeleton staff and a huge amount of work on my table. I wish I could “do it all” and help people with their individual cases, too, but I can’t. There are literally millions of Americans sitting in private for-profit jails who should not be there and trillions of dollars of American assets at risk. I have to keep my eye on the ball and we all have to keep moving forward as best we can. For me, that means pursuing the UN, the rats in DC, the World Bank. For the rest of you, that means educating yourselves, your families, your friends, your neighbors, and yes, the sheriffs and “county” officials and “state” officials and everyone else.
These groups of undeclared commercial mercenaries have “invaded” our country for the purpose of dispossessing us. The only thing that will stop them is a widespread public knowledge of who they are and what they are and an equally public and determined exposure of the facts.
How many “County” Sheriffs really want to prosecute innocent people under color of law?
That’s what’s coming, folks.
Any time that you incorporate anything, it falls under the international jurisdiction of the sea and under the Satanic Law of the Sea or the almost-as-bad Law Merchant.
So what do you do to get back to land?
First, foremost, Job One—- you declare yourself one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” described by the Definitive Treaty of Peace called the Treaty of Paris, 1783, Article III and NOT an “inhabitant”— NOT a British Crown subject nor subject of any kind.
Second, make it clear that you are “citizen” of your organic state on the land— oregon, wisconsin, idaho, and so on. They will try to claim that you are “stateless” but you are not. Your “States” are the “States of America” and they are each unincorporated trading companies in their own right, owed the good faith and protection of the British government and the British Monarch.
Third— you all have decisions to make. Your elected the “county officials” in good faith to operate the land jurisdiction of your county, but because of either ignorance or fraud, they are operating as local franchises of a bank owned and operated government services corporation instead.
You can’t liquidate such a “county franchise” because it belongs to the bank, but you can liquidate the bank for fraud and criminal activity. Alternatively, you can leave such a “county” in operation so long as it serves and addresses ONLY federal employees and others who are subject to the federal corporation and hold Public Elections to fill all the vacant Public Offices of your own County on the land. Just make the appropriate Public Notices and organize the unincorporated Counties, elect your Public Officials, and go for it. Elect your Common Law Court Judges, Clerks, Bailiffs, Sheriffs— don’t forget the Coroner. And then once your counties are organized, organize your unincorporated States—- which are not “States of Anything”—- they are States, period: Alaska State, Iowa State, Oregon State.
Once properly elected, bonded, and sworn in, your land jurisdiction County Sheriff is the top Law Enforcement Officer in the country. He can deputize as many men from the community as he needs, saddle up, and ride. He is fully empowered to go to the federal officials and demand that they fork over all American state citizens that have been improperly prosecuted under statutory law to his custody. The feds have to turn over all but those accused of murder or assault with a deadly weapon.
The Sheriff can then determine if the victim of this fraud did anything against the Public Law and release them if they did not.
The federales operating their “states” and “counties” as corporate franchises have been making money hand over fist by pretending that we are all “inhabitants” of their jurisdiction and subjects of the British Crown. They then enforce their in-house corporate administrative “codes and regulations” as if these were Public Laws. By creating 80,000,000 “statutory laws” they create infinite opportunity to accuse people of “crimes” and throw them in jail— a “service” that they charge the victims for to the tune of $25,000.00 per misdemeanor and over a million for each felony.
This is Big Business, big syndicated crime. But there are only so many of them, and a lot more of us, and guess what? They have been running rampant all over the rest of the world, too, so that virtually everyone on the planet hates their guts.
If you are Vladimir Putin or the Chinese General Secretary, what makes more sense? Fighting 390 million Americans, or attacking the real cause of the problem?
It’s time for us to clean up our own mess. That observation goes out to the “inhabitants” as well as the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States”. If we don’t, the rest of the world is going to have to come in here and clean it up for us. It’s that simple and it’s that bad.
So, get moving. Know who you are and assert it. Educate, educate, educate—- and take action.
I am obviously fighting the Good Fight on a large scale, doing all that I can to defend our country from continued usurpation and criminality. This is situation is being exposed and put under the royal noses and everywhere else it needs to be, but this also means that I don’t have time to get involved in individual cases.
Remember what I said— there are literally MILLIONS of Americans rotting in private, for-profit jails who have committed no crime, who have been kidnapped into the foreign federal jurisdiction, accused under inapplicable statutory law, convicted, and there they sit being used as slave labor while the perpetrators of these crimes charge our treasury for the “public service”.
What would happen if I and the others like me stopped to help Joe and Nell and Jake? Then the real job— ending this whole system of predation and injustice— would get lost in the infinite need of millions of individuals and nothing would get done on the larger scale.
Please understand. If I could, I would walk into every courtroom and stop every travesty. I would seize every bond of every state and bank involved in this, too. But I cannot do it all and I can’t do it alone, and if everyone keeps calling me and emailing me with their individual problems, I can’t get my work done.
Now, I’ve given you all more than enough to do. Declare and record (do NOT “register”) your declaration of Political Status. Realize that “Sovereign Citizen” is an oxymoron— you can’t be both at the same time. You are either a sovereign (as with respect to the United States) or you are a citizen (as with respect to your organic colorado state). It’s one or the other.
Realize that these “inhabitants” who are subjects of the British Crown are here to provide you and your States of America (unincorporated trading companies) with “essential governmental services”—- Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2—and to defend your national trust — “Preamble” — and have no other legitimate business on our shores. They shouldn’t even be talking to you unless they are spoken to.
And they should not be “misaddressing” any mail to YOUR NAME in any configuration, but especially not any NAME that uses only a middle initial.
Think, people—- get out your Shinola Sensors!
These vermin are charging you under names that aren’t even legal names.
Ask your “County” “Sheriff” and your “State” “Troopers” to explain that one to you?
Once you get girded up, organize your unincorporated county government to operate the land jurisdiction of the United States. And don’t let anyone stop you or tell you that you can’t do it. This is your country. Rise and shine!
If the British Crown and the City State of Westminster want to fight with us after guaranteeing us “perpetual amity” by treaty, we’ll just point out who the real rotters are and join with the rest of the entire world in dealing with the problem.