Let's begin with a few historical notes on the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights to indicate that this critic below is likely a federal plant out to trick the naive and gullible of the public who never researches anything for themselves. He does not want you to be able to practice your legal rights under American law. He wrote this as a comment to my report posted last night Sept. 29, 2015 with Nesara News. My report was:
HOW TO HAVE A COMMON LAW TRUST CHEAPLY AND FOR MANY LEGAL USES! FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - SEPT. 29, 2015 Link to read it at is: http://www.nesaranews.blogspot.com/2015/09/how-to-have-common-law-trust-cheaply.html
AnonymousSeptember 29, 2015 at 7:28 PM
To: ERASMUS .....You Best stick to ALL the rest of the stuff you are the worlds foremost authority on.... Number one a Common law trust is revocable and can be breeched by the Infernal revenue service....and does not offer the security of a Spindrift Irrevocable trust..... You need to study this as our team could tear this BS to shreds....
The spendthrift irrevocable has been called the Rockefeller trust or the Harvard trust and is the only trust that cannot be breached and is good for 200 years.... Besides it is 20times easier to use...
My report was posted at 6:10 PM. His comment back was posted one hour and 18 minutes later. He was waiting to pounce on this report once released and posted. I mention that because two of us went under very savage apparent federal hacking attack for maybe one hour or more trying to block the release of this national report to Nesara News. Some wild hack apparent C.I.A. style hacking tricks were tried trying to block this report by any means possible such as the report instantly became two reports of the same at once, parts of the report disappeared, some copies of the report we sent to ourselves to proofread disappeared and never arrived back at our email address. Both of our computers were instantly attacked at the same moment as we tried to make one good copy of this report, but our apparent C.I.A. hackers assigned by Obama to block us at all costs were coming up with many electronic tricks trying to make it impossible to send this report out. We finally figured out a trick way to get out one good copy of this report and it was posted shortly afterwards by Dan at Nesara News. Various functions of both of our computers were operating in the electronic twilight zone where it was hard to get any functions of both computers to work right. After the report got sent, the electronic hacking attacks stopped.
Separately when talking on a couple of business calls yesterday, I experienced savage hacking attacks of extreme scratching sounds while the business calls went on. When I called and talked to several other sources, there was no interfering sounds to try and block the calls. They meaning the federal Obama Boys were trying to censor my calls on issues of national scandals, etc. I outwitted the Obama Boys where they did not know my true strength built up from some time back, but when I ordered a small foreign currency shipment to me from California, I knew almost instantly something was wrong when constant false tracking information was posted on what was supposed to be the national postal website for America. They invented many different promised deliveries both forward and in reverse of time (already delivered!). When they heard I mentioned on the phone that I would soon be contacting the local postmaster in charge of deliveries to our area and the Postmaster General in Wash., D.C. to investigate this matter, the missing shipment long overdue suddenly showed up.
I had received this package from a company I had ordered from before. Something caught my eye as not right with this package. I pulled out another package I had received the same type shipment from in an earlier month. The new label was a clever mimic of the old, but two mistakes made to cover my package had been opened by C.I.A. or whoever did this criminal act and when they realized a criminal investigation was about to be pushed for, they had to invent a shipping label to look like the old original used on it but they had removed. They made two mistakes showing that this package had been opened by them and then resealed it once they realized this was too hot to try and block this shipment from me. And their fingerprints may still be inside this package! I then deliberately with another company placed one more small order and they did not cover the shipping by a tracking number where the other company did. This second package has never showed yet and is very overdue now. This was a legal trap so I could later swear out an arrest warrant for Obama at the White House and subordinates of his in this criminal conspiracy. Some friends of mine knew that I had set up a legal trap for Obama at the White House but Obama and gang were not smart enough to smell how deadly this situation was in attempted robbery of the U.S. mails. When the legal charges come, this is going to become a big criminal case against Obama at the White House. He can be removed from the White House over this criminal act ordered by him. He is the only federal source with the authority to order federal personnel to commit criminal acts like this, so we know who ordered this attempted robbery of the U.S. mails. I can be a dangerous person to try criminal tactics with as I am no fool at law and at investigations of such criminal tactics if tried against me. Obama is in hot legal water over this now!
Okay, back to the Common Law Trust report I offered in my national report last night. It has many features to it that are very useful to the average American who would like to set up a family common law trust for their family and have the family run it. Okay, points of law. The Preamble written by the U.S. Congress to the U.S. Bill of Rights when ratified by the states stated in legal language that the U.S. Bill of Rights is higher in legal authority than the rest of the U.S. Constitution and the statute law authority granted in the original U.S. Constitution can not be as high of law in legal authority as the U.S. Bill of Rights whose legal authority cannot be overthrown, overruled, or ignored by the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Congress, White House, or federal agencies as the ultimate law in authority if it is challenged in authority by anything stated in the original U.S. Constitution before the U.S. Bill of Rights was added to the U.S. Constitution by national ratification. Amendment V of the U.S. Bill of Rights says that federal law cannot be applied to the American citizens without due process of law. Due process of law was defined by court ruling as the common law of America which was to continue in America after the U.S. Constitution was set up. If common law rights of Americans were challenged by some form of federal law, the common law rights of the American people prevail in legal authority. That is due process of law by court ruling and basic definition. Amendment VII of the U.S. Bill of Rights, the rules apply from common law to suits at common law and not separate versions of federal law. Amendment IX of the U.S. Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution shall not deny or disparage others retained by the American people. These legal rights were given names such as Natural Law Rights meaning God-given rights no government could take away from the people, Common Law Rights which were according to William Blackstone who was rated the leading authority on English Common Law as retained by the Americans as the practical application of Bible teachings to the formal law of England as reflected and shown in English court rulings over the centuries. This would include the major legal right of common law retained by the American people of the God-given right to contract and the God-given right to own property. Amendment X states that the powers not delegated to the States by the Constitution nor prohibited remain and are reserved the powers of the States, or to the people. Powers here is a reference to the authority retained by the American people such as to their common law rights which included according to standard legal understanding then the legal right to contract including creating common law trusts but basing their legal authority upon Bible teachings upheld by English and American law before and after the American Revolution.
It was upon this legal understanding of law which no government could overturn whether federal government or state government that the Continental Congress while fighting the American Revolution against Great Britain called upon the citizens of America of the Thirteen Colonies to raise the money and start industries for America while the American Revolution was being fought. The Continental Congress that General George Washington fought under stated that no state governments had legal authority (nor federal government understood here!) to deny the American people their God-given right to contract and to property in America. Therefore, state governments could not claim legal authority to license nor regulate the God-given right to contract practiced in the 13 States. So long as they practiced such as common law trusts by the legal principles of common law, no government could prohibit them from raising funds and setting up new industries for America while the American Revolution was being fought. It was understood that only a common law court could rule some act of the people done under claimed common law right might be ruled wrong or could be civilly sued upon or else criminally prosecuted upon in a common law court of America. Under the legal terms America was founded upon during the American Revolution and later ratified as permanent and could not be taken away from the American people by either the federal government or else an American state government formed out of a former colony of Great Britain had no legal authority to outlaw nor alter the legal authority and rights of the American people under understood retained English common law that was retained as American law along with new constitutional law which did not outlaw nor alter the basis of retained English common law for America.
While the American Revolution was being fought, President John Hancock of the Continental Congress and other members of this Congress had experts write publications on how to set up new industries in America and the Continental Congress promoted these publications so Americans would know how to found new industries for America. So long as these new industries did not harm the rights of fellow Americans, they were quite legal to set up and establish for future permanent industries of America. Under the Mercantile Policy of Great Britain, the Thirteen Colonies were forbidden to set up industries which could compete against English industries such as textiles. Now by upholding common law rights in America, America would grow from just being an agricultural nation to also an industrial nation as well! Lecture on American history and common law trusts over!
If the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Congress, White House, State governments, etc. try to outlaw common law trusts such as founded during the American Revolution, they commit formal high treason against their oath of allegiance to uphold the U.S. Constitution as the national law of America.
I looked up the terms as formalities in the search engines for Google mentioned by the critic pretending to be such an authority on common law trusts. One of the legal references brought up by the Google search engine stated that "the spendthrift trust" that he referred to was complex to handle and must have an attorney to handle it. An irrevocable spendthrift trust has been breached by the I.R.S. or state authorities according to some references listed by the Google search engine. An irrevocable spendthrift trust was governed by state law and at times creditors could penetrate its security to try and place liens on the trust assets. An irrevocable spendthrift trust was designed to make beneficiaries unable to have any control in the trust and others would basically have to be hired to run it for the listed beneficiary or beneficiaries normally of the family as they could have no voice in what happened with this type trust. The Rockefellers have lost some of their family value in assets using this type fund over the decades. The search engines did not come out in wild praise for what is called a Rockefeller trust and was apparently expensive to set up and run. The search engines recognized the term Harvard trust in only limited way. There was formally a Harvard Property trust and after that except for direct use by Harvard University they did not list other versions of a Harvard trust for ordinary people to use.
After reading all the legal comments on the spendthrift irrevocable trust as supplied by the Google search engines, I like many features of the common law trust much better than what I saw listed in the type trusts suggested by my critic. It is cheap to set up. It can be turned into a spendthrift trust by adding the sentence stating it is also a spendthrift trust for a member of a family, etc., but that apparently submits you to all sorts of regulations not required by an ordinary common law trust. The ordinary common law trust can be made perpetual by voting renewal of it every 25 years or so by the trustees. It is totally covered by common law legal protections that this spendthrift irrevocable trust is apparently being much more subject to statute law changes than a common law trust which current law cannot change in basic operation according to the U.S. Bill of Rights which legally forbid the federal government or states governments from being able to forbid it from being set up and maintain the type operation it has run by for centuries before under standard common law.
As for the I.R.S., if they violate basic legal rights of the American people with a common law trust for their family, etc., the U.S. Taxpayers Legal Rights as part of I.R.S. law entitles the American people to sue the I.R.S. and personnel and officials of the I.R.S. for legal violations of their legal rights if the I.R.S. tries it. Also, send them to prison if they get too much out of line and engage in what is call criminal acts under law. Also, once my proposed Omni Law is passed, we would hang I.R.S. officials and personnel alive symbolically speaking who tried to violate any legal rights covered by the U.S. Bill of Rights including the common law legal rights of the American people protected by the U.S. Bill of Rights as perpetual law.
After seeing what all was claimed for this spendthrift irrevocable trust as required of it according to the Google search engine reports on it, it sounds far more expensive to have than an ordinary common law trust and contrary to the ordinary common law trust which can be very inexpensive and easy for families to run for their families, this spendthrift irrevocable trust sounds like you have to keep one or more lawyers working for you maybe at all times or you may get into trouble with the law. The family can retain control of a common law trust. As for the spendthrift irrevocable trust, maybe rich families have no problems hiring professional trustees to run it for them, but for ordinary people, this sounds like a bigger legal operation than they might want to bite off in legal responsibility and cost of yearly operation.
From what I read from the reports listed by Google search engines as to websites to read what they reported on spendthrift trusts which they supported, this is the message I came out with after reading them! As such as the Rockefellers are shrinking in size of wealth using one of these spendthrift trusts run by hired professionals for them, I will take instead one of these inexpensive to set up common law trusts. In fact, shortly I plan to set up a Christian trust for a Christian group called "the holy cross-bearers of Jesus Christ" and will use the common law trust of old, not the spendthrift irrevocable trust of new as my recommended choice for them. I used to be a finance consultant and set up big deals, etc. and have some idea what is smart in business or not. Years ago I used to be the President of a financial association and also chairman of an investment fund in America. Again, my link for my report of Sept. 29, 2015 on common law trusts that this critic disliked so strongly, it is
My website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.comMy email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.comI have won a number of times on issues of constitutional law such as once in federal court asking the federal judge if his court was governed in legal authority by the U.S. Constitution as binding national law on it or not. He got red in the face, but let constitutional law be heard in his court after that. Some judges are at war with constitutional law. When we pass the Omni Law, they get fast yanked out of judicial office if they think they do not need to obey the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as binding national law over their federal and state courts.
Full name of my proposed Omn Law is listed on my website as "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America." Once passed, the American people if challenged can call for national referendums to either pass laws and policies or else cancel laws and policies Wash., D.C. is trying to pass against the will of the American people. The authority of the American people by national referendum will decide what laws and policies they are to live under in case Congress is trying hard to ignore the will of the American people in legal issues.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American leader who respects the legal principals America was founded upon 1776! Their concept of God-given rights of the American people was identical to the first political teachings of first official Apostolic Christianity such as Bishop Irenaeus around 170 A.D. that the people are given God-given rights to decide what form of government and laws they wanted to live under in their nation or nations!)
P.S. As I know the training in psychological warfare for some of the military and federal civilian personnel to control the thinking and actions of the American people, I will repeat this part of the report yesterday which is what the other side wanted to erase from your minds if you had read it already.
I will briefly offer as a free bonus offer with the Omni Law Loan Program my package of legal material which I previously sold for $495.00. This shows you how to set up a common law trust for yourself and how it is run by you once set up. It has the sample common law trust which you substitute your name, etc. for the sample name, etc. in order to set up your own common law trust for yourself if you want to. This is the format that the attorney supplied who wrote up this sample common law trust for you to use. It has all sorts of court rulings on common law trusts covering basically all the states of America listed in material the attorney supplied as supporting legal documents for a Common Law Trust so you can understand how this type law works for you.
Years ago when I once previously offered this to the people, I had this collection of Common Law Trust material offered for $175.00 plus state tax if they ordered it within 10 days. After that, this Common Law Trust package of material would cost $495.00 for it. At this time through Oct. 10, 2015, I will send to you this Omni Law Legal Package for free if you put $100.00 or more in my Omni Law Loan Program shown on my national website. Whether I will offer this after Oct. 10, 2015 I have not committed to yet. If I continue it as an offer, you may even have to pay out $500 to get it then one way or another after Oct. 10., 2015. It is all copyrighted and I allow you to use it for your private use and run extra copies for your own use and your family, but not to be reprinted nor shown to others. This is valuable legal property and I retain legal rights to it. You may for yourself use the information in the legal package any way you see fit including copying any or all of the other reports with the format sample of the Common Law Trust in court filings, legal records for your own Common Law Trust, etc. You may use it for whatever legal purposes you need for yourself. If you want, you may use your own attorney to officially write this Common Law Trust up for you, but as most lawyers are not too familiar with Common Law Trusts, he may learn some new law by reading what is in the legal package!
Our website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.comOur email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.comYou can put in $100.00 or more in our Omni Law Loan Program and as a note say "For Common Law Info." Or if you can't place an order through our website, our mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. Please allow a little time to send out legal package for you as we need to know how many copies to prepare for filling orders.