
Jimstone.is - World Class Investigative Truth


August 7 2015

The high priced egg scam
Several people have written saying that the real reason for the egg scam is to get eggs out of the American diet, and I could not agree more. Of all food animals out there, the chicken is #1, followed by the cow. You cannot possibly get cheaper meat of a higher quality, and then follow up with something as useful and good for you as eggs from the same animal. If the overall goal is to destroy America and the American people, the chicken would be a prime target.
Need to get over antidepressant damage? Eggs are probably the best food there is, when fried in real butter. Need to study well for college, and be in overall good health? You cannot beat the egg. Need to get over being sick and want a food source that is high quality to heal yourself? You cannot beat real home made boiled chicken soup, and the Jews know this, which is why their "chicken soup for the soul" and other irritating (for me, because I know the source) "self help" books are often titled with chicken soup in one way or another . . . . they know the chicken is the champion of healing foods and I believe this is precisely why all this hoaxing regarding chicken is going on.
There really is no chicken crisis in America. There is no bird flu going on. If there was, America, which takes products from everywhere, would just import the eggs, eggs last practically forever and can handle being shipped, especially from Mexico. If the egg crisis was real, eggs would be at record high prices in Mexico, where growers would blast them up to America to take advantage of the higher profits there.
How can prices in Mexico be at an all time low? From having America's eggs shipped south. That's how. I said this yesterday, but want to repeat it from a different perspective - that the egg and chicken crisis in America is nothing but a war on good health and clear thinking, eggs are one of the foods that significantly un-do the damage from all the poisonous brain stifling foods in the American market and someone in America wants the benefit of eggs removed from the American diet. With prices at 69 cents per dozen large grade A eggs in Mexico, this is the only possibility, rule of economics would invert that in a legitimate bird flu scenario.

The Kosher store probably has eggs cheap as hell, TRY THERE.

August 8 2015

The forum server has been down for a considerable time. I have confirmed that it is an actual server outage of the exact server the forum is on. The hosting package was top notch, so let's hope the database comes back . . . . . . nothing but errors, the server is totally unaccessible but the hosting account is there. I have confirmed there were no errors on my side of things, it appears to be a hardware failure.
Most servers run raid level 5. If it was a disk error it should rebuild. If it was a processor error, it will come back up on
its own when that gets fixed. It is a single server/server bank problem, this particular web site has portions of it served from servers owned by the same company the forum runs on, and this site is running normally which does not bode well for this particular situation, I'd much rather not see the mail window or images because that would mean a power failure and not a hardware failure . . . . . fingers crossed.
The forum cannot be re-directed however, it was totally American based.


Car hack blooper proves master key exists
Sometimes they screw up, and let us all know our pants are down!
Here is a link to an online report of strange goings on in a small Welsh town in the UK. http://m.carmarthenjournal.co.



detail/story.html Owners of various cars in two car parks in the town were left perplexed when they returned to their cars to find them unlocked. Mobile phones and electronic systems in the immediate area were remote reset. These events were reported in a small provincial newspaper yet failed to make the UK or even Welsh news (Wales has its own news program). What are your thoughts? Of course it goes without saying that the PTB do not want the sheeple to know how incredibly vulnerable we all are. Carmarthen is a farming community but has links to military bases within West Wales. Could this be the work of a pedestrian hacker or is it more sophisticated? Could it have been a test run of a bigger more catastrophic event?
Many thanks for your insightful intelligent and inspiring quest for truth. Nat UK
My response: No pedestrian hacker is walking around with the master key that hits everything at once. This proves a master key exists, and that one day they could simply shut all cars off simultaneously. And obviously this does not bode well for driving safety either if you do not "get with the program" and walk down the cattle chute.

Gender bending
Target removed almost all boys/girls labeling from their stores after they got pressured to do so, the gender war continues on, all the while "Katlyn" has his balls (never got 'em cut) and his television ratings are dropping rapidly, after all, other than a curiosity freak show why would anyone want to watch that? It would get boring quick, I'd say a show by a two headed carnival freak would fare much better, and if there was no substance even that would wear out.
Aurora: A hung jury means Holmes won't get the death penalty but will spend life in prison. If his mom is right, other people should get life, including the judge, his surrogates, and many more at the FBI.

Gold confiscation strategy
I'm sure you are aware of all the places buying gold over the past decade or more (check-cashing joints, small loans centers, etc) Did you know that these places, at least all of the ones I've talked to, won't buy gold coins or bars, supposedly to prevent them from buying phony ones. My guess is that it is because THEY (you-know-who) plan to simply outlaw and confiscate all gold bullion in the future so "why pay for it now"? But it is much more difficult to get people to hand over their late parents wedding rings and other family heirlooms by force so they set out to tempt people to willingly part with it ahead of time for chump-change. These places that are buying the gold aren't doing anything with it themselves, they just sell it onwards to large refiners in New York.
My response: Pawn shops are one thing, gold buying outfits entirely another, and I have never seen how they could ever stay in business because with the countless number of those places I have seen and the number of times I have seen them, I have NEVER EVER, NOT EVEN ONCE seen ANYONE sell anything to them. That market would be a very small market totally unable to support all the locations, (at least according to my own logic) and it would make much more sense that they are exactly as you say - an attempt to get ALL gold out of the hands of the people, even if running the buyback outfits is done at a substantial loss.

Someone wanted me to mention Morgellons; quickly, here is the skinny:
Morgellons is a biological warfare agent that was tested in the 1990's. The tests were run via the workplaces at various employers in the South Western United States.
During these tests, various workplace surfaces were contaminated. The most common surfaces were toilet seats, chairs, and break room counter tops. In all cases, company provided medical which ensured a controlled pool of doctors outside the place of employment, and an on site workplace doctor existed. It was the job of these doctors to log results and give a unanimous diagnosis of "delusional parasitosis".
The diagnosis of "delusional parasitosis" was unilaterally given on the first doctor visit in all cases, without any tests being run EVER to see if any infection existed. This is a breach of medical protocol; doctors are always supposed to run tests and do cultures before saying anyone is "delusional" about any type of rash or skin infection and the fact this never happened with Morgellons speaks volumes, and is defacto proof that morgellons is indeed a government sponsored experiment.
Morgellons appears to be a test of a biological warfare agent that is a combination of spider/insect DNA and a social amoeba, which can reproduce sexually, asexually, and communally. Morgellons has very flexible parameters which enables it to adapt to almost any treatment, it survives bleach, aromatic oils, and antibiotics, though ALL will provide temporary relief of symptoms, the disease quickly adapts to whatever is killing it and, within a short time period, any treatment is rendered irrelevant. The communal reproductive aspect of Morgellons ensures that if the disease ever does get damaged seriously, ALL collective DNA can be brought together for a massive comparison and correction, from which the disease starts a whole new beginning, as close to "good as new" as possible.
Unfortunately, Morgellons is contagious, though extended direct contact with people and the surfaces they touch in their homes is usually needed for it to spread, person to person, in public (such as at Wal Mart) infections are not likely to ever happen. When subsequent infections do happen, and the original victim says 'LOOK: It spread to him / her also, that proves I can't be nuts', the doctor simply diagnoses both with "delusional parasitosis".
The typical psychological abuse patterns from the establishment prevail with Morgellons, where the victims are simply labeled "crazy" and the show goes on unabated because the broader public cannot believe the government would actually be that evil.
That is basically all I know about Morgellons that could possibly contribute anything new.

Orgone rip
Lots of stuff in my inbox is crap like this that never makes it to the mail window or front page, here is a free sample:
"The new "debunk" arguments saying orgone has power are now stating that "orgone" is made with crystals embedded in epoxy, and then they cite quartz and other pyroelectric crystals being in the epoxy as what has the power. And that is all bunk, a manipulation back flip, your stereo, cell phone, Ipod, computer, and any other electronic device you might have has THE EXACT SAME CRYSTALS IN IT, why not tie a string to your cell phone and wear it as a good luck charm?"
Orgonite is Metal Shavings + Resin
This will have the orgone effect if you dare to make your own experiments instead of just bashing your own prejudices. I bet you can do that if you really care.
The addition of one broken finger nail sized piece of ordinary quartz mineral will improve the material efficiency by channelling the generated etheric energy through it, keeping it organized in one direction more or less.
THIS IS NOT A PIEZOelectric CONVENTIONAL EFFECT. There is a whole bunch of NSA fakers and New Age potheads that claim things they don't really know about orgonite. The truth is, no one really know how it works, just like gravity. The disinformation is done so that people might have exactly your kind of reaction.

My salient response:
In your own words, Orgone is metal shavings plus resin, something I have stated numerous times, with the new orgone scam line being "oh, a crystal does it". That makes me correct there. No specification for exactly what metal shavings should be used is given, thus proving it is all a load of B.S. The resin is a clear epoxy, as I stated and if there was anything legitimate involved there would be a description that would go something like this:
Orgone consists of a precise mixture of cobalt metal fragments 3mm in size, at a percentage of 3 percent cobalt epoxy ratio combined with aluminum shavings 300 micrometers in size, at a ratio of 5 percent, and sintered barium titanate fragments measuring 5 mm in size at a ratio of 6 percent (all percentages by weight). Into this mix a quartz (or name whatever other crystal) is placed.
When these two metals and the barium titanate ceramic are put in close approximation to each other in the presence of a quartz crystal, the extremely high dielectric constant of the barium titanate interacts with the electron spins in the quartz crystal. This creates a frequency of *.*, which when reflected back at the crystal by the cobalt and aluminum fragments causes the outer valence shells of all atoms in the crystal to become aligned and channel energy as . . . . . blah blah blah blah blah.
Ahh yes, Charlie's magic machine shop, where an epoxy resin was spilled in a small amount of quartz gravel just under the lathe and remained stuck to the floor forever . . . . . . so much energy there!
But dreams can do a lot .... and imagination can affect perception in a huge way.
Bottom line? You can't just take a random "resin" and a random "metal" and put it together with a random crystal and have it do anything at all. If orgone was real, the exact chemistry of the resin, and exact types of metal in the exact needed shaving sizes would be stated. Absent that, it is all just children throwing drill shavings and sparkly rocks in goo in daddy's garage and admiring how it all sparkles when the goo dries.

August 9 2015


Heads up, this attack coincided with a direct attack from the Jewish community ON THE GROUND HERE, with identifiable known Jewish people doing it. BAD MOVE, BAD BAD IDIOTIC MOVE on their part.
This was an obvious attack on one leg of this web site to coincide with action on the ground here, because the server is back up, minus the forum database. The attack was on the entire server, administration was not possible, and when the attack was over, all files were intact except for ONE FILE, the database! HA HA HA figure the odds! Anyway, I checked the hosting plan, as it turns out I fortunately did not go cheap and I bought the plan where they back up the entire site daily, and weekly. It appears the Friday night database copy is intact and I have it on a flash drive. It is important to note: This attack happened at the exact same time a direct physical attack from the Jewish community happened against this family. They are waging war on all fronts, including on the ground here in Mexico and the goal is to discredit/dishearten and destroy. The attack against the family came from identified members of the Jewish community here in Leon, and it was severe.
Due to the simultaneous timing of the destruction of the forum with massive destruction from the Jewish community directly by direct members of the Jewish community here (they did not have someone else do this, they did it themselves and the people who did it are identified), it is stone cold obvious the forum was destroyed by the same tribe that did the other damage. I am not going into further details because there is a good chance I can issue serious backlash.

The forum database has been recovered but it was too large to upload via normal methods and I have to get in contact with the host tomorrow live and have them do it because Mysql admin can't transfer a database that big and it will have to be done manually by the host. And I know darn well these stupid kikes thought I went cheap and would just die ..... against all odds I was not cheap when I set up the forum, (I got the max hosting package) and unexpectedly in with the goodies when I checked after this disaster site backup was part of the package and set to auto there and that is the only reason why it will come back. I never even checked for that. Talk about luck!

August 10 2015

The mail window appears to be heavily wiped out, along with the forum. Working on fixing this also. My comment on the river contamination in Colorado
It is probably going to end up being (for the most part) harmless, but it does show just how incompetent and pathetic the government is when compared to the private sector, which never messed up this river that badly even when they were actively mining long before any EPA regulations existed. They cared about the mess they had and kept it contained, and it would have stayed that way long after they left the mine if the EPA did not show up like a bunch of thoughtless bumbling fools. All this did was prove who was really better at protecting the environment!
And no, the EPA will not be paying a fine.

Trump totally shreds establishment credibility during debate

If you donate to politicians, you get what you want.
BAIER: You've also donated to several Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton included, and Nancy Pelosi. You explained away those donations saying you did that to get business-related favors. And you said recently, quote, "When you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do."
TRUMP: You'd better believe it.
BAIER: They do?
TRUMP: If I ask them, if I need them, you know, most of the people on this stage I've given to, just so you understand, a lot of money. I will tell you that our system is broken. I gave to many people, before this, before two months ago, I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And do you know what? When I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them, they are there for me. And that's a broken system.

New virus/malware written in Israel hacks air gapped computers
"GSMem takes the air out of the gap and will force the world to rethink air-gap security," says Dudu Mimran, chief technology officer of BGU's Cyber Security Research Center. "Our GSMem malicious software on Windows and Linux has a tiny computational footprint, which makes it very hard to detect. Furthermore, with a dedicated receiver, we were successful exfiltrating data as far as 90 ft. (30 meters) in distance from the computer. The Israelis have written a new type of malware that can tell your computer to transmit it's data out regardless of what processor it has, and even if it has no wifi, bluetooth, or any other wireless hardware. The Israelis wrote this malware to enable them to access secure computers that are behind closed doors, totally off the web in secure locked rooms.
Since practically all processors made since around 2004 have clock frequencies that are close to cell phone frequencies or higher, the cpu clock alone can be hacked into being a cell phone transmitter, even though it was never intended to be one. And with the new mandated energy efficiency requirements, most processors in use now have dynamic clock frequencies, that increase or decrease depending upon usage demands to keep power use at a minimum while delivering perceivably perfect performance. These processors are especially vulnerable to this new Israeli hack, which can instruct the processor to simply run at exactly the same frequency a cell phone uses rather than at the most efficient frequency.
This is not the same as Intel Corevpro, which has a built in cell transmitter, or anything based on Centrino or Sandy Bridge, which also has an intentionally built in transmitter. The new hack, which will work with any operating system actually instructs the processor itself to run at precisely the correct frequencies needed for cell communication, and then while keeping the processor running at precisely the correct frequency then hijacks enough transistors away from software processes and instead switches them on and off with cell phone protocols, so they behave exactly like a cell phone transmitter. The hacker can then instruct the computer to send out whatever the hacker wants.
This new Israeli malware/virus makes it completely impossible to secure any computer system, and works with ALL operating systems, windows and Unix based systems (which means android, mac, linux). So if you have air gapped computers, flash drives HAVE TO be banned, they can't (as far as I know) force this into a secure computer system via the air, but once their bug is on the machine, it is game over.
My guess is that this bug is very bad for the hardware and probably burns it out over time, but if the tribe gets what it wants before failures are induced, who cares, right?

Interesting Peanut Butter
Back in the day, I loved Austin peanut butter crackers that were sold at Sam's Club. The peanut butter on those crackers was VERY GOOD, and very unique, it did not taste like any store bought brand. AND THEN, the salmonella outbreak of 2009 .....
As it turns out, Kraft, (which owned Austin) bought all the peanut butter for those crackers from Peanut Corporation of America. And that company went bankrupt after huge recalls were issued because of peanut butter with salmonella ..... I had my doubts, but that is not what this is about .....
I am certain that Peanut Corporation of America sold their equipment and recipes to China as part of their bankruptcy settlement, just like Geneva Steel was sold to China (after which Chinese steel got great and their tools were not junk anymore because they got all those great American formulas as part of the deal, and Bush made it happen) .....
Anyway, peanut butter is expensive here in Mexico. Too expensive for me anyway. Until I found some cheap stuff 3 days ago .....
I was at a super cheap store that sold discount items, and they had peanut butter for $1 US a jar. So I bought two jars. And when I tasted it, I immediately knew that taste - it was the exact same peanut butter that was on those austin crackers, now being marketed as Hartley's peanut butter. I searched the jar for where it was made and IT WAS MADE IN CHINA!
I am confident that China got all the peanut butter formulas, equipment and manufacturing methods from Peanut Corporation of America when they were put under by the salmonella crisis, set up shop and followed the recipe to perfection because let's face it, China does not know peanut butter and there is ZERO chance they hit the exact formulation Peanut Corporation of America had, right down to the exact color, texture, and flavor.
So why am I talking about peanut butter? Actually, I am not. I am talking about how all of America's great stuff was handed to China via bankruptcies, buyouts, and direct corporate transfers. Yep, China can make peanut butter, AMERICAN PEANUT BUTTER, Thank you Jewish Community for infiltrating all the American corporations and shipping all the manufacturing there, with OUR TECHNOLOGIES AND FORMULAS WE DEVELOPED, and Bush, Clinton, Obama and all the other traitorous pricks that let it all happen. There is no way even a bankrupt peanut butter company should have been sent there, THANK YOU.

August 11 2015

[from the Message Post Box:]

This is a legitimate message (correct keywords and incidental data given) posted as a curiosity ..... In response to your "Jewist" comment, a couple years ago I worked the passover at the prominent "Jewist" country club in the san diego area. I ended up befriending the young rabbi-in-training who was the son of the main rabbi in charge of watching everything and making sure there was no cross-contamination in the kitchen. I asked him what kind of jews they were and when I said ashkenazi he said yes most were "ashkenaz". I remember making a mental note that he did not say the word with the "i" at the end. I dont know if that means anything or the advice you gave regarding giving birth in a hospital but fyi: they call themselves ashkenaz sect.
He said part of the group were sephardic and they came down from L.A. and the sephardics in LA are the ones in charge of the music and hollywood. I asked him if he knew they were luciferian but just went through the motions of reverence toward Yahweh God and he said yes. So even the young student rabbis know that. They probably refer to lucifer when they speak of or to Yahweh. Your amigo with connections in mx, not dead
My response: Count on some disinfo mixed in with what he was saying, I doubt the Sephardics run Hollywood. I never picked up on overt luciferianism clearly stated when I was in the Jewish community, however, they had some really curious beliefs that really made me wonder, the main ones:
1. A very clearly stated belief that there was no day of judgement and that this life was all there was,
2. The Kol Nidre prayer, which I thought was just an internet rumor until I saw for myself. You can't go into the synagogue and get this prayer, it has to be on the high holidays, and it is in a special book that comes out at that time. In the seats for idiot visitors to pick up there are fluff books that don't say what that prayer is, you have to get the 50 year old hardcover book with the real services in it, and in that book the prayer states in well crafted wording (to paraphrase here:)
"I never told you God, that I would tell the truth or honor my oaths last year, so I was not bound by any spoken contract to be honest or live up to my word, and because I never agreed to tell the truth, I cannot be punished for voiding all oaths and promises and am stating now, in this upcoming year, that I have made no promise to be truthful or honor my oaths and promises ....."
It did not use that wording, the prayer was actually quite long, but that is what it meant and it's extended length was for closing all possible loopholes that could hold you accountable for lying and cheating. The Kol Nidre is exactly what you would expect to hear from the devil himself ..... and it has to be repeated 3 times.
3. A pervasive prevailing attitude that if it feels good, do it, even cheating on your spouse is just a small affair to be handled with a payment to a rabbi.
Microsoft comes out of the closet
"the end-user service agreement" distributed with Windows 10 reads that- "the operating system (OS) will collect and store users’ web history, access points, passwords and other personal data, including physical location, emails and other messages and information about phone calls. Microsoft also reserves the right to share this data with special services, use it in research, publish or use it in any other way it sees fit."
My comment: The only thing new here is that they are in your face telling you they are doing all of that now! That started with Windows 95!
Call me kate
Re Katlyn J
I was just channel surfing, all trash. Something caught my eye -- yuk, "Katlyn." I clicked on by swiftly, then said, no, I guess I gotta see this for myself. Switched to Katyln again, lingered for less than a minute: NOPE. NOOOOOOOOO, it's not a she, it's Bruce in drag --- male hand gestures despite nail polish, voice still male and Bruce's, body posture still male. I'm not saying he might not be a nice guy, I'm saying He IS a GUY! Must have been paid or brain washed to go on this stupid trip??? Even THINKS like a guy! Definitely No Change except the clothes and makeup!
My response: And in the bedroom Kate screws like a man, he never got anything cut down there.... All just a pony show for the aemoralistic NWO. Bruce either got blackmailed or paid off for this, it is a HOAX.
Do not use Chrome
Chrome browser will no longer allow me to edit this web site, and I'd bet the following reader uses Chrome, because I added no new redirects during the time he sent this, and the site is running properly on a 4 year old never updated Firefox. Google is the spook in the alley, don't expect anything good to come of that outfit anymore, Anyway:
"You made a huge error with your redirect. I entered your IP and it redirected me to your /aa3index.html which is a page from a long time ago." My response: No error there, DITCH CHROME, I don't even need to ask what you are using if that happened.
My response: There is no "IST in the word Islam, yet the Jews put it there all the time because by making Islam an "IST" such as "ISLAMIST MILITANT" the word becomes an action, a pathology. So since the Jews use this methodology, and they don't want to be called "Jewish" I suggest upping the ante and start calling them "Jewists" so we can more appropriately discuss just what a depraved cult they really are.
Web expenses for alternative sites: Though I have a web site for storing my eBay scans (postalviews.com), I do not understand much about the workings of it as I have not the time to familarize myself with it. Since my site is only $19.95/month and seems to get just as many hits as many full web sites, I have a hard time understanding what makes the rebel.au site so expensive at ~$1000/month. Is it the cost of running a server, or the bandwidth? Or is the guy paying his personal salary for his work on it out of it? Mystery to me.
Best Regards, Tom, Borrego Springs, CA
My response: All I use is shared servers with decent plans. Here is my methodology: Though going dedicated will get you more power on one server, you then only have ONE server. If anything happens you are screwed. And here is the real bonus: If many other web sites are on one of your shared servers, then there are many people watching out for problems, and problems get reported in seconds or minutes. Since no one who is on that server has top level administration rights, it becomes someone elses job to solve all your problems (not so with the forum, I had to fix that myself) but just consider how much having someone else handle all DDOS attacks for FREE reduces your operating costs ... all I had to do with the forum when that server croaked off was to restore the database from back ups someone else made because I bought the top hosting package and that was part of it. Sure makes everything easier when it is like that ....
If you have a dedicated server, all attacks hit you full force. However, if your web site comes in from five different shared servers, one of those could get attacked and the site will still run normal, like nothing is going on. This is why my site only gets hacks, it never actually goes down.
I do not know what The Rebel's bandwidth needs are, but between ALL my shared servers, which cumulatively cost as much as a dedicated server per month because they have dedicated IP's which cost more (and give almost all the benefits of a dedicated server) I have at least 10 terabytes available, 10 rock solid multiple location terabytes available, that are practically impossible to whack. When I ask for donations I make it obvious what they are for, I still have to be online and internet in Mexico is expensive the way I do it (which gives me security on my end here) I have to eat and pay bills, but my costs are very low because I am frugal and if there is not a server expiring my needs are almost always below $500 a month. Since this site is a full time job to run, that is perfectly fair to ask for.
I am not going to say what The Rebel's needs are, but I will say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with telling people the site is a full time job and you need to eat. If you know manual code the way I do and your brain then becomes the administration CPU, then all you need to do the site is a cheap android tablet or netbook, though I use a quad core A6 because it makes graphic work easier. If you have to use Dreamweaver or some other app, a high end quad core is needed. This particular machine is 4 years old now, a record for me, before the Fuku report I changed computers once every 9 months or so ... "frugal" does not allow that option.
Anyway, I doubt the Rebel needs more than 10 terabytes, and at that point dedicated can cost as little as $200 a month, approximately the same as what I am paying to have this site be so well distributed across multiple shared servers. Difference of methodology I guess, but my methodology means that any attack will only strip the paint off, the car will still run and if for any reason I lose a server others can pick up the slack. This web site, at present, runs from 5 different locations and has a sixth location idle, waiting as a backup. When this all runs from different hosting companies in different countries, how hard is that to kill? It is called a survival plan ....
Ongoing web lockdown Jim, I don't know if this was a glitch or not, but on a different alternative site I just tried to make a somewhat lengthy (length has never been a problem before) comment which was on topic and regarding medical tyranny and some specific hints on how to take care of oneself and sidestep the system (for now anyway). When I tried to post it, I saw a window that said, "sorry, your comment cannot be posted." So I tried again to post, simply with a one-sentence vague, not very helpful and kind of low-level comment, and it went right through. I got the sense that if my comment was being censored, it was not by the website itself, because all comments to this site are moderated anyhow, and usually reasonably high quality and intelligent comments.
My response: It is probably old news to people by now, but Reddit and others recently blew many truth sites off their servers (which is why any alternative media venue should not use free "services") Anyway, I have recently gotten the feeling that something has been launched on the web that monitors all forums and blogs, and acts as a middleman for denying the posting of information a particular forum or blog allows openly. I really think the web smack down is a lot farther along than most people realize.
I have a method for getting things through that might be censored, (they don't want it to be obvious they are stifling dissent and would rather make it look like an error) so whenever I have anything really good, I ALWAYS copy the text before I hit send. If there are any problems, you won't lose the text, just drop it into notepad and copy it back out again. Sometimes I have to bash my way in with several attempts before the censoring software or live troll gives up, and they still do give up because they don't want you contacting any web site to tip that site off that this is going on. Usually they let it go after the 3rd or 4th try.
Destroyed education Remember when computer parts used to come with technical manuals so detailed you could write a driver yourself? That time is gone since the mid 90's. And today's colleges do not create real electrical engineers anymore, except perhaps in Israel. Did you ever notice the sheer amount of sites selling Israeli-made spy equipment and other high tech electronics? Gee, I wonder why...
My response: They don't want people writing their own drivers because nowadays more often than not, the approved driver comes with an embedded NSA hack on "line 5248" and if you can write your own you can circumvent this with your own driver that has only 3 lines. And as for the Israelis making spy equipment, that is just perfect because they can spy you while you spy then, and will know if you are going to accomplish anything meaningful with it before you do. And I'd bet the libraries are GREAT in Israel!
Starting an alternative media web site
Hi Jim,
I want to start my own truth news type of website, im worried about defamation and liability. How can i talk bad about companies without getting a libel suit? Any tips are much appreciated.
Thanks for all your work, Peter.
My response: You can say anything you want, but it has to be true. No corporation is going to hunt you down and drag you into court if you PERFECTLY nail them, because if that happens it will air their dirty laundry worse than you did. They then go to the second tactic of launching trolls and shills in the public discussion areas, and attempting to blacklist your web site to marginalize its impact. SO, just make sure whatever you post is for real and that will be your protection.
Haarp in Canada
Last month here in Nova Scotia, Canada it has been raining almost everyday and the weather predictions have been constantly calling for sunny or cloudy days in advance yet when the days approach they change the forecast to rain. Past two nights we had SEVERE rain down poor with EVENLY TIMED thunder every 10 seconds or so for about 5 minutes. And a random or two lightning every so often. Usually around here to have thunder and lightning there would have to be a gap in the sky without clouds but these past two nights the sky is all full of clouds.
My conclusion: HAARP technology being used in Nova Scotia to divert the much needed water from USA to us to keep USA in the drought.
Keep up the good work Jim Stone and all others who helped in the past and present.
Sidney, Nova Scotia
egg sabotage
Hi Jim, regarding the egg and the bird flu, you may want to add to that, that eggs are one of the last healthy foods Americans eat, cheaply. They are full of health benefits, especially protein, which helps to prevent disease also and are an inexpensive substitute for meat. One egg white contains 4 to 7 grams of protein (depending on egg size). While this may not sound like much, the protein found in egg white is high quality, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids your body needs but can't produce on its own. Not to mention these amino acids help with the GROWTH of our little one's and also provide iron, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids. iron and minerals are what they PTB have been trying to remove from our diet for a while now, as they have iodine, both of which help with disease prevention. So remember they have always wanted to destroy our health and whether people realize it or not, The egg is a powerhouse of disease-fighting nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in older adults. And brain development and memory may be enhanced by the choline content of eggs and so much more. Just a thought.
Our market of choice is a small organic food chain. All the eggs they sell are cage free, or organic or both. They still have eggs starting at about $2.50 per dozen and extra large AAA cage free eggs, periodically at $1.49 (on sale, of course). Boneless, skinless chicken thighs (organic) were $1.69/ lb last week. Your notion of a chicken/egg scam appears to be dead on.
Common core
Jim, a thought about our "dumbed-down" education system, which also ties into what is happening with our libraries. We all know about common core and what has been happening in the teaching of math, critical thinking/logic, and the sciences. But not as often is it brought up what has happened to the teaching of what used to be common in our schools: shop classes of all sorts teaching practical skills, working with tools, electricity; even home ec classes have been cancelled and turned into (if they still exist) "restaurant management/hospitality" classes which are NOT the same thing at all. This goes hand in hand with what we have today in terms of helpless individuals who no longer know how to do basic car repairs (if indeed the cars of today even allowed such a thing), how to feed themselves anything but processed, microwaveable fake food, or how to take care of our own health.
False information which indoctrinates us into accepting expensive health interventions is given out in today's "health" classes. So it is not just the regular academic core classes, but also the classes that used to teach real life skills. Enough generations have passed (!!) that the parents have graduated from the same dumbed-down system and very few of them have these skills to pass onto their children. Even grandparents grew up making casseroles from canned cream of mushroom soup. Not only have real skills been lost, but even the knowledge that these real skills existed in the first place; we have lost the knowledge that anything at all has been lost. I exaggerate, only a little. Out in the country in the U.S., some of these classes and skills still exist and are being taught, but for the people in the cities and suburbs, not so much. For now, it is still possible to learn from youtube videos...
Here is a spooky one that is BANG ON:
Remember all of the genetic mutant movies and cartoons that came out over the past decade? Shows like teenage mutant ninja turtles and the X men. It seems as if those shows were predictive programming to prepare the youth and the public to accept massive mutations to occur in the not so distant future. The mutations will be so bad that everybody will embrace high tech genetic screening before having children and hardly any children will be born wild. What a perfect way for the NWO to bring in their "new" humans......I also think about the rat studies from GM foods. The rats were 100% sterilised after 3 generations. So with that said. For the survival of natural humans...now is the time for younger 'awake' individuals of both sexes who are unvaccinated to get out of the system. Out of the usa and to an area in the world that is not completely taken over by socalised health services forcing this crap on people. Do do it for you own selves, do it for the human race. Get out now while you have the chance. Most of us will not make it through this mess only a few will.. good luck
Yum Yummy foods....
Hi James,
Wow.. searching "removing the fetal materials from their products" didn't bring up anything on duckduckgo, naturalnews search, and yet yahoo search brought it up... huh??



Stay safe and God Bless,
My comment: Other than to create complicity in crimes against life, and put everyone on a highway to hell, there is no conceivable legitimate reason for this to ever have been done. Better flavor? Home made tastes better EVERY TIME, Nestle and everyone else can KMA. I guess I never tried a fetal Pepsi, but Coke is a better product anyway, AND, a few years ago kraft, nestle and all the other products that got this, before they ever announced it, started giving me knock out dead headaches. I stopped using them before the scandal broke. So if that rationale follows, McDonalds, Wendy's, Jack in the box and now Starbucks are the same ..... maybe, maybe not, but it is an identical headache.....
Jim - I cant agree enough that Americans are complicit in the murder of the aborted. Folks should be rioting in the streets against this. As you said - its crimes against humanity. not paying taxes is simply not enough. Tribunals should be held. All activities by these organizations should be suspended until investigation is complete and all funding stopped to this private organization entirely based solely on the implication. Anyone who says otherwise has refused to watch the videos or is an enemy of humanity.
Book burning - a good one! The Nazis may not have been burning burning history, they were more probably burning porn when found!
Hi Jim
Following up on your 'book burning' discussion, the "NAZIS" (a Jewish invented slur) did indeed burn books - the kind of books for which Jews are infamous: ANTI-CHRISTIAN LITERATURE, PORNOGRAPHY, AND OTHER IMMORAL JEWISH FILTH. Unless and until Americans follows suit (virtually impossible now given embedded Jewish power), America is Dead On Arrival. T
my response: This makes perfect sense, and if true the Jews would never mention a word about what was really being burned . . . . .
Ip address
Today, around 7:00UTC here in Europe I noticed momentary blackout of alternative servers. Your site and rense.com streaming was unavailable. The blockage appear to come through address servers, because jimstone.is did not resolve to your site, whereas now it does {11:00 UTC}. What is a total giveaway, your site was available the whole time at the physical address, although with long response time.
Conclusion: there was definitely some heavy messing in address servers today...
My response: The direct IP access for this web site will one day run out ..... but that will at least be the day after DNS dies.
hi there, i read your website regularly or with some regularity but something i didnt ever saw you talking about is orgonite and zappers. the word deserves to be spread, people need to take responsibility and retake their health and country back with zappers and orgonite. as an orgonite engineer and gifter, these are two amazing tools at our disposal and easy to make. they absolutely hate people who make zappers and orgonite! keep the good work. best regards.
My response: I have serious doubts about orgonite and see it the same way I see flat earth, there is no conceivable way putting metal shavings in epoxy could possibly do anything. If there was any real science to Orgone, there would be specific requirements for how it was done, the type of metal, the shape of the shavings, how it is laid out, but there is none of that and therefore I do not believe it can be anything but a placebo. FOR THE RECORD, HERE IS ORGONE, AND IF YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IN MY LITTLE PONY, BE MY GUEST!

My little Pony:


So if orgone was real, and one wanted to be really effective at combating evil, all that would be needed is for someone to go to all the thrift stores, buy my little pony dolls and throw them at the cell towers. My little Pony is exactly, and I MEAN EXACTLY the same formulation as orgone. It is that basic and simple.Chem trail mistake in South Africa
From South Africa
Hi Jim,
I have followed your site daily since Jeff Rense refused to link your Fukishima story. I know chemtrails are an old subject, but I have been watching them here in our skies since at least 2003. They are worse in our winter over the Johannesburg /Pretoria area. They get sprayed overnight over the north Free State Province where the prevailing winds blow it up 100km to the Central Gauteng Province. Why I'm reporting today is the fact that the TPTB miscalculated the upper wind. This morning from horizon to horizon all the C. T's are laid out like the horizontal stripes of the USA flag. They have not 'feathered out' to blur the blue sky.
Just found that interesting. Love your great exposes. Keep up the good work. So glad we can still access your site.
My response: That's just PERFECT. Yes, in the past they looked like lines or a checker board until people caught on. Now most of it is done via commercial jet fuel which hides the fact that it is intentional, it seems you caught a little "enhancement" going on that they screwed up with.
Posted as a curiosity:
Hi Jim,
Try searching for 'fire & mushroom cloud 30/7/2015 south east queensland''Australia. My husband and I were driving south along Bruce Hwy between the glasshouse mountains and caboolture. When we saw to the left of the Hwy a large white mushroom cloud with grey smoke with a pinkish/purple haze from what I assume were fires caused by the blast. This was at approximately at 3.45pm the afternoon of the so called earth quake. Smoke covered the area and yet nothing was reported on the news for Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay, Brisbane or south east Queensland. All the news covered from damage from the so called earth quake. I felt the shockwave in Maroochydore on the 2nd floor of the building that I was in.
The area I estimate was hit by something was in a state forest area - more than likely an scientific/ environmental facility ie GMO/ bio lab. The really strange thing about it was there was not the usual rubber necker traffic jam, everyone kept driving as if nothing was there. I said to my husband that I should take a photo or video but I didn't. It was weird.
I could find nothing on the web at the time and nothing now. There were no fires on the fire fighters web site planned or otherwise on the day it happened. Then after we had cleared the area it was like it disappeared from mind so that we didn't talk about it with friends and family we were visiting. When it did cross my mind to share what we had seen, I hesitated and nothing would come out of my mind and it was like the thought was wiped from my mind.
I know that something really bizarre happened and it should have sent everyone in a panic like we just got bombed and were under attack, however there was only mild concern at the time and now it is of no interest and I couldn't care less, yet I know this is the wrong reaction to have.
I also checked the Australian earth quake website and it had 3 earthquakes all at the same depth and within the same area. I know that this info is BS. 3 earthquakes all at 30km deep really? I know it wasn't an earthquake and something got bombed. There were even 2 fire trucks that passed us on our way out of Maroochydore but without sirens that appeared to continue to Nambour rather than get on the Bruce Hwy and head south to were the fire was. Yet I wasn't at the turn off and didn't actually see where they went yet somehow knew they were going somewhere else.
With minds being messed with like this, what hope do I have that anyone would believe anything I have to say?
Thank you for the great work that you do, I appreciate you.
My response: Hmmm, pictures would be nice .... Hmmmm. maybe someone else has one.
Aircraft worker's comment on MH370 part
Jim, I had a thought about the purported MH370 flap segment, from my 'practical aero' side. When I was working with real aircraft, I noticed that mechanical engineers always made sure that there was a small 'drainage' hole in each part, usually at the lowest point, to protect the part from moisture buildup and resulting corrosion. (It also helped to 'vent' the part, so it did not suffer damage from quick ascents or descents.) If the flap segment had these holes, I would expect it to slowly 'waterlog' and no longer be buoyant...
My comment: The piece was not in good enough condition to stay watertight in any case. And yes, with that much time the foam would have waterlogged and sunk. And it was fully underwater when the barnacles grew on it, their distribution proves it. And no algae? And . . . . . . well, it is obviously fake.
Mh 370 oddity?
Jim - The BIN LADEN family owned stock in freescale semiconductors. Very interesting because here we have another suspicious plane accident...
My comment: Remote control airplanes were perfected in the 1970's, any well established model shop that sells little airplanes with joysticks can tell you! I do not understand for a minute why some people cannot understand that a little toy plane with a glow plug engine is the same technology as a large boeing, only the engine is different. Both have fully electronic control ..... some people need a wake up call!
Redo Auschwitz meassage please
I posted my Auschwitz visit observations in this window last night, normally it appears instantly. This morning i have checked and that post no longer exists and yes, i did click Submit.
Important points on Holmes judge
Hi Jim,
Something is not right about this Judge for the Holmes case. Even his wikipedia page is very odd. Also odd, was the video in which the judge allowed the real mother of james holmes to speak. He asked nothing that followed up to any of her EXTREMELY ODD comments, nor did she repeat any of the main points she was there for and he failed to ask Are you the real Mother of James Holmes? or What do you mean the FBI took him away from you as a baby? What do you mean by, you have FBI all over your family? What does this have to do with the FBI? NOTHING, not one extremely important comment was followed up with and the "judge" then charges her to three weeks, you know she will either be murdered now or framed as well. This "judge" was brought from El Salvador, and immediately was retained by a ashkenazi jewish law office and now a "judge" for the FBI fake cases, that's why he did not follow up with anything HE SHOULD HAVE, WE WOULD HAVE, ANY SANE and HALF BRAINED MORON WOULD HAVE ASKED THESE QUESTIONS. This judge is another red-jew bought judge
Another testimony of Jews destroying libraries
I was a Library Assistant 1 (job title), in charge of periodicals, at a small Catholic college in the US, back in the mid 90s. Two Jewish women took over - no great surprise, in and of itself - Catholic colleges and universities everywhere had been secularizing for a very long time. Long story short: all the "old" books had to go. Thousands of them! Literally thrown out. It absolutely broke my heart--but there was nothing I could do. Or only very little - in fact, I "stole" a few of the discards. Come to Beijing, China - yes, "atheist," Communist, China - and I can show you a beautiful Vulgate Bible rescued from that inferno. What you say is real - it indeed is a Jewish plot - they aim to destroy us, and they are succeeding.
My response: The Jews are the real book burners. It was never the Nazi's. All Jews do is commit crimes against society and pin it on a phoney boogie man they invented out of nowhere. Since they got to write the history of world war 2, who knows what really happened there? Clearly there were no gas chambers, even according to my own uncles that freed the bastards. Their destruction of our libraries stands in the evidence pool as a cold hard testimony to the fact that world war 2 was a failure for the good guys.
Cash for clunkers
Very few people know that the CASH-FOR-CLUNKERS program was a highly organized plan to do away with usable parts. The engines of ALL of the cars accepted in that program had to be destroyed. This was too great a task to be carried out by the crusher so it was devised that a liquid called sodium silicate was poured into each engine where the oil goes in, while running, to completely destroy it and render it impossible to be used ever again no matter how much repair was attempted on it. This is so that there will be no spare engines to be used in the rebuilding after WW3. This was a deliberate compromise of the nations ability to recover from a disaster, just like destroying the nations strategic oil reserves, food reserves, off-shoring all manufacturing plants, etc. I'm sure countless more plans of this nature can be found. The architects of such plans are traitors and will have to be prosecuted as such when the time presents itself.
My response: Too much time has passed for it to be about parts. I'd say the most likely reason was to get rid of large engined vehicles that could not be hijacked and would work great for bugging out and staging a legitimate resistance. Try doing that in a Toyota Corolla!

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