I took a course in scientific logic originally prepared at M.I.T. I took an experimental course in the mathematical logic creating all the math systems of the modern world at the large university where I was a history major at. While a history major there, I answered a question on the French Revolution inside the class in such pertinent detail that the history professor asked before the class if I wanted my A plus in history for the semester then or wait until the semester was over. He also said that he wanted to talk with me after the history class was over. On the side he asked me to be the history professor for the next class the next day and the subject matter would be the clash between the political causes of monarchies and republics in 19th century Europe.
To the shock of the history class, the next day I was sitting in the professor's desk at the front of the classroom. The professor was sitting at the back of the classroom and totally silent. I said that since the subject matter today was the clash between royalism and republicanism in 19th century Europe, I would be the 19th century royalist in the class and argue why monarchy was the best form of government for Europe. The 45 members or so of the class all knew the arguments why a republic was the best form of government so they would debate for republics and I for royalty as the best form of government for 19th century Europe. When the class was over, several members of the class with big grins came to me and said that I had won the debate and not the class. They said this also made so real and understandable what the fight was about in 19th century Europe over what form of government should rule over the nations of Europe then.
In another class at the university called verbal communications which was just a fancy name for an English class, we were given the assignment to research a subject and then talk to the class about it. When my turn came, no one had noticed that I had slipped onto my right arm a homemade version of a Nazi armband and covered it with my hand. When I came up before the class, I snapped my heels together, gave the Nazi salute and like a Nazi shouted out, "Sieg Heil"! That roughly meant in German "Hail Victory" and was a favorite Nazi victory salute at Nazi rallies. I then with a big grim told the class that now since I had captured their attention, I would show them the scientific principles how the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler won national power in Germany. When my historical presentation was over, the class commented that this was the most fascinating historical talk that they had ever heard at the university and it shocked them to understand how Hitler and the Nazis actually won national power in Germany. They loved my approach at teaching history! The teacher was in a bit of shock, but admitted that my presentation was very powerful for a research project! I think I grinned and said that well, I did keep the attention of my audience while giving my research report to them!She didn't know what to say!
When at a top military academy I gave my report on why World War I came out the way it ended up, my history professor who was chairman of the history department there indicated that I had given in his opinion the most brilliant analysis why World War I came out like it did that he had ever heard or seen in America. He said that I got an automatic A plus for this for the semester. Another time in a private session with him, I showed him my concept of how America could win World War III if ever such happened for real. He was stunned by what I showed him and commented to the effect that he rated me to be the most brilliant history student ever to have attended that military academy.
At other schools and places, they always rated me as incredibly gifted in history when I spoke on historical subjects. And in my last year at this main military academy I attended, I won a postgraduate college scholarship in political science before leaving high school there. This national history test I took there in my senior year apparently rated me the top history student out of American high schools that year where top honor history students took this national test for all these high schools across America. One time without advance notice I was asked to address a prestigious audience of diplomats, government officials, etc. at a meeting at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Wash., D.C. Based upon the early history of Christianity including Constantine the Great, I discussed how Christianity today could win America and the world. I received a standing ovation from over 100 Washington leaders there and they asked for copies of this address I had given. And they called it "The Gettysburg Address of Christianity" in America today.
I am good at history and often spot angles and facts missed by other history scholars. Let's do a little demonstration for the sake of credibility. Big debate in Christianity has been "Is It Wrong To Treat Sunday As The Main Worship Day Of Christianity Or Equivalent To The Prior Sabbath Of Saturday For The Jewish Faith?" Every Christian whether Protestant or Catholic who has read the Bible has had the answer to this right in front of their faces and often the best way to hide a fact is to have it out in plain view for all to see. Acts 20:7 has during the life of the Apostle Paul and with full approval of the Council of Jerusalem run by the Apostles of Jesus Christ that Sunday was the day of main worship the Christians had in the Middle East and Roman Empire then. Both Protestant and Catholic Bibles have the same information here. "And upon the first day of the week (we call this Sunday!), when the disciples came together to break bread (early Christian way of referring to having Holy Communion with bread and wine which was practiced on Sunday according to Acts 20:7), (the Apostle) Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow (depart Monday from Troas); and continued his (Paul speaking!) speech until midnight."
I Corinthians 16:2 - instructions of the Apostle Paul for Christians on Sunday: Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God has prospered him (refers to money made by Christians that week in work, etc.), that there may be no gatherings (of money) when I (the Apostle Paul) come." Gatherings refers to the weekly gathering of money for the local church which was done on their main worship day of Sunday according to this passage.) The Apostles Of Jesus Christ by authority of Jesus Christ set up Sunday to replace the previous Saturday called the Jewish Sabbath for their weekly worship service they expected all Christians to attend weekly. Sometimes Christians do not read the fine print of legal language in the Bible. The New Covenant set up by Jesus Christ replaces the previous
Old Covenant set up in the time of Moses. The Old Testament prophesied that the Old Covenant would be replaced by a New Covenant when the Messiah, the Savior for mankind, came to earth. The Old Covenant is fulfilled by the New Covenant such as temple sacrifice for sins is replaced by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins once we accept Jesus as Our Lord and Savior.
I remind lax Christians that Jesus is also to be our Lord and not just our declared Savior when we say that we accept Him for our Lord and Savior before God the Father.
We are saved by grace, but with our reborn spirit in Jesus Christ, we out of the goodness of our hearts are now to be a peculiar people zealous of good works done through love for God and mankind on earth. The New Testament describes us as a peculiar people on earth who care to do good works on earth and for the right reasons as described In the New Testament. We are saved by grace, but we are rewarded by Jesus Christ for our good works done in the right spirit while on earth. Remember that Jesus taught parables such as the good tree will bear good fruit (good works!) in this life! We are not saved by our works, but rewarded for our good works done in the right spirit!
We have had a tragic mass killing in South Carolina of 9 Blacks in church by a young White man who does not represent the sentiment or stands of the White people of South Carolina, He is identified in search engines such as this:
Church shooting suspect Dylann Roof captured amid hate ...
The Washington Post
Jun 18, 2015 - Police say Roof, who is white, killed nine people -- ages 26 to 87 -- at ... of killing nine people at a historic African American church in Charleston, S.C., was ... said Roof, who is white, declared his hatred for black people before ...
In any court of law, there are always two sides to any issue in court or should be. The apparent guilty party is Dylann Roof and unless the wrong party was arrested for these 9 murders of good, decent Black people in Church worship, he has no defenders in America who approve of what he apparently did. Both White and Black totally disapprove of what was done here and the overwhelming sentiment is to execute the guilty party if found guilty in a court of law. But another party has been charged for which those representing this other party have been allowed no way to answer the implied legal charges raised by this court case but not allowed to be answered in court. There is a powerful report on the history of the Confederate cause and Confederate States of America which shows that this apparent act of Dylann Roof in no way represents the real historical Confederate Cause of the Confederate States of America. Being very good at historical studies myself, I choose the following historical report as an excellent documentation that what apparently Dylann Roof did here in no way represents the real Confederate Cause and Confederate States of America of American history. I give the link here to use with your computer to read it and then print up copies of it to show others so that two sides to this issue are heard, not just one side. One sided cases and normally run by mob appeal tactics are historically known to almost always never be right in conclusions and final judgment that the mob instead of an instructed jury of somber responsible citizens would come to. The Confederate report to read is: http://www.nesaranews.
html This is the link for this report showing the front of it below as posted on www.nesaranewsblogspot.com :
Friday, July 10, 2015
The Confederate Flag - LEARN THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!
By Chuck Baldwin
July 9, 2015
Ladies and gentlemen, I submit that what we see happening in the United States today is an apt illustration of why the Confederate flag was raised in the first place. What we see materializing before our very eyes is tyranny: tyranny over the freedom of expression, tyranny over the freedom of association, tyranny over the freedom of speech, and tyranny over the freedom of conscience.
My mother told me that when she was a young girl, she went to a World Fair that had many foreign exhibitions including a real African tribal chief from Africa. She was an intelligent girl and got to talking with this African tribal chief. He said that he came from a long line of tribal chiefs in Africa and it had been taught in his family line how generations ago that his line and some others in Africa defeated "inferior" Black tribes in Africa and then sold them to foreign ship owners to be sold as Black slaves in other lands. They never wanted these "inferior" Black tribes ever back in Africa.
Separately from this African tribal chieftain a friend of mine told me of a memorial in Virginia to the African who came to the Thirteen Colonies as an "indentured servant" meaning worked for some master for several years and then was made a free man in the Thirteen Colonies before America was founded as a nation. This is the historical record I found.
America’s first slave owner was a black man.
According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man.Prior to 1655 there were no legal slaves in the colonies, only indentured servants. All masters were required to free their servants after their time was up. Seven years was the limit that an indentured servant could be held. Upon their release they were granted50 acres of land. This included any Negro purchased from slave traders. Negros were also granted 50 acres upon their release.
Anthony Johnson was a Negro from modern-day Angola. He was brought to the US to work on a tobacco farm in 1619. In 1622 he was almost killed when Powhatan Indians attacked the farm. 52 out of 57 people on the farm perished in the attack. He married a female black servant while working on the farm.
When Anthony was released he was legally recognized as a “free Negro” and ran a successful farm. In 1651 he held 250 acres and five black indentured servants. In 1654, it was time for Anthony to release John Casor, a black indentured servant. Instead Anthony told Casor he was extending his time. Casor left and became employed by the free white man Robert Parker.
Anthony Johnson sued Robert Parker in the Northampton Court in 1654. In 1655, the court ruled that Anthony Johnson could hold John Casor indefinitely. The court gave judicial sanction for blacksto own slave of their own race. Thus Casor became the first permanent slave and Johnson the first slave owner.
Whites still could not legally hold a black servant as an indefinite slave until 1670. In that year, the colonial assembly passed legislation permitting free whites, blacks, and Indians the right to own blacks as slaves.
By 1699, the number of free blacks prompted fears of a “Negro insurrection.” Virginia Colonial ordered the repatriation of freed blacks back to Africa. Many blacks sold themselves to white masters so they would not have to go to Africa. This was the first effort to gently repatriate free blacks back to Africa. The modern nations of Sierra Leone and Liberia both originated as colonies of repatriated former black slaves.
However, black slave owners continued to thrive in the United States.
By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.
John Casor
Anthony Johnson The Truman Report to Congress in 1866 reported that conditions were bad for Blacks in the South. When first liberated by the Union Army in the South, the Black slaves in the South did not know how to support themselves. In their first year of "freedom" under Wash., D.C., Southern state records indicated that around 500,000 to 600,000 Blacks died of starvation and cold and the Union Army did not help them to survive. Also, the Black soldiers in the Union Army encouraged ex-Black slaves in the South to commit criminal acts against Whites in the South and this led to extremely bad relations between the Whites and Blacks and broke up much good relations that had existed previously between Blacks and Whites in the South. Truman recommended that Wash., D.C. set up policies to restore good relations between the Black and White races in the South which Union policy had destroyed once the War was over in 1865. Wash., D.C. did nothing to correct these Union policies which were tearing the South to pieces. Little historical note from Erasmus of America to get the historical record straight!
America was founded as a strongly Christian nation and government in 1776. Washington, D.C. led liberal historians to rewrite American history to make America founded as a pagan nation which practiced Marxist (Communist principles) in government. Read America's God And Country - Encyclopedia of Quotations by William J. Federer copyrighted in 1994 to show the massive documentation that America was founded as a Christian nation and prayer and the Bible were clearly protected under early U.S. Supreme Court decisions. President Thomas Jefferson, for example, pushed that the Christian Bible and the Watt's Christian Hymnal be the two required textbooks used in all public schools of America. Thomas Jefferson also used federal funds to evangelize American Indians so they could become Christians and join the Christian culture and society of America. The letter of his on separation of church and state was lied about its meaning by federal communist lawyers and politicians to make Thomas Jefferson sound like he was against such things as prayer and the Bible in the public schools of America.
The Confederate flag issue is being used by schemers of the far Left how to turn America into a Communist nation by using this unfortunate incident as the legal excuse and legal precedent to end freedom of the press, freedom of speech, etc. in the name of "politically correct" and end up with Soviet America just as Communist as the Soviet Union was. This is all legal con by slick con artists of the Far Left of America! None of this has any bearing on the true intent of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as originally written. The con artists are now running Wash., D.C. and need to be stopped!
Separate issue censored in America. Massive documentation of stunning Miracles of God available in America. Use this link for some to read now. http://
page_id=2 Some heavy hitters in documentation are posted on my national website www.fastboomamericaneconomy.co
m email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gm
ail.com Our mailing address for orders and payments not sent through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell what payment is for. All helps to finance our proposed Omni Law to restore America to being the official Christian nation it was founded to be back in 1776. Our Omni Law proposes to give the American people the legal right of national referendum over Wash., D.C. to restore the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights back into national authority over Wash., D.C. and America as a nation. Wash., D.C. today has as much respect for the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as if they had been written on toilet paper! Wash., D.C. under Obama is hatching many schemes how to ruin the American people as fast as possible and how to destroy America as a nation forever. Much treason and corruption is going on in Wash., D.C. and will only be stopped by passage of our proposed Omni Law, not people sitting at home and waiting for God to save America as the people will do nothing to oppose or stop evil in America.
Right after writing this things interfered and I was not able to finish writing this report on Saturday July 11, 2015 as originally planned. I had a dark hunch that something important was going to come my way before Monday to add to this report. And to my amazement, a religious bombshell reached my hands on July 12, 2015.
A woman had attended a local Pentecostal church service Sunday evening near Seneca, SC . An evangelist from originally Kentucky was preaching a revival at this church that evening July 12, 2015. He startled the congregation by telling them that he had received a vision recently from God after first going on a fast to help himself spiritually to be a better Christian. At the end of the fast apparently this vision appeared to him and caught him very much by surprise. He said that God spoke to him and showed him America. God said that He was going to get America annihilated. All states across America were shown in black. Only the Southern States originally called the Confederate States of America were shown in light and two Southern states were shown in extra bright light in contrast to the total blackness seen in all of the Northern states. He said that God said that only the Southern States could save America from being annihilated and especially South Carolina and North Carolina which had brighter lights coming from them than the other Southern states. It was understood that the Southern States had a way of saving the rest of America from being annihilated as God was arranging to get America annihilated now.
My father's side of the family had no supernatural gifts that I know of, but on my mother's side, there has been strong family legend how her mother's side of the family had for maybe even one thousand years or so the gift of prophecy in the family line. The family coat of arms seemed to imply that they descended from one or both grandsons of the Apostle Jude who met the Roman Emperor Domitian when he visited Jerusalem maybe 100 years after Christ. The Apostle Jude who wrote the Epistle in the New Testament was stated to be a relative of Jesus Christ when Jesus was alive on earth. Also, a descendant of the royal line of King David of Israel. The grandsons told the Roman Emperor how Jesus would return with a future kingdom to the earth and not a present kingdom. The Roman Emperor thought that they as Christians were weak minded to believe such and so called off the Roman persecution of the Christians in the Roman Empire judging that they were no threat to the security of the Roman Empire then believing in a king to return in the distant future to rule over a kingdom in the distant future. All this history is recorded in Christian and Roman history from that time period.
But this family line which claimed the gift of prophecy was passed on from generation to generation had amazing stories about this prophecy gift which I heard when young. St. Augustine in the early days of Christianity wrote that in the Latter Days that there would be "interpreting prophets" who could explain passages in the Bible then that earlier Christianity speculated about but did not know the firm explanation to in the early days of Christianity. There could be also prophets in the Latter Days who could issue totally original prophecies which could be quite true, but they were not to be given the same weight of credibility as prophecies in the Bible itself. The Roman Catholic Church has a wise policy about prophecies issued in our age. If they don't conflict with the teachings of the Bible and early Christianity, you can believe in them if you want to, but it is not binding that you have to believe in these Latter Day prophecies issued privately.
In this category, let me approach this prophecy issued by this evangelist and if I do have prophetic insights that the average Christian would not, let me give an explanation to what this vision meant that the evangelist explained was the vision just given to him recently.
Strange wording that God had arranged the annihilation of America as a nation but excludes the Southern States which were called the Confederate States of America from this judgment of annihilation from God against the Antichrist North. God is arranging to "get" America annihilated since (Northern) America has pushed God to the point of utter disgust with Wash., D.C. and the Northern states supporting it as their accepted national government. God could arrange to annihilate America directly by many mans including forces of nature, but God is arranging to "get" America annihilated. That sounds like God is going to use some nation on earth to annihilate America, so God has passed judgment to "get" America annihilated since America (Northern version, not Southern) has pushed God to utter disgust and to total judgment against Antichrist Wash., D.C. and Antichrist Northern states. And the vision of this Pentecostal evangelist says that only the Southern States can save the Northern states from "getting" annihilated by arrangement of God, so how can the South save the North from annihilation from the Wrath and Judgment of God. The answers in logic are there, but let's cover this step by step how to save the North from impending annihilation by God who the North has pushed God to the utter limits forcing disgust and forced judgment from God the Father and maybe Jesus Christ refuses to stand up for the fake Christians of the North now from judgment from God now.
3. Confederate Army Casualties(statistics incomplete)
Killed in action or mortally wounded
Died of disease
Died as prisoners of war
Total Deaths
Wounded in action
Total casualties, 1861 to 1865
Add 500,000 to 600,000 estimated Black ex-slaves died in the South in the year or two following the end of the War Between The States of 1861-5 to the estimated 289,000 died for the military cause of the South and we come close to one million people in the South died due to ruthless military policy of the North. The Black ex-slaves died from mainly starvation but also some cold due to the Union Army policy of the occupation of the South and did not raise a finger to feed or help keep alive those Blacks who were mass dying due to collapse of the Southern economy by Washington policy and then doing nothing to save the lives of the Blacks who were basically killed by Washington policy which left them alone to die without any help from Wash., D.C. It appears that Washington policy killed off around 10% of the entire population of the South both White and Black and this reality is censored from the history books written by Northern historians writing the federal propaganda version of the War Between the States of 1861-1865.
The Confederate Government won the first Battle of Bull Run and could easily have marched upon Wash., D.C. and captured the Union Government ending the "Civil War" right then but the South was not interested in invading or conquering the North then, only having respected its legal right to secede from the Union the same as the Thirteen Colonies had earlier seceded from Great Britain under King George III of England. The South showed mercy when it was victorious in arms and the response of the Northern government shown mercy when it could easily have been defeated once and for all then by the South was to totally crush the South once it recovered from its early military defeat and ended up killing by Northern Washington policy nearly one million people of the Southern States called the Confederate States of America as its Antichrist answer to the Christian mercy of the South towards the North and Wash., D.C. when it the South had won the first Battle of Bull Run. Total victory over Wash., D.C. was assured then if they had but marched upon Wash., D.C. while it was helpless before them right after its disastrous defeat on the battlefield.
We are now 150 years later and Wash., D.C. is still out to totally crush the South and leave it no legal rights called states' rights nor personal legal rights as guaranteed under the U.S. Bill of Rights for Southerners as claimed American citizens under Wash., D.C. Many years ago I started the Christian States Party in Wash., D.C. based upon the political principles that the South had stood for back in 1860 and 1861. The Blacks had as bright a future under Confederate political principles as the Whites in the South living then in our more modern times. I was called in by two postal inspectors in Wash., D.C. . One was named P.E. Booker. I was told that Wash., D.C. could not allow to exist a political party in America based upon the Southern concept of States' rights and a national government of limited powers while allowing enormous freedom in rights for the citizens of America then. The Blacks had as much rights legally as any White under the principles of the Christian States Party, but Wash., D.C. could never allow a political party to exist in America based upon the legal principles the Southern States stood for when co-founders to the founding of America in 1776. Slavery was a dead issue anyway as invented machinery for agriculture made slavery obsolete to the Southern economy maybe as soon as ten years to twenty years maximum after 1865, so slavery was absolutely no reason for the rising of the South as an independent nation. It was finished as an institution anyway so no one had to die in the South or North for continuation of slavery in America where the North also had its slaves as well as the South for most of the history of America prior to 1861.
I had access to secret records of the Confederate Government which never legally surrendered to the Union in 1865 or afterwards. The Rothschilds had made a vast fortune off of engineering the war between the North and South and were smuggling their secret profits out of America from setting up "the Civil War" in America. As Confederate intelligence reported then the Rothschilds were smuggling their secret profits from killing all these people both sides in 1861-1865 in 40 wagon loads of placer gold which could not be traced as to where it came from and this shipment intended for Europe had heavy guards with it. I think the profits from engineering the "Civil War" of 1861-5 should be returned to the people of the South and some to the North once it is located. This money should be returned to the Whites and Blacks of the South as the Rothschild scheme to create this mass bloodshed in America should be returned to the descendants of those who were murdered to obtain this blood money from America.
I had access to the secret records of the Confederate Government never obtained by the Union Government because several branches of the descendant Jefferson Davis family all signed over all their family claims to the Confederate Government and Confederate States of America to me. This transfer of legal claim of Confederate authority to me was diplomatically recognized by one of the leading British Commonwealth governments in the world as valid under international law. Washington hit the panic button when finding out about this. One tabloid newspaper wrote this up and showed me in a military uniform from back when I was in a military academy years earlier. Looked similar to a West Point cadet in dress uniform. Southern leaders including Judge William Roy Bean, descendant of the famous Judge Bean from the same family, recognized and certified to Southern leaders that my legal claims were valid to authority for the Confederate Government and Confederate States of America as the Confederacy had never legally surrendered to the Union according to the legal terms of the Confederate Constitution. Years later after surrendering to Gen. Grant, Gen. Robert E. Lee, stated that if he had known the South would be so brutally treated by Wash., D.C. after surrender to Gen. Grant, he would rather have had his Confederate soldiers fight and die to the last Confederate soldier rather than have them surrender to the Union Army under Grant back then.
We at Hot Springs, Arkansas had the Confederate Conference where Confederate delegates representing all the Confederate States of America met at. We discussed many things, and I suggested to them that we vote on declaring Jesus Christ to be King of the Confederate Government and Confederate States of America. All Confederate delegates voted in favor of this and we declared that Jesus Christ was the declared King of the Confederate States of America. The ideas was that we would carry out policies that we judged Jesus Christ as King would want us to do for our nation and people until Jesus returned. Then Jesus could rule directly over the Confederate nation once He returned to earth.
Now all this background comes back to the vision by this Pentecostal evangelist after he had fasted to make himself more acceptable in the service of Jesus Christ. God knows all the facts. The South has been hated by Wash., D.C. since 1865 on and all federal propaganda has been aimed to demonize the Southern people who have been the most Christian people probably on the face of the earth. The truth about Confederate history has never been admitted by federally controlled national history taught in America.
Even in 2015, Obama in the White House schemes how he may destroy the people and States of the South. God will not punish the South for the wickedness of the Northern dominated government in Wash., D.C. The Southern States have through their Confederate delegates years ago legally declared Jesus Christ to be their King of the Confederacy. God approves of that. George Washington said that he would be President of America, but Jesus Christ was King of America and the federal government. However, Wash., D.C. has repudiated the legal covenant made by the first Americans in 1776 of loyalty to God as a people and nation. The South has not and is still loyal to God through Jesus Christ as their declared legal King. Northern Christians have surrendered their society to "Gay Marriages" and all other repudiations of Christian values or beliefs in the North. The South has not abandoned God and still stands for the traditional Christianity founded by Jesus Christ and the original Apostles of Jesus Christ. God driven by Northern wickedness has ruled that the North is to be destroyed by God "getting" annihilation for the North. The South by its basic loyalty to God and true Christianity while not perfect has the approval of God as a fine Christian people and God will not let the Antichrist North destroy the Christian South. The North is to be destroyed by Judgment of God. The South is to be freed and raised up as a Christian nation before all the world by Will of God.
The vision of the evangelist says that only the South can save the North from being destroyed by Judgment of God. Only two ways this annihilation can be stopped of the North decreed by God if this vision is for real which unfortunately is probably quite real due to the Christians without backbone or serious commitment to Christianity having surrendered Christianity to the wickedness of Wash., D.C. since they will not stand up seriously for Jesus Christ any longer in the North. Northern states now legally declare themselves to be Confederate States and will join the formal Confederacy once the legitimate Confederate Government is back in power in the South. Also, they will fly the Confederate flag before their state capitals to show that they have now joined the Confederate States of America in loyalty to God and Jesus Christ as their declared King. If all the Northern states act quickly to do this, they are now in the eyes of God part of the Confederacy and no longer part of the Antichrist North and Antichrist Wash., D.C. Also, weaker point, but smart to do before God is to push for passage of my Omni Law as a new constitutional amendment in America. It will be part of the Confederate Constitution and will be a government of the people, not intended masters over society as Wash., D.C. under Obama is aiming for. If the Northern States quick adopt the Confederate Cause and fly the Confederate flag over their states, God will see that they live and are not soon annihilated. If they do not, both White and Black will die in mass annihilation if this vision is for real from God as makes sense that it is.
If the black states with no light of the North marked now for destruction by God quickly change sides to that of God, there will be no secession from Wash., D.C. Rather a new government of the Confederacy will replace in Wash., D.C. the Antichrist Government of the corrupt in America which presently rules over America as a wild Antichrist government spitting daily in the face of God and daring God to do anything to stop them from new wickedness and evil every day of the week! And if we pass the Omni Law about the same time for America, the Omni Law based upon the teachings of God in the Bible will restore moral government and good policies to America again.
For those more worldly and want to try their luck whether this vision is for real or not and so America either survives or else falls as a nation, if the Confederate flag is not flown over your state capital, according to the vision, you are marked by God to be totally annihilated. But how? Read on!
Here is a long link to start with in reading disturbing reports on the internet about how Russia is warning America to stop its plans for the destruction of Russia or else Russia will nuclear attack and destroy America otherwise.
2015-435-pm-3113594.html I used this link because the blog it links to has a long list of reports how Russia is threatening to annihilate America if it does not stop under Obama from scheming ways to destroy Russia forever.
I spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence, successfully years ago cracked the security of the Moscow Institute for Nuclear Studies and had access to all their nuclear attack plans for the annihilation of America. Under the Pearl Harbor doctrine of Moscow, all of America is to be annihilated if Obama the fool pushes Russia into a nuclear World War III with America. I am sure that Russian intelligence has read many or all of my nationally posted reports and they judge that I represent the people of the South who are not part of the Obama conspiracy to destroy Russia forever. In Russian intelligence eyes, I represent a militarily occupied nation within a nation in Russian intelligence eyes. They evaluate that there is no reason to nuclear attack the Southern States as this vision of this Pentecostal evangelist indicates. I have already saved the Southern States from pending nuclear attack by Russia soon. Keep the Confederate flag waving in the South as Russian intelligence considers this the sign whether the Southern States still think as a separate nation or else part of Obama controlled Wash., D.C, out to federally occupy and destroy the South according to federal policy. I know how the Russians think. They judge the South is a separate but militarily occupied nation, they will not nuclear attack the South! The vision says that in symbolism!
Just found out the feds turned on the erasing software programing trying to sabotage the completion of this report. Have a witness as things started disappearing from this report! Send this report everywhere.
Back our Omni Law Drive by forwarding of this report, financial support, etc. Our Omni Law is shown on our website. Full name is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America." Our website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.
com Our email address is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@
gmail.com Our mailing address for orders and payments not sent through our website-NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. Under heavy Obama Boys federal operative attack now, trying to erase this report by software attack! Obama wants to be the Antichrist, but God has other plans for him! Obamahas brought on the Judgment and Wrath of God upon America! When you think evil leaders are who you should have in power, you are asking God to judge and crush you before it is all over!
Just for the record. The youth shooting the 9 good Black Christians in church would be convicted and executed under Confederate law. We of the Confederate Cause defend Black rights just as good as White rights. The Blacks are as protected under Confederate law as God would want for any just Christian nation to practice towards all its citizens. Those who preach racial hatred do not represent the Confederate Cause of Jesus Christ which the Southern people founded!
Yours for God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen Name for that American leader who stands for the real principles America was founded upon in 1776. But for corrupt financial interests subverting government in America, we would have no racial strife left in America now! The evil make society evil. The good make society good! Under the Confederate Cause, the good will lead reborn Christian America and Russia will call off her plans to annihilate America. Russian intelligence already knows that I plan to heal wounds between Russia and America once we win! And secretly since they know that I also descend from a royal branch of the royal line of Russia, they know that Russia will have a friend and not enemy once the Confederate Cause and the Omni Law win in America!)