Applying Pressure to the Pulpit
In Montana, the Concerned Citizens of the Flathead
are taking action to inform
local Pastors of their true responsibility
November 9, 2014 by James White NorthWest Liberty News
NOTE: We commend Chuck Baldwin’s Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, MT for their efforts to inform the pastors and leaders of churches throughout Montana of unlawful pressures and practices against their rights to freedom of religion forced upon all churches by the IRS and the so called 'federal government' - both of which are private corporations with no authority whatsoever to impose ANY restrictions upon any entity outside the district of Columbia - Washington, DC. Time to kick the imposters out of this country and resurrect our rightful Republic.
With the recent landslide victories nationwide by Republicans, there seems to be a renewed sense of optimism by many that now, finally, we are going to “straighten things out” and get back on track as a nation. To others, the results were seen as a repudiation of Obama and most everything he stands for.
Although strong cases could be made for both arguments, one needs to ask themselves if any politician in any district can really make a difference where it counts in the hearts and minds of the America people. With the approval rating of Congress hovering in the teens, I submit to you that one more bloviating politician, in a $3,000 suit, will have very limited impact on those hearts and minds. In light of this, does the focus of our efforts need to be directed towards the same place that our forefathers focused their attention - the pulpit of their local church congregation and in support of their Black-Robe Regiment pastor?
Any student of American History worth their salt will be able to verify the fact that we would not likely have gained our victory of independence without the help from the "Colonial Pulpit." On a routine basis, Colonial Pastors would rail against the Crown while educating their congregations on the principles of liberty and Natural Law.
Of course, the event that can be seen as the climax of the Colonial Pastor’s influence is the “shot heard around the world” on April 19, 1775 in Lexington, MA. There, the congregation of Pastor Jonas Clark stood eye-to-eye with soldiers from the world’s most powerful military, and kicked off the battle for our nations independence. No doubt, Colonial Pastors played a huge role in our battle against tyranny. However, we have to ask where are today’s equivalent of the pastors of old? And, why are today’s pastors seemingly so afraid to speak against the Federal Government - the modern-day version of the Crown?
The exact origins of the intent to usurp the nation’s churches, while undermining the principles of Christianity, can be argued intelligently. However, for many a point of common ground can be found in the Federal Council of Churches 1908 Agenda (2), which is ultimately a blueprint for Socialism under the guise of Christianity. Notably, it was only 1 year later, in 1909, that C.I. Scofield released the “Scofield Bible.” In it, Scofield perpetrated the “secret rapture” lie which has gained nationwide acceptance within Evangelical pulpits and congregations alike. The message: Stand down and do not get involved, for Christ will return soon and take us away from all of this.
I have written about and produced a video regarding the “pre-tribulation rapture” that can be seen here. These two early 20th century events were certainly notable; however, if they were the stake, then the hammer that drove them into the heart of Christianity was the 1954 Johnson Amendment.
Without debate, the Johnson Amendment was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1954 in an effort to restrict the free speech of non-profit, tax-exempt organizations, including churches. The Johnson Amendment effectively silenced the pulpits under threat of IRS retaliation, a silence which is still mostly practiced today.
However, there is precedent that renders these threats immune (1) (2), and now, more than ever before, 501c3 churches are finding their backbone. The direction in which things are moving is certainly positive, but the factor that will put the effort over the top will be, no doubt, the involvement of each member of a church’s congregation; and their respective drive to regain the foundations of Constitutional principles. In Northwest Montana, that drive is well underway with the organization Concerned Citizens of the Flathead.
Concerned Citizens of the Flathead (CCF) is a grass-roots organization consisting mainly, but not exclusively, of individuals who attend patriot pastor, Chuck Baldwin’s Liberty Fellowship, in Kalispell, MT. As a group, CCF has drafted a letter which was distributed to EVERY pastor in the Flathead Valley. Accompanying the letter is well over 100 signatures from Flathead Valley residents who want to openly show pastors of 501c3 churches that they have community support if they decide to defy the unconstitutional practices perpetrated by the IRS.
Is this the answer to what ails us as a nation? I can't pretend to know. However, the efforts by CCF are to be commended and are long overdue.
You can see the letter and all of the signatures by clicking the link below. As part of the overall packet sent out to pastors, I have included links to all remaining documentation, including some quotes from our Founders.
Original Letter with signatures
Letter to the Editor
Legislation of Precedence
Founding Father Quotes 1
Founding Father Quotes 2