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Little-known causes of depression

Hi John

There is arguably no health condition that is more mysterious and misunderstood than depression.

What makes it so mysterious is that the level of symptoms is entirely subjective—there is no lab test or x-ray that will confirm that depression is present.

Instead it’s diagnosed by the patient reporting five or more of these unexplained symptoms present for two or more weeks, or present to the degree that they interfere with the person’s ability to function:

Persistent sadness or empty mood

Loss of interest in activities the person used to enjoy

Decreased energy

Deep fatigue

Sleep disturbances—insomnia or early morning wakening

Eating disturbances—loss of appetite or overeating

Weight loss or gain

Loss of interest in sex

Difficulty concentrating

Difficulty remembering or making decisions

Suicidal ideation or thoughts

Let’s take a closer look at some little-known causes of depression, why antidepressants frequently cause more harm than good, and most importantly, how to help break the cycle of depression and start feeling a whole lot better.

Depression’s many different causes

Many cases of depression are considered situational—that is, there is a trauma or life event that triggers a depressive episode such as the death of a loved one, job loss, divorce or loss of a relationship, serious surgery or illness, being the victim of a crime, exposure to extreme violence, etc.

There is also a genetic component.  Statistics show that if one parent is depressed there is a 17% chance that their child will also be depressed.  And when both parents are depressed, there is a 55%-75% chance their child will also develop depressive tendencies.

Nutritional deficiencies have also been shown to be a significant factor behind depression and your mental functioning.  This is especially true if you’re lacking Vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, zinc, iron, omega-3 essential fatty acids and magnesium.  All of these nutrients are crucial for proper brain function.

Your gut flora also plays a role.  The brain and gut are connected and communicate back and forth to each other, and the health of one definitely has a significant impact on the health of the other.

But there are also other causes of depression that many people are not aware of…and knowing about them can be a significant step toward overcoming depression.

The lesser-known depression triggers

1-      Chronic stress

Everyone has temporary stresses now and then, but ongoing chronic stress is damaging to both your physical and mental health.

You see, when you’re consistently stressed, your body’s adrenal glands repeatedly secrete the hormone cortisol.  Over time, this hyper-secretion of cortisol can damage your arteries, suppress your immune system and cause you to stress eat.

It can also damage the hippocampus area of your brain, which is where short-term memory traces are recorded.

And here’s the biggie with respect to depression—cortisol also lowers serotoninlevels.  Serotonin is your natural “feel good, antidepressant” neurotransmitter.

Cortisol activates an enzyme called tryptophan oxygenase which results in less tryptophan in your brain, and since tryptophan is needed for your brain to make serotonin, your levels go down--putting you at risk for depression.

Plus cortisol also makes your brain’s serotonin receptors less sensitive…so your brain isn’t able to fully react and benefit from the serotonin like it should.

2-      Anti-anxiety medications

Anti-anxiety medications like Valium, Xanax and Librium also inhibit your brains serotonin receptors, which in turn can trigger depression.

This is one of the major reasons why anxiety and depressionfrequently go hand in hand!

3-      Hypothyroidism (low functioning thyroid)

Your thyroid gland is truly your internal “Grand Central Station,” controlling many of your body’s functions and processes from head to toe.

The symptoms of low functioning thyroid (hypothyroidism) can run the gamut that includes triggering depression.

4-      Cigarette smoking

Yup—here’s yet another offense to be added to cigarette smoking’s rap sheet.

The nicotine in cigarette smoke can stimulate your adrenals to produce cortisol.  That in turn leads to the cycle I described in #1 above—lowering serotonin and prompting depression.

Cigarette smoking also leads to a variety of nutrient deficiencieswhich also play a major role in the development of depression.

Many different causes but just one answer?

Considering the wide variety of possible causes of depression, it’s disheartening to think that the vast majority of people with depression are merely prescribed antidepressants.

Typical antidepressants (like Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil) “work” by increasing your brain’s serotonin levels….but there are several problems associated with that.

First of all, antidepressants are designed to be used for six months or less. Yet a large percentage of people who take them are on them indefinitely—some for many years or decades!

And although they may provide relief for some, alas, that relief does notcome without a price—side effects.

The side effects of many antidepressants can arguably be worse than depression itself!

For example, some of the common effects of SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lexapro, and Celexa are:





Sexual dysfunction


Stomach upset

Weight gain

In addition, the elevated levels of serotonin caused by SSRIs in some cases can cause changes in your cell neurons that can be classified as brain damage, and all antidepressants are required by the FDA to carry a warning about the risk of suicidal thoughts, hostility, and agitation.

Plus here’s another extremely important point to consider:  Antidepressants do absolutely nothing to address the underlying causeof low serotonin levels!

So for example, if stress and overproduction of cortisol is triggering low serotonin and depression in someone, they can take antidepressants until the cows come home, but unless they address the underlying cause—STRESS—they will never stand a chance of truly overcoming depression.

And can end up needlessly medicated for life as a result.

Take the bull by the horns

If you or someone you love is suffering with depression, it’s essential that you look at all the possible contributing factors behind it and DO SOMETHING about them!

Here are seven effective strategies to consider:

1-      Talk it out

First and foremost, counseling with a skilled therapist is helpful to SO many people, especially those with situational depression.

Note I used the word “skilled.”  Just as in any other field, there are skilled and not-so-skilled therapists out there.  And if yours doesn’t seem to be helping you or all they want to do is push medications on you, it’s time to find another that truly will help and deserves your business.

2-      Ditch the cancer sticks

Just think—in addition to lowering your risk of cancer and heart disease, you’ll also take away a major contributing factor behind depression if you quit smoking!

I know it’s difficult, but millions have done it before you so it’s not impossible.  My cousin quit a 3-pack a day habit after smoking for 30 years and has never gone back.

Stop the excuses, get help if you need it, and just do it already.

3-      Have a healthy diet to help counteract any deficiencies

Yes, you can eat your way to better physical and mental health by getting a variety of real foods that will help provide a variety of nutrients that your body and mind desperately need!

The Great Taste No Pain system can guide you in this important task.

- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp

Not only will the Great Taste No Pain recipe book and manuals show you delicious ways to enjoy nutritious good-for-you foods (while teaching you the dangers of processed and fast food), but they’ll also guide you on constructing meals that are more easily digested.

That will help ensure better digestion and nutrient absorption—so you can reap the benefits of your healthier diet from head to toe!

And if you’ve got gluten challenges, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.

- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp

4-    Consider supplementing with Omega-3 essential fatty acids

The Omega-3 essential fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are critical for brain health and proper brain function.  Your brain's neurons (the cells that transmit messages) are extremely rich in these Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA.

On the other hand, deficiencies in these EFAs have been linked to schizophrenia, decreased memory and depression.

The best food sources of Omega-3 EFAs are salmon, scallops, sardines, shrimp, cod, flaxseeds and walnuts.

Unfortunately, many people aren’t seafood fans and therefore aren’t getting nearly enough of this crucial nutrient in their diets.

That’s why daily supplementation with a quality Omega-3 fish oil formula can be so helpful to so many people.

Fish oil supplementation can help maximize your brain's functioning, help protect against dementia in your older years and help counteract depression.

VitalMega-3fish oil supplements are the perfect answer to this very important concern.

- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/vitalmega3.asp

VitalMega-3provides an impressive 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in each daily two-capsule serving, including 600 mg. of the EPA and 400 mg. of DHA that is so highly recommended by health experts.

5-      Get tested

As I mentioned above, hypothyroidism is a common cause of depression, so it may behoove you to ask your doctor to check your thyroid.

Plus also ask for your adrenals to be tested too, to see if excess cortisol production might be going on and adding to depression.

6-      De-Stress

As you saw up above, stress can be a MAJOR factor behind depression…so if you’re under chronic stress, it’s time to take some measures to chill out.

One of the best ways to help drain away stress is to exercise.  Even brisk walking has been shown to help!

Other stress relievers include:

Taking up a hobby

Watching funny movies

Adopting a pet

Counseling with a skilled therapist



Taking a brisk walk

Drinking chamomile tea




Visiting a friend

Creative writing; journalizing


Deep breathing


Massage therapy


Even healthful sexual activity!

7-      Encourage a healthy gut flora balance

Your gut flora plays an important role in your physical AND mental health, so it’s crucial to make sure yours is in a good balance.

Super Shield probiotic formula can help you with this important task.

- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/pross.asp

Super Shield contains a blend of 13 quality, potent probiotic strains that are ready to take their place along your gut wall to help keep it strong, encourage sound digestion and nutrient absorption, boost your immune system and help fight depression!

If you are dealing with depression, it’s time to get to the bottom of what may be going on, and most importantly, do what you can to help feel BETTER!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: I’m pleased to announce that we will soon be launching our brand new website-holisticblends.com!  I will keep you posted on the launch date as the site gets closer to completion!

PPS:  Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

PPPS: Mary Ellen’s down 15 pounds and much more!

HI Sherry:

Since starting on your Great Taste No Pain plan the way I feel is different beyond what I had hoped.

I suffered for almost 2 years with pain resulting from Lyme Disease, that is gone. I have no pain in my joints, my neck, my head, all gone!

I have lost 15 lbs. And I have tons of energy!

I used to suffer from constipation, no longer.

I am so happy to have found you.

Thank you.

Mary Ellen

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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com

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