
Kill the fear the cabal is ramping up around disease: It’s a direct chute inot martial law . . . my deep thanks to a reader, E.

Posted onJuly 2, 2014 by Jean

Everywhere I’m reading about disease/s! I’ve not been picking up the headlines, because until just yesterday, I didn’t get the very likely false flag aspect of this ‘story’ we’re being fed: WHO holds crisis meeting on Ebola outbreak; West Africa Ebola death toll rises to 467: WHO (accompanied by a very scary photo); ‘Humdinger’: Swine flu virus which killed half-million modified to ‘incurable’ . . . ~J

Hi Jean,

We need to kill the fear they are ramping up around disease since it’s a direct chute into martial law. Hope this helps.

More lies. The swine flu killed almost no one. The CDC lied, big time. In California, of the reported cases of swine flu there, 99% were not. There was no even flu – it was mostly colds and upper respiratory infections.http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2004/10/30/flu-deaths.aspx#!

But a “PANDEMIC EMERGENCY” is the vague term tied by Bush to martial law, forced untested vaccines, and the suspension of the Constitution here. http://salem-news.com/articles/april062011/wisconsin-laws-jk-dj.php

“Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.”

This is part of the agenda, everyone, but while you may be staying steady about DHS and military and all those lies, you are probably still very susceptible to germ fear which is why they are using it.
Look carefully – Bush is behind this. “Saying goodbye to fear of the 1918 flu”

It’s all predicated on the 1918 flu having been a massive killer. ONLY IT WASN”T. The National Institute for Allergies and Infection Diseases said they could find no evidence of flu, only of bacterial infection. People died from aspirin, which is a serious immune suppressant. And some died within hours when they took overdoses of aspirin, but the CDC continues to talk about a mysterious and dire flu in which one could be well in the morning and dead by evening, bleeding from orifices. That is a description of an aspirin overdose. And CDC got the NIAID press release about flu not being the killer but the lies continue.

So, right now just as we have ISIS, a terrible terrorist group that appeared out of nowhere, and immigrant children appearing in droves for no reason, we have a terrible doctor creating a killer virus.

Mass Media, people. Fear. Things supposedly out of control. Don’t buy it.

This terrible virus is all part of their planned false flag around disease. They need a new “incurable one” for enough fear to have people jump when they say to, since the old flu didn’t scare anyone and they had trouble getting anyone to take the vaccines (which contain polysorbate 80, a sterilizing agent, and mercury, and cancer viruses and whatever else they may have added since under an emergency, no vaccines are tested). The children are another means of says health things have gone to pieces.

The pharmaceutical industry killed millions with their first big drug, aspirin. Has the CDC ever admitted that?
Part 1:. 1918 and Aspirin

Those who didn’t take the “cure,” did fine. Aspirin suppresses the immune system. The new “cure” is vaccines which suppress it even more. Want to take unknown, untested vaccines to save you? Do you know the Nazis ALWAYS mass vaccinated when they took over countries?
Part 2:. Aspirin Killed, Homeopathy Saved http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/10/aspirin-killed-homeopathy-saved/

Here are the CDC lies. The CDC that is connected to the Pentagon. The CDC that knew about but did not stop the Tuskeegee experiment, intentionally giving syphilis to unknowing black men and making sure no doctor in the area would treat them. Trust the CDC?
Part 3:. Vaccines and CDC’s Myth of a 1918 Virus

Here is how safe the commonest drug is. It’s a massive killer.
Part 4:. Aspirin Deaths Continue Beyond 1918 http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/aspirin-deaths-continue-beyond-1918/

Here is what the lies about viruses and flus is all about – the loss of the US. After all the lies we’ve been subjected to, can we refuse to believe them about this, too, and REFUSE to be afraid? Can we tell our neighbors and pass on the truth?
Part 5:. A New Set of Questions about 1918 and Bush’s Pandemic laws http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/a-new-set-of-questions-about-1918/

Here is the pharmaceutical industry that is inseparable for the bankers and the Bushes and those running the shadow government today. Here is who controls corporate media when you read scare stories. Can you laugh at them this go round and inform as many people as you know this is yet another lie by the same people who gave us 9/11?
Part 6: Bayer and WWII http://www4.dr-rath-foundation.org/PHARMACEUTICAL_BUSINESS/history_of_the_pharmaceutical_industry.htm

And to make it plain who we are dealing with, and if we remember the agenda is not to help us but to hurt us, maybe we can refuse to buy into step one – their manufactured fear.
Part 7: Bayer Inherits Nazi funds http://www.rawfoodinfo.com/articles/art_poisonforprofit.html

Remember SARS. Invented in a lab and they couldn’t get it to kill as they had wanted. Bird flu. Same miserable failure. Small pox?

“With every official statement by members of the Administration, population panic regarding smallpox threats grew. Fear was driving the debate. Yet the reality was that, contrary to what was being said, smallpox was not a highly contagious disease. As Dr. Kuritsky, MD, director of the National Immunization Program and Early Smallpox Response and Planning at the CDC put it, ‘Smallpox has a slow transmission and is not highly contagious.’

Avian flu? You have been massively lied to. Just as Bill Gates is no curing polio with his polio vaccine but causing it, you are supposed to fear diseases that are not threatening or can be cured, and rush into the arms of the medical establishment tied to the military and the bankers, and take their cure that KILLS.

Please read this article all the way through.


“The virologist wrote that he had “written the CDC many times as to who made the H1N1 photo’s and whether they where scientifically documented as to chemical characteristics and other properties.” There was never any reply.

“He concluded “If CDC refuses to cite the source of the photos, they are fake.” … In conclusion, without the isolation of the H1N1, there is no H1N1 infecting virus” …

“…. Not only was Osterhaus in a key position to advocate the panic-inducing WHO “Pandemic emergency” declaration. He was also chairman of the leading private European Scientific Working group on Influenza …. its work is entirely financed by the same pharma mafia companies that make billions on the pandemic emergency as governments around the world are compelled to buy and stockpile vaccines on declaration of a WHO Pandemic. The funders of ESWI include H1N1 vaccine maker Novartis, Tamiflu distributor, Hofmann-La Roche, Baxter Vaccines, MedImmune, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Pasteur and others.

“There were no mass deaths from Avian flu, but Roche and GSK made fortunes from sale of anti-viral drugs.

Continuing from the interview with Dr. Lanka:

“The politicians and the media are taking it upon themselves to delude us into believing everything, for instance, delude us into believing that migratory birds in Asia have been infected with an extremely dangerous, deadly virus.

“These mortally diseased birds then keep flying for weeks on end. They fly thousands of kilometres, and then in Rumania, in Turkey, Greece and elsewhere infect hens, geese or other poultry, with which they have had no contact, and which within a very short time get diseased and die.

“….Anyone who believes this will believe too that babies are brought by the stork. ….

“Since the late 19th century, diseases of poultry in mass animal farming have been observed: Blue colouring of the crest, decrease in egglaying performance, sagging of the feathers, and sometimes these animals die too. These diseases were called bird pest.

“In present-day mass poultry farming, in particular when hens are being raised in cages, many animals die each day as a result of species-alien animal farming. Later, these consequences of the mass animal farming were no longer called bird pest, but bird flu. Since decades back, we are experiencing that a transferable virus is being maintained as the cause of this, in order to deflect from the actual causes.

[Question from the interviewer.] Then those 100 million hens which appear to have died from bird flu in reality have died from stress or and/or from nourishment deficiency and poisoning?

“No! If one hen lies fewer eggs or gets a blue crest and that hen is tested H5N1-positive too, then all the other hens are gassed. That is how there got to be those 100 million apparently H5N1-killed hens.

“The ‘bird flu’ generated billions in profit to the pharmaceutical industry, while on the animal side, it made and makes huge profits for agribusiness. (A true distinction between these industries doesn’t really exist since the pharmaceutical industry supplies animal vaccines and drugs, GE-hormones, and antibiotics added to animal feed derived from GMOs and pesticides they are involved in producing.”

They can try to kill people with their man-made viruses but they have been singularly unsuccessful, which doesn’t stop them from putting out phony numbers on deaths from those diseases. Because the ultimate goal is to give people the diseases up-close and personal, with the vaccines. Yet all the vaccines, even now, even the tested ones, are contaminated. http://salem-news.com/articles/november292011/vaccines-contaminated-se.php

So, it’s up to people to not buy into the fear (over lies, but the fear alone is lousy for your immune system), not react, and not go along with their solution (which IS meant to be deadly and also to be political suicide for the US).

ISIS was created by the US. The kids flooding into the country were arranged by the US. The “terrible diseases” are made in labs and the lies and propaganda around them are what make them dangerous.

Exposure of the lies, a sense of humor (which boosts your immune system) and vitamin C (which is an absolute viricide whether for real or man-made viruses) will help people through.

The truth is your best friend. Let everyone you know. Especially your local police and local and state representatives. Roosevelt got one thing right “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” So, don’t. It’s the Cabal’s biggest weapon. Laugh at them.

99% of swine flu in California wasn’t even flu.

Stop trusting mass media and take a good look at the CDC. They are NOT YOUR FRIEND OR ANYONE’S.
“What’s wrong with the CDC?”

In a word, we need to wake up YET MORE FULLY. We need to wake up in the one area we still believe what we are told – “disease.” The entire medical system from medical schools, to hospitals to research was set up by the Rockefellers who are killers and eugenicists who supported Hitler. We need to understand now, COMPLETELY, that everything we are being told about disease and solutions are lies, and CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE IS NOT MEANT FOR OUR HEALTH.

A little history of “medicine.” http://www4.dr-rath-foundation.org/THE_FOUNDATION/history_of_the_pharma_cartel.html

To end on some truth, here is one of the leading scientists in the world, talking about vaccines. He was also part of exposing the anthrax vaccine experiment on US soldiers, at risk to his life. His book on it, Project Day Lily, won an award as one of the most important books for humanity.


Contact your local and state representatives and tell them we’re all being lied to. They don’t know they are being used and they have their own fears. They need to realize they are central to giant hoax which was designed by the fascist Bushes since right after 9/11 to lead to the end of the US and a take over by the UN and WHO. Let them know the public isn’t buying the fear and will not go along anymore.


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