Most people do not understand the foundation of the Global financial system and have the mistaken idea that MONEY is created "out of thin air" by Banksters. In actual fact, Central and major commercial banks require "collateral" backing in order to make loans or "create" money (currency). This is just like you requiring some collateral assets or guarantees when applying for a loan anywhere.
By mutual agreement by global sovereigns, central bankers and those with real wealth in real assets (or their Trustees), it was mutually decided to bring this wealth together into a common pool (a Rothschilds suggestion) where banks and governments could maintain their asset accounts on deposit and then when necessary, borrow from this common pool to finance their development requirements. This central pool is called the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).
By agreement, Member Depositors can then `borrow' from the BIS against their collateral up to 10 times the value AT LOW INTEREST RATES and then use the BIS loan as a DEPOSIT in their institutions as a `collateral account'.
An example of this was the USD 15 Trillion that Lord Blackheath discovered and thought to be a fraud. Well, it was a `real' fully approved `collateral' transfer' at the top level of international banking.
Another example is the deposits in the FED that have 52 zeroes in them! And the quadrillions in interest accrued each year on those accounts! The same applies to all other major banks but with less zeroes as confirmed in annual audits approved by the UN/World Bank and the Committee of 300 Chairman (Queen Elizabeth) and/or M1 or the Trustees of the major Trusts or Sovereign Trusts in which the original `Collateral" exists to form the asset backing of the BIS and to which the interest on these loans accrues.
Some of these Trusts are HUGE and may be used in the proposed Prosperity Programs. Ben Fulford's comment that the Japanese are willing to use their BIS deposits to fund USD 80 Trillion (or USD 100,000 for every man, women and child on the planet) is pittance when compared to some of these major Trusts.
There is much financial maneuvering by the Elite to try to control these `collateral accounts' and abuse them in as many ways as they can. A good example is the Bush/Romney raid of the Falcone Trust in which they siphoned off billions illegally from one of the Falcone accounts.
Generally the BIS and its major Trustees determine where money will go and for what purposes. If they oppose a borrowing by the Elite (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Shrubs, etc.) they are often disposed as was the case with Kennedy, Soekarno, Marcos and others. Last year I recall a Swiss Banker coming forward and admitting that he handled "assassin accounts" for the Elite.
In summary, Central and commercial banks require `collateral deposits' in order to issue currencies or make loans. This collateral is or can be borrowed from the BIS (or M1/Trustees) and this goes into special `collateral deposit accounts' at these financial institutions which are audited annually as official deposits plus interest earned. This collateral can be moved between manor banks using various documents or screen transfers using carefully controlled codes. In most countries the Central Bank will do the annual audit of locally registered financial institutions receiving such collateral deposits and this is reported to the UN and World Bank and the Committee of 300 (who are among the primary Trustees of the BIS asset accounts).
It should also be noted that there are additional Trust Accounts and asset holdings that are outside of the BIS system (such as the Templers and Dragon Families) thus alternatives to `collateral account' funding may be available, however, this is generally suppressed by the Global Elite. For example, there are thousands of tons of gold in Asia that is "off the Market" and not allowed to be traded. The Chinese are now opening a Gold Exchange that will trade in only real gold and not `paper gold' or tungsten bars coated with gold. This will have a major impact on the London Markets, but is a clear `alternative' for banks to acquire `real collateral' backing.
In my opinion, the current BIS Collateral Accounts have become so outlandishly large that they now lack meaning in reality. The Trust Assets backing this system were in most cases stolen from the people of the World through theft, taxation, fraud, war, murder and so many other types of greed. It is now time that we realize this and claim back what rightfully belongs to mankind. This is what NESARA and the various Prosperity Programs are all promising. St. Germaine where are you now? And as WE THE PEOPLE wake up to what has been going on and the un-necessity of `debt enslavement' , then WE can accomplish this change and redistribution of OUR WEALTH. Trustees please be aware of your sacred trusts or you shall be replaced
Thomas Kramer