
 Obama Threatens Mayhem After Failing To CashForged Bonds ...


4 hours ago ... Barack Obama, spokesperson for the United States of America Corporation,


Appears someone is using the same tactics used PRE WWII.. putting the MONEY CLAMP down on the "United States of America Corporation" leaving Obama and this nation with 'the residuals' of ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE, MONEY LAUNDERING, ISSUING OF "PRIME BANK INSTRUMENTS ALLEGED TO BE BACKED BY THE UNITED STATES CALLED "COLLATERALIZED DEBT OBLIGATIONS" in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 471 which the Omaha Field Office of the U.S. Secret Service Agent Kennedy refused to investigate stating his only Duty is to the President [NOTE: that was back in Y2k pre 9/11.  2014 [per my daughter] this same Agent Kennedy is messing around my Daughter?] Further consisting of Sedition and Treason.


You've been bragging about THE PHILIPPINE GOLD; WHERE DID THE PHILIPPINE GOLD GO? March 7, 1995. Hon. Sofronio C. Sayo, Presiding Judge signed and sealed MANILLA CT. ORDERS Sheriffs to… read the rest http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2014/02/where-did-the-philippine-gold-go-march-7-1995-hon-sofronio-c-sayo-presiding-judge-signed-and-sealed-manilla-ct-orders-sheriffs-to-2889482.html

To: "V.K.Durham"

Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 2:47:42 AM

Twilight News / The president of the Kurdistan Regional Government Barzani for that oil will be available in the global market early next month. The Kurdistan and Turkey have concluded a year agreements in the field of energy including oil exports from the Kurdistan region to Turkey directly via a new pipeline. The agreement raised the wrath of officials in Baghdad, who assert that the federal government is the only owner of the right in the management of energy resources, and it rejects any attempt to export oil in isolation from it.

Over the months conducting Baghdad and Erbil talks as Turkey tried to mediate between the two sides to find a way out of the crisis, which has worsened recently after wave of Baghdad to cut off funds for Kurdistan and delayed sending the salaries of employees in the last two months. Barzani said in an interview with the TV broadcast Roudao later seen "Twilight News", excerpts from his speech that he will be on 05.02.2014 Kurdistan oil available in the world oil markets.

Twilight News contacted the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani to know his mind, where he said they had a special statement to the subject. The Kurdish transports crude to world markets via a pipeline Kirkuk - Ceyhan which is controlled by Baghdad to Turkey, but the Kurdish exports across the track stopped in late 2012 because of a dispute over payments. Kurdistan began exporting crude individually from the Taq Taq oil field to the Turkish port of Mersin in early January of last year through the trucks were estimated at about 60 thousand barrels per day.

Kurdistan is seeking to export around 300 thousand barrels per day to world markets via the new line extends to the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean.


Visit stage3alpha at: http://s3alpha.net/?xg_source=msg_mes_network



With the daily propaganda machines shooting Americans and others in the rump with the proverbial "Glory Gun" (old Marine slang WWII) some times we must step back and look at the trees instead of the forest.  I stepped back and took a look at one of those "trees" and found this interesting read  What was Japan fighting for in World War II? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=A0LEVzAehl9Tn28Ar8tXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEwcDB2NDJlBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNgRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAzIzM18x?qid=20101105000354AAobyy4

BUY AMERICAN OIL! YOU SAY.  READ THIS FACT CHECK REPORT: http://www.factcheck.org/2011/03/who-sells-american-gasoline/

BRITAIN'S "BRITISH PETROLEUM" aka BP aka BIG PECKER is getting cut off! [BP has bought, blackmailed, coerced every politician in every state into using the DNR in every state of these Republics in Union in the united States to bankrupt the American Trucking Industry and take out the mom and pop service stations] [   VKD]

QUOTE: Before taking on Mr Putin, Britain's energy secretary should read Daniel Yergin's seminal work on the history of oil and gas called "The Prize".

In the voluminous tome, Professor Yergin explains in great historical detail how energy markets have been shaped since the first oil wells were spudded in the Pennsylvanian wilderness in the 1850s largely by the people who produce the oil, not those who consume it. This explains why those who use the most oil and gas - Western powers since at least the 1900s - continue to waste so much blood to try and control it.

During the First World War, German U-boats targeted oil tankers supplying France and the UK in a desperate effort to choke off supplies. In the later stages of the war Germany even tried to grab oil fields in Baku. Thirty years later, a shortage of oil was one of the main factors behind the defeat of Nazi Germany and Berlin's effort to seize control of the Caucasian oil fields chewed up vast military resources on the Eastern front.

Even before the war finished America had woken up to the future importance of Middle East oil. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with the founder of modern-day Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, in 1944 oil was top of the agenda. The meeting planted the seeds for something of a "Faustian Pact", which eventually tied US foreign policy in the Persian Gulf to providing security for Riyadh in return for co-operation on energy issues. It is no coincidence that the world's largest oil company Saudi Aramco started out life as the 'Arabian American Oil Co'.  

The importance of this policy was exacerbated after Iran – America’s other former client state in the Gulf under the Shah Pahlavi – broke away during the Islamic revolution. The world could cope without Iranian oil and gas but hydrocarbon man cannot live long without Russian energy.

Despite President Barack Obama's best efforts to back away from his country’s unwritten alliance with Riyadh, the US as the world's largest economy would grind to a halt without Saudi oil. Although many neo-liberal policymakers in the White House want to cut America's links with the Middle East petro-states, the US still spends billions of dollars to safeguard global energy security by keeping the Strait of Hormuz open to tanker traffic.

Saudi Arabia's willingness to use its vast oil reserves - probably the world's largest - to keep energy markets fluid during the Cold War helped to nullify the significance of Soviet crude and ultimately bankrupted Moscow. In reality, only Saudi and Russia as individual states possess enough oil - combined almost a quarter of world supplies - to either open the pumps to defend market share, or cut production to raise prices.

Whether hydrocarbon man is Chinese, American or British, he will still depend on his petrol and electricity coming in some form from either Saudi or Russia.

Shale oil and gas is a momentary sideshow in this great energy game. Although Mr Davey and the Department of Energy & Climate Change would have hydocarbon man believe that fracking will keep the lights on its success in the British Isles is debatable. Even in the US where the development of shale basins has transformed the country's energy mix, the revolution is expected to be short lived. Shale oil is expensive to produce and represents the bottom of the barrel in terms of hydrocarbon production.

The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries already estimates that the marginal production cost of shale in the US as high as $90 (£53) per barrel compared with about $10 in Saudi.

Britain's own efforts for energy security intensified only after the twin oil shocks of 1973 and 1979. However, with the North Sea now in terminal decline, the country's future energy security will increasingly depend on the benevolence of major oil and gas producing states such as Qatar and Russia, not less. Unless, of course, the Government plans a major change to the nation's energy policy with the construction of several new nuclear power stations, even more wind generation, solar, and unpopular measures to cut consumption and sideline hydrocarbon man.

Energy self-sufficiency in the UK would require fracking on an industrial scale across vast areas of England and Wales. This could be political suicide for any government given the disruption that would be caused by endless lines of trucks delivering chemicals to well heads and pipeline infrastructure that would scythe across the countryside to make fracking work.

Like it or not, Russia matters in a world where oil and gas permeate all levels of the economy. Royal Dutch Shell, Britain's most valuable company, and BP have both pledged their commitment to investing in Russian fields despite the situation in Ukraine.

The inconvenient truth for Mr Davey is that to sever the “stranglehold” that Russia and other petro-states have over the global economy requires persuading hydrocarbon man to change his ways first.

As Mr Yergin wrote in The Prize: “Hydrocarbon man shows little inclination to give up his cars, his suburban home, and what he takes to be not only the conveniences but the essentials of his way of life.”



The statements made on this recorded meeting Feb. 1998, "was not to go out of the room" while a second meeting (recorded) of April 25th 1998 also gives cause for concern. All four tape recordings have been turned over for CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION. Portions of those taped meetings are Located on Players below:
CLICK FOR AUDIO: http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/AbusingTheCodeOfSilence.html 

These PODS & CELLS are GLOBAL, having inter-posed themselves at high levels of U.S. Federal Governmental "Agency Offices."
These PODS & CELLS also use certain "inter-net web sites" to send intelligence encryptions as related to U.S. weakness's from within, while stirring up the Citizens to distrust the Fed. Government, including their own state Civil Governments, in order to DIVIDE and CONQUER our Nation by weakening the internal Sovereign Citizens will to support the Nation at Large, if "push comes to shove."

Within the last 30 days, a email came in which went to "Muslim poster's" on this particular site stating: "BE CAREFUL. V.K. IS REAL." This email came from one of the recipients who unwittingly emailed it on to me.

These particular PODS & CELLS spin off the parent groups from RIYADH and JEDDAH, spinning directly from The Philippines.

The Philippine "Core" is very interesting, and that is putting it mildly.

The Philippine Core; OPERATES AS A "MIRROR" CIA CONTRACTOR, contracted to "do banking as U.S. Federal Corporations (Fed. R.). These Corporations were formerly U.S. Federal Corporations, incorporated after CORT CHRISTIE (EX-IRS) researched Corporate Status of the U.S. Corporations, found RUBIN conveniently "forgot" to re-instate the (1) Inter-American Investment Corporation (2) Inter-American Development Bank and (3) The Depository Trust Co. located at 55 Water Street, New York, New York.

The "fraudulent incorporations" of the former U.S. Fed. Govt. "Agency" U.S. Fed. R. and U.S. Foreign Fed. R. Corporations resulted in


We have a nice new and interesting game taking place in our own arena of which you might find some interest for self. We had been issued contracts from the Big Contract held by V.K. Durham. You know, that one she tried to give to you-the-people. Now time went by and for security reasons those were PARKED in a corporation called Inter-American Investment Corp. (incorporated properly). How interesting that NOW Mr. Bush's company by the same name (but was never incorporated even though they have in their name, Corp.) have shifted the (so called) assets into their tent. Mr. Rubin of Treasury is on that Board of Directors. Tacky? Well, a bit illegal at the least. Worse, they sucked in a very nice Filipino candidate for President and sold him a sneaky bill of goods, paid him SOME up front with no intention of ever giving him his rightful share---but he bit like a hungry frog on their poison bait. Well, THEY BIT ON MY POISON BAIT. Now, his life is not worth a lead nickel and I wonder if this is "human rights" or getcha first"?
What is there about the contracts? What about the Contracts? We passed out a whole bunch of them and lodged them with every important and related party we could find from the Federal Reserve to the Treasury, IMF to the World Bank, and second copies of same to the leader of each group. We had interchange with Bush (as in personally) and let the whole thing go dormant.
I think V.K. might even find this interesting---but why upset her more than what they have already done to her. The last message was, "We will NOT deal with that obnoxious b---- under any circumstances and if she is involved in any way, we will not deal with you." Well, would guess it matters a lot of the tale told by Grandma quite true, but power and force and deading work miracles on the weary (end quote)."

( See: http://www.phoenixarchives.com/contact/1998/0298/020398.pdf)

The "We will NOT deal with that obnoxious b--- under any circumstances and if she is involved in any way, we will not deal with you" statement was published in the CONTACT as statements made by: "Lawrence Summers and Russell Munk (UST) who had offered Rick Martin $200 MILLION DOLLARS FOR THE "FORGED INSTRUMENTS" just to get them out of their hair."

We have turned many other documents regarding UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITY; COUNTERFEITING OF GOLD COLLATERAL INSTRUMENTS WRITTEN ON BONUS 3392-181, over for CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION which include; CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT "Encrypted Messages" which is the admitted "Chosen method of sending Encrypted Messages" plus; INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUMS, INTER-OFFICE INSTRUCTIONS TO CORT CHRISTIE FOR SEARCHING OUT "CORPORATIONS" etc by this COMMANDER HATONN giving instructions to MUSLIM (MILITANT DISSIDENTS) PODS & CELLS operating out of Florida, Texas, Canada, California , Oregon and other states of the union, the Philippines, Switzerland, Germany, England, and etceteras.

These PODS & CELLS are GLOBAL, having inter-posed themselves at high levels of U.S. Federal Governmental "Agency Offices."
These PODS & CELLS also use certain "inter-net web sites" to send intelligence encryptions as related to U.S. weakness's from within, while stirring up the Citizens to distrust the Fed. Government, including their own state Civil Governments, in order to DIVIDE and CONQUER our Nation by weakening the internal Sovereign Citizens will to support the Nation at Large, if "push comes to shove."  http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/AbusingTheCodeOfSilence.html


OPEC (/ˈoʊpɛk/ OH-pek) (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) is an international organization whose mission is to coordinate the policies of the oil-producing countries. The goal is to secure a steady income to the member states and to secure supply of oil to consumers.[2]

OPEC is an intergovernmental organization that was created at the Baghdad Conference on 10–14 September 1960, by Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Later it was joined by nine more governments: Libya, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Indonesia, Algeria, Nigeria, Ecuador, Angola, and Gabon. OPEC was headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland before moving to Vienna, Austria, on September 1, 1965.[3]

OPEC was formed at a time when the international oil market was largely dominated by multinational companies, the 'seven sisters'. OPEC's ‘Policy Statement' states that there is a right of all countries to exercise sovereignty over their natural resources.[3]Because OPEC is an organisation of countries (not oil companies), individual members have sovereign immunity for their actions, meaning that OPEC is not regarded as being subject to competition law in the normal way.[4][5]

In the 1970s, OPEC began to gain influence and steeply raised oil prices during the 1973 oil crisis in response to US aid to Israel during the Yom Kippur War.[6]It lasted until March 1974.[7]OPEC added to its goals the selling of oil for socio-economic growth of the poorer member nations, and membership grew to 13 by 1975.[3]A few member countries became centrally planned economies.[3]

In the 1980s, the price of oil was allowed to rise before the adverse effects of higher prices caused demand and price to fall. The OPEC nations, which depended on revenue from oil sales, experienced severe economic hardship from the lower demand for oil and consequently cut production in order to boost the price of oil. During this time, environmental issues began to emerge on the international energy agenda.[3]Lower demand for oil saw the price of oil fall back to 1986 levels by 1998–99.

In the 2000s, a combination of factors pushed up oil prices even as supply remained high. Prices rose to then record-high levels in mid-2008 before falling in response to the 2007 financial crisis. OPEC's summits in Caracas and Riyadh in 2000 and 2007 had guiding themes of stable energy markets, sustainable oil production, and environmental sustainability.[3]  continue reading:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPEC

Lets move on to: Non-OPEC Production

The U.S. Energy Department's Energy Information Agency (EIA) said seven of the world's fifteen largest oil producers are outside of OPEC. As of 2006, those countries were Russia, the United States, China, Mexico, Canada, Norway, and Brazil. Britain had been on the EIA's list as of 2004, but production has continued to decline significantly in the North Sea, said EIA energy analyst Matthew Cline. Overall in 2007, non-OPEC nations produced roughly 48 million bpd, comprising nearly 60 percent of total production for the year.

Many non-OPEC producers are faced with wells that are quickly depleting. Some major producers, such as the United States, Mexico, and Norway, have experienced a decline in production in recent years. However, overall numbers for non-OPEC producers are bolstered by the significant increases in production from Brazil, Canada, Russia, and a few other former Soviet states. A 2008 BP report on world energy shows that production among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development nations, which include four top independent producers-Canada, Norway, the United States, and Mexico-dropped by about two million bpd in the last decade. Meanwhile, the former Soviet states increased production by more than 40 percent over that same time period.

Although there has been some new exploration and cultivation of oil sources, it takes time before such projects are ready for production. Cline said one of the biggest challenges for producers is skyrocketing costs for labor and steel, noting that costs for "everything that you need to build a modern oil project are rising very fast." In addition, some new projects lack infrastructure, such as pipelines, which help bring new oil to market quickly and cheaply. Landlocked projects in Kazakhstan, for example, face extremely high transportation costs.

Declines in Production

Once one of the fifteen-largest oil producers, Britain experienced a production decline of 10 percent in 2005, the largest (Independent) of any oil producer for the year--and has experienced further declines since then. Although production will be bolstered by new wells in the North Sea's Buzzard Field, Britain's overall production is expected to continue to decline, experts say. Overall production in the North Sea, which includes that of Norway, also is expected to continue to decline in coming years. Norwegian production fell by almost 800,000 bpd from 2000 to 2007. Mexico, a major exporter to the United States, experienced about a 300,000 bpd decrease in production during the same time period. The percentage of exports out of Mexico's oil production rose slightly from 41 percent in 2000 to 45 percent in 2006, but there are doubts Mexico can sustain the current level of exports much longer.

D. Barry McKennitt, executive director of the U.S. National Association of Petroleum Investment Analysts, questioned Mexico's ability to continue to export, noting that with domestic consumption going up and production going down, "They may not be able to export to anyone in five years." For the period of 2000 through 2007, the EIA puts U.S. production declines at about 700,000 bpd; the BP report estimates those declines to be closer to 900,000 bpd. The EIA includes gains in refining volume while the BP report does not.

Expectations for New Production

In total, non-OPEC production is expected to increase by 1.5 million bpd in 2009, up from the 900,000 bpd growth expected in 2008, according to the EIA. Huge drops in oil prices following the global financial crisis caused the EIA to downgrade global consumption figures considerably. In October 2008, the agency projected consumption growth of 300,000 bpd for the year, which is more than 50 percent less than projections given earlier in the year. EIA officials attribute lessening demand to slowing economic growth. World reserves are estimated at 1.2 trillion barrels, according to BP, with 75 percent of those reserves in OPEC countries. This figure only includes proven reserves where development is taking place. There is no independent verification of OPEC reserve figures, which has led some to question whether Saudi oil reserves might be overstated.

China, a net importer of oil and gas, has made slight increases in domestic production in recent years but the EIA's Cline described China's outlook for future production as "relatively flat." He said the biggest gains are expected in the United States, Canada, Brazil, and the former Soviet states of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Of these, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are expected to be most significant. Azerbaijan's production grew by 45 percent from 2005 to 2006 and grew another 30 percent between 2006 and 2007.

continue reading from the source http://www.cfr.org/world/non-opec-oil-production/p14554

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