President Kennedy and multiple deaths
Posted By: RodneyStich [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 22-Nov-2013 11:32:53
On the day that President Kennedy was killed, FAA airline safety inspector Rodney Stich, on an official assignment to halt the crash-enabling corruption at a politically powerful airline and a related FAA office, came under attack.
During that assignment and the attacks to block carrying it out, the crashes and deaths continued, with life-and-death consequences.
Details at and in the book, History of Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11.
For many family members, those deaths were even more devastating that that of President Kennedy. Robert Kennedy later wrote to Stich, planning to investigate the matter.
50-Year History of Corrupt Conduct and Tragic Consequences,
Provided by Coalition of Key Insiders, Reveals
America's Pandora's Box of Horrors
An understanding of the events described at this site and the related links would open a Pandora's box that threatens powerful and corrupt people throughout the three branches of government. This material is provided by serious people in formerly important government operations, and other insiders, and presented here. Hopefully, enough people who have a serious concern about the many past American tragedies, and those that will surely continue, will eventually use the information in a meaningful manner.
No nation in history has had such enormous areas of corruption and such catastrophic consequences as described at this site and the related links.
Decades of FBI-DOJ employees involved in murders in the Boston and New York City offices.
High-level Department of Justice personnel deep-sixing advance information of planned al Qaeda attacks provided by a mole in the
key al Qaeda cell, by that mole and his New York City attorney.
The worst series of terrorist attacks in the nation's history, resulting in almost four thousand deaths, and leading to two wars and much more—easily preventable if the deep-sixing of advance notice had not been covered up. The downing of TWA Flight 800; the bombings U.S. embassies in Africa; and the easily preventable and forewarned hijackings of four airliners on September 11, 2001.
Decades of attacks upon corruption-exposing and corruption-fighting whistleblowers, resulting in decades of great harm, deaths, and catastrophic events.
Unrecognized corruption of key people in the three branches of the federal government.
Detailed information and evidence provided by several dozen insiders, former key personnel in the CIA, DEA, FBI, Customs, former mafia figures, and more: corruption exposing whistleblowers.
And Finally—
The background and credibility of the person behind this site, and a sampling of the dozens of professionals from covert and law enforcement personnel, and others, who have contributed insider information during the past 30 years.
If the American public is too obsessed with their trivial matters, it is urged that people in other countries understand the tragedy-related corruption revealed at this and related sites.
One Example of Corrupt Conduct That Resulted
In the Nation's Worse Series of Terrorist Attacks—
With No End in Sight!
This first example of how corrupt acts by powerful bureaucrats—protected by powerful personnel in other branches of government—insured the success of the first series of catastrophic al Qaeda attacks. These corrupt acts by high-level employees in the U.S. Department of Justice initially killed nearly 4,000 people, and was then followed by thousands of other deaths and consequences as serial lying by politicians led to two wars and tens of thousands of more deaths. All made possible by the corrupt acts stated here. Covering up for this scandal of scandals is now occupying the efforts of members of Congress and other groups—compounding the original crimes. Details follow.
For several decades, FBI agents in the New York
City offices paid tens of thousands of dollars to a New York City Mafia capo, Gregory Scarpa, Sr., to be an informant. During that time, Scarpa provided information to FBI-DOJ personnel about the crimes of Mafia groups that were his competition. After their arrest and conviction, Scarpa took over their criminal operations. During this time, Scarpa was reportedly involved in over a dozen murders, some committed at the suggestion of his FBI handler. Scarpa was known as "the killing machine," paid and protected by the U.S. Department of Justice. In addition to paying Scarpa while he was knowingly involved in murders, FBI-DOJ employees provided Scarpa immunity for his crimes, including the murders that he was knowingly committing. Involved in this relationship were FBI personnel, the U.S. Attorney in New York City, Department of Justice personnel in Washington, and also FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. (This was similar to the murderous FBI-DOJ involvement with the James "Whitey" Bulger mob in the Boston offices of the FBI and U.S. Attorney.) This is the same group and culture responsible for protecting the United States, including against terrorism.
Similar FBI-DOJ Murderous Complicity
In the Boston FBI-DOJ Offices
This murderous practice and culture alsooccurred for several decades in the Boston offices, involving James "Whitey" Bulger and his FBI handlers, and approval by top employees in the Washington offices of the U.S. Department of Justice. The number of murders were greater in the Boston offices, reportedly close to two dozen, including the brutal murders of two young ladies. Directly involved were FBI agents and the Boston Bulger gang, headed by James "Whitey" Bulger. This group, and their long-existing culture, also held responsibility for protecting the nation against terrorism.
Mole in al Qaeda Cell Provided Advance
Information on Catastrophic al Qaeda Attacks
Awaiting trial for racketeering offenses at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York City was Gregory
Scarpa, Jr., the son of the murderous Mafia capo, Gregory Scarpa, Sr. Also waiting to go to trial were major al Qaeda operatives Ramzi Yousef and Abdul Hakim Murad, each in their own cells. In a cell betweenthem was Gregory Scarpa, Jr.
Yousef was awaiting trial for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing (another success made possible by FBI corruption) and the planned bombings of a dozen U.S. airliners departing Asian locations. Gregory Scarpa Jr., (Gregory), in the cell between Yousef and Murad, was transferring notes and information between the two al Qaeda members. Gregory had convinced Yousef that his Colombo Mafia group also wanted to harm the United States, leading to Yousef providing him al Qaeda secrets. Gregory, a mole in al Qaeda's most deadly unit, started receiving major al Qaeda secrets directly from Yousef—including advance information on planned al Qaeda attacks against major U.S. targets.
Gregory, and his New York City attorney, Larry Silverman, provided this ultra-important information to FBI agents in
the New York City area, as it was being received from Yousef. Local FBI agents considered the information of extreme importance, and even set up a fictitious “Mafia” corporation in New York City. That fictitious Mafia corporation was staffed by FBI agents, through which Yousef was encouraged to make local phone calls. These calls were then patched through to al Qaeda members in the United States and in other countries. This scheme continued for 11 months, during which FBI agents at the fictitious Mafia corporation recorded Yousef’s phone calls.
The information obtained from Yousef included the planned downing of a U.S. airliner departing the local New York JFK airport; the planned bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa; and the planned hijackings of U.S. airliners and flying them into buildings. Never before had the United States had such reliable information on planned terrorist attacks.
Deep-Sixing Advance Notice of al Qaeda Attacks
To prevent the success of those planned al Qaeda attacks, Department of Justice employees had to immediately forward this ultra-critical information to other government departments in order to take actions to prevent the success of the attacks. That was not done! Top Department of Justice employees in Washington deep-sixth the information on the planned attacks. That was done deliberately, to protect themselves.
High-level Department of Justice employees in Washington had in place a scheme to discredit Gregory. The purpose of the scheme was to prevent the public from learning about the murderous relationship between Gregory Scarpa, Sr., and FBI agents in the New York City offices and Washington personnel in the U.S. Department of Justice.
Gregory was scheduled to give sworn testimony in several murder trials about the murders that his Mafia father had committed—with the assistance of, and at the suggestion of, a key FBI supervisor: Lindley DeVecchio. That testimony would not only subject DeVecchio to murder charges, but also reflect very badly upon top FBI and Department of Justice personnel, who had known about and approved of the murders and other crimes being committed while being paid as a top level informant. The scheme was to provide sham evidence at the murder trials to discredit Gregory, and thereby help to protect the corrupt acts of FBI and Department of Justice employees.
Corrupt Conduct by Department of Justice Employees
Enabled Series of Successful al Qaeda Attacks
If the information about the planned attacks was made known to government departments, that would then take actions to prevent the attacks, the source of the critical information, Gregory Scarpa, Jr., would become known, and scuttle the scheme. For risking his life and that of his family, Gregory's credibility would be established. The decision was made to deep-six the critical information on the planned attacks as the information was received from Gregory and his New York City attorney, Larry Silverman.
The Expected al Qaeda Attacks Occurred—as Expected
The first attack occurred several weeks after FBI personnel were notified by Gregory and his attorney that a U.S. airliner
departing nearby JFK airport would be downed. TWA Flight 800 was downed shortly after departing New York City's JFK Airport. That downing required falsification of evidence by Department of Justice employees; and CIA employees. In an earlier book by Rodney Stich, the 4th edition of Unfriendly Skies, this falsification was clearly described. The latest updated book is called, History of Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11.
The Forewarned bombings of U.S. Embassies in Africa
After the downing of TWA Flight 800, the perpetrators of the deep-sixing withholding of information on planned al
Qaeda attacks saw the consequences of their acts. If they now made known the information on the next attacks, the deaths in Flight 800 would be blamed on their criminal cover-up scheme. The deep-sixing continued. The bombings of U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania then occurred, with hundreds of deaths and hundreds of injuries. Another cover-up had to occur.
The Forewarned Hijackings of Four U.S. Airliners
The last of the forewarned al Qaeda attacks occurred on September 11, 2001—for which preventative measures were
withheld. Four U.S. airliners were simultaneously hijacked and flown into buildings, except for one that was flown into the ground. Nearly 3,000 people died in probably the most horrible of any prior aviation disaster. The corrupt actions of large numbers of FBI and other Department of Justice employees were primarily responsible for these deaths. Not to diminish from the gravity of their corrupt acts, but the culture in the Federal Aviation Administration played a role in that crash, an understanding of which can be found in the book, History of Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11. It was the corruption in that agency which FAA inspector Rodney Stich discovered, while trying to carry out his assignment to halt that corruption, that changed his life, and started his 50 years of exposing corruption-resulting great tragedies.
Department of Justice Personnel Altered the 9/11 Commission Report
It was now necessary to prevent the public from learning about the criminal acts of key people in the nation's highest law enforcement agency. DOJ personnel involved in the deep-sixing of the advance information of the initial terrorist attacks, including the 9/11 hijackings, were then placed in controlling positions in the 9/11 Commission. The information about the corrupt conduct in the nation's highest law enforcement group, that made possible the nation's worst series of terrorist attacks in its history, was kept from the public. At least, for a while.
Widespread Cover-Ups by U.S. Politicians
Cover-ups were also necessary by many members of Congress. For years, corruption-exposing whistleblower Rodney Stich, with the help of dozens of confidants who were formerly key members of such government covert and overt operations in the CIA, ONI, DEA, Customs, had notified members of Congress of the corrupt conduct in the Department of Justice, the CIA, the FAA, with specific examples and the resulting consequences. (These are described in such books as Defrauding America; Drugging America; History of Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11 (and its four predecessor books known as Unfriendly Skies), and other books.) For a more complete list,
The only time they took any action was in 1967, that the corrupt Federal Aviation Agency was terminated and replaced with the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Civil Aeronautics Board replaced with the National Transportation Safety Board. The same personnel and the same culture were transferred from one to the other.
Unless some member of Congress breaks rank with the continuing cover-up, the corrupt conduct of the people involved with the deep-sixing of the advance information of the planned terrorist attacks will either be covered up, or by twisting the facts, the gravity of the corruption will be minimized.
Gregory Meeting Granddaddy Of
Corruption-Exposing Whistleblower
While Gregory Scarpa, Jr., was in federal prison at Florence, Colorado, in 2002, with a 40-year prison sentence, a fellow inmate suggested to him that he contact Rodney Stich, who had been exposing corruptionin government for decades. Gregory made the initial contact, and for the next ten years, Gregory provided Stich with information and copies of FBI documents. That information added to the 40 years of discoveries about the corruption of the people in control of that powerful agency. That information added to the misconduct that Stich had already discovered—and experienced—but more important, revealed how that corruption enabled the greatest series of terrorist attacks to occur in the nation's history. Further, with the fraudulent lying by U.S. politicians, the United States plunged itself into two deadly wars, resulting in thousands of Americans killed and maimed, tens of thousands of innocents in foreign countries killed and maimed; probably increased a thousand times over the number of people wanting to kill America; and left America's children the continuing tragedies that would not have happened if the corruption of key employees in the powerful FBI and Department of Justice had not occurred.
More details at, and in the not-for-profit books written by Rodney Stich: Terrorism and Deadliest Enabling Scandals of 21st Century; Crimes of the FBI-DOJ, Mafia, and al Qaeda; and History of Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11, available at and other internet sources.)
Granddaddy of Corruption-Exposing—
And Corruption-Fighting Whistleblowers
Years earlier, in the 1960s, as airline crashes were a steady occurrence, sometimes occurring every few months, United Airlines experienced more huge crashes and near-crashes than any other airline. Mid-level FAA management in the Los Angeles office asked FAA airline safety inspector Rodney
Stich to accept an assignment to transfer to United Airlines Denver training base at Denver and halt the massive aviation safety problem at that airline—and within the local Denver FAA offices. That assignment had life-and-death consequences. If he failed, or was blocked from carrying out that assignment, the corrupt and unsafe practices would continue, along with the needless crashes and deaths, as before.
Stich quickly discovered and documented the serious aviation safety problems, the frauds, including falsification of government required major safety requirements—and the prior crashes and deaths arising from those problems.
Details are too extensive for this site, but the details are in his not-for-profit book, History of Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11 (The renamed and latest in the series first called, Unfriendly Skies.)
Links for more information on the granddaddy of corruption-exposing whistleblowers
Rodney Stich, a former Naval Aviator and international airline captain.
Information on his credibility.
Information on his background.
WikiPedia page.
Google search using the following search: Rodney Stich.
The years of great and irreparable harm inflicted upon him to prevent the public from learning about the history of corrupt acts by America's powerful people in government. Short list of harm and retaliation for being a whistleblower trying to stop the corruption and consequences.
His whistle blowing started before most of today's whistleblowers were born. Joining him were dozens of other key people, insiders, who witnessed the corruption, most of it unknown to today's whistleblowers. Collecting the discoveries of these insiders, there is a far more complete picture of a more sinister culture in the United States, connecting the dots, and portraying a far greater danger than almost anyone realizes.
Reporting Criminal Activities Via
Federal Crime Reporting Statute Resembled
Attacking a Hornet's Nest
Attacks upon the granddaddy of corruption-exposing whistleblowers were even greater when he reported the continuing corruption via the federal crime-reporting statute, Title 18 U.S.C. § 4. That criminal statute requires, and permits, anyone,to report a federal crime to a federal judge. This route became necessary because of the blocks by Department of Justice employees and the repeated cover-ups by members of Congress.
Initially, federal judges admitted the seriousness of the charges. But after federal prosecutors filed motions to dismiss, claiming Stich had no standing to report the crimes, federal judges blocked Stich from providing the evidence. That false argument, lack of standing to report federal crimes, was clear obstruction of justice for which the United States and its people would repeatedly suffer great harm. That and other tactics constituted aiding and abetting terrorists to successful attack the United States by preventing the public from learning about the misconduct by government personnel that either encouraged the terrorist acts or enabled their success.
Multiple attempts were made to report the harm-resulting corruption to a federal judge under the crime reporting statute; each times the attempt was blocked. In almost every dismissal by federal district court judges, appeals were filed with the respective federal court of appeals, where the cover-ups continued. In many cases, the obstruction of justice was repeatedly made known via court filings and letters to the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Justices had a responsibility to receive the information of the federal crimes; they had supervisory responsibilities over the federal judges; and they had a responsibility to halt the constitutional violations arising out of the retaliatory schemes against stich. In all instances, the Justices refused to act.
In one case, in 1991, when Stich filed a petition for emergency relief with Supreme Court Justice Byron White, detailing these serious matters, and referring to the prior and future consequences on national security, Justice White responded to Stich with an unprecedented personal letter (instead of a court clerk denial), and an unprecedented apology for not being able to help. Something like that had never before been done, and in response to a petition with such major criminal and subversive charges. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Byron White's unprecedented personal letter and apology, dated October 28, 1991:
"Dear Mr. Stich,
As a single Justice, I can be of no help to you. I am returning your petition.
Sincerely yours,
Byron White
That petition, in which Justice White said he could not be of any help—as a single Justice—contained information of massive corruption in some of the highest offices of the United States—as enablers of some of the nation's worst tragedies, and déjà vu of those that would occur on 9/11 and similar dates.
Sampling of federal court filings under the federal crime reporting statute:
Sampling of federal court filings and related petitions to U.S. Appellate courts and then U.S. Supreme Court, based upon jurisdiction of Title 18 U.S.C. § 4 and other federal causes of actions. All of the following were involved with considerable intrigue:
· 1968 lawsuit reporting federal corruption in the FAA, listing some of the aviation disasters in which misconduct by politically-motivated high-level FAA personnel played a major role. During oral hearings in the federal court of appeals at San Francisco, one of the three-judge panel members stated:
"Mr. Stich, these are serious charges, but they are for Congress to investigate."
Stich responded: "Congress refuses to investigate. But I am not asking you to investigate. I'm here to report the federal crimes to a federal judge as specifically required by Title 18 U.S.C. § 4. In that way I make a record, and when a federal judge performs his or her duty and receives it, that judicial record would required Department of Justice personnel to investigate."
Prior to that, in the district court. U.S. District Judge stated that the issues were serious. But the U.S. Attorney stated, in his motion to dismiss, that Stich had no standing to bring the action. (the action reporting deadly crimes against the United States that were ongoing!).
· 1978 against the National Transportation Safety Board relating the political Board covering up for major enabling role of all-night partying by the PSA crew that crashed into San Diego, the worst aviation crash in history at that time.
· In 1987 at Sacramento, reporting additional criminal activities from the recent acquisition of former CIA and other government personnel as confidants. The unprecedented hostile reaction to this filing included Department of Justice prosecutor David Levi at Sacramento; federal district and appellate judges, and resulted in great and irreparable personal and financial harm, termination of al federal and constitutional protections, giving the perpetrators immunity for their massive violations of personal and property rights. (Details in the books, History of Aviation Disasters, and, Defrauding America.)
· In 1999 at Reno, Nevada, reporting much of the corruption that played major roles in the ongoing terrorist attacks and the impending September 11, 2001, hijackings of four U.S. airliners. That was the last attempt using federal crime-reporting statute, Title 18 U.S.C. § 4 to meet a federal responsibility to report federal crimes in government positions.
· 2001 post 9/11 filing in the federal courts in New York City, reporting the wide pattern of corrupt acts that enabled the easily preventable and forewarned 9/11 attacks to occur. That filing was rife with intrigue that expanded the already grave extent of the guilty parties.
· 2002 post 9/11 filing in the federal courts at Washington, D.C.
· Once federal judges violated the law in covering up for the ongoing corruption that enabled the corruption and often deadly consequence to continue, it became increasingly necessary for other judges to continue the serious misconduct in order to protect the misconduct of the earlier judges.
As Federal Airlines Safety Inspector,
Acting Similar to Independent Prosecutor
Years earlier, while Stich was still trying to carry out the assignment given to him to halt the massive aviation safety problems in the FAA and at United Airlines, and being blocked from every angle, and with no support despite prior assurance from the mid-level FAA management that they were right behind him, Stich took an unprecedented actions that had never before been done. Using the law in an unusual manner, he acted similar to an independent prosecutor, conducting court like trial before an administrator law judge that lasted for several months. Stich obtain testimony from FAA management, and introduced large number of highly revealing government documents. The transcript consisted of 4,500 pages of testimony and exhibits. At the end of the proceedings, Stich introduced a closing brief.
During the proceedings, three more major airline disasters occurred, each one resulting from the exact same safety problems that Stich had repeatedly reported in writing. The last one occurred after Stich submitted his closing brief and before the hearing officer, William Jennings, an attorney on the FAA's administrative staff, issued a decision that was totally contrary to the evidence. a cover-up would result in continuation of the problems and continuation of the crashes and deaths.
As the crashes continued, and while Stich was still in the FAA, the head of the FAA's Sky Marshal program urged Stich to file a report with the FAA administrator concerning the corruption and related crashes. Stich complied, sending a cover letter and the report. The long report attached to the cover letter is shown here in three parts: (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3).
The usual cover-up followed. Preventable aviation crashes continue for many years. Eventually, forces outside of the area of corruption acted to reduce the frequency of airline disasters. Aircraft warning systems when the aircraft came to close to the ground; collision-avoidance warning systems; ground-based radar following; more reliable engines and aircraft systems. However, the FAA culture continued as before, playing a major role in the easily preventable hijackings of four U.S. airliners on September 11, 2001.
Unprecedented Lawsuits Against Powerful Groups
The seriousness of the criminal conduct, the enormity of the harm, the deaths, and catastrophic consequences, and what amounted to a intended or unintended subversion of the United States, caused Stich to do things he would never otherwise have done. These out-of-the-box attempts included filing federal lawsuits against powerful defendants, with the possibility that media corporations would provide publicity and that would focus on the charges made in the lawsuits.
Lawsuits filed in federal court against specific members of Congress that were involved in felonious cover-ups of major crimes against the United States.
Lawsuits filed against federal judges, based upon the pattern of corruption by federal judges and their complicity in covering up for high-level corruption. (Details in various books, including History of Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11; and Lawyers and Judges—American Trojan Horses.
Lawsuit filed against Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, based upon their cover-ups of the corruption, the corrupt obstruction-of-justice attacks on whistleblower Rodney Stich, and their years of complicity, which enabled high-level corruption and the resulting harm to continue. In their response, the Justices did not deny any of the charges in the complaint; their defense was that they were immune from any lawsuit.
Lawsuit against media corporations for their complicity of cover-ups , which were criminal acts under various criminal statutes. Many media personnel have been on the secret payroll of the CIA and other government departments for years, covering up for high-level corruption, engaging in misinformation and disinformation.
Sampling of Harm Inflicted Upon United States
By FBI and Department of Justice Personnel
The greatest source of direct personal and financial harm and civil rights violations arise from the misconduct of employees in the U.S. Department of Justice.
False charges against innocent people, especially sham drug charges, often using known perjured testimony,
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