News Roundup - Nov 12th
As Peace Threatens To Break Out WIth Iran, Warmongers Flip Out
Saturday November 9, 2013
by Chris Rossini
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
Talks are progressing between Iran and “the international
community” (i.e., the U.S.). A peaceful resolution may be on the
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could not be more blunt in
his opposition to a deal:
Israel understands that there are proposals on the table in
Geneva today that would ease the pressure on Iran for concessions that
are not concessions at all. This proposal would allow Iran to retain the
capabilities to make nuclear weapons. Israel totally opposes these
proposals. I believe that adopting them would be a mistake of historic
proportions. They must be rejected outright.”’s John Glaser makes a lot of sense in reading Bibi’s anger:
Any deal with Iran, no matter how lopsided and favorable to
the Western powers, would enshrine Iran’s limited enrichment program as
legitimate in the eyes of the international community...In other words, a deal
with Iran means Israel can’t launch an illegal war. Ouch.
Bibi’s sentiments are shared with neocon U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham:
Is the Israeli Prime Minister worried about where these
talks are going? Yes. Should Americans be worried too? You better
believe it.
To the contrary, Ron Paul has pointed out repeatedly that Iran is not a
threat to U.S. national security. The biggest threat that we face is yet
financial crisis...not Iran......,-warmongers-flip-out.aspx
Who’s to Blame for Battlefield America? Is It Militarized Police or the
Militarized Culture?
Monday November 11, 2013
John W. Whitehead
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
“It felt like I was in a big video game. It didn’t even faze me, shooting back.
It was just natural instinct. Boom! Boom! Boom!
Boom!”— Sgt. Sinque Swales, reflecting on a firefight in Iraq
It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly is responsible for the growing spate of
police shootings, brutality and overreach that have come to dominate the
news lately, whether it’s due to militarized police, the growing
presence of military veterans in law enforcement, the fact that we are a
society predisposed to warfare, indoctrinated through video games,
reality TV shows, violent action movies and a series of endless wars
that have, for younger generations, become life as they know it—or all
of the above.
Whatever the reason, not a week goes by without
more reports of hair-raising incidents by militarized police imbued with
a take-no-prisoners attitude and a battlefield approach to the
communities in which they serve......
.......While some critics are keen to paint these officers as bad cops hyped up
on the power of their badge, I don’t subscribe to the bad cop theory.
The problem, as I explain in my book A Government of Wolves: The
Emerging American Police State, is far more pervasive, arising as it
does out of America’s obsession with war and all things war-related,
which is reflected in the fact that we spend more than 20% of the
nation’s budget on the military, not including what we spend on our
endless wars abroad. The U.S. also makes up nearly 80% of the global
arms exports market, rendering us both the world’s largest manufacturer
and consumer of war.
Then there’s the nation’s commitment to
recycling America’s instruments of war and putting them to work here at
home, thanks largely to a U.S. Department of Defense program that
provides billions of dollars worth of free weapons, armored vehicles,
protective clothing and other military items to law enforcement
agencies. Ohio State University’s police department recently acquired a
Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle (MRAP), a hyped up armored
vehicle used on the battlefield to withstand explosive devices, land
mines and other sneak attacks. The university plans to use its MRAP for
crowd control at football games. Indiana University is also in line for
an MRAP, as well as dozens of police departments across the country.
Keep in mind, once acquired, this military equipment which is beyond the
budget and scope of most communities finds itself put to all manner of
uses by local law enforcement agencies under the rationale that “if we
have it, we might as well use it”—the same rationale, by the way, used
with deadly results to justify assigning SWAT teams to carry out routine
law enforcement work such as delivering a warrant.
In much the same way that community police departments have been finding homes
retired military equipment, they’re also providing jobs for returning
military personnel. As PoliceLink reports: “As the competition for
coveted law enforcement positions increases throughout the country,
police and federal recruiters have the luxury of picking and choosing
the absolute best and brightest individuals. More often than not, police
chiefs, sheriffs, and recruiters are turning to military veterans to
fill these positions as they staff the next wave of warriors in the war
on crime.”
In addition to staffing police departments with
ex-military personnel and equipping them with military gear, the
government is also going to great lengths to train local police in
military tactics. For example, civilian police train alongside military
forces at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms,
California, making full use of their weapons and equipment. The
collaborated training exercises help police incorporate military
techniques into their skillset, including exercises in how to clear and
move up a stairway, position themselves as snipers and take aim at
opposing snipers, and clear a room. With such military training a.k.a.
indoctrination in the works, it’s little wonder that police officers
increasingly look upon American citizens as enemy combatants......
Are Israel And The US Edging Closer To a Divorce?
Monday November 11, 2013
by Col. W. Patrick Lang
Institute for Peace and Prosperity
Dozens of protesters gathered to condemn US Secretary of State John
Kerry Sunday at Jerusalem’s US Consulate for remarks he made Thursday
about the prospect of a third intifada due to Israeli intransigence,
which they said resulted in the Friday firebombing of a car in Judea.
need to understand that what Kerry said on Thursday should disqualify
him as a mediator for the peace process,” [Elie Pieprz, director of
external affairs of the YESHA Council] said.
Jerusalem Post, 11/10/13
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems frustrated to find that
the Americans are harder to push than he famously once said. His Saudi
crypto-allies appear to feel the same way.
"... what Kerry said on Thursday should disqualify him as a mediator for
the peace process."
These same Zionist types did not seem to mind at all when the openly
Zionist Dennis Ross served their interest in his belief that the
Israelis are "his people."
Netanyahu and his various allies in
the US media (Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd, Ricard Engel, etc.) are busy
encouraging congressional resistance to US foreign policy with regard to
Iran, Syria and Palestine.
The basic problem for the Israelis
is the present unwillingness of most Americans to sacrifice their own
interests for those of Israel. This, of course does not apply to
Israel's bought and paid for agents among the members of the Senate and
House of Representatives. Nothing could ever be too much for them.
Israel's trip to the "hurt locker" is approaching.
Ray Kelly's first day "on the job" at JP Morgan Chase
Ray Kelly is About to Take a Job at JP Morgan?
Posted on November 6, 2013
Liberty Blitzkreig
Thought the revolving door couldn’t get any worse? Think again. The
Banana Republicization of these United States is now traveling at
hyperloop speed. It’s one thing for folks at the SEC and Congress to
jump ship for Wall Street, but the head of the country’s largest police
force going to JP Morgan? This is particularly timely since it was just
yesterday that I published an article titled: How the NYPD is in Bed with JP
If this is true, what an incredible slap in the face to all New
Yorkers. If you don’t get that you live in neo-feudalism by now, you
never will.
From the New York Post:.....
Ray Kelly's first day "on the job" at JP Morgan Chase
Civil Disobedience on Display at Unconstitutional Checkpoint
Activist Post
November 12, 2013
Gavin Seim refuses to cooperate at a government checkpoint.
This was a “State” border crossing from Nevada into CA. I’m
not willing to be stopped and questioned on our highways. We finally
just drove away. We were not chased down or arrested. Thanks to my
wonderful wife Sondra for her support and for boldly filming.
This is the Long Valley Agriculture Check station on 395N. 10/05/12
at around 3PM – We the people must rid ourselves of this tyranny by
refusing to cooperate.
We’re working our way home to Washington after a month long trip with
my family and my brother working on new pictorials and our new film,
“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty” — Thomas Jefferson
Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Out About GMO Dangers
by Elizabeth Renter
November 10th, 2013
Natural Society
As mounting evidence shows genetically modified foods have
dangerous health and environmental repercussions, the number of
scientists willing to step forward and speak out against them is
similarly growing. Dr. Thierry Vrain is just the latest of many scientists to
buck Monsanto and their hired
goons, changing his stance on GMOs and shouting their dangers to anyone
that will listen.
Dr. Vrain is a former research scientist for
Agriculture Canada. It was his job as scientist of his institute to
address the public and others, assuring them of the safety of
genetically engineered crops and foods. Now, 10 years after his
retirement, he’s changed his tune.
“In the last 10
I have changed my position. I started paying attention to the flow of
published studies coming from Europe, some from prestigious labs and
published in prestigious scientific journals, that questioned the
impact and safety of engineered food.
>I refute the claims of the biotechnology companies that their engineered
crops yield more, that they require less pesticide applications, that
they have no impact on the environment and of course that they are safe
to eat.”.....
Read more:
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great
moral crises maintain their neutrality" -Dante Alighieri
They who watch while our elected officials are ravaging our country
should consider that...Vin
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