
CGI's BoldFenianMan: Response to Ben Fulfords New Summary
of the Factions

Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013 00:44:16

In Response To: Benjamin
Fulford Message, "Who's Who" -vid (Jordon)

Ben Fulford's recent video seems to ignore the
fact that the majority of "the factions" and their power centers,
at the top of the pyramid, have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted and
that they are malevolent towards the masses of common man.

Why should humanity look to them for solutions
in the future? Any how......see below for a summary of various explanations
of “The Factions” from Various Sources and viewpoints, as updated by
Boldfenianman 08/14/2013


The Sabbatean/Satanic Cabal/Old Black Nobility

The bankster owners of the Federal Reserve/ hidden Satanists, also includes
the World Bank, the IMF, the United Nations. aka: “Faction One”, (F1), is the
group of “international bankers and corporations” that wish to control the
entire world…….”the New World Order”. (Gunther Russbacher is the first person
to introduce the concept of "The Factions" to the world at large.
Rumor Mill News was the first internet news site to to write about the
"Secret War Between the Factions"... a mostly silent war that goes
on behind the scenes. ) http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=41807

Fau Zionists/hidden Satanists (F1a)

(Per Preston James of Veterans Today-Calls this “The International Zionist
Crime Syndicate or IZCS” or Bosheviks)

(made up of 300 interconnected families, the Rothschilds, historically the
‘left’ in American politics, the Democratic Party. heavy mystery-school /
Masonic / secret society focus, and a Luciferian belief system.)

Operation Paperclip 4rth Reich Nazi’s/hidden Satanists (F1b)

(made up of Vanderbelts/Rockefellers/Bushs/Clintons/Obama, etc., as of late
the 4rth Reich has been split and fighting with the Zionists.

Department of Homeland Security, the
Washington D.C. Corporate Government U.S. corporate Media machine (Laimstream
Media Presstitutes)

This faction controls a great deal of
back-engineered ET technology

Mercenaries in Syria

The Gnostic Illuminati, The Templars (small group with high levels of
powerful archaic technical knowledge), Faction Two (F2)

Some Elements of the Deposed European Royal
Bloodlines, “Faction Two is descended from the King of Bavaria, the Knights
Templars and the German Abwehr. Faction Two was created by men whose
countries had been destroyed by the New World Order.” The true historic
Knight Templars and Davidic Bloodlines.

Rayelan Allen –Rumormillnews (Ex-Wife of
Admiral Gunther K. Russbacher was a 30 plus year veteran of the CIA and the
Office of Naval Intelligence)

WDS-Asian White Dragon Society,
Benjamin Fulford

New International Group — Russia / Asian Secret Societies faction (WDS Still
Promotes Big Government but promises it will be run by a Benevolent and
Meritorious Elite) http://shiftfrequency.com/ben-fulford-jun-24-2013-major-offensive-against-cabal-control-continues-on-multiple-fronts/

Pentagon “White Hats” and also
white hats in the agencies with their own internet alternative media outlets

Prison Planet-Infowars-Alex Jones, (CIA white hats and the Bronfman family),

Tom Henegan (?), Sorcha Faal (Naval Intelligence)

Veteran’s today-Gordon Duff, Stew Webb, James Fetzer, etc. (Defense
Intelligence Agency)

(I would include here the sizable majority of people whom most of the other
factions would view as “useless eaters”. These” Sheep” may wake up and follow
those whom still “have eyes to see and ears to hear” Gods voice and guidance
when it hits the fan. )

Her are “the Factions” as described by David Wilcox

1. Faction 1A: The Rothschild-based "Illuminati."

2. Faction 1B: The Rockefeller-based "New World Order."

3. "Faction 2": The true historic Knight Templars and Davidic

4. The New International Group — Russia / Asian Secret Societies faction.

5. The Middle East / Order of Assassins faction. (Ottoman Empire remnant and
reemergence too? ) http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread450529/pg1

Here are “the Factions” as
described by Preston James, Phd. Of Veterans Today

1. Lucifer

2. the Third Force, a major alien or spiritual inter-dimensional entity

(Aliens/Demons of Annunaki)

3. Old Black Nobility (OBN), the folks who sit at the top of the pyramid, the
renowned “Council of Twelve”

4. The OBN’s main Cutout the IZCS- this “The International Zionist Crime
Syndicate or IZCS”

5. the two cutout subdivisions of the IZCS;

a. the Fourth Reich US Nazi’s

b. and the Neo Bolsheviks, the Israeli Zionists

Her are “the Factions” as
described by Ben Fulford

1) Bank For International
Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland….”The Swiss”, Supports the BRICS Alliance of
180 nations, support financing Large Group of Non-Western Countries

2) The Committee of 300, Headed
By Queen Elizabeth, Anglo-Rothschild-Jewish Group, the British-Yiddish
Connection, Also Supporting in principle the idea of a Massive Govt.
Intervention with “A Debt Jubilee” debt forgiveness

3) The Original Italian
Merchant’s of Venice, The “Black Nobility”, the families of the: DelBanco’s,
Warburgs, D’Medicci’s, Borges, Etc., The P2 Freemasonic Lodges, Connected to
the Vatican –They Are Supporting “A Debt Jubilee” debt forgiveness and
splitting the world power structure into 5 power groups, Connected to the

4) The Gnostic Illuminati,
Grandmaster Alexander Romanov, Supports the end of royalty, Claim to have
fostered the French-Russian & American Revolutions, Wish to End the rule
of the Fed. Reserve Families, Also Supporting/Fostering A Massive Govt.
Intervention with “A Debt Jubilee” debt forgiveness and splitting the world
power structure into 5 power groups, Most Recently they Supported the recent
riots and demonstrations in Turkey, Brazil & the downfall of the Morsi
(US Puppet) government in Egypt.

5) The White Dragon Society
(WDS), an alliance of groups of Western Benevolent Secret Groups along with
Asian Secret Societies, Neo Keenan and the Ching Dynasty Aires, Holders of
Huge US Bonds, China and Japan secret societies, includes Russia, Vladimir
Putin, whom now controls many western European energy supplies

6) The Washington D.C. city
state/corporation, the U.S. gangster-cabal plutocrasy, military-industrial
complex, the Rockefellers, Henry Kissenger, the Bush-Clinton crime families,
the U.S. 4rth Reich Nazi faction, Germany, The Bundesbank, not in deficit, in
a surplus


Her are “the Factions” as described by Sherry Shriner

“There are currently 3 Factions within the New World Order competing for
rulership of and dominion over the earth. Faction 1 consists of the rich
international bankers and the Rothschild group(s). Faction 2 consists of
those involved with the secret societies and Corporations, such as the
Rockefeller group(s). Faction 3 is the Alien Agenda which includes the New
Age and fringe groups, hybrids, walk-ins, soul scalpers and soul-scalped,
shapeshifters etc..and now Faction 4, a fragment of the 144,000 who are going
forth in exploits to defeat the armies of the Man of Sin when he arrives.”

I would include David Wilcox’s
Ottoman Empire faction as part of his “New International Group”. I think
Sherry Shriner has something to offer here with both her identification of
the New Age Movement as a faction as well as her more important fragment of
the 144,000 faction. When the Biblical prophecies reveal that “the meak shall
inherit the earth”……..I think that refers to the sizable majority of people
whom most of the other factions would view as “useless eaters”. These” Sheep”
may wake up and follow those whom still “have eyes to see and ears to hear”
Gods voice and guidance when it hits the fan. Some of these new age “aliens”
may be malevolent and demonic while we need to stay open minded to the
possibility of benevolent “angelic-like” so called “aliens”. Perhaps they’ll
turn out to be better described as inter-dimensional beings rather than
intergalactic beings. Your further feed-back and guidance to these
perceptions is both welcome and encouraged!

Aliens/Demons of Annunaki



Zeta Reticula/Greys

O.R.M.E.’S Orbitally Rearranged monoatomic Elements/The Tree Of Life

Light Platinum Group:

Ruthenium Ru44

Rhodium Rh45

Palladium Pd46

Silver Ag47

Heavy Platinum Group:

Osmium Os76

Iridium Ir77

Platinum Pt78

Gold Au79


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