Why is it that all the bad guys want to tag innocent people
all over the world in any way, shape or form they can do it in?????? The people
are not YOUR sheep, serfs, or anything else you want to call us..If you want to
PLANET !!! I also think they need to get their fingers out of everyones
computers that are legal...NSA is supposedly going after bad guys!!! Is that
why they want all of our communications to anyone, private emails too ????
Phone calls included, of course, if you pay someone enough money then someone
like AT&T will take you up on that. That is illegally getting info that the
NSA has NO RIGHT TO HAVE !!!! If someone broke into NSAs' computer I bet they
would be in jail in less than 30 minutes with everything that person had
confiscated.. Well, it's time the NSA gets shut down for the same thing. !!!!
In case no one at NSA has heard ALL 50 STATES HAVE RESIGNED FROM THE USA
FOR THEM. !!!!
REAL ID — The Global Smart-ID is Coming!
The grand plan for Global ID
is to give each person on the planet a way to identify themselves online.
Julie Beal
Activist Post
August 14, 2013
One ID
number for each person, to signify all that they are. This is the full personal
profile containing anything relevant for identification purposes. It means all
our private details being managed by a corporation, in the cloud.
If you want to sign up to the
online identity ecosystem, you can already do so through Google or Yahoo!, or
by registering with the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group (IDESG).[1]
And if
you don’t want anything to do with it, it’ll be tough, if not impossible, to
get by in the future, because you’ll have to use your global ID to access all
government services and healthcare services, to drive a car, and, once cash is
gone, to pay for anything. Given the atmosphere of mistrust engendered by the
system, and the constant fear of terrorism, over time it’s likely you’d need to
‘validate your identity’ to get insurance, to get a job, and to access
In America, the Kantara
Initiative (previously the Liberty Alliance) has been working with the Obama
Administration to establish this global ID management system, and will soon be
rolling it out nationwide, as a way to minimise fraudulent use of electronic
health records (EHRs). The system is nearly up and running (trials have already
begun), meaning anyone who wants to access healthcare in the US will have to
produce their smart-ID first. Most of the time you’ll be required to provide
three-factor authentication, which means something you KNOW (the one and only
password), something you HAVE (the smart card/phone), and something you ARE
(your biometrics).
Dig deep into your memories, and
see if you remember the NSTIC? The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in
Cyberspace was first announced by Obama in 2011, and is somewhat mis-named,
since it intends to operate on a global scale. For online identity verification
to work, it needs to be operable across borders, just like the Internet. Each
country is developing their own version of the same package, but using the same
standards, such as by aligning with the Open Identity Exchange (OIX). In the
UK, for instance, the plan to make all government services online only is well
under way, and having an online ID will be the only way to interact with the
State. Universal Credit is soon to be rolled out, and all claimants will have to
use their online ID in order to claim, and receive, benefits.[2]
In America, most of the
opposition to the control of identity is focused on ‘REAL ID’. It has
unfortunately kept activists distracted from the NSTIC. Following the REAL ID
Act of 2005, only thirteen states have fully complied, leaving some politicians up in arms that the Obama
Administration seems to be doing little to help the implementation of REAL ID
to combat terrorism. Perhaps they’re not aware that the American Association of
Motor Vehicle Administrators were one of five pilot projects awarded a total of $9 million by the US
government to kick off the NSTIC in September last year; the other winners were
Daon, Criterion Systems, Resilient Networks and Internet2.
Daon is the first pilot to go live
– by providing identity management for pilots!!! Or rather, airport executives.
Daon’s team, which includes the American Association of
Retired Persons (AARP), PayPal, Purdue University and the the American
Association of Airport Executives (AAAE), was awarded $1.8 million for the
NSTIC initiative. They plan to “demonstrate how consumers–specifically senior
citizens–can benefit from a digitally connected, consumer friendly identity
ecosystem.” AARP is busy drumming up support (e.g. for the Common Access Card), while Daon has created a system where
airport executives can validate their identity using their smartphone.
It’s worth noting that Daon
has been perfecting the art of biometric identity management since 1999, with
its software being used globally. According to Wikipedia,
Daon is a member of the Federation
for Identity and Cross-Credentialing Systems, Inc. (FIXs) and has an executive
serving as the elected chair of the BioAPI Consortium and as head of the U.S.
delegation to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC37 (subcommittee on biometrics). Daon is also a
member of the Biometrics Consortium.
In 2006, Daon and the
American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) entered into a joint venture
to create the Security Biometric Clearing Network (SBCN) to provide services
for biometric identity management, including enrollment, background checking,
secure biometric and biographic information storage and card issuance.
So it’s
taken seven years for them to get the system operational – enrollment began in
Participating AAAE members are using credentials
based on patented IdentityX®
risk-based, multi-factor, mobile authentication technology to access
restricted, member-only areas of the association’s website. They will use their
smartphones or tablets to verify their identity, leveraging privacy-enhancing
methods, each time they access the website sections that house sensitive data.
The identity management services are hosted in the cloud by TrustX™, a Daon
This is the first relying party participating in a
NSTIC pilot to go live and represents a major milestone for the program. In
addition to piloting the use of strong authentication credentials, Daon’s pilot
also focuses on the movement of relying party partners to external identity
providers and trust frameworks as well as cross-sector credential
interoperability. Following AAAE, other partners scheduled to go live include
AARP, PayPal, Purdue University and a major bank. (Source)
Daon also provides the software for India’s Unique
ID (UID), the world’s largest identity program, and have now brought IdentityX® to
the market, for businesses and individuals to use as an identity authentication
platform, for use on the user’s mobile phone or tablet. Biometrics and
geo-location via GPS are required to authenticate high-risk transactions, such
as payment. (Source)
The main way the NSTIC will be initialised, it
would seem, will be as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(PPACA), which mandates the use of electronic health/medical records, and is
set to take effect in 2014. To make sure all organisations are prepared for
this, the Obama Administration has provided subsidies to cover the cost of
converting paper records into an electronic format, which, “has fueled
something of an explosion in companies developing and providing online personal
health records (PHR) services and systems to patients and doctors alike.” (Source)
A number of incentives
have also been provided to ensure compliance:
To encourage medical practices to implement EMR technology, the federal government
has created an incentive program: Professionals able to meet specific federal
requirements for EMR are eligible to receive up to $44,000 through the Medicare
Electronic Health Records Incentive Program. Additionally, professionals providing
service in an area deemed a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) may be
eligible for extra incentives above and beyond the initial $44,000.
The incentives for institutions go even further
with base payments for eligible institutions beginning at $2 million. … To
ensure that institutions are making appropriate use of new electronic medical
records technology (and the funding that goes along with it), several
meaningful use requirements have been established. These include structured
formats for areas such as medical billing, patient records and employee
PHRs are said to increase
patient safety, especially in emergency situations, because all of your
personal medical data is readily to available, which could help guide treatment
action. However, if you didn’t actually have your smart card/phone with you,
how could you validate your identity? Would you be denied treatment?
It is also being claimed
that the sharing of medical information among providers would reduce the costs
of health care and insurance, because fewer tests and admin would be required,
and there would be fewer errors. Nonetheless, when errors are made, they could
be far more serious.
Robert Anthony from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) provided an update on the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive
Program as of March 2013:
· 77 percent of eligible
hospitals have received an EHR incentive payment
· Over 245,000 Medicare
and Medicaid Eligible Providers (EP) have received an EHR incentive
· 192,126 EPs and 2,874
hospitals have successfully attested under the program
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
is liaising with the NSTIC teams to achieve interoperability between departments
and agencies; the Health Information Technology Standards Committee (HITSC) Workplan includes “standards to support
image exchange and genomic data in EHRs”. (Source)
Jeremy Grant, leader for the NSTIC, said last year,
“in addition to the participants already listed for the five pilots NIST will
soon announce the addition of at least one major bank, a mobile telecom
provider and one or two ‘Internet titans.’” (Source)t
In the meantime, the $1.6 million awarded to the American Association of
Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) has led to the second NSTIC pilot, in
Virginia. The AAMVA, together with the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of
Motor Vehicles, Biometric Signature ID, CA Technologies, Microsoft and AT&T
to catalyse the NSTIC, has led to a roll-out of Identity Management (IdM) in
Virginia, as part of the Cross Sector Digital Identity Initiative (CSDII):
When it comes to state
services, a typical resident has some identity attributes with the Department
of Revenue, some with the Department of Motor Vehicles and still others with
various agencies such as the Department of Natural Resources. Moreover, if the
resident uses Medicaid there’s attribute information stored there as well. For
the past few years, there’s been discussion around consolidating the different
state identity silos into one. The Commonwealth of Virginia is taking the first
steps with a pilot program between the Department of Motor Vehicles and the
Department of Medical Assistance Services. Virginia is creating the
Commonwealth Authentication System that will verify a Medicaid recipient’s
identity using data from the Department of Motor Vehicles, explains Dave
Burhop, deputy commissioner and CIO with the Virginia DMV. In the future this
system could be used by other state agencies to verify identification
information as well. The impetus for the system was the Affordable Care Act,
which will see 240,000 more Virginia residents using Medicaid, Burhop says
… The system will provide identity-vetting information
for administrators and it will also provide citizen-facing functionality, says
Mike Farnsworth, project manager for the Commonwealth Authentication System
with the Virginia DMV. Instead of having to fill out and deliver or fax paper
forms, the new system enables online enrollment. The individual will open an
account that will take them through enrollment in the Commonwealth
Authentication System, says Burhop. The system will vet the individual using
the driver license data to confirm identity. He is now able to apply for
Medicaid benefits.” (Source)
This, then, is the second pilot to ‘go live’, and
the most interesting thing about this particular project is the type of
biometric it is using. Whilst fingerprints and photos can be easily mis-used,
even after their ‘owner’ has died, the method developed by BioSig-ID validates
a person’s identity in real-time. It is already being used by the education system to prevent cheating. To prove
their identity, the user signs their name, and password, and the way they do
this is uniquely individual to them, thereby validating their identity based on
their behavior; it proves they are alive and (probably!) in control of
the procedure and/or device. The final part of the procedure involves selecting
secretly chosen pictures. I’m not sure how all this would work if the user were
drunk, or under duress (such as being about to die!). Full
authentication also requires proof of having the device used to store your
credentials, so if your phone or smart card were stolen, you would be prevented
from accessing healthcare, or making payments.
Dynamic biometrics like BioSig-ID™ allow an
infinite number of different secret biometric samples (codes, images, and
numbers) generated by the same individual. Revocation is instant and
replacement is only a re-enrollment. If your fingerprint gets hacked it is gone
forever. With BioSig-ID™ you can always change your drawing and clicking
behaviour…….. There is no need for any special equipment or hardware, just a
mouse, stylus or touchpad. Our Click-ID feature replaces tokens, smart cards,
images, IP addresses, device reputation or other biometrics that require
hardware and can augment PINS and passwords. An audit trail log is created
for compliance and security. (my italics) (Source)
The Smart Card Alliance has been very involved with
plans to use their technology as part of the digitization of health care, and a
host of other ID applications, including biometrics. They have been pushing smart cards
for many years, and have published several white papers. The
Alliance, and especially Gemalto, have also provided consultation to the White House, so it seems
likely their products will be used initially. (Whilst some people are either
too poor, or unwilling, to buy a smart phone.) However, what it all seems to
come down to is the secure element which can be used to cryptographically
store all ID credentials, including biometrics, on one tiny ‘computer’ that can
be either built-in, or inserted into, a phone. There have been a number of
attempts, by the likes of Google and Microsoft, to achieve ‘consumer lock-in’,
but a secure element allows the user to take it out of their phone and put it
in another one (like you do with a SIM or micro-SD). The identity details on it
can still be updated when necessary.
Now, anyone with an
Android or Blackberry phone can use the CredenSE NFC microSD, released by
DeviceFidelity, Inc., which is, “the world’s first NFC secure element solution
that is open and accessible to any service provider globally”.
The CredenSE portfolio leverages DeviceFidelity’s
patented technology that allows for clean integration of NFC microSD products
into phones that already have NFC technology built-in such as the Samsung
Galaxy S4. In this case, the NFC microSD provides an additional Secure Element
for NFC phones that is not dependent or controlled by one particular party,
thereby enabling all types of institutions such as banks, transit operators,
system integrators, but also enterprise and security tokens providers to deploy
directly to their consumers. ……CredenSE is the world’s first commercial NFC
product with on board active signal amplification chip, industry leading Secure
Element and miniature antenna, making it the only Secure Element microSD that
can host mobile wallet applications on both NFC and non-NFC phones. (Source)
All of these measures are
intended to make us safe online. But what about those of us who do not wish to
have an online identity profile at all? If you can’t access basic services
without handing your details over to a private corporation, you’re left with
little, or no, choice. These private corporations include those who have helped
the NSA pry into our lives for no good reason whatsoever, and they will only be
helping the NSA even more by aggregating our information when they become
Identity Providers.
There is a fortune to be
made by marketers from the data collected in this way – and it is also
fundamental to population simulations which are said to predict disease and
unrest, and are therefore ‘necessary’ for policy formation. In other words, the
data from our identity profiles gives a very clear picture of the global
population, helping the Corporate State make predictions, and perfect their
social engineering techniques. It is the Corporate State that holds the best
computing power that money can buy, giving them the permanent edge in the cyber
battlefield. No matter how secure we’re told identity management is, the NSA
will always be able to gain access to our purely electronic lives.
Community cash is what we
need. Local organic food and local councils with no link to Agenda 21 or the
global Corporate State. Real news and real privacy.
The freedom to be.
[1] A delegate from the Electronic Frontier Foundation is part of the Identity
Ecosystem Steering Group, along with the government and some big corporations. http://www.idecosystem.org/group/leadership
[2] The UK is developing an online Identity
Assurance model and has recently published guidance on authentication for
The best place to find out about the advances in IdM in the UK is the blog at
DMossEsq. http://www.dmossesq.com/2012/09/midata-loneliest-initiative-in_10.html#uds-search-results
This article first appeared at Get Mind Smart
Julie Beal is a UK-based independent researcher who has
been studying the globalist agenda for more than 20 years. Please visit her
website, Get Mind Smart,
for a wide range of information about Agenda 21, Communitarianism, Ethics,
Bioscience, and much more.