

FBI Child-Pimp Raid Ignores Pedophile Elite 

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Vatic Note: 
Now this is going on almost 20 years that this has been public knowledge and to
this day, no one at the highest levels of government has been arrested. 
These are felony crimes being committed, not to mention the moral degradation
and insanity surrounding these acts.   Where in the law or Constitution
does it say that the agencies of our government can commit felony crimes and
destroy citizens lives to achieve their poitical agenda? Someone please show me
the law.

We had a quote up here on our blog from 1200 BC reminding us
that without Justice a civilization cannot survive.  That is where we are
right now, on the precipace of destruction specifically because justice is not
available to those in most need of it, the little children, the most pure and
innocent that is taken from them like a theft that can never be returned. 
The child is ruined for life and robbed of that which is the foundation of his
entire future personality and life.

What a horrific crime that is.  Worse than a brinks multi
million dollar robbery.  This is not just limited to the GOP, its also
going on in the  democratic party as we published on here a couple of
years ago.  Its both at the top.  Anyway, since we are at the stage
of screaming bloody murder over all of this,  we might as well add this
one into it too.

We want this investigated and justice dept personnel to be
arrested if they refuse, same with the Assistant AG's.  Its aiding and
abetting a felony crime, so they are guilty as the perps and should receive the
same sentencing for that crime. 

FBI Child-Pimp Raid Ignores Pedophile
Dr. Kevin Barrett, Editor, Veterans today, August 1, 2013

The FBI announced Monday that it has arrested 150 people
suspected of child sex trafficking.

Unfortunately, those arrested appear to be low-level
operators – not the well-connected kingpins who pander children to the
wealthiest and most powerful Americans. Elite pedophile networks connected to
elements of the CIA, including the “Finders of Lost Children” and the Franklin
Scandal group, have operated shamelessly and without fear of prosecution for

They have even peddled young prostitutes during midnight tours
of the White House.

On June 29th, 1989, the Washington Times published a
breakthrough story headlined: “Homosexual
prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush: ‘Call boys’ took midnight
tour of White House.’”

The story began: “A homosexual
prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities
and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush
administrations, military officers, congressional aides and US and foreign
businessmen with close social ties to Washington’s political elite, documents
obtained by The Washington Times reveal. 

One of the ring’s high-profile
clients was so well-connected, in fact, that he could arrange a
middle-of-the-night tour of the White House for his friends on Sunday, July 3,
of last year. Among the six persons on the extraordinary 1 a.m. tour were two
male prostitutes.”

None of the guilty parties was ever prosecuted.

In 2005, male prostitute Jeff Gannon repeatedly took midnight
tours of George W. Bush’s White House. Though Gannon was using bogus press
credentials, and though the Secret Service broke its own rules by failing to
log Gannon in and out properly, no investigation was launched – and, of course,
nobody was ever prosecuted.

Apparently, offering midnight tours of the White House for young
male prostitutes is standard operating procedure in today’s USA.

Why do these criminals enjoy immunity from prosecution?

Two interrelated factors are at work.

First, America’s wealthiest families share a tradition of what
sociologists and criminologists call “elite
deviance”: They consider themselves above the law. Groups like Skull
and Bones, whose initiates masturbate naked in a coffin in front of the older
members, help intensify this culture of deviance by inculcating an ethic of
superiority and impunity, and operating as a “feeder” for US intelligence
services. Professor Peter Dale Scott explains that these elite organized
criminals form an “overworld” which is as far above the law as the “underworld”
is beneath it.

Secondly, rogue elements of various police and intelligence
services, as well as top-tier organized crime outfits, use blackmail as a means
of control. They employ child prostitution rings to obtain blackmail material
on politicians, judges, military and intelligence officers, and other key

One of the most notorious CIA-linked child-pimping outfits is
the Finders of Lost Children. In 1979, police in Tallahassee, Florida arrested
two men who were brutally abusing six children between the ages of three and
six. A police investigation revealed that large numbers of captive children
were being held in two warehouses in Washington, DC and being treated worse
than animals in a zoo. The children were “unaware
of the purposes of telephones, televisions, and toilets” and were used in blood rituals and sexual orgies. A
vast treasure trove of documents, photos, and videos showed that the Finders
were running a huge, multi-national child trafficking operation.

Agent Ramon Martinez of the US Customs Service
and Detective James Bradley of the Washington, DC police were horrified at what
they found. They were even more horrified when their investigation and
attempted prosecution of the Finders was called off – by the CIA! According to
Agent Martinez’s report, the case of the Finders of Lost Children was deemed “a CIA internal matter” and all details were “classified secret and not available for review.”
The CIA forced USCS, the DC Police, and the FBI to drop the case and release
the two child abusers – and give them back the six children for further
abuse.  (VN: Remember, it was the British that created the CIA and they
worked hand in hand with MI6 and Mossad, who together, are considered the intel
branch of the NWO and do not report as a rule, to the heads of their respective
countries.  President Truman made public statements that "I wish I
had never signed the bill that created the CIA.  I have no idea what they
are doing since they do not report to me, rather to someone else that I know
nothing about."  Remember also  Britain has one of the worst
reputations for pedophiling in their schools.  Is this why? Is this how
they got a strangle hold on our congress and senate?)

The CIA’s role in organized child trafficking has been revealed
by former CIA Director William Colby, who admitted to Nebraska State Legislator
John DeCamp that a rogue element of the CIA was heavily involved in ritual
child abuse. Colby said it would be very difficult to stop the CIA child
abusers, who held enormous power, but that in the long term they might be
brought down. He informed DeCamp that the abused children were being used in
CIA mind-control experiments as well as blackmail projects.

Unfortunately, Colby did not live to see the demise of the CIA
child-abuse faction. He was killed in a transparently fraudulent “boating
accident” a few years after he began working with DeCamp.

John DeCamp’s book The Franklin Cover-up describes how children
from Nebraska’s Boys Town orphanage were flown all over the US by a pimp named
Larry King, a well-connected Republican who sang the National Anthem at the
Republican National Convention by day, then sold child sex slaves to Republican
party bigwigs at night. One of the child prostitutes implicated George H.W.
Bush in testimony videotaped by investigators.

A series of mysterious deaths ended the Franklin investigation,
but the truth is not hard to discover. Nick Bryant’s book The Franklin Scandal
and John DeCamp’s The Franklin Cover-up flesh out the details. And the
documentary film Conspiracy of Silence – which was
nearly scrubbed from history by the child-abuse perpetrators – can and must be
viewed on-line.


Bottom line: Though the FBI should be commended for arresting
150 suspected child traffickers, it still needs to be pressured to go after the
elite pedophile organizations that apparently enjoy continuing impunity.

Want to Know NOTE:  

For an excellent website filled with information about the Franklin case child
sex abuse ring:


To read dozens of media articles on
the Franklin case which led to Conspiracy of Silence: http://www.franklincase.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=6&Itemid=19


For other highly reliable
information on the secret mind control programs behind the sex abuse:


For revealing, declassified
documents related to Conspiracy of Silence: http://www.WantToKnow.info/mind_control/finders_foia_report_child_abduction.pdf


For those who want to know the
deepest levels of deception in our world related to this: http://www.WantToKnow.info//mindcontrolinformation#mindcontrolbig


Note that the official documents at
the second to the last link above identify a group called the Finders based in
Washington, D.C. An FBI and customs investigation definitively linked the
Finders to organized child sex abuse, child pornography, blood rituals, and
much more. 


The investigation revealed vast
amounts of documents implicating a massive, lucrative child sex abuse ring that
was international in scope. The paragraph below is a quote from a statement at
the end of the final document showing how the investigation was stopped by the
CIA. Why do you think that might have happened? Explore the links above to find



"I was advised ... of
circumstances which indicated that the investigation in the activity of the
FINDERS had become a CIA internal matter. The MPD [Washington, D.C.
Metropolitan Police Department] report has been classified secret and was not
available for review. I was advised the FBI had withdrawn from the
investigation. The FBI Foreign Counterintelligence Division had directed MPD
not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired.
No further information will be available. No further action will be


The box below provides several ideas
on what you can do to further educate yourself and to spread the word and make
a difference to stop these child sex abuse rings. By being willing to look into
these disturbing shadows, we can bring these secrets to light and transform our
world into a better place for all of us. And for a powerful online lesson which
gives an excellent overview not only of the secrets of mind control and its
relation to child sex abuse, but also how it can be used for the betterment of
all humankind, click here.


What you can do:


Educate yourself further by visiting
our information-packed Mind Control Information Center.


Inform your media and political
representatives of this powerful documentary and the information on child sex
abuse rings and secret mind control programs. To contact those close to you, click here. Urge them to
bring this information to light and encourage public dialog on this vital topic.


Learn more about the intriguing
history and development of controversial mind control programs and child sex
abuse in  this excellent two-page summary.
Footnotes and links to reliable sources are provided for verification purposes.


Read powerful, reliable major media
articles on mind control and child sex abuse at this link.


Explore inspiring ideas on how we
can build a brighter future in this short essay.


Spread this news revealing child sex
abuse rings to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key
news websites using the "Share This" icon on this page, so that we
can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can
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