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Mother’s Day Magic…With Love Book Boost
Auction For MS


All day May 25, 2016


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Auction For MS

Mother’s Day Magic…With Love will be in the Spotlight all day starting at 8:15 AM CDT. This wonderful Anthology celebrates mothers and womanhood.

10% of proceeds from this anthology go to the National MS Society for research.

Auction For MS will begin at 8:00 AM CDT on May 25 and will close at 10:00 PM CDT on May 26. Lots of fabulous items have been donated. Everything from books to swag to custom made items to author services are available. Head on over to see all the fantastic items and bid on the ones you want.

All proceeds go to Accelerated Cure Project for MS Research to find a cure for MS.

Craving a poignant, nostalgic read? Or perhaps you desire a scintillating tale of romance and heartbreak? This top-ten bestselling anthology, by multi-awarding winning and #1 bestselling authors, celebrates the strength and determination of women who are mothers. You’ll enjoy 12 previously unpublished stories and help fund research!

Felt by the Heart

by Angela Ford

(#1 Bestselling, Amazon Top 50 &

Award-Winning Author)

As Rachel Winters’s fiftieth birthday approached the forever she’d found with Ryan ended with heartache. And for her daughter, the second chance of having a dad. Will Rachel find the strength to rebuild her life and her daughter’s?

I Love You More

by Cornelia Amiri

(Best-selling author, Celtic Romance Queen)

On turning sixty, Garland recalls memories of her life’s journey from an abusive childhood to a bad marriage to the ups and downs of a single mom. She is rewarded with a magical mother’s day with her loving family.

Two Hearts Unspoken

by Tamara Ferguson

(#1 Bestselling Author &TRR Readers’ Choice Award Winner)

Retired air force captain and wounded warrior, Zach Logan, discovers that his scars are more than skin deep, when he falls in love with Beth Bowen; the lovely single mother of an autistic son.

December Roses

by Daisy Banks

(Bestselling Author)

A present day gift of flowers sets off delightful memories for Jean. The recollections of the day love first bloomed, and trust overcoming a frightening challenge, are carved deep into her heart.

Maddie’s Project

by Anna Celeste Burke

(Award-Winning, Bestselling Author)

Laura’s mother, Maddie, led a life bursting at the seams, filled with family and a million projects. May changed everything. More than a decade later, Laura reflects on Maddie’s biggest project, and how it changed all their lives.

Vision of the Heart

by Mary Crawford

(#1 Bestselling Author)

Facing the vision loss caused by macular degeneration is hard enough, but it’s causing Julia Concord to question everything she knows about herself as a wife, mother, and nurse. Can she handle a reunion when she’s a shadow of the person she once was?

An English Rose

by Allyson R. Abbott

(#1 Bestselling Author)

A compelling and humorous insight of past years and present dilemma’s as Rose reflects on her usefulness in later life. Just as she acknowledges and accepts her sell-by-date is approaching, life suddenly becomes interesting again, in more ways than one.

The Art of Forgiveness

by Tamara Philip

(Angie Ovations Outstanding Interracial Romance)

The story of one woman’s journey to find out the truth surrounding her adoption decades earlier. Amidst the tragedy of the past, she finds connections to her complicated history and a gentle reminder about the transcendent power of forgiveness and time.

The Illusion of Happiness

by Neva Squires Rodriquez

Divorced and having lived under the illusion of happiness for over thirty years, Graciela struggles to find her strength. With her fiftieth birthday and Mother’s Day weekend approaching, a surprise visit helps put things into prospective for her.

The Day Before Eclosion

by Adrienne Ruvalcaba

Sharon’s only daughter, Gracie, is ready to move out on her own. What should be an exciting transition is complicated by Gracie’s disability. Can Sharon learn to accept Gracie’s need for autonomy before irreparable damage is done to their relationship?

The Light We Found

by Q.D. Purdu

(Texas Writers’ Winner)

Calla has survived divorce and developed her first newly-single crush on Ben, the special guy in her triple-two-step class. Life is rocking until her ex confesses a long-hidden betrayal, and Ben reveals the most hurtful secret of all.

Forever Sunshine

by Cary Allen Stone & Tyler Hosea

(Multi-Bestselling Author)

A letter containing the last request of their mother was handed to the son and daughter at the funeral service. They were told to read the letter at her gravesite on the year anniversary of her passing.





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5 Stars

Mother’s Day Magic is a delightful book. Each story is written by a different author, allowing a wide range of views on women and motherhood. Some of the stories are lighthearted while others are a bit more serious. Overall, the book is positive and will lift your spirits. I got the “warm fuzzies” while reading the stories.
specialangel- Reader & Blogger


5 Stars

Mother’s Day Magic: with Love rather caught me by surprise. I wasn’t sure I would enjoy this anthology of relationships and love, all centered around the magical day that is Mother’s Day – How surprised was I? This is a superb collection of stories by a number of talented authors. Of extra pleasure to me was the revelation that part of the profits from this collection would be donated to MS research.

Mother’s Day Magic: With Love is a collection of twelve individual short stories and/or novellas. Every single one of the stories had something special about them and I wouldn’t be overstating things to say that I enjoyed each and every one of them.

I really could go on and on about these stories. Twelve wonderful stories and not a single dud among them. It is rare that you read a compilation where every story connects and excites you – Mother’s Day Magic is such a compilation. I would highly recommend this to all readers; it is five stars plus all the way. Excellent!

Grant Leichman, Author and Blogger

Angela Ford

Her love of the ocean and sunsets are always in her heart and give her inspiration. Her love for words keeps her turning the page. She is never without a book, whether she’s reading or writing. Now residing in Ontario, Angela works in Finance – numbers by day – words by night.

Angela Ford’s dedication and involvement with cyber safety seminars gave her an Award of Distinction and sparked the idea for her first book Closure – crime suspense that hit Best Selling Action/Adventure. Ms. Ford continued her FBI series with Forbidden and Obsessed with the final in the series coming in 2016. In between mysteries, Ms. Ford writes short contemporary romance…sometimes sweet…sometimes spicy and sometimes with a dash of suspense! Her #1 Bestseller Christmas Holiday Romance put her in Amazon’s Top 50 Authors.

Between two jobs and two kids, mom’s home is always filled with young adults and rather interesting stories. But it is the furry family members who rule the house – a Puggle, a new Chug puppy and two loveable cats. Every possible quiet moment she finds, she treasures and just writes about the moments to come. Angela is an avid reader of romance, a member of the RWA, KOD (Kiss of Death – Suspense Chapter) and Mississauga Writers Group. She loves to hear from her readers – they keep her smiling!

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Cornelia Amiri

Cornelia Amiri, who also writes under the name of Maeve Alpin, is the author of 30 Published books of romance, fantasy, and Science fiction. She lives in Houston Texas as does her son and granddaughter and her cat, Severus. Severus is a writer’s cat, he loves books. He likes to knock them off the bookshelf, sit on them, and sniff the open pages. He also uses the computer, he sits on it, lays on top of it, and walks across the key board almost constantly.

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Tamara Ferguson

A member of the Romance Writers of America, Tamara Ferguson is the top-ten best-selling, multi-award winning author of the Kissed By Fate Romance Series and the Tales of The Dragonfly Romance Suspense Series.

Her release Two Hearts Surrendered is a military romance and was her contribution to the bestselling Magical Weddings anthology, which included stories by fifteen USA Today, best-selling, and award-winning authors. Two Hearts Surrendered recently earned 3-5★reviews from Readers’ Favorite, and has just become a #1 Wounded Warrior Romance Bestseller, Kindle Book and Series.

Tales of the Dragonfly Book I: In Tandem was a romance finalist at the 2013 Indie Excellence Awards, while Tales of the Dragonfly Book II: In Flight was a 2014 WINNER at the Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards. Her latest release, That Unforgettable Kiss, was recently a top ten Amazon bestseller in Kindle Saga Fiction, earned 3-5★editorial reviews from Readers’ Favorite, and has just become the 2015 WINNER of The Romance Reviews Readers’ Choice Awards in New Adult Romance.

That Unforgettable Kiss is currently featured in the #5 bestselling A Touch Of Passion, 12 full-length novels by USA Today, New York Times bestselling and multi-award winning authors. This anthology is also a #1 New Adult Romance Bestseller, as well as a New Adult Bestseller.

A graduate of Illinois State University, Tamara Ferguson was a Vice-President of her graduating class and a Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. She was awarded the Illinois State University College of Applied Science and Technology Collegiate Achievement Award upon her graduation.

A former horticulturist, she resides in central Illinois. Since she remains a full-time caregiver for an autistic son, you can usually find Tammy working at home, where she spends a lot of time not completing her numerous home improvement projects, because she’s writing or helping indie authors promote their books on Twitter.

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Daisy Banks

Daisy Banks writes romances ranging from sweetly tender through to sexily spicy tales in the Historical, Paranormal and Fantasy genres. From Victorian devotion to a werewolf passion, a rogue and a courtesan, a clumsy fairy and a saucy ghost, you can discover a different world with Daisy in each of her stories.

Antiques and collecting entertain Daisy when she isn’t writing. There are also some rare occasions she makes a meal that doesn’t stick to the pan.






Anna Celeste Burke

Life is an extravaganza! Figuring out how to hang tough and make the most of the wild ride is the challenge. On my way to Oahu, to join the rock musician and high school drop-out I had married in Tijuana, I was nabbed as a runaway. Eventually, the police let me go, but the rock band broke up. Our next stop: Disney World, where we ‘worked for the Mouse’ as chefs, courtesy of Walt Disney World University Chef’s School training. More education landed us in academia at The Ohio State University. For decades, I researched, wrote, and taught a number of gloriously nerdy topics.
Retired now, I’m still married to the same, sweet, guy and live with him near Palm Springs, California.

I write mysteries set in sunny California! The Jessica Huntington Desert Cities Mystery series, set here in the Coachella Valley, the Corsario Cove Cozy Mystery Series set in California’s Central Coast, and The Georgie Shaw Cozy Mystery series set in the OC. Coming soon, The Misadventures of Betsy Stark that also take place, here, in the Coachella Valley.







Mary Crawford

Mary Crawford has been lucky enough to live her own version of a romance novel. She married the guy who kissed her at summer camp. He told her on the night they met that he was going to marry her and be the father of their children. Eventually she stopped giggling when he said it, and they just celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary. They have two children. The oldest is in medical school, where he recently found and married the love of his life, and the youngest is still in elementary school.

Ms. Crawford writes full time now. She has published six books and has several more underway. She volunteers her time to a variety of causes and has worked as a Civil Rights Attorney and diversity advocate. Ms. Crawford spent several years working for various social service agencies before becoming an attorney. In her spare time, she loved to cook, decorate cakes and of course, obsessively, compulsively read.





Allyson R. Abbott

I love to travel, but I also need to work. Being an author allows me to combine both of activities and has the added bonus of life being an adventure. I never know where I will be sitting writing from one year to the next. As I write this, I am in South Africa, in February I travel to Spain for a few months and by June, in the USA. It is a great life, if you don’t mind a little insecurity.

I try to bring a little of my adventurous personality into my stories. Being a ‘mature aging gracefully’ woman, I feel akin to the problems of aging and relationships. I spent many years on my own before finding my truly remarkable and very patient partner who I happily gave up my whole world for. My stories are about mature relationships with mature people. People who have character and humour, who have a history; people just like us.

I like to call it Hen Lit, Not Chick Lit, but they are not just about falling in love. They are about real relationships and adventure.







Tamara Philip

After spending most of her life in New York City, Tamara Philip decided to let love lead her on an international adventure, where she’s met many amazing people and ate entirely too much. Tamara and her English-born Husband, Chris, now split their time between the United Kingdom and Trinidad and Tobago.

Writing has been her secret passion since childhood. Quirky female leads are her trademark.

On any given day you can find Tamara telling people what to do, dodging adulthood, and working hard on her next novel.

Other works by Tamara Philip are The Trouble with Playing Cupid, The Trouble with Romance and two holiday short stories, Romancing the Grinch and This Season…Have Love/Have Faith with fellow author, Neva Squires Rodriguez.

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Neva Squires-Rodrigez

Neva Squires-Rodriguez was born and raised in a neighborhood located on the North Side of Chicago. Mother, Wife, Expert at multitasking, when she’s not writing newspaper columns or finishing up her latest novel, she is dispatching calls for her city’s 911 center. Perhaps this is what helps Neva create electrifying stories with a twist.

Neva Squires-Rodriguez earned her Bachelor’s Degree from American Military University (APUS/AMU) and her Master’s Degree from National University, a feat which she worked very hard to obtain and says she will work even harder to pay off.

She claims to be a typical American, full of dreams that will hopefully get her to a more comfortable lifestyle one day. She says, “God has a plan and I will follow wherever it is that He takes me.”

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Adrienne D’nelle Ruvalcaba

Adrienne D’nelle Ruvalcaba was born and raised in Southeast Texas. After high school, she joined the U.S. Army and served four years at Fort Campbell, KY. After her army days, and one failed attempt at marriage, she and her two children relocated so that she could enroll in the Engineering program at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. While there, she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with a concentration in structural analysis. Also while at SIU, she was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. This diagnosis significantly changed her life.

Since the onset of SLE, she has learned a lot about those close to her and even more about herself. After a few years of struggling to accept lupus as part of her life, she has come to a more peaceful place, and no longer lets her disease define who she is.

Adrienne has a love of writing that dates back to grade school, and she often takes solace in the many worlds she creates in her imagination. She writes women’s fiction and romance, and her books are meant purely for emotional fulfillment, enjoyment, and sweet escapism. Real life is difficult enough, and she believes that we all need a little break from it sometimes.
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