Title: Undefeated (Fighter Erotic Romance #1)
Author: Scott Hildreth
Published Date: May 13th 2014
Genre: Erotic Romance
Shane Dekkar is a ruthless boxer and a street fighter with a past he’s trying to forget. He is preparing to fight for the Heavyweight Championship of the World.
Kace Meadows is in an abusive relationship with a boyfriend she’d like to forget. She is attempting to simply survive.
Shane Dekkar can’t stand men who abuse women. He administers his own form of justice as he sees necessary.
Shane and Kace meet by chance one day when she and her boyfriend are in an argument in a public parking lot.
Shane Dekkar has never been defeated in the boxing ring or in a street fight.
Call their meeting destiny or call it fate.
This is their story.
***Adult Warning – May Contain Graphic Sex, Strong Language, Or Adult Situations. Caution Advised***
*** Katie – #NerdGirlKtLBLy’s Review***
Shane Dekkar is a boxer who is undefeated. Kace (pronounced like Casey), 26, lives with her boyfriend, Josh, of 10 years. She tries to be the best girlfriend she can be but Josh’s jealous temper is always coming out and he calls her horrible names, hits her, checks her phone, doesn’t allow her to go to any social media sites, and doesn’t let her see really anyone, including her own parents because they don’t like him. She wants to leave, but Josh always says that he won’t hit her again, and she also loves him too much to leave for good. One night out, Josh is yelling at Kace and calling her names which Shane overhears. Shane, being the gentleman he is and knowing hitting children, woman, and older folks is wrong, goes over to break it up and asks Kace if everything is ok, which she says yes because she’s scared of how Josh will react if she doesn’t. Sometime later, Shane and Kace run into each other at Kace’s job, and they go out for lunch. They start to have lunch together a lot in secret for fear of Josh finding out. Shane treats her like she should be treated. He genuinely cares for her and wants her to see herself as the beautiful woman she is and not be in an abusive relationship anymore. One day Josh comes home drunk and thinking Kace drank some of his alcohol beats her up so bad that she blacks out. When she comes too again she has had enough so she knocks Josh out with a skillet and goes to find Shane.
I really liked this story. It’s told in both Shane and Kace’s points of view and it was so easy to follow both storylines. Kace getting abused isn’t sugar coated either and I know people who have been in those types of situations so I could totally understand and relate to what she was going through. A lot of people say they should just get out of the relationship but it’s not always that easy. Shane comes into Kace’s life at just the right time. Shane’s backstory that comes out later is actually very shocking and surprising and adds a very good twist to his story.
***Review has been done in conjunction with Nerd Girl Official. For more information regarding our reviews please visit our Fan Site: www.facebook.com/NerdGirl.NG***