
What Happens?

This episode kicks of around Dorian’s abode who is hosting an orgy around his house as one does. Despite all the goings on Dorian seems to be a lonely chap and afterwards when he is alone, wanders into his secret lair and sits down transfixed by a portrait.

Vanessa sits outside a church and spots Dorian walking into a botanical garden. Vanessa walks in and Strikes up a conversation with Dorian. There’s something in the air.. And it’s not the deadly nightshade.

Frankenstein collaborates with haematologist Van Helsing, (played by David Warner) who discovers that a blood sample provided by Sir Malcolm contains  properties  that prevent coagulation. To what end? To assist with the eating of blood….

Back at the house with Fenton still chained up, Victor gives him a blood transfusion from Sir Malcolm in the hopes of curing him. Purging his system doesn’t help and the group still doesn’t know what exactly they are dealing with.

Later in the evening Ethan takes Brona to the same theatre that Caliban resides as stagehand. By the same happenstance both Dorian and Vanessa are watching the show separately.

Sir Malcom and Victor continue their work at Sir Malcolm’s house, unbeknownst to them Fenton escapes by chewing at his arms to remove his chains. They investigate a noise upstairs s in the house and are confronted by the creature that wants Vanessa. Fenton grapples with Sir Malcolm and warms his master that Vanessa isn’t there causing the creature to  smash through window to escape. Sir Malcolm throws off Fenton who lands on a piece of the shattered windows, piercing his skull resulting in his death.

Ethan and Brona during the interval head off to the theatre bar and meet upon Dorian and Vanessa, Brona feels out of depth with her present company, compounded by Dorian recognising her from their previous liaison. She heads out of the theatre followed by Ethan who she rebuffs, realizing any romance is doomed.

Dorian walks out and tells Ethan the show is to resume but Ethan is in no mood to continue watching alone. Dorian suggests another venue and they enter an underground gambling den. Ethan gets into fight. They both end up at Dorian’s home drinking absinthe and things take an unexpected turn.


What’s bad?

Fenton’s’ gone! I was beginning to like him and the way he was channelling Drusilla from Buffy

We finally get to see the creature behind all of this. I would have preferred more of a lead up and a longer scene then the brief appearance we got.

What’s good?

Sembene feeding Fenton like a boss. I hope he gets to have a bit more to do

The introduction of Van Helsing. I assumed that he would be played by a younger character, but as casting goes I can live with David Warner.

The set up at the end, A path was subtly laid out for Ethan a while back and I was almost certain he was going to turn, the flashbacks all laid it out and … well it was unexpected!

Is it me or is Caliban beginning to look like Meatloaf?




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