
Yesterday I brought you Part One of the Lean & Lovely Recipe: Training and Exercise. Learning to exercise efficiently, in a way that gives you an edge in strength and fat loss is integral to your continued growth as a Lean & Lovely lady.

I started with the fitness aspect of things because as a busy mom and entrepreneur, I know how hard it is to carve out time for exercise. (In fact, I am currently typing this from the treadmill desk in my garage!) Time is truly your only non-renewable resource, and the Lean & Lovely workouts are designed to get you sweaty and successful in the least amount of time necessary.

While training efficiently is certainly a crucial ingredient of the fat loss recipe, nutrition is just as paramount, if not more. I’ve seen so many women work their butts off at the gym, failing to see results because their diet just wasn’t working for them–and it breaks my heart. As a fit foodie and someone who loves to cook, I like to keep nutrition uncomplicated, accessible, and most of all in harmony with my lifestyle.

Therefore, my operating thesis on food is quite simple:

Eat in a way that pleases both your palate and your physique.

If you only take one thing from this post, let it be that. Eating for fat loss is not deprivation or restriction. It doesn’t have to mean eating food that bores you, or lacking culinary creativity. Physique friendly nutrition is as simple and easy as blending your body’s needs with that of your taste buds, and finding a happy medium that pleases both equally.

Despite what you may have been told, it’s entirely possible to simultaneously lose fat, build muscle and enjoy the food you eat. In fact, I firmly refuse to eat anything that doesn’t rock my world. Because you know what? Life is too damn short for steamed broccoli and bland chicken breast!

The “Please your Palate and Physique” method-as I like to call it Triple P-is the key to an enjoyable fat loss journey. There aren’t any crazy tricks or secret weapons; there’s just delicious healthy food, and a few very simple steps.

Eat an abundance of protein

A protein rich brekkie

How much protein you need is going to vary greatly from body to body, but nine times out of ten, I fins that the women I work with aren’t eating enough protein to begin with. The general recommendation is .8-1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, or about 5 palm sized portions of protein per day–with the average women coming it at barely 50% of that. Protein is absolutely imperative for muscle repair and growth, and muscle mass is an integral ingredient in the fat loss recipe. Not to mention, when you fill up on protein you’ll help curb your hunger and craving, and are less likely to reach for junk food.

I suggest you aim to eat protein with every meal, focusing on visual portions (such as 1-2 palms) as opposed to stressing out over the total grams. If you make your protein source the start of your meal, and build your plate around it, chances are you’ll consume enough.

Some great Lean & Lovely protein choices:

Lean ground beef, chicken, or turkey

Ground pork

Grass fed steak

Chicken breasts, thighs, or drumsticks

Pork butt or shoulder

Eggs and egg whites

Chicken sausage

High quality whey protein powder

Vegan protein powder 


It’s extremely important to note that for your overall health, all animal products should be of the highest quality possible, and come from farms with ethical practices. If at all possible, buy local! Grass-fed, cage-free, and sustainably raised are all important–but chances are if you buy local, you’ll get just that. Not to mention that high quality animal products actually taste better, allowing you to dine in true Triple P fashion.

*For resources in your area: Local Harvest 

**For high quality animal products delivered directly to your door: US Wellness Meats 

As much as possible I consume whole, minimally processed foods. But, when I finish up an especially tough workout, I really look forward to my post workout shake made with either BioTrust Low Carb or Tera’s Organic Whey. It curbs my sweet tooth, satiates my hunger, fuels my muscles, and is always made from the highest quality ingredients. For vegans and vegetarians, protein shakes made with Vega are especially important, since protein intake tends to be generally low.

Shake it up!

Some of my favorite shakes:

Mocha Muscle

▪   6-8 ounces iced coffee

▪   1-2 scoops chocolate protein powder

▪   1 tbsp raw cacao powder

▪   1/2 avocado

▪   ice

Pumpkin Spice

▪   1/2 cup organic canned pumpkin

▪   1/4 cup full fat coconut milk

▪   1-2 scoops vanilla protein

▪   pumpkin pie spice

▪   ice

Fill up on Produce

Veggies reign supreme when it comes to fat loss, but that doens’t mean fruit should be thrown out entirely. In fact, in my extensive experience I have found that women who completely eliminate fruit tend to have debilitating sugar cravings–usually resulting in sugar binges. So, veggies are your priority but fruit is by no means off limits. I suggest indulging in veggies to your hearts desire, and keeping fruit to about 1-2 servings per day.

You’ll want to eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits (or the rainbow, as they say) in order to expand your palate and absorb your vitamins and minerals. But remember the Triple P approach–don’t eat any veggies you hate! There are hundreds of veggies to choose from, and just no reason to eat the ones you don’t like.

Produce is especially important because it contains more fiber than most whole grains, and leaves you feeling satiated and energized without adding unnecessary calories. I recommend filling up about half your lunch or dinner plate with veggies and incorporating them into just about every meal.

When I have an insatiable snack attack, I reach for veggies first! I always keep cucumbers and raw green beans around to munch on with my homemade dip. This way, I get to snack but while loading up on fat-burning foods. (Check out two of my favorite fat loss friendly dips HERE and HERE.)

*If, for whatever reason, getting enough veggies in proves to be a monumental task, try Athletic Greens. It’s an incredible greens supplement made from raw foods with absolutely no artificial ingredients.

**In general, I recommend consuming fruit and starchy vegetables such as butternut squash and sweet potatoes, on especially intense training days.*

Go Full Fat

Fat free products are finally being exposed for what they are—horrifying science experiments. Unless something is naturally fat free, you really should avoid it. I mean think about what they put back in after they “remove” the fat? If you take a look at fat free sour cream, for example, you’ll see things such as starches and chemicals. Whereas full fat sour cream simply lists milk or cream as it’s ingredients.

Healthy fats such as those found in avocados, grass-fed butter, and nuts, can actually be beneficial towards your fat loss goals as long as they are consumed in moderation. Fat is essential for cell growth and function, and can really help you feel satiated—meaning you are less likely to binge later. It’s important to educate yourself as to what a serving actually looks like in order to avoid over consumption (solid fats: roughly a handful, liquid fats: roughly a tablespoon). Once you do that, you’ll want to incorporate healthy fats into your diet to enhance the natural flavor of whole foods.

Plain steamed veggies become divine when butter or ghee is added. A boring green salad turns into a delicious meal when you add mashed up avocado. And that chicken breast you’ve been eating? How about dipping it in an egg wash and “breading” with coconut flour and unsweetened shredded coconut? Fat is your friend when it comes to the Triple P method.

To increase the many anti-inflammatory and healing benefits of healthy fats, I recommend regularly taking an Omega supplement as well.

*A giant bag of trail mix is not one serving and will not help you lose body fat. I did that experiment so that you wouldn’t have to.*

Drink Up

Water, that is. While I do love my Malbec, the effect that alcohol has on fat loss  is rather unfortunate. I know, I don’t like it either! However, drinking lots of water will keep you hydrated and energized, which is integral for fat loss. Drinking plenty of water (especially at room temperature) is wonderful for your digestion, and helps encourage feelings of fullness and satiety. In fact, I drink a full glass of warm lemon water with cayenne pepper every single morning when I wake up, aiding in digestion and promoting a faster metabolism.

*Ditch the plastic and treat yourself to a stainless steel Kleen Kanteen. I’ve had mine for 5 years and it’s still going strong.*

Eat enough, but not too much

I’ve seen countless women struggle with fat loss, both because they consumed too little and too much food. There are several ways to calculate suggested calorie and macronutrient intakes. You can measure and weigh portions and account for every last gram of sustenance. And guess what? You’ll lose fat. But you’ll probably gain a whole lot of crazy while you’re at it. Heck, I know I did! I was a serial calorie counter for 3 years, unbelievably shredded and outrageously miserable. The funny thing is, if we pay attention to our body, we don’t need any formula to tell us how much to eat.

Remember the Triple P method: Food is for energy but it’s also for enjoyment! So instead of stressing out over calories and fad diets, try the following simple steps:

▪   Start with 1-2 palms of protein, depending on how many times you eat per day.

▪   Fill the rest of your plate with veggies.

▪   Add a small amount of fat.

▪   Eat slowly and mindfully, in order to appreciate your food and be alerted of your fullness. (<== So much information on this in the Lean & Lovely handbook!)

▪   If at all possible, consume meals with others.

▪   Limit sugary treats and alcohol to very special occasions, such as holidays and weddings.

Eff Guilt

You know the scenario; you found yourself  unable to decline the strong temptation of pie last week while celebrating Thanksgiving, or you had one too many glasses of vino while out with your girls. We’ve all been in situations where we’ve indulged more than we planned to.


Let me ask you, does giving yourself a hard time about it allow you to turn back the clock? Will it get you any further along your fitness and fat loss path? Of course not. But you know what guilt is capable of? Paralyzing you. Guilt over food can leave you feeling dejected, defeated, and ultimately pessimistic. You had a cookie, hun, you didn’t fail. It’s not the end of anything.

But, we seem hard wired to give ourselves grief over nutritional indulgences. What if we just relaxed? What if we acknowledged the guilt, made a conscious decision to be more mindful, and then simply let it go? Giving yourself grace is a powerful tool in letting go of food obsession. You can release that guilt, you just have to choose: misery or happiness? When you do this, you’ll become more capable of making good decisions for your body. You’ll ditch the “I suck” mentality that sometimes leads you to throw in the towel and overindulge. You’ll make decisions out of love for your body, rather than coming from a place of self-loating and constant castigation.

Eff guilt. It has no place in your Lean & Lovely journey.

Lean & Lovely is not a diet

No two women are exactly the same, and we all respond to different methods and approaches. That’s why the Lean & Lovely nutritional approach isn’t a diet. How can one diet possibly be effective for so many different types of women, with unique preferences, schedules, and complications? Not to mention, the word diet usually implies a start and a stop–are you planning on quitting eating anytime soon? Probably not, which is one of the many reasons diets don’t work.

Sure, they work at first. You’ll put yourself on some sort of dietary restriction and you’ll likely lose a lot of fat, resulting in a drastic transformation. But chances are, once you start eating normally again, you’ll gain most of it back. This rebound will likely depress and defeat you, until you start the next diet, repeating the cycle all over again.

The Lean & Lovely approach teaches you how to eat for life, not for a set period of time. You’ll learn strategies that will help you eat intuitively, mindfully, and effortlessly. You’ll learn how to eat to rejuvenate and nourish your body while enjoying every single thing you consume. You’ll learn to let go of guilt, and say goodbye to diets-forever.

I feel so passionately about this, that I dedicated almost 100 pages of the Lean & Lovely system solely to nutrition. That’s on top of a 100 page training manual, a video database, a membership group, and 25 bonus sweat sessions. The cost of the nutrition handbook alone is well over the retail value of the entire system, and you can get it all for 50% off when you pick it up before midnight this Friday.

As a reformed dieter and recovering calorie counter, I know how frustrating the nutritional component of fat loss can be. I know what it’s like to love food (and wine!) and feel like you’re your own worst enemy. I’ve sabotaged myself over and over again, feeling guilty about what I’ve consumed and hating what I saw in the mirror. It took me years to come to the profound realizations I now have when it comes to food, and even longer to develop the successful strategies I use with my clients. I want to share this with you, because I want to see you finally feel free. I want you to feel liberated from food, and I want food to enrich your life rather than control it.

Lean & Lovely is more than workouts and diet information. It’s more than sweat sessions and video demonstrations. Lean & Lovely is the culmination of my 13 years as a fitness and lifestyle expert, and a 12-week total transformation system. When you pick up this book, you are making a conscious decision to enhance the quality of your life. You’re deciding, once and for all, the food does not control you, and that you have the ability to create your own destiny.

If you have any questions at all about this revolutionary system, or just want to vent about your nutritional struggles, please do so in the comments below! I am here for you, helping you forge your path towards freedom and transformation.

===> Start your Lean & Lovely Adventure by clicking HERE! <=== 

The post The Lean & Lovely Recipe: Part Two appeared first on Eat, Lift & Be Happy.

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